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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4OpenGLQtViewer.hh
1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
28 //
29 // G4OpenGLQtViewer : Class to provide WindowsNT specific
30 // functionality for OpenGL in GEANT4
31 //
32 // 30/06/2014 : M.Kelsey : Change QPixmap objects to pointers
34 #if defined (G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLQT_DRIVER) || defined (G4VIS_USE_OPENGLQT)
39 #include "globals.hh"
41 #include "G4OpenGLViewer.hh"
42 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
43 #include "G4AutoLock.hh"
45 #include <qobject.h>
46 #include <qpoint.h>
47 #include <qpixmap.h>
49 class G4OpenGLSceneHandler;
50 class G4UImanager;
51 class G4Text;
52 class G4UIcommand;
54 class QGLWidget;
55 class QDialog;
56 class QTextEdit;
57 class QContextMenuEvent;
58 class QMenu;
59 class QImage;
60 class QAction;
61 class QTabWidget;
62 class QMouseEvent;
63 class QKeyEvent;
64 class QWheelEvent;
65 class QProcess;
66 class QTime;
67 class QVBoxLayout;
68 class QPushButton;
69 class QSlider;
70 class QTreeWidgetItem;
71 class QTreeWidget;
72 class QColor;
73 class G4OpenGLSceneHandler;
74 class G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog;
75 class QLineEdit;
76 #if QT_VERSION < 0x050600
77 class QSignalMapper;
78 #endif
79 class G4UIQt;
80 class QTableWidget;
81 class QTableWidgetItem;
82 class QScrollArea;
83 class QSplitter;
85 class G4OpenGLQtViewer: public QObject, virtual public G4OpenGLViewer {
90  typedef std::vector<PVNodeID> PVPath;
92 public:
93  G4OpenGLQtViewer (G4OpenGLSceneHandler& scene);
94  virtual ~G4OpenGLQtViewer ();
96  // In MT mode these functions are called in the following order for each run:
97  // Called on the master thread before starting the vis sub-thread.
98  virtual void DoneWithMasterThread ();
99  // Called on the master thread after starting the vis sub-thread.
100  virtual void MovingToVisSubThread ();
101  // Called on the vis sub-thread when waiting for events.
102  virtual void SwitchToVisSubThread ();
103  // Called on the vis sub-thread when all events have been processed.
104  virtual void DoneWithVisSubThread ();
105  // Called on the vis sub-thread when all events have been processed.
106  // virtual void MovingToMasterThread (); Not used in G4OpenGLQtViewer.
107  // Called on the master thread after the vis sub-thread has terminated.
108  virtual void SwitchToMasterThread ();
109 #endif
111 private:
112  G4OpenGLQtViewer (const G4OpenGLQtViewer&);
113  G4OpenGLQtViewer& operator= (const G4OpenGLQtViewer&);
114 public:
115  virtual void updateQWidget()=0;
116  void updateSceneTreeWidget();
117  void updateViewerPropertiesTableWidget();
118  void updatePickInfosWidget(int, int);
119  QString setEncoderPath(QString path);
120  QString getEncoderPath();
121  QString setTempFolderPath(QString path);
122  QString getTempFolderPath();
123  QString setSaveFileName(QString path);
124  QString getSaveFileName();
125  bool isRecording();
126  bool isStopped();
127  bool isPaused();
128  bool isEncoding();
129  bool isWaiting();
130  bool isFailed();
131  void setWaiting();
132  bool isBadEncoder();
133  bool isBadOutput();
134  bool isBadTmp();
135  bool isSuccess();
136  void setBadTmp();
137  void setBadOutput();
138  void setBadEncoder();
139  bool isReadyToEncode();
140  void resetRecording();
141  void encodeVideo();
142  void stopVideo();
143  void saveVideo();
144  bool generateMpegEncoderParameters();
145  void displayRecordingStatus();
146  void DrawText(const G4Text&);
147  void ResetView ();
148  void addPVSceneTreeElement(const G4String& model,
149  G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel,
150  int currentPVPOIndex);
151  void addNonPVSceneTreeElement(const G4String& model,
152  int currentPVPOIndex,
153  const std::string& modelDescription,
154  const G4Visible& visible);
155  bool isTouchableVisible(int POindex);
156  void clearTreeWidget();
157  bool exportImage(std::string name="", int width=-1, int height=-1);
159 public:
160  void G4MousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
161  void G4wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * event);
162  void G4keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * event);
163  void G4keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent * event);
164  void G4MouseDoubleClickEvent();
165  void G4MouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *evnt);
166  void G4MouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
168 protected:
169  void CreateGLQtContext ();
170  virtual void CreateMainWindow (QGLWidget*,const QString&);
171  void G4manageContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);
172  void rotateQtScene(float, float);
173  void rotateQtSceneToggle(float, float);
174  void moveScene(float, float, float,bool);
175  void FinishView();
176  void updateKeyModifierState(const Qt::KeyboardModifiers&);
177  void displaySceneTreeComponent();
178  G4Colour getColorForPoIndex(int poIndex);
180  // So that privately accumulated vis attributes modifiers may be
181  // concatenated with the standard vis attributes modifiers for commands
182  // such as /vis/viewer/set/all and /vis/viewer/save...
183  const std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>*
184  GetPrivateVisAttributesModifiers() const;
185  bool isCurrentWidget();
187 protected:
188  QWidget* fGLWidget;
189  void savePPMToTemp();
190  int fRecordFrameNumber;
192  bool fHasToRepaint;
193  bool fUpdateGLLock;
194  bool fQGLWidgetInitialiseCompleted;
195  bool fPaintEventLock;
197  // Flag to indicate that action was initiated by interaction (mouse
198  // click) on the scene tree. It is used and reset in
199  // G4OpenGLStoredQtViewer::CompareForKernelVisit to prevent rebuild
200  // in this case.
201  bool fMouseOnSceneTree;
203 private:
206  void createPopupMenu();
207  void createRadioAction(QAction *,QAction *, const std::string&,unsigned int a=1);
208  void rescaleImage(int, int);
209  bool printPDF(const std::string,int,QImage);
210  void showMovieParametersDialog();
211  void initMovieParameters();
212  QString createTempFolder();
213  QString removeTempFolder();
214  void setRecordingStatus(RECORDING_STEP);
215  void setRecordingInfos(const QString&);
216  QString getProcessErrorMsg();
217  QWidget* getParentWidget();
218  bool parseAndInsertInSceneTree(QTreeWidgetItem *,
219  G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel,
220  unsigned int fullPathIndex,
221  const QString& parentRoot,
222  unsigned int currentIndex,
223  int currentPVPOIndex);
224  void setCheckComponent(QTreeWidgetItem* item,bool check);
225  void createSceneTreeComponent();
226  void createSceneTreeWidget();
227  void createViewerPropertiesWidget();
228  void createPickInfosWidget();
229  bool parseAndCheckVisibility(QTreeWidgetItem * treeNode,int POindex);
230  QTreeWidgetItem* createTreeWidgetItem(const PVPath& fullPath,
231  const QString& name,
232  int copyNb,
233  int POIndex,
234  const QString& logicalName,
235  Qt::CheckState state,
236  QTreeWidgetItem * treeNode,
237  const G4Colour& color);
238  QString getModelShortName(const G4String& modelShortName);
239  void cloneSceneTree(QTreeWidgetItem* rootItem);
240  void changeDepthOnSceneTreeItem(double lookForDepth,double currentDepth,QTreeWidgetItem* item);
241  void updatePositivePoIndexSceneTreeWidgetQuickMap(int POindex,QTreeWidgetItem* item);
242  void changeQColorForTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem* item, const QColor&);
244  bool isSameSceneTreeElement(QTreeWidgetItem* parentOldItem,QTreeWidgetItem* parentNewItem);
245  void changeOpenCloseVisibleHiddenSelectedColorSceneTreeElement(QTreeWidgetItem* subItem);
246  bool isPVVolume(QTreeWidgetItem* item);
247  QTreeWidgetItem* cloneWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem* item);
248  void clearSceneTreeSelection(QTreeWidgetItem*);
249  void clearTreeWidgetElements(QTreeWidgetItem* item);
251  // Get the tree wigdet item for POindex if exists
252  QTreeWidgetItem* getTreeWidgetItem(int POindex);
254  // Get the old tree wigdet item for POindex if exists
255  QTreeWidgetItem* getOldTreeWidgetItem(int POindex);
257 // parse the scene tree and return a string of status that can be saved
258  std::string parseSceneTreeAndSaveState();
260  std::string parseSceneTreeElementAndSaveState(QTreeWidgetItem* item, unsigned int level);
261  QString GetCommandParameterList (const G4UIcommand *aCommand);
262  void changeColorAndTransparency(GLuint index, G4Color color);
265  inline void SetQGLContextVisSubThread(QThread *th) {
266  fQGLContextVisSubThread = th;
267  }
268  inline void SetQGLContextMainThread(QThread *th) {
269  fQGLContextMainThread = th;
270  }
271 #endif
273  QMenu *fContextMenu;
274  QPoint fLastPos1;
275  QPoint fLastPos2;
276  QPoint fLastPos3;
277  QPoint fLastPickPoint;
279  // delta of depth move. This delta is put in % of the scene view
280  G4double fDeltaDepth;
281  // delta of zoom move. This delta is put in % of the scene view
282  G4double fDeltaZoom;
283  // To ensure key event are keep one by one
284  bool fHoldKeyEvent;
285  // To ensure move event are keep one by one
286  bool fHoldMoveEvent;
287  // To ensure rotate event are keep one by one
288  bool fHoldRotateEvent;
289  bool fAutoMove;
290  QString fEncoderPath;
291  QString fTempFolderPath;
292  QString fMovieTempFolderPath;
293  QString fSaveFileName;
294  QString fParameterFileName;
295  QAction *fMouseRotateAction;
296  QAction *fMouseMoveAction;
297  QAction *fMousePickAction;
298  QAction *fMouseZoomInAction;
299  QAction *fMouseZoomOutAction;
300  QAction *fFullScreenOn;
301  QAction *fFullScreenOff;
302  QAction *fDrawingWireframe;
303  QAction *fDrawingLineRemoval;
304  QAction *fDrawingSurfaceRemoval;
305  QAction *fDrawingLineSurfaceRemoval;
306  QAction *fProjectionOrtho;
307  QAction *fProjectionPerspective;
308  G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog* fMovieParametersDialog;
309  RECORDING_STEP fRecordingStep;
310  QProcess *fProcess;
311  QTime *fLastEventTime;
312  int fSpinningDelay;
313  int fNbMaxFramesPerSec;
314  float fNbMaxAnglePerSec;
315  int fLaunchSpinDelay;
316  QWidget* fUISceneTreeWidget;
317  QWidget* fUIViewerPropertiesWidget;
318  QWidget* fUIPickInfosWidget;
319  bool fNoKeyPress;
320  bool fAltKeyPress;
321  bool fControlKeyPress;
322  bool fShiftKeyPress;
323  bool fBatchMode;
324  bool fCheckSceneTreeComponentSignalLock;
325  bool fViewerPropertiesTableWidgetIsInit;
326  QTreeWidget* fSceneTreeComponentTreeWidget;
327  // This is only use to hold the old "expand" value, see file:///Developer/Documentation/Qt/html/qtreewidgetitem.html#setExpanded
328  QWidget* fSceneTreeWidget;
329  bool fPVRootNodeCreate;
330  QLineEdit* fFilterOutput;
331  QString fFileSavePath;
332  int fNbRotation ;
333  int fTimeRotation;
334  QString fTouchableVolumes;
335  QDialog* fShortcutsDialog;
336  QTableWidget *fViewerPropertiesTableWidget;
337  QWidget* fPickInfosWidget;
338  QScrollArea* fPickInfosScrollArea;
339  int fTreeWidgetInfosIgnoredCommands;
340  QPushButton * fSceneTreeButtonApply;
341  QTextEdit *fShortcutsDialogInfos;
342  QSlider* fSceneTreeDepthSlider;
343  std::map <int, PVPath > fTreeItemModels;
344  std::map <int, PVPath > fOldTreeItemModels;
346  // quick scene tree map
347  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*> fPositivePoIndexSceneTreeWidgetQuickMap;
348  // old scene tree map
349  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*> fOldPositivePoIndexSceneTreeWidgetQuickMap;
350  std::vector <QTreeWidgetItem*> fOldNullPoIndexSceneTreeWidgetQuickVector;
351  // old vis attr color map
352  std::map <int, QColor> fOldVisAttrColorMap;
354  unsigned int fSceneTreeDepth;
355  QTreeWidgetItem* fModelShortNameItem;
356  int fNumber;
357  int fMaxPOindexInserted;
358  G4UIQt* fUiQt;
359 #if QT_VERSION < 0x050600
360  QSignalMapper *fSignalMapperMouse;
361  QSignalMapper *fSignalMapperSurface;
362  QSignalMapper *fSignalMapperPicking;
363 #endif
364  // quick map index to find next item
365  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*>::const_iterator fLastSceneTreeWidgetAskForIterator;
366  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*>::const_iterator fLastSceneTreeWidgetAskForIteratorEnd;
368  // quick map index to find next item
369  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*>::const_iterator fOldLastSceneTreeWidgetAskForIterator;
370  std::map <int, QTreeWidgetItem*>::const_iterator fOldLastSceneTreeWidgetAskForIteratorEnd;
372  // icons
373  QPixmap* fTreeIconOpen;
374  QPixmap* fTreeIconClosed;
375  QPixmap* fSearchIcon;
377  int fLastExportSliderValue;
378  G4Color fLastHighlightColor;
379  GLuint fLastHighlightName;
380  bool fIsDeleting;
383  QThread* fQGLContextVisSubThread;
384  QThread* fQGLContextMainThread;
385 #endif
387  // safe to use in serial mode
388  G4AutoLock* lWaitForVisSubThreadQtOpenGLContextInitialized;
389  G4AutoLock* lWaitForVisSubThreadQtOpenGLContextMoved;
391 public Q_SLOTS :
392  void startPauseVideo();
394 protected Q_SLOTS :
395  void updateToolbarAndMouseContextMenu();
397 private Q_SLOTS :
398  void actionSaveImage();
399  void actionChangeBackgroundColor();
400  void actionChangeTextColor();
401  void actionChangeDefaultColor();
402  void actionMovieParameters();
404  void showShortcuts();
405  void toggleMouseAction(int);
406  void toggleSurfaceAction(int);
407  void toggleProjection(bool);
408  void toggleTransparency(bool);
409  void toggleAntialiasing(bool);
410  void toggleHaloing(bool);
411  void toggleAux(bool);
412  void toggleHiddenMarkers(bool);
413  void toggleFullScreen(bool);
414  void processEncodeFinished();
415  void processLookForFinished();
416  void processEncodeStdout();
417  void sceneTreeComponentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int id);
418  void toggleSceneTreeComponentPickingCout(int);
419  void togglePicking();
420  void currentTabActivated(int);
422  // action trigger by a click on a component scene tree
423  void sceneTreeComponentSelected();
424  void changeDepthInSceneTree(int);
425  void changeSearchSelection();
426  void changeColorAndTransparency(QTreeWidgetItem* item,int val);
427  void tableWidgetViewerSetItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem *);
428 };
430 #endif
432 #endif