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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file prttools.C
1 // prttools - useful functions for hld*, prt*
2 // original author: Roman Dzhygadlo - GSI Darmstadt
4 #ifndef prttools_h
5 #define prttools_h 1
7 #include "TROOT.h"
8 #include "TSystem.h"
9 #include "TStyle.h"
10 #include "TCanvas.h"
11 #include "TPad.h"
12 #include "TH1.h"
13 #include "TH2.h"
14 #include "TGraph.h"
15 #include "TMultiGraph.h"
16 #include "TSpline.h"
17 #include "TF1.h"
18 #include "TFile.h"
19 #include "TTree.h"
20 #include "TClonesArray.h"
21 #include "TVector3.h"
22 #include "TMath.h"
23 #include "TChain.h"
24 #include "TGaxis.h"
25 #include "TColor.h"
26 #include "TString.h"
27 #include "TArrayD.h"
28 #include "TSpectrum.h"
29 #include "TSpectrum2.h"
30 #include "Math/Minimizer.h"
31 #include "Math/Factory.h"
32 #include "Math/Functor.h"
33 #include "TRandom2.h"
34 #include "TError.h"
35 #include "TPaveStats.h"
36 #include "TObjString.h"
37 #include "TApplication.h"
38 #include <TLegend.h>
39 #include <TAxis.h>
40 #include <TPaletteAxis.h>
41 #include <TRandom.h>
42 #include <TCutG.h>
43 #include <TKey.h>
44 #include "TPRegexp.h"
45 #include "TFitResult.h"
48 #include <iostream>
49 #include <fstream>
50 #include <sstream>
52 #if defined(prt__sim) || defined(prt__beam) || defined(eic__sim)
54 class PrtRun;
55 class PrtEvent;
56 class PrtHit;
57 PrtEvent* prt_event = 0;
58 #endif
60 #if defined(prt__sim) || defined(prt__beam)
61 #include "datainfo.C"
62 DataInfo prt_data_info;
63 #endif
65 #if defined(eic__sim)
66 const int prt_nmcp = 4 * 7;
67 const int prt_npix = 16 * 16;
68 #else
69 const int prt_nmcp = 24;// 12; // 12;
70 const int prt_npix = 16 * 16; // 64
71 #endif
73 // const int prt_ntdc=16;
74 // TString prt_tdcsid[prt_ntdc] ={"10","11","12","13",
75 // "20","21","22","23",
76 // "780","781","782","783",
77 // "840","841","842","843"
78 // };
80 //may2015
81 const int prt_ntdc_may2015=41;
82 TString prt_tdcsid_may2015[] ={"2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009",
83  "200a","200b","200c","200d","200e","200f","2010","2011","2012","2013",
84  "2014","2015","2016","2018","2019","201a","201c","2020","2023","2024",
85  "2025","2026","2027","2028","2029","202a","202b","202c","202d","202e","202f"
86 };
88 //jun2015
89 const int prt_ntdc_jun2015=30;
90 TString prt_tdcsid_jun2015[] ={"2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009",
91  "200a","200b","200c","200d","200e","200f","2010","2011","2012","2013",
92  "2014","2015","2016","2018","2019","201a","201c","201d","202c","202d"
93 };
95 //oct2016
96 const int prt_ntdc_oct2016=20;
97 TString prt_tdcsid_oct2016[] ={"2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009",
98  "200a","200b","200c",
99  "2018","201b","201c","201f","202c","202d","202d"
100 };
102 //aug2017 jul2018
103 const int prt_ntdc_jul2018 = 32;
104 TString prt_tdcsid_jul2018 [] ={"2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009","200a","200b","200c","200d","200e","200f","2010","2011","2012","2013",
105  "2014","2015","2016","2017","2018","2019","201a","201b",
106  "201c","201d","201e","201f"
107 };
109 //jul2019
110 const int prt_ntdc_jul2019 = 21;
111 TString prt_tdcsid_jul2019[] ={"2014","2015","2016","2017","2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005",
112  "2006","2007","2008","2009","200a","200b","200c","200d","200e","200f",
113  "2010"};
116 const int prt_maxnametdc=10000;
118 TRandom prt_rand;
119 TChain* prt_ch = 0;
122 double prt_theta(0), prt_test1(0),prt_test2(0),prt_mom(0),prt_phi(0);
123 TString prt_savepath(""),prt_info("");
125 TSpectrum *prt_spect = new TSpectrum(2);
127 const int prt_ntdcm = 80; //41
131 const int prt_maxchm = prt_ntdcm*48;
139 int prt_pid(0), prt_pdg[]={11,13,211,321,2212};
140 double prt_mass[]={0.000511,0.1056584,0.139570,0.49368,0.9382723};
141 TString prt_name[]={"e","muon","pion","kaon","proton"};
142 TString prt_lname[]={"e","#mu","#pi","K","p"};
143 int prt_color[]={kOrange+6,kCyan+1,kBlue+1,kRed+1,kRed+1};
144 double prt_particleArray[3000];
147 TVector3 prt_fit(TH1 *h, double range = 3, double threshold=20, double limit=2, int peakSearch=1,int bkg = 0, TString opt="MQ"){
148  int binmax = h->GetMaximumBin();
149  double xmax = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binmax);
150  if(bkg==0) prt_gaust = new TF1("prt_gaust","[0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2)",xmax-range,xmax+range);
151  else if(bkg==1) prt_gaust = new TF1("prt_gaust","[0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2)+[3]+x*[4]",xmax-range,xmax+range);
152  prt_gaust->SetNpx(500);
153  prt_gaust->SetParNames("const","mean","sigma");
154  prt_gaust->SetLineColor(2);
155  double integral = h->Integral(h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xmax-range),h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xmax+range));
156  double xxmin, xxmax, sigma1(0), mean1(0), mean2(0);
157  xxmax = xmax;
158  xxmin = xxmax;
159  int nfound(1);
160  if(integral>threshold){
162  if(peakSearch == 1){
163  prt_gaust->SetParameter(1,xmax);
164  prt_gaust->SetParameter(2,0.005);
165  prt_gaust->SetParLimits(2,0.003,limit);
166  h->Fit("prt_gaust",opt,"",xxmin-range, xxmax+range);
167  }
169  if(peakSearch>1){
170  nfound = prt_spect->Search(h,4,"goff",0.1);
171  std::cout<<"nfound "<<nfound <<std::endl;
172  if(nfound==1){
173  prt_gaust =new TF1("prt_gaust","gaus(0)",xmax-range,xmax+range);
174  prt_gaust->SetNpx(500);
175  prt_gaust->SetParameter(1,prt_spect->GetPositionX()[0]);
176  }else if(nfound>=2){
177  double p1 = prt_spect->GetPositionX()[0];
178  double p2 = prt_spect->GetPositionX()[1];
179  if(p1>p2) {
180  xxmax = p1;
181  xxmin = p2;
182  }else {
183  xxmax = p2;
184  xxmin = p1;
185  }
186  if(peakSearch==20){
187  xxmax=xxmin;
188  prt_gaust =new TF1("prt_gaust","gaus(0)",xxmin-range,xxmin+range);
189  prt_gaust->SetNpx(500);
190  prt_gaust->SetParameter(1,prt_spect->GetPositionX()[0]);
191  }else{
192  prt_gaust =new TF1("prt_gaust","gaus(0)+gaus(3)",xmax-range,xmax+range);
193  prt_gaust->SetNpx(500);
194  prt_gaust->SetParameter(0,1000);
195  prt_gaust->SetParameter(3,1000);
197  prt_gaust->FixParameter(1,xxmin);
198  prt_gaust->FixParameter(4,xxmax);
199  prt_gaust->SetParameter(2,0.1);
200  prt_gaust->SetParameter(5,0.1);
201  h->Fit("prt_gaust",opt,"",xxmin-range, xxmax+range);
202  prt_gaust->ReleaseParameter(1);
203  prt_gaust->ReleaseParameter(4);
204  }
205  }
207  prt_gaust->SetParameter(2,0.2);
208  prt_gaust->SetParameter(5,0.2);
209  }
211  h->Fit("prt_gaust",opt,"",xxmin-range, xxmax+range);
212  mean1 = prt_gaust->GetParameter(1);
213  sigma1 = prt_gaust->GetParameter(2);
214  if(sigma1>10) sigma1=10;
216  if(peakSearch == 2){
217  mean2 = (nfound==1) ? prt_gaust->GetParameter(1) : prt_gaust->GetParameter(4);
218  // sigma2 = (nfound==1) ? prt_gaust->GetParameter(2) : prt_gaust->GetParameter(5);
219  }
220  }
221  delete prt_gaust;
222  return TVector3(mean1,sigma1,mean2);
223 }
225 TGraph *prt_fitslices(TH2F *hh,double minrange=0, double maxrange=0, double fitrange=1,int rebin=1,int ret=0){
226  TH2F *h =(TH2F*) hh->Clone("h");
227  h->RebinY(rebin);
228  int point(0);
229  TGraph *gres = new TGraph();
230  for (int i=1;i<h->GetNbinsY();i++){
231  double x = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(i);
232  TH1D* hp;
233  if(minrange!=maxrange){
234  TCutG *cut = new TCutG("prt_onepeakcut",5);
235  cut->SetVarX("y");
236  cut->SetVarY("x");
237  cut->SetPoint(0,minrange,-1E6);
238  cut->SetPoint(1,minrange, 1E6);
239  cut->SetPoint(2,maxrange, 1E6);
240  cut->SetPoint(3,maxrange,-1E6);
241  cut->SetPoint(4,minrange,-1E6);
243  hp = h->ProjectionX(Form("bin%d",i),i,i,"[prt_onepeakcut]");
244  }else{
245  hp = h->ProjectionX(Form("bin%d",i),i,i);
246  }
248  TVector3 res = prt_fit((TH1F*)hp,fitrange,100,2,1,1);
249  double y=0;
250  if(ret==0) y = res.X();
251  if(ret==1) y = res.Y();
252  if(ret==2) y = res.X() + 0.5*res.Y();
253  if(ret==3) y = res.X() - 0.5*res.Y();
254  if(y==0 || y<minrange || y>maxrange) continue;
256  gres->SetPoint(point,y,x);
257  gres->SetLineWidth(2);
258  gres->SetLineColor(kRed);
259  point++;
260  }
261  return gres;
262 }
264 void prt_createMap(int setupid = 2019){
265  prt_geometry = setupid;
272  for(int i=0; i<prt_ntdc; i++){
273  if(prt_geometry==2015) prt_tdcsid[i] = prt_tdcsid_jun2015[i];
274  if(prt_geometry==2016) prt_tdcsid[i] = prt_tdcsid_oct2016[i];
275  if(prt_geometry==2017) prt_tdcsid[i] = prt_tdcsid_jul2018[i];
276  if(prt_geometry==2018) prt_tdcsid[i] = prt_tdcsid_jul2018[i];
277  if(prt_geometry==2019) prt_tdcsid[i] = prt_tdcsid_jul2019[i];
278  }
280  TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(4);
281  for(int i=0; i<prt_maxnametdc; i++) map_tdc[i]=-1;
282  for(int i=0; i<prt_ntdc; i++){
283  int dec = TString::BaseConvert(prt_tdcsid[i],16,10).Atoi();
284  map_tdc[dec]=i;
285  }
287  // for(int ch=0; ch<prt_maxdircch; ch++){
288  for(int ch=0; ch<prt_maxch; ch++){
289  int mcp = ch/prt_npix;
290  int pix = ch%prt_npix;
291  int col = pix/2 - 8*(pix/16);
292  int row = pix%2 + 2*(pix/16);
293  // pix = col+sqrt(prt_npix)*row;
295  map_mpc[mcp][pix]=ch;
296  map_mcp[ch] = mcp;
297  map_pix[ch] = pix;
298  map_row[ch] = row;
299  map_col[ch] = col;
300  }
302  for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
304  }
305  prt_particleArray[212]=2;
306 }
308 int prt_getChannelNumber(int tdc, int tdcChannel){
309  int ch = -1;
310  if(prt_geometry==2018){
311  ch=0;
312  for(int i=0; i<=tdc; i++){
313  if(i==tdc && (i==2 || i==6 || i==10 || i==14)) ch += tdcChannel-32;
314  else if(i==tdc) ch += tdcChannel;
315  else if(i==1 || i==2 || i==5 || i==6 || i==9 || i==10 || i==13 || i==14) ch += 16;
316  else ch += 48;
317  }
318  }else if(prt_geometry==2023){
319  ch = 32*tdc+tdcChannel;
320  }else{
321  ch = 48*tdc+tdcChannel;
322  }
323  return ch;
324 }
326 int prt_getTdcId(int ch){
327  int tch=0, tdcid=0;
328  if(prt_geometry==2018){
329  for(int i=0; i<=prt_ntdc; i++){
330  tdcid=i;
331  if(i==2 || i==6 || i==10 || i==14) tch += 16;
332  else if(i==1 || i==2 || i==5 || i==6 || i==9 || i==10 || i==13 || i==14) tch += 16;
333  else tch += 48;
334  if(tch>ch) break;
335  }
336  }else if(prt_geometry==2023){
337  tdcid=ch/32;
338  }else{
339  tdcid=ch/48;
340  }
341  return tdcid;
342 }
344 TString prt_getTdcName(int ch){
345  return prt_tdcsid[prt_getTdcId(ch)];
346 }
348 int prt_getTdcChannel(int ch){
349  int tch=0,tdcc=0;
350  if(prt_geometry==2018){
351  for(int i=0; i<=prt_ntdc; i++){
352  tdcc=ch-tch+1;
353  if(i==2 || i==6 || i==10 || i==14 || i==1 || i==2 || i==5 || i==6 || i==9 || i==10 || i==13 || i==14) tch += 16;
354  else tch += 48;
355  if(tch>ch){
356  break;
357  };
358  }
359  }else if(prt_geometry==2023){
360  tdcc=ch%32+1;
361  }else{
362  tdcc=ch%48+1;
363  }
364  return tdcc;
365 }
367 int prt_removeRefChannels(int ch, int tdcSeqId){
368  return ch - tdcSeqId;
369 }
371 int prt_addRefChannels(int ch,int tdcSeqId){
372  return ch + tdcSeqId;
373 }
376  if(ch<0 || ch>=prt_maxdircch) return true;
378  // // bad pixels july15
380  // if(ch==202) return true;
381  // if(ch==204) return true;
382  // if(ch==206) return true;
383  // if(ch==830) return true;
384  // if(ch==831) return true;
385  // if(ch==828) return true;
386  // if(ch==815) return true;
387  // if(ch>383 && ch<400) return true; //dead chain
389  return false;
390 }
392 TString prt_randstr(int len = 10){
393  TString str = "";
394  static const char alphanum[] =
395  "0123456789"
397  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
399  for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
400  str += alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)];
401  }
402  return str;
403 }
405 // layoutId == 5 - 5 row's design for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
406 // layoutId == 2015 - cern 2015
407 // layoutId == 2016 - cern 2016
408 // layoutId == 2017 - cern 2017
409 // layoutId == 2018 - cern 2018
410 // layoutId == 2021 - new 3.6 row's design for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
411 // layoutId == 2023 - new 2x4 layout for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
412 // layoutId == 2031 - EIC DIRC beam test
413 // layoutId == 2030 - EIC DIRC prism
414 // layoutId == 2032 - EIC DIRC focusing prism
416 TCanvas *prt_drawDigi(int layoutId = 0, double maxz = 0, double minz = 0, TCanvas *cdigi = NULL){
418  prt_last_layoutId=layoutId;
422  if(prt_geometry==2021) layoutId=2021;
423  // if(prt_geometry==2019) layoutId=2018;
425  TString sid = prt_randstr(3);
426  if(cdigi) cdigi->cd();
427  else cdigi = new TCanvas("hp="+sid,"hp_"+sid,800,400);
429  TPad* prt_hpads[prt_nmcp];
430  TPad* prt_hpglobal;
432  if(layoutId==2015 || layoutId==5) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.04,0.04,0.88,0.96);
433  else if(layoutId==2021) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.12,0.02,0.78,0.98);
434  else if(layoutId==2016) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.2,0.02,0.75,0.98);
435  else if(layoutId==2017) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.15,0.02,0.80,0.98);
436  else if(layoutId==2018) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.05,0.07,0.9,0.93);
437  else if(layoutId==2023) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.073,0.02,0.877,0.98);
438  else if(layoutId==2030) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.10,0.025,0.82,0.975);
439  else if(layoutId==2032) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.04,0.025,0.91,0.975);
440  else if(layoutId==2031) prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.12,0.01,0.80,0.99);
441  else prt_hpglobal = new TPad(sid,"T",0.04,0.04,0.96,0.96);
443  prt_hpglobal->SetFillStyle(0);
444  prt_hpglobal->Draw();
445  prt_hpglobal->cd();
447  int nrow = 3, ncol = 5;
448  if(layoutId ==2016) ncol=3;
449  if(layoutId ==2017) ncol=4;
450  if(layoutId ==2018 || layoutId ==2023) {nrow=2; ncol=4;}
451  if(layoutId ==2021) ncol=4;
452  if(layoutId ==2030) {nrow=4; ncol=6;}
453  if(layoutId ==2032) {nrow=4; ncol=7;}
454  if(layoutId ==2031) {nrow=3; ncol=4;}
456  if(layoutId > 1){
457  float tbw(0.02), tbh(0.01), shift(0),shiftw(0.02),shifth(0),margin(0.01);
458  int padi(0);
460  for(int i=0; i<ncol; i++){
461  for(int j=0; j<nrow; j++){
462  if(j==1) shift = -0.028;
463  else shift = 0;
464  shifth=0;
465  if(layoutId == 5) {shift =0; shiftw=0.001; tbw=0.001; tbh=0.001;}
466  if(layoutId == 2021) {
467  if(i==0 && j == nrow-1) continue;
468  shift =0; shiftw=0.001; tbw=0.001; tbh=0.001;
469  if(i==0) shifth=0.167;
470  }
471  if(layoutId == 2016) {
472  shift = -0.01; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.03; tbh=0.006;
473  if(j==1) shift += 0.015;
474  }
475  if(layoutId == 2017) {
476  margin= 0.1;
477  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.005; tbh=0.006;
478  //if(j==1) shift += 0.015;
479  }
480  if(layoutId == 2018) {
481  margin= 0.1;
482  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.005; tbh=0.006;
483  }
484  if(layoutId == 2023) {
485  margin= 0.1;
486  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.0015; tbh=0.042;
487  }
488  if(layoutId == 2030) {
489  margin= 0.1;
490  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.001; tbh=0.001;
491  padi=j*ncol+i;
492  }
493  if(layoutId == 2032) {
494  margin= 0.1;
495  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.001; tbh=0.001;
496  padi=j*ncol+i;
497  }
498  if(layoutId == 2031) {
499  margin= 0.1;
500  shift = 0; shiftw=0.01; tbw=0.001; tbh=0.001;
501  padi=i*nrow+j;
502  }
504  prt_hpads[padi] = new TPad(sid+Form("P%d",i*10+j),"T",
505  i/(ncol+2*margin)+tbw+shift+shiftw,
506  j/(double)nrow+tbh+shifth,
507  (i+1)/(ncol+2*margin)-tbw+shift+shiftw,
508  (1+j)/(double)nrow-tbh+shifth, 21);
509  prt_hpads[padi]->SetFillColor(kCyan-8);
510  prt_hpads[padi]->SetMargin(0.055,0.055,0.055,0.055);
511  prt_hpads[padi]->Draw();
512  padi++;
513  }
514  }
515  }else{
516  float tbw(0.02), tbh(0.01), shift(0),shiftw(-0.02);
517  int padi(0);
518  for(int ii=0; ii<ncol; ii++){
519  for(int j=0; j<nrow; j++){
520  if(j==1) shift = 0.04;
521  else shift = 0;
522  prt_hpads[padi] = new TPad(Form("P%d",ii*10+j),"T", ii/(double)ncol+tbw+shift+shiftw , j/(double)nrow+tbh, (ii+1)/(double)ncol-tbw+shift+shiftw, (1+j)/(double)nrow-tbh, 21);
523  prt_hpads[padi]->SetFillColor(kCyan-8);
524  prt_hpads[padi]->SetMargin(0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04);
525  prt_hpads[padi]->Draw();
526  padi++;
527  }
528  }
529  }
531  int np;
532  double max=0;
534  {
535  double tmax;
536  if(maxz==0){
537  for(int p=0; p<nrow*ncol;p++){
538  tmax = prt_hdigi[p]->GetBinContent(prt_hdigi[p]->GetMaximumBin());
539  if(max<tmax) max = tmax;
540  }
541  }else{
542  max = maxz;
543  }
545  if(maxz==-2 || minz==-2){ // optimize range
546  for(int p=0; p<nrow*ncol;p++){
547  tmax = prt_hdigi[p]->GetMaximum();
548  if(max<tmax) max = tmax;
549  }
550  int tbins = 2000;
551  TH1F *h = new TH1F("","",tbins,0,max);
552  for(int p=0; p<nrow*ncol;p++){
553  for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
554  for(int j=0; j<8; j++){
555  double val = prt_hdigi[p]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
556  if(val!=0) h->Fill(val);
558  }
559  }
560  }
561  double integral;
562  for(int i=0; i<tbins; i++){
563  integral = h->Integral(0,i);
564  if(integral>0) {
565  if(minz==-2) minz = h->GetBinCenter(i);
566  break;
567  }
568  }
570  for(int i=tbins; i>0; i--){
571  integral = h->Integral(i,tbins);
572  if(integral>10) {
573  if(maxz==-2) max = h->GetBinCenter(i);
574  break;
575  }
576  }
577  }
578  }
580  prt_last_max = max;
581  int nnmax(0);
582  for(int p=0; p<nrow*ncol;p++){
583  if(layoutId == 1 || layoutId == 4) np =p%nrow*ncol + p/3;
584  else np = p;
586  if(layoutId == 6 && p>10) continue;
588  prt_hpads[p]->cd();
589  prt_hdigi[np]->Draw("col");//"col+text"
590  if(maxz==-1) max = prt_hdigi[np]->GetBinContent(prt_hdigi[np]->GetMaximumBin());
591  if(nnmax<prt_hdigi[np]->GetEntries()) nnmax=np;
592  prt_hdigi[np]->SetMaximum(max);
593  prt_hdigi[np]->SetMinimum(minz);
594  }
596  // prt_cdigi_palette = (TPaletteAxis*)prt_hdigi[nnmax]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette");
597  // prt_cdigi_palette->SetX1NDC(0.89);
598  // prt_cdigi_palette->SetY1NDC(0.1);
599  // prt_cdigi_palette->SetX2NDC(0.93);
600  // prt_cdigi_palette->SetY2NDC(0.90);
602  cdigi->cd();
603  TPaletteAxis* prt_cdigi_palette;
604  if(layoutId==2018 || layoutId==2023) prt_cdigi_palette = new TPaletteAxis(0.89,0.1,0.93,0.90,(TH1 *) prt_hdigi[nnmax]);
605  else if(layoutId==2032) prt_cdigi_palette = new TPaletteAxis(0.91,0.1,0.94,0.90,(TH1 *) prt_hdigi[nnmax]);
606  else prt_cdigi_palette = new TPaletteAxis(0.82,0.1,0.86,0.90,(TH1 *) prt_hdigi[nnmax]);
607  prt_cdigi_palette->SetName("prt_palette");
608  prt_cdigi_palette->Draw();
610  cdigi->Modified();
611  cdigi->Update();
613  return cdigi;
614 }
616 TString prt_getPixData(TString s="m,p,v\n", int layoutId=1){
617  int nrow = 3, ncol = 5, np, nmax=0, npix=8;
618  if(layoutId ==2016) ncol=3;
619  if(layoutId ==2017) ncol=4;
620  if(layoutId ==2018 || layoutId ==2023) {nrow=2; ncol=4;}
621  if(layoutId ==2021) ncol=4;
622  if(layoutId ==2030) {nrow=4; ncol=6; npix=16;}
623  if(layoutId ==2032) {nrow=4; ncol=7; npix=16;}
624  if(layoutId ==2031) {nrow=3; ncol=4; npix=16;}
626  int nnmax(0);
627  for(int p=0; p<nrow*ncol;p++){
628  if(layoutId == 1 || layoutId == 4) np =p%nrow*ncol + p/3;
629  else if(layoutId == 2030) np =p%ncol*nrow + p/ncol;
630  else np = p;
632  if(prt_last_maxz==-1) prt_last_max = prt_hdigi[p]->GetBinContent(prt_hdigi[p]->GetMaximumBin());
633  if(nnmax<prt_hdigi[p]->GetEntries()) nnmax=p;
634  prt_hdigi[p]->SetMaximum(prt_last_max);
635  prt_hdigi[p]->SetMinimum(prt_last_minz);
636  for(int i=1; i<=npix; i++){
637  for(int j=1; j<=npix; j++){
638  double weight = (double)(prt_hdigi[p]->GetBinContent(i,j))/(double)prt_last_max*255;
639  if(weight>255) weight=255;
640  if(weight > 0) s += Form("%d,%d,%d\n", np, (i-1)*npix+j-1, (int)weight);
641  }
642  }
643  }
644  return s;
645 }
647 void prt_initDigi(int type=1){
648  if(type == 1){
649  for(int m=0; m<prt_nmcp;m++){
650  if(prt_hdigi[m]) prt_hdigi[m]->Reset("M");
651  else{
652  prt_hdigi[m] = new TH2F( Form("mcp%d", m),Form("mcp%d", m),8,0.,8.,8,0.,8.);
653  prt_hdigi[m]->SetStats(0);
654  prt_hdigi[m]->SetTitle(0);
655  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(10);
656  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(10);
657  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(100);
658  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(100);
659  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(1);
660  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(1);
661  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetAxisColor(15);
662  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetAxisColor(15);
663  }
664  }
665  }
666  if(type == 2){ //eic
667  for(int m=0; m<prt_nmcp;m++){
668  if(prt_hdigi[m]) prt_hdigi[m]->Reset("M");
669  else{
670  prt_hdigi[m] = new TH2F( Form("mcp%d", m),Form("mcp%d", m),16,0,16,16,0,16);
671  prt_hdigi[m]->SetStats(0);
672  prt_hdigi[m]->SetTitle(0);
673  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20);
674  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(20);
675  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(100);
676  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(100);
677  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(1);
678  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(1);
679  prt_hdigi[m]->GetXaxis()->SetAxisColor(15);
680  prt_hdigi[m]->GetYaxis()->SetAxisColor(15);
681  }
682  }
683  }
684 }
687  for(int m=0; m<prt_nmcp;m++){
688  prt_hdigi[m]->Reset("M");
689  }
690 }
693  hist->SetStats(0);
694  hist->SetTitle(Form("%d hits",(int)hist->GetEntries()));
695  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z, [cm]");
696  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
697  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
698  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y, [cm]");
699  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
700  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
701 }
704  hist->SetStats(0);
705  hist->SetTitle(Form("%d hits",(int)hist->GetEntries()));
706  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta, [degree]");
707  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
708  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
709  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("photons per track, [#]");
710  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
711  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
712 }
715  hist->SetStats(0);
716  hist->SetTitle(Form("%d hits",(int)hist->GetEntries()));
717  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta, [degree]");
718  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
719  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
720  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("photons per track, [#]");
721  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
722  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
723 }
726  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time, [ns]");
727  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
728  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
729  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries, #");
730  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
731  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
732  hist->SetLineColor(1);
733 }
735 void prt_axisTime800x500(TH1 * hist, TString xtitle = "time [ns]"){
736  TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3);
737  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitle);
738  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
739  hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
740  hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
741  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries [#]");
742  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
743  hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
744  hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
745  hist->SetLineColor(1);
746 }
749  // Canvas printing details: white bg, no borders.
750  gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
751  gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
752  gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(0);
754  // Canvas frame printing details: white bg, no borders.
755  gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0);
756  gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
757  gStyle->SetFrameBorderSize(0);
759  // Plot title details: centered, no bg, no border, nice font.
760  gStyle->SetTitleX(0.1);
761  gStyle->SetTitleW(0.8);
762  gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
763  gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
765  // Font details for titles and labels.
766  gStyle->SetTitleFont(42, "xyz");
767  gStyle->SetTitleFont(42, "pad");
768  gStyle->SetLabelFont(42, "xyz");
769  gStyle->SetLabelFont(42, "pad");
771  // Details for stat box.
772  gStyle->SetStatColor(0);
773  gStyle->SetStatFont(42);
774  gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1);
775  gStyle->SetStatX(0.975);
776  gStyle->SetStatY(0.9);
778  // gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
779 }
781 void prt_setGStyle(TGraph *g, int id){
782  int prt_coll[]={kBlack,kRed+1,kGreen, kBlue, 4,kCyan-6,kOrange, 7,8,9,10,1,1,1};
783  int prt_colm[]={kBlack,kRed+1,kGreen+2,kBlue+1,4,kCyan-6,kOrange+1,7,8,9,10,1,1,1};
785  int cl=(id<10)? prt_coll[id]:id;
786  int cm=(id<10)? prt_colm[id]:id;
787  g->SetLineColor(cl);
788  g->SetMarkerColor(cm);
789  g->SetMarkerStyle(20);
790  g->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
791  g->SetName(Form("gr_%d",id));
792 }
794 void prt_setRootPalette(int pal = 0){
796  // pal = 1: rainbow\n"
797  // pal = 2: reverse-rainbow\n"
798  // pal = 3: amber\n"
799  // pal = 4: reverse-amber\n"
800  // pal = 5: blue/white\n"
801  // pal = 6: white/blue\n"
802  // pal = 7: red temperature\n"
803  // pal = 8: reverse-red temperature\n"
804  // pal = 9: green/white\n"
805  // pal = 10: white/green\n"
806  // pal = 11: orange/blue\n"
807  // pal = 12: blue/orange\n"
808  // pal = 13: white/black\n"
809  // pal = 14: black/white\n"
811  const int NRGBs = 5;
812  const int NCont = 255;
813  gStyle->SetNumberContours(NCont);
815  if (pal < 1 && pal> 15) return;
816  else pal--;
818  double stops[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 };
819  double red[15][NRGBs] = {{ 0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51 },
820  { 0.51, 1.00, 0.87, 0.00, 0.00 },
821  { 0.17, 0.39, 0.62, 0.79, 1.00 },
822  { 1.00, 0.79, 0.62, 0.39, 0.17 },
823  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.38, 1.00 },
824  { 1.00, 0.38, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 },
825  { 0.00, 0.50, 0.89, 0.95, 1.00 },
826  { 1.00, 0.95, 0.89, 0.50, 0.00 },
827  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.38, 0.75, 1.00 },
828  { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 },
829  { 0.75, 1.00, 0.24, 0.00, 0.00 },
830  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.24, 1.00, 0.75 },
831  { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 },
832  { 1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00 },
833  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.80, 1.00, 0.80 }
834  };
835  double green[15][NRGBs] = {{ 0.00, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00 },
836  { 0.00, 0.20, 1.00, 0.81, 0.00 },
837  { 0.01, 0.02, 0.39, 0.68, 1.00 },
838  { 1.00, 0.68, 0.39, 0.02, 0.01 },
839  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.38, 0.76, 1.00 },
840  { 1.00, 0.76, 0.38, 0.00, 0.00 },
841  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.27, 0.71, 1.00 },
842  { 1.00, 0.71, 0.27, 0.00, 0.00 },
843  { 0.00, 0.35, 0.62, 0.85, 1.00 },
844  { 1.00, 0.75, 0.38, 0.00, 0.00 },
845  { 0.24, 1.00, 0.75, 0.18, 0.00 },
846  { 0.00, 0.18, 0.75, 1.00, 0.24 },
847  { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 },
848  { 1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00 },
849  { 0.00, 0.85, 1.00, 0.30, 0.00 }
850  };
851  double blue[15][NRGBs] = {{ 0.51, 1.00, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00 },
852  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.12, 1.00, 0.51 },
853  { 0.00, 0.09, 0.18, 0.09, 0.00 },
854  { 0.00, 0.09, 0.18, 0.09, 0.00 },
855  { 0.00, 0.47, 0.83, 1.00, 1.00 },
856  { 1.00, 1.00, 0.83, 0.47, 0.00 },
857  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.40, 1.00 },
858  { 1.00, 0.40, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 },
859  { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.47, 1.00 },
860  { 1.00, 0.47, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 },
861  { 0.00, 0.62, 1.00, 0.68, 0.12 },
862  { 0.12, 0.68, 1.00, 0.62, 0.00 },
863  { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 },
864  { 1.00, 0.84, 0.61, 0.34, 0.00 },
865  { 0.60, 1.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00 }
866  };
869  TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(NRGBs, stops, red[pal], green[pal], blue[pal], NCont);
871 }
873 #if defined(prt__sim) || defined(eic__sim)
874 bool prt_init(TString inFile="../build/hits.root", int bdigi=0, TString savepath="", int setupid = 2019){
876  if(inFile=="" || gSystem->AccessPathName(inFile)) return false;
877  if(savepath!="") prt_savepath=savepath;
879  prt_createMap(setupid);
880  delete prt_ch;
882  prt_ch = new TChain("data");
884  prt_ch->Add(inFile);
885  prt_ch->SetBranchAddress("PrtEvent", &prt_event);
887  prt_entries = prt_ch->GetEntries();
888  std::cout<<"Entries in chain: "<<prt_entries <<std::endl;
889  if(bdigi) prt_initDigi(bdigi);
890  return true;
891 }
893 void prt_nextEvent(int ievent, int printstep){
894  prt_ch->GetEntry(ievent);
895  if(ievent%printstep==0 && ievent!=0) std::cout<<"Event # "<<ievent<< " # hits "<<prt_event->GetHitSize()<<std::endl;
896  if(ievent == 0){
897  if(gROOT->GetApplication()){
898  TIter next(gROOT->GetApplication()->InputFiles());
899  TObjString *os=0;
900  while((os = (TObjString*)next())){
901  prt_info += os->GetString()+" ";
902  }
903  prt_info += "\n";
904  }
905  prt_info += prt_event->PrintInfo();
906  prt_mom = prt_event->GetMomentum().Mag() +0.01;
907  prt_theta = prt_event->GetAngle();
908  prt_phi = prt_event->GetPhi();
909  prt_geometry= prt_event->GetGeometry();
910  prt_beamx= prt_event->GetBeamX();
911  prt_beamz= prt_event->GetBeamZ();
912  prt_test1 = prt_event->GetTest1();
913  prt_test2 = prt_event->GetTest2();
914  }
915  prt_particle = prt_event->GetParticle();
916  if(prt_event->GetParticle()<3000 && prt_event->GetParticle()>0){
917  prt_pid=prt_particleArray[prt_event->GetParticle()];
918  }
919 }
920 #endif
922 #ifdef prt__beam
923 bool prt_init(TString inFile="../build/hits.root", int bdigi=0, TString savepath="", int setupid=2019){
925  if(inFile=="") return false;
926  if(savepath!="") prt_savepath=savepath;
928  prt_createMap(setupid);
930  delete prt_ch;
932  prt_ch = new TChain("data");
934  prt_ch->Add(inFile);
935  prt_ch->SetBranchAddress("PrtEvent", &prt_event);
937  // prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fLocalPos", 0);
938  // prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fGlobalPos", 0);
939  // prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fDigiPos", 0);
940  // prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fMomentum", 0);
941  // prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fPosition", 0);
943  prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fParentParticleId", 0);
944  prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fNreflectionsInPrizm", 0);
945  prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fPathInPrizm", 0);
946  prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fHitArray.fCherenkovMC", 0);
948  prt_ch->SetBranchStatus("fPosition", 0);
950  prt_entries = prt_ch->GetEntries();
951  std::cout<<"Entries in chain: "<<prt_entries <<std::endl;
952  if(bdigi) prt_initDigi(bdigi);
953  return true;
954 }
956 void prt_nextEvent(int ievent, int printstep){
957  prt_ch->GetEntry(ievent);
958  if(ievent%printstep==0 && ievent!=0) cout<<"Event # "<<ievent<< " # hits "<<prt_event->GetHitSize()<<endl;
959  if(ievent == 0){
960  if(gROOT->GetApplication()){
961  prt_info += "beam test";
962  TIter next(gROOT->GetApplication()->InputFiles());
963  TObjString *os=0;
964  while((os = (TObjString*)next())){
965  prt_info += os->GetString()+" ";
966  }
967  prt_info += "\n";
968  }
969  prt_info += prt_event->PrintInfo();
970  prt_mom = prt_event->GetMomentum().Mag() +0.01;
971  prt_theta = prt_event->GetAngle();
972  prt_phi = prt_event->GetPhi();
973  prt_geometry= prt_event->GetGeometry();
974  prt_beamx= prt_event->GetBeamX();
975  prt_beamz= prt_event->GetBeamZ();
976  prt_test1 = prt_event->GetTest1();
977  prt_test2 = prt_event->GetTest2();
978  }
979  prt_particle = prt_event->GetParticle();
980  if(prt_event->GetParticle()<3000 && prt_event->GetParticle()>0){
981  prt_pid=prt_particleArray[prt_event->GetParticle()];
982  }
983 }
984 #endif
986 int prt_getColorId(int ind, int style =0){
987  int cid = 1;
988  if(style==0) {
989  cid=ind+1;
990  if(cid==5) cid =8;
991  if(cid==3) cid =kOrange+2;
992  }
993  if(style==1) cid=ind+300;
994  return cid;
995 }
997 int prt_shiftHist(TH1 *hist, double double_shift){
998  int bins=hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
999  double xmin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
1000  double xmax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(bins);
1001  double_shift=double_shift*(bins/(xmax-xmin));
1002  int shift=0;
1003  if(double_shift<0) shift=TMath::FloorNint(double_shift);
1004  if(double_shift>0) shift=TMath::CeilNint(double_shift);
1005  if(shift==0) return 0;
1006  if(shift>0){
1007  for(int i=1; i<=bins; i++){
1008  if(i+shift<=bins) hist->SetBinContent(i,hist->GetBinContent(i+shift));
1009  if(i+shift>bins) hist->SetBinContent(i,0);
1010  }
1011  return 0;
1012  }
1013  if(shift<0){
1014  for(int i=bins; i>0; i--){
1015  if(i+shift>0) hist->SetBinContent(i,hist->GetBinContent(i+shift));
1016  if(i+shift<=0) hist->SetBinContent(i,0);
1017  }
1018  return 0;
1019  }
1020  return 1;
1021 }
1023 void prt_addInfo(TString str){
1024  prt_info += str+"\n";
1025 }
1027 void prt_writeInfo(TString filename){
1028  std::ofstream myfile;
1029 (filename);
1030  myfile << prt_info+"\n";
1031  myfile.close();
1032 }
1034 void prt_writeString(TString filename, TString str){
1035  std::ofstream myfile;
1036 (filename);
1037  myfile << str+"\n";
1038  myfile.close();
1039  std::cout<<"output: "<<filename<<std::endl;
1040 }
1042 TString prt_createDir(TString inpath=""){
1043  if(inpath != "") prt_savepath = inpath;
1044  TString finalpath = prt_savepath;
1046  if(finalpath =="") return "";
1048  if(prt_savepath.EndsWith("auto")) {
1049  TString dir = prt_savepath.ReplaceAll("auto","data");
1050  gSystem->mkdir(dir);
1051  TDatime *time = new TDatime();
1052  TString path(""), stime = Form("%d.%d.%d", time->GetDay(),time->GetMonth(),time->GetYear());
1053  gSystem->mkdir(dir+"/"+stime);
1054  for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
1055  path = stime+"/"+Form("arid-%d",i);
1056  if(gSystem->mkdir(dir+"/"+path)==0) break;
1057  }
1058  gSystem->Unlink(dir+"/last");
1059  gSystem->Symlink(path, dir+"/last");
1060  finalpath = dir+"/"+path;
1061  prt_savepath=finalpath;
1062  }else{
1063  gSystem->mkdir(prt_savepath,kTRUE);
1064  }
1066  prt_writeInfo(finalpath+"/readme");
1067  return finalpath;
1068 }
1070 void prt_canvasPrint(TPad *c, TString name="", TString path="", int what=0){
1071  c->Modified();
1072  c->Update();
1073  c->Print(path+"/"+name+".png");
1074  if(what>0) c->Print(path+"/"+name+".C");
1075  if(what>1) c->Print(path+"/"+name+".pdf");
1076  if(what>2) c->Print(path+"/"+name+".eps");
1077 }
1079 void prt_set_style(TCanvas *c){
1080  // prt_setRootPalette(1);
1081  if(fabs(c->GetBottomMargin()-0.1)<0.001) c->SetBottomMargin(0.12);
1082  TIter next(c->GetListOfPrimitives());
1083  TObject *obj;
1085  while((obj = next())){
1086  if(obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")){
1087  TH1F *hh = (TH1F*)obj;
1088  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1089  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1091  hh->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1092  hh->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1094  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85);
1095  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.76);
1097  if(c->GetWindowHeight()>700){
1098  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.045);
1099  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.045);
1101  hh->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035);
1102  hh->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035);
1104  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85);
1105  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.98);
1106  c->SetRightMargin(0.12);
1107  }
1109  if(c->GetWindowWidth()<=600){
1110  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1111  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1113  hh->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
1114  hh->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
1116  hh->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85);
1117  hh->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.92);
1118  c->SetRightMargin(0.12);
1119  }
1122  if(fabs(c->GetBottomMargin()-0.12)<0.001){
1123  TPaletteAxis *palette = (TPaletteAxis*)hh->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette");
1124  if(palette) {
1125  palette->SetY1NDC(0.12);
1126  c->Modified();
1127  }
1128  }
1129  c->Modified();
1130  c->Update();
1131  }
1133  if(obj->InheritsFrom("TGraph")){
1134  TGraph *gg = (TGraph*)obj;
1135  gg->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1136  gg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1137  gg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.84);
1139  gg->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1140  gg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1141  gg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1142  }
1144  if(obj->InheritsFrom("TMultiGraph")){
1145  TMultiGraph *gg = (TMultiGraph*)obj;
1146  gg->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1147  gg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1148  gg->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.84);
1150  gg->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1151  gg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
1152  gg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
1153  }
1155  if(obj->InheritsFrom("TF1")){
1156  TF1 *f = (TF1*)obj;
1157  f->SetNpx(500);
1158  }
1159  }
1160 }
1162 void prt_save(TPad *c= NULL,TString path="", int what=0, int style=0){
1163  TString name = c->GetName();
1164  Bool_t batch = gROOT->IsBatch();
1165  gROOT->SetBatch(1);
1167  if(c && path != "") {
1168  int w = 800, h = 400;
1169  if(style != -1){
1170  if(style == 1) {w = 800; h = 500;}
1171  if(style == 2) {w = 800; h = 600;}
1172  if(style == 3) {w = 800; h = 400;}
1173  if(style == 5) {w = 800; h = 900;}
1174  if(style == 0){
1175  w = ((TCanvas*)c)->GetWindowWidth();
1176  h = ((TCanvas*)c)->GetWindowHeight();
1177  }
1179  TCanvas *cc;
1180  if(TString(c->GetName()).Contains("hp") || TString(c->GetName()).Contains("cdigi")) {
1182  cc->SetCanvasSize(800,400);
1183  if(name.Contains("=")) name = name.Tokenize('=')->First()->GetName();
1184  }else{
1185  cc = new TCanvas(TString(c->GetName())+"exp","cExport",0,0,w,h);
1186  cc = (TCanvas*) c->DrawClone();
1187  cc->SetCanvasSize(w,h);
1188  }
1190  if(style == 0) prt_set_style(cc);
1192  prt_canvasPrint(cc,name,path,what);
1193  }else{
1194  c->SetCanvasSize(w,h);
1195  prt_canvasPrint(c,name,path,what);
1196  }
1197  }
1199  gROOT->SetBatch(batch);
1200 }
1202 TString prt_createSubDir(TString dir="dir"){
1203  gSystem->mkdir(dir);
1204  return dir;
1205 }
1209 TCanvas *prt_canvasGet(TString name="c"){
1210  TIter next(prt_canvaslist);
1211  TCanvas *c = 0;
1212  while((c = (TCanvas*) next())){
1213  if(c->GetName()==name || name=="*") break;
1214  }
1215  return c;
1216 }
1218 void prt_canvasAdd(TString name="c",int w=800, int h=400){
1219  if(!prt_canvasGet(name)){
1220  if(!prt_canvaslist) prt_canvaslist = new TList();
1221  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(name,name,0,0,w,h);
1222  prt_canvaslist->Add(c);
1223  }
1224 }
1226 void prt_canvasAdd(TCanvas *c){
1227  if(!prt_canvaslist) prt_canvaslist = new TList();
1228  c->cd();
1229  prt_canvaslist->Add(c);
1230 }
1234 }
1236 void prt_canvasDel(TString name="c"){
1237  TIter next(prt_canvaslist);
1238  TCanvas *c=0;
1239  while((c = (TCanvas*) next())){
1240  if(c->GetName()==name || name=="*") prt_canvaslist->Remove(c);
1241  c->Delete();
1242  }
1243 }
1245 // style = 0 - for web blog
1246 // style = 1 - for talk
1247 // what = 0 - save in png
1248 // what = 1 - save in png, C
1249 // what = 2 - save in png, C, pdf
1250 // what = 3 - save in png, C, pdf, eps
1251 void prt_canvasSave(int what=1, int style=0, Bool_t rm=false){
1252  TIter next(prt_canvaslist);
1253  TCanvas *c=0;
1254  TString path = prt_createDir();
1255  while((c = (TCanvas*) next())){
1256  prt_set_style(c);
1257  prt_save(c, path, what,style);
1258  if(rm){
1259  prt_canvaslist->Remove(c);
1260  c->Close();
1261  }
1262  }
1263 }
1265 // path - folder for saving
1266 void prt_canvasSave(TString path, int what=1, int style=0, Bool_t rm=false){
1267  prt_savepath = path;
1268  prt_canvasSave(what,style,rm);
1269 }
1272  TIter next(prt_canvaslist);
1273  TCanvas *c=0;
1274  TString path = prt_createDir();
1275  while((c = (TCanvas*) next())){
1276  prt_set_style(c);
1277  }
1278 }
1280 void prt_waitPrimitive(TString name, TString prim=""){
1281  TIter next(prt_canvaslist);
1282  TCanvas *c=0;
1283  while((c = (TCanvas*) next())){
1284  if(TString(c->GetName())==name){
1285  c->Modified();
1286  c->Update();
1287  c->WaitPrimitive(prim);
1288  }
1289  }
1290 }
1292 double prt_integral(TH1F *h,double xmin, double xmax){
1293  TAxis *axis = h->GetXaxis();
1294  int bmin = axis->FindBin(xmin);
1295  int bmax = axis->FindBin(xmax);
1296  double integral = h->Integral(bmin,bmax);
1297  integral -= h->GetBinContent(bmin)*(xmin-axis->GetBinLowEdge(bmin))/axis->GetBinWidth(bmin);
1298  integral -= h->GetBinContent(bmax)*(axis->GetBinUpEdge(bmax)-xmax)/axis->GetBinWidth(bmax);
1299  return integral;
1300 }
1302 void prt_normalize(TH1F* hists[],int size){
1303  // for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1304  // hists[i]->Scale(1/hists[i]->Integral(), "width");
1305  // }
1307  double max = 0;
1308  double min = 0;
1309  for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1310  double tmax = hists[i]->GetBinContent(hists[i]->GetMaximumBin());
1311  double tmin = hists[i]->GetMinimum();
1312  if(tmax>max) max = tmax;
1313  if(tmin<min) min = tmin;
1314  }
1315  max += 0.05*max;
1316  for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1317  hists[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(min,max);
1318  }
1319 }
1321 void prt_normalizeto(TH1F* hists[],int size, double max=1){
1322  for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
1323  double tmax = hists[i]->GetBinContent(hists[i]->GetMaximumBin());
1324  if(tmax>0)hists[i]->Scale(max/tmax);
1325  }
1326 }
1328 void prt_normalize(TH1F* h1,TH1F* h2){
1329  double max = (h1->GetMaximum()>h2->GetMaximum())? h1->GetMaximum() : h2->GetMaximum();
1330  max += max*0.1;
1331  h1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,max);
1332  h2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,max);
1333 }
1335 // just x for now
1336 TGraph* prt_smooth(TGraph* g,int smoothness=1){
1337  double x, y;
1338  int n = g->GetN();
1339  TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","h",g->GetN(),0,n);
1340  TGraph *gr = new TGraph();
1341  gr->SetName(g->GetName());
1342  for(auto i=0; i<n; i++){
1343  g->GetPoint(i,x,y);
1344  h->Fill(i,x);
1345  }
1347  h->Smooth(smoothness);
1349  for(auto i=0;i<n;i++){
1350  g->GetPoint(i,x,y);
1351  gr->SetPoint(i,h->GetBinContent(i),y);
1352  }
1353  return gr;
1354 }
1356 int prt_get_pid(int pdg){
1357  int pid=0;
1358  if(pdg==11) pid=0; //e
1359  if(pdg==13) pid=1; //mu
1360  if(pdg==211) pid=2; //pi
1361  if(pdg==321) pid=3; //K
1362  if(pdg==2212) pid=4; //p
1363  return pid;
1364 }
1366 double prt_get_momentum_from_tof(double dist,double dtof){
1367  double s = dtof*0.299792458/dist;
1368  double x = s*s;
1369  double a = prt_mass[2]*prt_mass[2]; //pi
1370  double b = prt_mass[4]*prt_mass[4]; //p
1371  double p = sqrt((a - 2*sqrt(a*a+a*b*x-2*a*b+b*b)/s + b)/(x - 4));
1373  return p;
1374 }
1376 // return TOF difference [ns] for mominum p [GeV] and flight path l [m]
1377 double prt_get_tof_diff(int pid1=211, int pid2=321, double p=1, double l=2){
1378  double c = 299792458;
1379  double m1 = prt_mass[prt_get_pid(pid1)];
1380  double m2 = prt_mass[prt_get_pid(pid2)];
1381  double td = l*(sqrt(p*p+m1*m1)-sqrt(p*p+m2*m2))/(p*c)*1E9;
1383  // relativistic
1384  // td = l*(m1*m1-m2*m2)/(2*p*p*c)*1E9;
1386  return td;
1387 }
1389 bool prt_ispath(TString path){
1390  Long_t *id(0),*size(0),*flags(0),*modtime(0);
1391  return !gSystem->GetPathInfo(path,id,size,flags,modtime);
1392 }
1394 int prt_get3digit(TString str){
1395  TPRegexp e("[0-9][0-9][0-9]");
1396  return ((TString)str(e)).Atoi();
1397 }
1399 #endif