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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 // Class G4VIntersectionLocator implementation
27 //
28 // 27.10.08 - John Apostolakis, Tatiana Nikitina.
29 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 #include <iomanip>
32 #include <sstream>
34 #include "globals.hh"
35 #include "G4ios.hh"
36 #include "G4AutoDelete.hh"
37 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
39 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
42 //
43 // Constructor
44 //
46  : fiNavigator(theNavigator)
47 {
50  if( fiNavigator->GetExternalNavigation() == nullptr )
51  {
53  }
54  else // Must clone the navigator, together with External Navigation
55  {
57  }
58 }
61 //
62 // Destructor.
63 //
65 {
66  delete fHelpingNavigator;
67  delete fpTouchable;
68 }
71 //
72 // Dump status of propagator to cout (old method)
73 //
74 void
76  const G4FieldTrack& CurrentFT,
77  G4double requestStep,
78  G4double safety,
79  G4int stepNo)
80 {
81  std::ostringstream os;
82  printStatus( StartFT,CurrentFT,requestStep,safety,stepNo,os,fVerboseLevel);
83  G4cout << os.str();
84 }
87 //
88 // Dumps status of propagator.
89 //
90 void
92  const G4FieldTrack& CurrentFT,
93  G4double requestStep,
94  G4double safety,
95  G4int stepNo,
96  std::ostream& os,
97  G4int verboseLevel)
98 {
99  // const G4int verboseLevel= fVerboseLevel;
100  const G4ThreeVector StartPosition = StartFT.GetPosition();
101  const G4ThreeVector StartUnitVelocity = StartFT.GetMomentumDir();
102  const G4ThreeVector CurrentPosition = CurrentFT.GetPosition();
103  const G4ThreeVector CurrentUnitVelocity = CurrentFT.GetMomentumDir();
105  G4double step_len = CurrentFT.GetCurveLength() - StartFT.GetCurveLength();
106  G4int oldprc; // cout/cerr precision settings
108  if( ((stepNo == 0) && (verboseLevel <3)) || (verboseLevel >= 3) )
109  {
110  oldprc = os.precision(4);
111  os << std::setw( 6) << " "
112  << std::setw( 25) << " Current Position and Direction" << " "
113  << G4endl;
114  os << std::setw( 5) << "Step#"
115  << std::setw(10) << " s " << " "
116  << std::setw(10) << "X(mm)" << " "
117  << std::setw(10) << "Y(mm)" << " "
118  << std::setw(10) << "Z(mm)" << " "
119  << std::setw( 7) << " N_x " << " "
120  << std::setw( 7) << " N_y " << " "
121  << std::setw( 7) << " N_z " << " " ;
122  os << std::setw( 7) << " Delta|N|" << " "
123  << std::setw( 9) << "StepLen" << " "
124  << std::setw(12) << "StartSafety" << " "
125  << std::setw( 9) << "PhsStep" << " ";
126  os << G4endl;
127  os.precision(oldprc);
128  }
129  if((stepNo == 0) && (verboseLevel <=3))
130  {
131  // Recurse to print the start values
132  //
133  printStatus( StartFT, StartFT, -1.0, safety, -1, os, verboseLevel);
134  }
135  if( verboseLevel <= 3 )
136  {
137  if( stepNo >= 0)
138  {
139  os << std::setw( 4) << stepNo << " ";
140  }
141  else
142  {
143  os << std::setw( 5) << "Start" ;
144  }
145  oldprc = os.precision(8);
146  os << std::setw(10) << CurrentFT.GetCurveLength() << " ";
147  os << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.x() << " "
148  << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.y() << " "
149  << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.z() << " ";
150  os.precision(4);
151  os << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.x() << " "
152  << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.y() << " "
153  << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.z() << " ";
154  os.precision(3);
155  os << std::setw( 7)
156  << CurrentFT.GetMomentum().mag()- StartFT.GetMomentum().mag()
157  << " ";
158  os << std::setw( 9) << step_len << " ";
159  os << std::setw(12) << safety << " ";
160  if( requestStep != -1.0 )
161  {
162  os << std::setw( 9) << requestStep << " ";
163  }
164  else
165  {
166  os << std::setw( 9) << "Init/NotKnown" << " ";
167  }
168  os << G4endl;
169  os.precision(oldprc);
170  }
171  else // if( verboseLevel > 3 )
172  {
173  // Multi-line output
175  os << "Step taken was " << step_len
176  << " out of PhysicalStep= " << requestStep << G4endl;
177  os << "Final safety is: " << safety << G4endl;
178  os << "Chord length = " << (CurrentPosition-StartPosition).mag()
179  << G4endl;
180  os << G4endl;
181  }
182 }
185 //
186 // ReEstimateEndPoint.
187 //
189 ReEstimateEndpoint( const G4FieldTrack& CurrentStateA,
190  const G4FieldTrack& EstimatedEndStateB,
191  G4double , // linearDistSq, // NOT used
192  G4double
193 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
194  curveDist
195 #endif
196  )
197 {
198  G4FieldTrack newEndPoint( CurrentStateA );
199  auto integrDriver = GetChordFinderFor()->GetIntegrationDriver();
201  G4FieldTrack retEndPoint( CurrentStateA );
202  G4bool goodAdvance;
203  G4int itrial = 0;
204  const G4int no_trials = 20;
207  G4double endCurveLen= EstimatedEndStateB.GetCurveLength();
209  do // Loop checking, 07.10.2016, JA
210  {
211  G4double currentCurveLen = newEndPoint.GetCurveLength();
212  G4double advanceLength = endCurveLen - currentCurveLen ;
213  if (std::abs(advanceLength)<kCarTolerance)
214  {
215  goodAdvance=true;
216  }
217  else
218  {
219  goodAdvance = integrDriver->AccurateAdvance(newEndPoint, advanceLength,
221  }
222  }
223  while( !goodAdvance && (++itrial < no_trials) );
225  if( goodAdvance )
226  {
227  retEndPoint = newEndPoint;
228  }
229  else
230  {
231  retEndPoint = EstimatedEndStateB; // Could not improve without major work !!
232  }
234  // All the work is done
235  // below are some diagnostics only -- before the return!
236  //
237  const G4String MethodName("G4VIntersectionLocator::ReEstimateEndpoint()");
239 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
240  G4int latest_good_trials = 0;
241  if( itrial > 1)
242  {
243  if( fVerboseLevel > 0 )
244  {
245  G4cout << MethodName << " called - goodAdv= " << goodAdvance
246  << " trials = " << itrial
247  << " previous good= " << latest_good_trials
248  << G4endl;
249  }
250  latest_good_trials = 0;
251  }
252  else
253  {
254  ++latest_good_trials;
255  }
256 #endif
258 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
259  G4double lengthDone = newEndPoint.GetCurveLength()
260  - CurrentStateA.GetCurveLength();
261  if( !goodAdvance )
262  {
263  if( fVerboseLevel >= 3 )
264  {
265  G4cout << MethodName << "> AccurateAdvance failed " ;
266  G4cout << " in " << itrial << " integration trials/steps. " << G4endl;
267  G4cout << " It went only " << lengthDone << " instead of " << curveDist
268  << " -- a difference of " << curveDist - lengthDone << G4endl;
269  G4cout << " ReEstimateEndpoint> Reset endPoint to original value!"
270  << G4endl;
271  }
272  }
273  G4double linearDist = ( EstimatedEndStateB.GetPosition()
274  - CurrentStateA.GetPosition() ).mag();
275  static G4int noInaccuracyWarnings = 0;
276  G4int maxNoWarnings = 10;
277  if ( (noInaccuracyWarnings < maxNoWarnings )
278  || (fVerboseLevel > 1) )
279  {
280  G4ThreeVector move = newEndPoint.GetPosition()
281  - EstimatedEndStateB.GetPosition();
282  std::ostringstream message;
283  message.precision(12);
284  message << " Integration inaccuracy requires"
285  << " an adjustment in the step's endpoint." << G4endl
286  << " Two mid-points are further apart than their"
287  << " curve length difference" << G4endl
288  << " Dist = " << linearDist
289  << " curve length = " << curveDist << G4endl;
290  message << " Correction applied is " << move.mag() << G4endl
291  << " Old Estimated B position= "
292  << EstimatedEndStateB.GetPosition() << G4endl
293  << " Recalculated Position= "
294  << newEndPoint.GetPosition() << G4endl
295  << " Change ( new - old ) = " << move;
296  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::ReEstimateEndpoint()",
297  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
298  }
299 #else
300  // Statistics on the RMS value of the corrections
302  static G4ThreadLocal G4int noCorrections = 0;
303  static G4ThreadLocal G4double sumCorrectionsSq = 0;
304  ++noCorrections;
305  if( goodAdvance )
306  {
307  sumCorrectionsSq += (EstimatedEndStateB.GetPosition() -
308  newEndPoint.GetPosition()).mag2();
309  }
310 #endif
312  return retEndPoint;
313 }
317 //
318 // ReEstimateEndPoint.
319 //
320 // The following values are returned in curveError
321 // 0: Normal - no problem
322 // 1: Unexpected co-incidence - milder mixup
323 // 2: Real mixup - EndB is NOT past StartA
324 // ( ie. StartA's curve-lengh is bigger than EndB's)
329  const G4FieldTrack& EstimatedEndB,
330  G4FieldTrack& RevisedEndPoint,
331  G4int& curveError)
332 {
333  G4double linDistSq, curveDist;
335  G4bool recalculated = false;
336  curveError= 0;
338  linDistSq = ( EstimatedEndB.GetPosition()
339  - CurrentStartA.GetPosition() ).mag2();
340  curveDist = EstimatedEndB.GetCurveLength()
341  - CurrentStartA.GetCurveLength();
342  if( (curveDist>=0.0)
343  && (curveDist*curveDist *(1.0+2.0*fiEpsilonStep ) < linDistSq ) )
344  {
345  G4FieldTrack newEndPointFT = EstimatedEndB; // Unused
347  if (curveDist>0.0)
348  {
349  // Re-integrate to obtain a new B
350  RevisedEndPoint = ReEstimateEndpoint( CurrentStartA,
351  EstimatedEndB,
352  linDistSq,
353  curveDist );
354  recalculated = true;
355  }
356  else
357  {
358  // Zero length -> no advance!
359  newEndPointFT = CurrentStartA;
360  recalculated = true;
361  curveError = 1; // Unexpected co-incidence - milder mixup
363  G4Exception("G4MultiLevelLocator::EstimateIntersectionPoint()",
364  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning,
365  "A & B are at equal distance in 2nd half. A & B will coincide." );
366  }
367  }
369  // Sanity check
370  //
371  if( curveDist < 0.0 )
372  {
373  curveError = 2; // Real mixup
374  }
375  return recalculated;
376 }
379 //
380 // Method for finding SurfaceNormal of Intersecting Solid
381 //
383 GetLocalSurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector& CurrentE_Point, G4bool& validNormal)
384 {
385  G4ThreeVector Normal(G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,0.0));
386  G4VPhysicalVolume* located;
388  validNormal = false;
389  fHelpingNavigator->SetWorldVolume(GetNavigatorFor()->GetWorldVolume());
390  located = fHelpingNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup( CurrentE_Point );
392  delete fpTouchable;
395  // To check if we can use GetGlobalExitNormal()
396  //
397  G4ThreeVector localPosition = fpTouchable->GetHistory()
398  ->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(CurrentE_Point);
400  // Issue: in the case of coincident surfaces, this version does not recognise
401  // which side you are located onto (can return vector with wrong sign.)
402  // TO-DO: use direction (of chord) to identify volume we will be "entering"
404  if( located != 0)
405  {
406  G4LogicalVolume* pLogical= located->GetLogicalVolume();
407  G4VSolid* pSolid;
409  if( (pLogical != nullptr) && ( (pSolid=pLogical->GetSolid()) != nullptr ) )
410  {
411  if ( ( pSolid->Inside(localPosition)==kSurface )
412  || ( pSolid->DistanceToOut(localPosition) < 1000.0 * kCarTolerance ) )
413  {
414  Normal = pSolid->SurfaceNormal(localPosition);
415  validNormal = true;
417 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
418  if( std::fabs(Normal.mag2() - 1.0 ) > CLHEP::perThousand)
419  {
420  G4cerr << "PROBLEM in G4VIntersectionLocator::GetLocalSurfaceNormal."
421  << G4endl;
422  G4cerr << " Normal is not unit - mag=" << Normal.mag() << G4endl;
423  G4cerr << " at trial local point " << CurrentE_Point << G4endl;
424  G4cerr << " Solid is " << *pSolid << G4endl;
425  }
426 #endif
427  }
428  }
429  }
430  return Normal;
431 }
434 //
435 // Adjustment of Found Intersection
436 //
439  const G4ThreeVector& CurrentE_Point,
440  const G4ThreeVector& CurrentF_Point,
441  const G4ThreeVector& MomentumDir,
442  const G4bool IntersectAF,
443  G4ThreeVector& IntersectionPoint, // I/O
444  G4double& NewSafety, // I/O
445  G4double& fPreviousSafety, // I/O
447 {
448  G4double dist,lambda;
449  G4ThreeVector Normal, NewPoint, Point_G;
450  G4bool goodAdjust = false, Intersects_FP = false, validNormal = false;
452  // Get SurfaceNormal of Intersecting Solid
453  //
454  Normal = GetGlobalSurfaceNormal(CurrentE_Point,validNormal);
455  if(!validNormal) { return false; }
457  // Intersection between Line and Plane
458  //
459  G4double n_d_m =;
460  if ( std::abs(n_d_m)>kCarTolerance )
461  {
462 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
463  if ( fVerboseLevel>1 )
464  {
465  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::AdjustmentOfFoundIntersection()",
466  "GeomNav0003", JustWarning,
467  "No intersection. Parallels lines!");
468  }
469 #endif
470  lambda =-;
472  // New candidate for Intersection
473  //
474  NewPoint = CurrentF_Point+lambda*MomentumDir;
476  // Distance from CurrentF to Calculated Intersection
477  //
478  dist = std::abs(lambda);
480  if ( dist<kCarTolerance*0.001 ) { return false; }
482  // Calculation of new intersection point on the path.
483  //
484  if ( IntersectAF ) // First part intersects
485  {
486  G4double stepLengthFP;
487  G4ThreeVector Point_P = CurrentA_Point;
489  Intersects_FP = IntersectChord( Point_P, NewPoint, NewSafety,
490  fPreviousSafety, fPreviousSftOrigin,
491  stepLengthFP, Point_G );
493  }
494  else // Second part intersects
495  {
496  G4double stepLengthFP;
498  Intersects_FP = IntersectChord( CurrentF_Point, NewPoint, NewSafety,
499  fPreviousSafety, fPreviousSftOrigin,
500  stepLengthFP, Point_G );
501  }
502  if ( Intersects_FP )
503  {
504  goodAdjust = true;
505  IntersectionPoint = Point_G;
506  }
507  }
509  return goodAdjust;
510 }
513 //
514 // GetSurfaceNormal.
515 //
517 GetSurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector& CurrentInt_Point,
518  G4bool& validNormal)
519 {
520  G4ThreeVector NormalAtEntry; // ( -10. , -10., -10. );
522  G4ThreeVector NormalAtEntryLast, NormalAtEntryGlobal, diffNormals;
523  G4bool validNormalLast;
525  // Relies on a call to Navigator::ComputeStep in IntersectChord before
526  // this call
527  //
528  NormalAtEntryLast = GetLastSurfaceNormal( CurrentInt_Point, validNormalLast );
529  // May return valid=false in cases, including
530  // - if the candidate volume was not found (eg exiting world), or
531  // - a replica was involved -- determined the step size.
532  // (This list is not complete.)
534 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
535  if ( validNormalLast
536  && ( std::fabs(NormalAtEntryLast.mag2() - 1.0) > perThousand ) )
537  {
538  std::ostringstream message;
539  message << "PROBLEM: Normal is not unit - magnitude = "
540  << NormalAtEntryLast.mag() << G4endl;
541  message << " at trial intersection point " << CurrentInt_Point << G4endl;
542  message << " Obtained from Get *Last* Surface Normal.";
543  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::GetSurfaceNormal()",
544  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
545  }
546 #endif
548  if( validNormalLast )
549  {
550  NormalAtEntry = NormalAtEntryLast;
551  }
552  validNormal = validNormalLast;
554  return NormalAtEntry;
555 }
558 //
559 // GetGlobalSurfaceNormal.
560 //
562 GetGlobalSurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector& CurrentE_Point,
563  G4bool& validNormal)
564 {
565  G4ThreeVector localNormal = GetLocalSurfaceNormal(CurrentE_Point,validNormal);
566  G4AffineTransform localToGlobal = // Must use the same Navigator !!
568  G4ThreeVector globalNormal = localToGlobal.TransformAxis( localNormal );
570 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
571  if( validNormal && ( std::fabs(globalNormal.mag2() - 1.0) > perThousand ) )
572  {
573  std::ostringstream message;
574  message << "**************************************************************"
575  << G4endl;
576  message << " Bad Normal in G4VIntersectionLocator::GetGlobalSurfaceNormal "
577  << G4endl;
578  message << " * Constituents: " << G4endl;
579  message << " Local Normal= " << localNormal << G4endl;
580  message << " Transform: " << G4endl
581  << " Net Translation= " << localToGlobal.NetTranslation()
582  << G4endl
583  << " Net Rotation = " << localToGlobal.NetRotation()
584  << G4endl;
585  message << " * Result: " << G4endl;
586  message << " Global Normal= " << localNormal << G4endl;
587  message << "**************************************************************";
588  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::GetGlobalSurfaceNormal()",
589  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
590  }
591 #endif
593  return globalNormal;
594 }
597 //
598 // GetLastSurfaceNormal.
599 //
601 GetLastSurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& intersectPoint,
602  G4bool& normalIsValid) const
603 {
604  G4ThreeVector normalVec;
605  G4bool validNorm;
606  normalVec = fiNavigator->GetGlobalExitNormal( intersectPoint, &validNorm );
607  normalIsValid = validNorm;
609  return normalVec;
610 }
613 //
614 // ReportTrialStep.
615 //
617  const G4ThreeVector& ChordAB_v,
618  const G4ThreeVector& ChordEF_v,
619  const G4ThreeVector& NewMomentumDir,
620  const G4ThreeVector& NormalAtEntry,
621  G4bool validNormal )
622 {
623  G4double ABchord_length = ChordAB_v.mag();
624  G4double MomDir_dot_Norm = NormalAtEntry );
625  G4double MomDir_dot_ABchord;
626  MomDir_dot_ABchord = (1.0 / ABchord_length) * ChordAB_v );
628  std::ostringstream outStream;
629  outStream << std::setw(6) << " Step# "
630  << std::setw(17) << " |ChordEF|(mag)" << " "
631  << std::setw(18) << " uMomentum.Normal" << " "
632  << std::setw(18) << " uMomentum.ABdir " << " "
633  << std::setw(16) << " AB-dist " << " "
634  << " Chord Vector (EF) "
635  << G4endl;
636  outStream.precision(7);
637  outStream << " " << std::setw(5) << step_no
638  << " " << std::setw(18) << ChordEF_v.mag()
639  << " " << std::setw(18) << MomDir_dot_Norm
640  << " " << std::setw(18) << MomDir_dot_ABchord
641  << " " << std::setw(12) << ABchord_length
642  << " " << ChordEF_v
643  << G4endl;
644  outStream << " MomentumDir= " << " " << NewMomentumDir
645  << " Normal at Entry E= " << NormalAtEntry
646  << " AB chord = " << ChordAB_v
647  << G4endl;
648  G4cout << outStream.str();
650  if( ( std::fabs(NormalAtEntry.mag2() - 1.0) > perThousand ) )
651  {
652  std::ostringstream message;
653  message << "Normal is not unit - mag= " << NormalAtEntry.mag() << G4endl
654  << " ValidNormalAtE = " << validNormal;
655  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::ReportTrialStep()",
656  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
657  }
658  return;
659 }
662 //
663 // LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeAndCheck.
664 //
665 // Locate point using navigator: updates state of Navigator
666 // By default, it assumes that the point is inside the current volume,
667 // and returns true.
668 // In check mode, checks whether the point is *inside* the volume.
669 // If it is inside, it returns true
670 // If not, issues a warning and returns false.
671 //
674 {
675  G4bool good = true;
676  G4Navigator* nav = GetNavigatorFor();
677  const G4String
678  MethodName("G4VIntersectionLocator::LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeAndCheck()");
680  if( fCheckMode )
681  {
682  G4bool navCheck= nav->IsCheckModeActive(); // Recover original value
683  nav->CheckMode(true);
685  // Identify the current volume
688  G4VPhysicalVolume* motherPhys = startTH->GetVolume();
689  G4VSolid* motherSolid = startTH->GetSolid();
691  G4int motherCopyNo = motherPhys->GetCopyNo();
693  // Let's check that the point is inside the current solid
694  G4ThreeVector localPosition = transform.TransformPoint(position);
695  EInside inMother = motherSolid->Inside( localPosition );
696  if( inMother != kInside )
697  {
698  std::ostringstream message;
699  message << "Position located "
700  << ( inMother == kSurface ? " on Surface " : " outside " )
701  << "expected volume" << G4endl
702  << " Safety (from Outside) = "
703  << motherSolid->DistanceToIn(localPosition);
704  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeAndCheck()",
705  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
706  }
708  // 1. Simple next step - quick relocation and check result.
709  // nav->LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume( position );
711  // 2. Full relocation - to cross-check answer !
712  G4VPhysicalVolume* nextPhysical= nav->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(position);
713  if( (nextPhysical != motherPhys)
714  || (nextPhysical->GetCopyNo() != motherCopyNo )
715  )
716  {
717  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeAndCheck()",
718  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning,
719  "Position located outside expected volume.");
720  }
721  nav->CheckMode(navCheck); // Recover original value
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  nav->LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume( position );
726  }
727  return good;
728 }
731 //
732 // LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeCheckAndReport.
733 //
736  const G4String& CodeLocationInfo,
737  G4int /* CheckMode */)
738 {
739  // Save value of Check mode first
740  G4bool oldCheck = GetCheckMode();
743  if( !ok )
744  {
745  std::ostringstream message;
746  message << "Failed point location." << G4endl
747  << " Code Location info: " << CodeLocationInfo;
748  G4Exception("G4VIntersectionLocator::LocateGlobalPointWithinVolumeCheckAndReport()",
749  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
750  }
752  SetCheckMode( oldCheck );
753 }
756 //
757 // ReportReversedPoints.
758 //
760 ReportReversedPoints( std::ostringstream& msg,
761  const G4FieldTrack& StartPointVel,
762  const G4FieldTrack& EndPointVel,
763  G4double NewSafety, G4double epsStep,
764  const G4FieldTrack& A_PtVel,
765  const G4FieldTrack& B_PtVel,
766  const G4FieldTrack& SubStart_PtVel,
767  const G4ThreeVector& E_Point,
768  const G4FieldTrack& ApproxIntersecPointV,
769  G4int substep_no, G4int substep_no_p, G4int depth )
770 {
771  // Expect that 'msg' can hold the name of the calling method
773  // FieldTrack 'points' A and B have been tangled
774  // Whereas A should be before B, it is found that curveLen(B) < curveLen(A)
775  G4int verboseLevel= 5;
776  G4double curveDist = B_PtVel.GetCurveLength() - A_PtVel.GetCurveLength();
777  G4VIntersectionLocator::printStatus( A_PtVel, B_PtVel,
778  -1.0, NewSafety, substep_no, msg, verboseLevel );
779  msg << "Error in advancing propagation." << G4endl
780  << " Point A (start) is " << A_PtVel << G4endl
781  << " Point B (end) is " << B_PtVel << G4endl
782  << " Curve distance is " << curveDist << G4endl
783  << G4endl
784  << "The final curve point is not further along"
785  << " than the original!" << G4endl;
786  msg << " Value of fEpsStep= " << epsStep << G4endl;
788  G4int oldprc = msg.precision(20);
789  msg << " Point A (Curve start) is " << StartPointVel << G4endl
790  << " Point B (Curve end) is " << EndPointVel << G4endl
791  << " Point A (Current start) is " << A_PtVel << G4endl
792  << " Point B (Current end) is " << B_PtVel << G4endl
793  << " Point S (Sub start) is " << SubStart_PtVel
794  << " Point E (Trial Point) is " << E_Point << G4endl
795  << " Point F (Intersection) is " << ApproxIntersecPointV
796  << G4endl
797  << " LocateIntersection parameters are : " << G4endl
798  << " Substep no (total) = " << substep_no << G4endl
799  << " Substep (depth= " << depth << substep_no_p;
800  msg.precision(oldprc);
801 }
804 //
805 // ReportProgress.
806 //
808  const G4FieldTrack& StartPointVel,
809  const G4FieldTrack& EndPointVel,
810  G4int substep_no,
811  const G4FieldTrack& A_PtVel,
812  const G4FieldTrack& B_PtVel,
813  G4double safetyLast,
814  G4int depth )
816 {
817  oss << "ReportProgress: Current status of intersection search: " << G4endl;
818  if( depth > 0 ) oss << " Depth= " << depth;
819  oss << " Substep no = " << substep_no << G4endl;
820  G4int verboseLevel = 5;
821  G4double safetyPrev = -1.0; // Add as argument ?
823  printStatus( StartPointVel, EndPointVel, -1.0, -1.0, -1,
824  oss, verboseLevel);
825  oss << " * Start and end-point of requested Step:" << G4endl;
826  oss << " ** State of point A: ";
827  printStatus( A_PtVel, A_PtVel, -1.0, safetyPrev, substep_no-1,
828  oss, verboseLevel);
829  oss << " ** State of point B: ";
830  printStatus( A_PtVel, B_PtVel, -1.0, safetyLast, substep_no,
831  oss, verboseLevel);
832 }
835 //
836 // ReportImmediateHit.
837 //
838 void
840  const G4ThreeVector& StartPosition,
841  const G4ThreeVector& TrialPoint,
842  G4double tolerance,
843  unsigned long int numCalls )
844 {
845  static G4ThreadLocal unsigned int occurredOnTop= 0;
846  static G4ThreadLocal G4ThreeVector* ptrLast = nullptr;
847  if( ptrLast == nullptr )
848  {
849  ptrLast= new G4ThreeVector( DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
850  G4AutoDelete::Register(ptrLast);
851  }
852  G4ThreeVector &lastStart= *ptrLast;
854  if( (TrialPoint - StartPosition).mag2() < tolerance*tolerance)
855  {
856  static G4ThreadLocal unsigned int numUnmoved = 0;
857  static G4ThreadLocal unsigned int numStill = 0; // Still at same point
859  G4cout << "Intersection F == start A in " << MethodName;
860  G4cout << "Start Point: " << StartPosition << G4endl;
861  G4cout << " Start-Trial: " << TrialPoint - StartPosition;
862  G4cout << " Start-last: " << StartPosition - lastStart;
864  if( (StartPosition - lastStart).mag() < tolerance )
865  {
866  // We are at position of last 'Start' position - ie unmoved
867  ++numUnmoved;
868  ++numStill;
869  G4cout << " { Unmoved: " << " still#= " << numStill
870  << " total # = " << numUnmoved << " } - ";
871  }
872  else
873  {
874  numStill = 0;
875  }
876  G4cout << " Occured: " << ++occurredOnTop;
877  G4cout << " out of total calls= " << numCalls;
878  G4cout << G4endl;
879  lastStart = StartPosition;
880  }
881 } // End of ReportImmediateHit()