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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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25 //
26 //
29 //
31 #include "ExN04StackingAction.hh"
32 #include "G4SDManager.hh"
33 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
34 #include "G4Event.hh"
35 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh"
36 #include "G4Track.hh"
37 #include "G4TrackStatus.hh"
38 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
39 #include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
40 #include "ExN04StackingActionMessenger.hh"
41 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
42 #include "G4ios.hh"
45  : trkHits(0), muonHits(0), stage(0)
46 {
47  angRoI = 30.0*deg;
48  reqMuon = 2;
49  reqIso = 10;
51 }
54 { delete theMessenger; }
58 {
59  G4ClassificationOfNewTrack classification = fWaiting;
60  switch(stage)
61  {
62  case 0: // Stage 0 : Primary muons only
63  if(aTrack->GetParentID()==0)
64  {
65  G4ParticleDefinition * particleType = aTrack->GetDefinition();
66  if((particleType==G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition())
67  ||(particleType==G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()))
68  { classification = fUrgent; }
69  }
70  break;
72  case 1: // Stage 1 : Charged primaries only
73  // Suspended tracks will be sent to the waiting stack
74  if(aTrack->GetParentID()!=0) { break; }
75  if(aTrack->GetTrackStatus()==fSuspend) { break; }
76  if(aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()==0.) { break; }
77  classification = fUrgent;
78  break;
80  default: // Stage 2 : Accept all primaries
81  // Accept all secondaries in RoI
82  // Kill secondaries outside RoI
83  if(aTrack->GetParentID()==0)
84  {
85  classification = fUrgent;
86  break;
87  }
88  if((angRoI<0.)||InsideRoI(aTrack,angRoI))
89  {
90  classification = fUrgent;
91  break;
92  }
93  classification = fKill;
94  }
95  return classification;
96 }
99 {
100  if(!muonHits)
101  { muonHits = (ExN04MuonHitsCollection*)GetCollection("muonCollection"); }
102  if(!muonHits)
103  { G4cerr << "muonCollection NOT FOUND" << G4endl;
104  return true; }
106  G4int nhits = muonHits->entries();
108  const G4ThreeVector trPos = aTrack->GetPosition();
109  for(G4int i=0;i<nhits;i++)
110  {
111  G4ThreeVector muHitPos = (*muonHits)[i]->GetPos();
112  G4double angl = muHitPos.angle(trPos);
113  if(angl<ang) { return true; }
114  }
116  return false;
117 }
120 {
123  int colID = SDMan->GetCollectionID(colName);
124  if(colID>=0)
125  {
126  const G4Event* currentEvent = runMan->GetCurrentEvent();
127  G4HCofThisEvent* HCE = currentEvent->GetHCofThisEvent();
128  return HCE->GetHC(colID);
129  }
130  return 0;
131 }
134 {
135  stage++;
136  G4int nhits;
137  if(stage==1)
138  {
139  // Stage 0->1 : check if at least "reqMuon" hits on muon chamber
140  // otherwise abort current event
141  if(!muonHits)
142  { muonHits = (ExN04MuonHitsCollection*)GetCollection("muonCollection"); }
143  if(!muonHits)
144  { G4cerr << "muonCollection NOT FOUND" << G4endl;
145  return; }
146  nhits = muonHits->entries();
147  G4cout << "Stage 0->1 : " << nhits << " hits found in the muon chamber."
148  << G4endl;
149  if(nhits<reqMuon)
150  {
151  stackManager->clear();
152  G4cout << "++++++++ event aborted" << G4endl;
153  return;
154  }
156  return;
157  }
159  else if(stage==2)
160  {
161  // Stage 1->2 : check the isolation of muon tracks
162  // at least "reqIsoMuon" isolated muons
163  // otherwise abort current event.
164  // Isolation requires "reqIso" or less hits
165  // (including own hits) in the RoI region
166  // in the tracker layers.
167  nhits = muonHits->entries();
168  if(!trkHits)
169  { trkHits = (ExN04TrackerHitsCollection*)GetCollection("trackerCollection"); }
170  if(!trkHits)
171  { G4cerr << "trackerCollection NOT FOUND" << G4endl;
172  return; }
173  G4int nTrkhits = trkHits->entries();
174  G4int isoMuon = 0;
175  for(G4int j=0;j<nhits;j++)
176  {
177  G4ThreeVector hitPos = (*muonHits)[j]->GetPos();
178  G4int nhitIn = 0;
179  for(G4int jj=0;(jj<nTrkhits)&&(nhitIn<=reqIso);jj++)
180  {
181  G4ThreeVector trkhitPos = (*trkHits)[jj]->GetPos();
182  if(trkhitPos.angle(hitPos)<angRoI) nhitIn++;
183  }
184  if(nhitIn<=reqIso) isoMuon++;
185  }
186  G4cout << "Stage 1->2 : " << isoMuon << " isolated muon found." << G4endl;
187  if(isoMuon<reqIsoMuon)
188  {
189  stackManager->clear();
190  G4cout << "++++++++ event aborted" << G4endl;
191  return;
192  }
194  return;
195  }
197  else
198  {
199  // Other stage change : just re-classify
201  }
202 }
205 {
206  stage = 0;
207  trkHits = 0;
208  muonHits = 0;
209 }