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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MaterialCollectionTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
11 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
13 #include <memory>
31 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
33 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
34 namespace tt = boost::test_tools;
35 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
37 namespace Acts {
38 namespace Test {
40 // Create a test context
44 // Global definitions
45 // The path limit abort
46 using path_limit = PathLimitReached;
48 CylindricalTrackingGeometry cGeometry(tgContext);
49 auto tGeometry = cGeometry();
51 // create a navigator for this tracking geometry
52 Navigator navigatorES(tGeometry);
53 Navigator navigatorSL(tGeometry);
55 using BField = ConstantBField;
56 using EigenStepper = EigenStepper<BField>;
57 using EigenPropagator = Propagator<EigenStepper, Navigator>;
60 const double Bz = 2_T;
61 BField bField(0, 0, Bz);
63 EigenPropagator epropagator(std::move(estepper), std::move(navigatorES));
67  std::move(navigatorSL));
68 const int ntests = 500;
69 const int skip = 0;
70 bool debugModeFwd = false;
71 bool debugModeBwd = false;
72 bool debugModeFwdStep = false;
73 bool debugModeBwdStep = false;
85 template <typename propagator_t>
86 void runTest(const propagator_t& prop, double pT, double phi, double theta,
87  int charge, double time, int index) {
88  double dcharge = -1 + 2 * charge;
90  if (index < skip) {
91  return;
92  }
94  // define start parameters
95  double x = 0;
96  double y = 0;
97  double z = 0;
98  double px = pT * cos(phi);
99  double py = pT * sin(phi);
100  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
101  double q = dcharge;
102  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
103  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
105  BoundSymMatrix cov;
106  // take some major correlations (off-diagonals)
107  // clang-format off
108  cov <<
109  10_mm, 0, 0.123, 0, 0.5, 0,
110  0, 10_mm, 0, 0.162, 0, 0,
111  0.123, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0,
112  0, 0.162, 0, 0.1, 0, 0,
113  0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1_e / 10_GeV, 0,
114  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1_us;
115  // clang-format on
116  std::cout << cov.determinant() << std::endl;
117  CurvilinearParameters start(cov, pos, mom, q, time);
121  // Action list and abort list
122  using ActionListType = ActionList<MaterialInteractor, DebugOutput>;
123  using AbortListType = AbortList<>;
126  Options fwdOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
128  fwdOptions.maxStepSize = 25_cm;
129  fwdOptions.pathLimit = 25_cm;
130  fwdOptions.debug = debugModeFwd;
132  // get the material collector and configure it
133  auto& fwdMaterialInteractor =
134  fwdOptions.actionList.template get<MaterialInteractor>();
135  fwdMaterialInteractor.recordInteractions = true;
136  fwdMaterialInteractor.energyLoss = false;
137  fwdMaterialInteractor.multipleScattering = false;
139  if (debugModeFwd) {
140  std::cout << ">>> Forward Propagation : start." << std::endl;
141  }
142  // forward material test
143  const auto& fwdResult = prop.propagate(start, fwdOptions).value();
144  auto& fwdMaterial = fwdResult.template get<MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
146  double fwdStepMaterialInX0 = 0.;
147  double fwdStepMaterialInL0 = 0.;
148  // check that the collected material is not zero
149  BOOST_CHECK_NE(fwdMaterial.materialInX0, 0.);
150  BOOST_CHECK_NE(fwdMaterial.materialInL0, 0.);
151  // check that the sum of all steps is the total material
152  for (auto& mInteraction : fwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
153  fwdStepMaterialInX0 += mInteraction.materialProperties.thicknessInX0();
154  fwdStepMaterialInL0 += mInteraction.materialProperties.thicknessInL0();
155  }
156  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwdMaterial.materialInX0, fwdStepMaterialInX0, 1e-3);
157  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwdMaterial.materialInL0, fwdStepMaterialInL0, 1e-3);
159  // get the forward output to the screen
160  if (debugModeFwd) {
161  const auto& fwdOutput = fwdResult.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
162  std::cout << ">>> Forward Propagation & Navigation output " << std::endl;
163  std::cout << fwdOutput.debugString << std::endl;
164  // check if the surfaces are free
165  std::cout << ">>> Material steps found on ..." << std::endl;
166  for (auto& fwdStepsC : fwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
167  std::cout << "--> Surface with " << fwdStepsC.surface->geoID()
168  << std::endl;
169  }
170  }
172  // backward material test
173  Options bwdOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
174  bwdOptions.maxStepSize = -25_cm;
175  bwdOptions.pathLimit = -25_cm;
176  bwdOptions.direction = backward;
177  bwdOptions.debug = debugModeBwd;
179  // get the material collector and configure it
180  auto& bwdMaterialInteractor =
181  bwdOptions.actionList.template get<MaterialInteractor>();
182  bwdMaterialInteractor.recordInteractions = true;
183  bwdMaterialInteractor.energyLoss = false;
184  bwdMaterialInteractor.multipleScattering = false;
186  const auto& startSurface = start.referenceSurface();
188  if (debugModeBwd) {
189  std::cout << ">>> Backward Propagation : start." << std::endl;
190  }
191  const auto& bwdResult =
192  prop.propagate(*fwdResult.endParameters.get(), startSurface, bwdOptions)
193  .value();
195  if (debugModeBwd) {
196  std::cout << ">>> Backward Propagation : end." << std::endl;
197  }
199  auto& bwdMaterial =
200  bwdResult.template get<typename MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
202  double bwdStepMaterialInX0 = 0.;
203  double bwdStepMaterialInL0 = 0.;
205  // check that the collected material is not zero
206  BOOST_CHECK_NE(bwdMaterial.materialInX0, 0.);
207  BOOST_CHECK_NE(bwdMaterial.materialInL0, 0.);
208  // check that the sum of all steps is the total material
209  for (auto& mInteraction : bwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
210  bwdStepMaterialInX0 += mInteraction.materialProperties.thicknessInX0();
211  bwdStepMaterialInL0 += mInteraction.materialProperties.thicknessInL0();
212  }
214  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdMaterial.materialInX0, bwdStepMaterialInX0, 1e-3);
215  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdMaterial.materialInL0, bwdStepMaterialInL0, 1e-3);
217  // get the backward output to the screen
218  if (debugModeBwd) {
219  const auto& bwd_output = bwdResult.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
220  std::cout << ">>> Backward Propagation & Navigation output " << std::endl;
221  std::cout << bwd_output.debugString << std::endl;
222  // check if the surfaces are free
223  std::cout << ">>> Material steps found on ..." << std::endl;
224  for (auto& bwdStepsC : bwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
225  std::cout << "--> Surface with " << bwdStepsC.surface->geoID()
226  << std::endl;
227  }
228  }
230  // forward-backward compatibility test
231  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bwdMaterial.materialInteractions.size(),
232  fwdMaterial.materialInteractions.size());
234  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdMaterial.materialInX0, fwdMaterial.materialInX0, 1e-3);
235  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdMaterial.materialInL0, bwdMaterial.materialInL0, 1e-3);
237  // stepping from one surface to the next
238  // now go from surface to surface and check
239  Options fwdStepOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
240  fwdStepOptions.maxStepSize = 25_cm;
241  fwdStepOptions.pathLimit = 25_cm;
242  fwdStepOptions.debug = debugModeFwdStep;
244  // get the material collector and configure it
245  auto& fwdStepMaterialInteractor =
246  fwdStepOptions.actionList.template get<MaterialInteractor>();
247  fwdStepMaterialInteractor.recordInteractions = true;
248  fwdStepMaterialInteractor.energyLoss = false;
249  fwdStepMaterialInteractor.multipleScattering = false;
251  double fwdStepStepMaterialInX0 = 0.;
252  double fwdStepStepMaterialInL0 = 0.;
254  if (debugModeFwdStep) {
255  // check if the surfaces are free
256  std::cout << ">>> Forward steps to be processed sequentially ..."
257  << std::endl;
258  for (auto& fwdStepsC : fwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
259  std::cout << "--> Surface with " << fwdStepsC.surface->geoID()
260  << std::endl;
261  }
262  }
264  // move forward step by step through the surfaces
265  const TrackParameters* sParameters = &start;
266  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const BoundParameters>> stepParameters;
267  for (auto& fwdSteps : fwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
268  if (debugModeFwdStep) {
269  std::cout << ">>> Forward step : "
270  << sParameters->referenceSurface().geoID() << " --> "
271  << fwdSteps.surface->geoID() << std::endl;
272  }
274  // make a forward step
275  const auto& fwdStep =
276  prop.propagate(*sParameters, (*fwdSteps.surface), fwdStepOptions)
277  .value();
278  // get the backward output to the screen
279  if (debugModeFwdStep) {
280  const auto& fwdStepOutput =
281  fwdStep.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
282  std::cout << fwdStepOutput.debugString << std::endl;
283  }
285  auto& fwdStepMaterial =
286  fwdStep.template get<typename MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
287  fwdStepStepMaterialInX0 += fwdStepMaterial.materialInX0;
288  fwdStepStepMaterialInL0 += fwdStepMaterial.materialInL0;
290  if (fwdStep.endParameters != nullptr) {
291  // make sure the parameters do not run out of scope
292  stepParameters.push_back(
293  std::make_unique<BoundParameters>((*fwdStep.endParameters.get())));
294  sParameters = stepParameters.back().get();
295  }
296  }
297  // final destination surface
298  const Surface& dSurface = fwdResult.endParameters->referenceSurface();
300  if (debugModeFwdStep) {
301  std::cout << ">>> Forward step : "
302  << sParameters->referenceSurface().geoID() << " --> "
303  << dSurface.geoID() << std::endl;
304  }
306  const auto& fwdStepFinal =
307  prop.propagate(*sParameters, dSurface, fwdStepOptions).value();
309  auto& fwdStepMaterial =
310  fwdStepFinal.template get<typename MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
311  fwdStepStepMaterialInX0 += fwdStepMaterial.materialInX0;
312  fwdStepStepMaterialInL0 += fwdStepMaterial.materialInL0;
314  // forward-forward step compatibility test
315  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwdStepStepMaterialInX0, fwdStepMaterialInX0, 1e-3);
316  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwdStepStepMaterialInL0, fwdStepMaterialInL0, 1e-3);
318  // get the backward output to the screen
319  if (debugModeFwdStep) {
320  const auto& fwdStepOutput =
321  fwdStepFinal.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
322  std::cout << ">>> Forward final step propgation & navigation output "
323  << std::endl;
324  std::cout << fwdStepOutput.debugString << std::endl;
325  }
327  // stepping from one surface to the next : backwards
328  // now go from surface to surface and check
329  Options bwdStepOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
331  bwdStepOptions.maxStepSize = -25_cm;
332  bwdStepOptions.pathLimit = -25_cm;
333  bwdStepOptions.direction = backward;
334  bwdStepOptions.debug = debugModeBwdStep;
336  // get the material collector and configure it
337  auto& bwdStepMaterialInteractor =
338  bwdStepOptions.actionList.template get<MaterialInteractor>();
339  bwdStepMaterialInteractor.recordInteractions = true;
340  bwdStepMaterialInteractor.multipleScattering = false;
341  bwdStepMaterialInteractor.energyLoss = false;
343  double bwdStepStepMaterialInX0 = 0.;
344  double bwdStepStepMaterialInL0 = 0.;
346  if (debugModeBwdStep) {
347  // check if the surfaces are free
348  std::cout << ">>> Backward steps to be processed sequentially ..."
349  << std::endl;
350  for (auto& bwdStepsC : bwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
351  std::cout << "--> Surface with " << bwdStepsC.surface->geoID()
352  << std::endl;
353  }
354  }
356  // move forward step by step through the surfaces
357  sParameters = fwdResult.endParameters.get();
358  for (auto& bwdSteps : bwdMaterial.materialInteractions) {
359  if (debugModeBwdStep) {
360  std::cout << ">>> Backward step : "
361  << sParameters->referenceSurface().geoID() << " --> "
362  << bwdSteps.surface->geoID() << std::endl;
363  }
364  // make a forward step
365  const auto& bwdStep =
366  prop.propagate(*sParameters, (*bwdSteps.surface), bwdStepOptions)
367  .value();
368  // get the backward output to the screen
369  if (debugModeBwdStep) {
370  const auto& bwdStepOutput =
371  bwdStep.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
372  std::cout << bwdStepOutput.debugString << std::endl;
373  }
375  auto& bwdStepMaterial =
376  bwdStep.template get<typename MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
377  bwdStepStepMaterialInX0 += bwdStepMaterial.materialInX0;
378  bwdStepStepMaterialInL0 += bwdStepMaterial.materialInL0;
380  if (bwdStep.endParameters != nullptr) {
381  // make sure the parameters do not run out of scope
382  stepParameters.push_back(
383  std::make_unique<BoundParameters>(*(bwdStep.endParameters.get())));
384  sParameters = stepParameters.back().get();
385  }
386  }
387  // final destination surface
388  const Surface& dbSurface = start.referenceSurface();
390  if (debugModeBwdStep) {
391  std::cout << ">>> Backward step : "
392  << sParameters->referenceSurface().geoID() << " --> "
393  << dSurface.geoID() << std::endl;
394  }
396  const auto& bwdStepFinal =
397  prop.propagate(*sParameters, dbSurface, bwdStepOptions).value();
399  auto& bwdStepMaterial =
400  bwdStepFinal.template get<typename MaterialInteractor::result_type>();
401  bwdStepStepMaterialInX0 += bwdStepMaterial.materialInX0;
402  bwdStepStepMaterialInL0 += bwdStepMaterial.materialInL0;
404  // forward-forward step compatibility test
405  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdStepStepMaterialInX0, bwdStepMaterialInX0, 1e-3);
406  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(bwdStepStepMaterialInL0, bwdStepMaterialInL0, 1e-3);
408  // get the backward output to the screen
409  if (debugModeBwdStep) {
410  const auto& bwdStepOutput =
411  bwdStepFinal.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
412  std::cout << ">>> Backward final step propgation & navigation output "
413  << std::endl;
414  std::cout << bwdStepOutput.debugString << std::endl;
415  }
417  // Test the material affects the covariance into the right direction
418  // get the material collector and configure it
419  auto& covfwdMaterialInteractor =
420  fwdOptions.actionList.template get<MaterialInteractor>();
421  covfwdMaterialInteractor.recordInteractions = false;
422  covfwdMaterialInteractor.energyLoss = true;
423  covfwdMaterialInteractor.multipleScattering = true;
425  // forward material test
426  const auto& covfwdResult = prop.propagate(start, fwdOptions).value();
428  BOOST_TEST(cov.determinant() <=
429  covfwdResult.endParameters->covariance().value().determinant());
430 }
432 // This test case checks that no segmentation fault appears
433 // - this tests the collection of surfaces
435  test_material_collector,
436  bdata::random((bdata::seed = 20,
437  bdata::distribution =
438  std::uniform_real_distribution<>(0.5_GeV, 10_GeV))) ^
439  bdata::random((bdata::seed = 21,
440  bdata::distribution =
441  std::uniform_real_distribution<>(-M_PI, M_PI))) ^
442  bdata::random((bdata::seed = 22,
443  bdata::distribution =
444  std::uniform_real_distribution<>(1.0, M_PI - 1.0))) ^
445  bdata::random(
446  (bdata::seed = 23,
447  bdata::distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, 1))) ^
448  bdata::random(
449  (bdata::seed = 24,
450  bdata::distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, 100))) ^
451  bdata::xrange(ntests),
452  pT, phi, theta, charge, time, index) {
453  runTest(epropagator, pT, phi, theta, charge, time, index);
454  runTest(slpropagator, pT, phi, theta, charge, time, index);
455 }
457 } // namespace Test
458 } // namespace Acts