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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AlignedDetector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
23 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
26  boost::program_options::options_description& opt) const {
27  // Add the generic geometry options
29  // Add the bfield options for the magnetic field scaling
31  // specify the rotation setp
32  opt.add_options()(
33  "align-seed",
34  boost::program_options::value<size_t>()->default_value(1324354657),
35  "Seed for the decorator random numbers.")(
36  "align-iovsize",
37  boost::program_options::value<size_t>()->default_value(100),
38  "Size of a valid IOV.")(
39  "align-flushsize",
40  boost::program_options::value<size_t>()->default_value(200),
41  "Span until garbage collection is active.")(
42  "align-sigma-iplane",
43  boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(100.),
44  "Sigma of the in-plane misalignment in [um]")(
45  "align-sigma-oplane",
46  boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(50.),
47  "Sigma of the out-of-plane misalignment in [um]")(
48  "align-sigma-irot",
49  boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(20.),
50  "Sigma of the in-plane rotation misalignment in [mrad]")(
51  "align-sigma-orot",
52  boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(0.),
53  "Sigma of the out-of-plane rotation misalignment in [mrad]")(
54  "align-loglevel",
55  boost::program_options::value<size_t>()->default_value(3),
56  "Output log level of the alignment decorator.")(
57  "align-firstnominal",
58  boost::program_options::value<bool>()->default_value(false),
59  "Keep the first iov batch nominal.");
60 }
63  const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm,
64  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IMaterialDecorator> mdecorator)
65  -> std::pair<TrackingGeometryPtr, ContextDecorators> {
66  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67  DetectorElement::ContextType nominalContext;
69  auto buildLevel = vm["geo-generic-buildlevel"].template as<size_t>();
70  // set geometry building logging level
71  Acts::Logging::Level surfaceLogLevel =
72  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-surface-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
73  Acts::Logging::Level layerLogLevel =
74  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-layer-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
75  Acts::Logging::Level volumeLogLevel =
76  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["geo-volume-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
78  bool buildProto =
79  (vm["mat-input-type"].template as<std::string>() == "proto");
82  TrackingGeometryPtr aTrackingGeometry =
83  FW::Generic::buildDetector<DetectorElement>(
84  nominalContext, detectorStore, buildLevel, std::move(mdecorator),
85  buildProto, surfaceLogLevel, layerLogLevel, volumeLogLevel);
87  Acts::Logging::Level decoratorLogLevel =
88  Acts::Logging::Level(vm["align-loglevel"].template as<size_t>());
90  // Let's create a reandom number service
91  FW::RandomNumbers::Config randomNumberConfig;
92  randomNumberConfig.seed = vm["align-seed"].template as<size_t>();
93  auto randomNumberSvc =
94  std::make_shared<FW::RandomNumbers>(randomNumberConfig);
96  // Alignment decorator service
97  Decorator::Config agcsConfig;
98  agcsConfig.detectorStore = detectorStore;
99  agcsConfig.iovSize = vm["align-iovsize"].template as<size_t>();
100  agcsConfig.flushSize = vm["align-flushsize"].template as<size_t>();
102  // The misalingments
103  double sigmaIp = vm["align-sigma-iplane"].template as<double>();
104  double sigmaOp = vm["align-sigma-oplane"].template as<double>();
105  double sigmaIr = vm["align-sigma-irot"].template as<double>();
106  double sigmaOr = vm["align-sigma-orot"].template as<double>();
107  agcsConfig.gSigmaX = sigmaIp * Acts::units::_um;
108  agcsConfig.gSigmaY = sigmaIp * Acts::units::_um;
109  agcsConfig.gSigmaZ = sigmaOp * Acts::units::_um;
110  agcsConfig.aSigmaX = sigmaOr * 0.001; // millirad
111  agcsConfig.aSigmaY = sigmaOr * 0.001; // millirad
112  agcsConfig.aSigmaZ = sigmaIr * 0.001; // millirad
113  agcsConfig.randomNumberSvc = randomNumberSvc;
114  agcsConfig.firstIovNominal = vm["align-firstnominal"].template as<bool>();
116  // Now create the alignment decorator
117  ContextDecorators aContextDecorators = {std::make_shared<Decorator>(
118  agcsConfig,
119  Acts::getDefaultLogger("AlignmentDecorator", decoratorLogLevel))};
121  if (vm["bf-context-scalable"].template as<bool>()) {
123  bfsConfig.scalor = vm["bf-bscalor"].template as<double>();
125  auto bfDecorator = std::make_shared<FW::BField::BFieldScalor>(bfsConfig);
127  aContextDecorators.push_back(bfDecorator);
128  }
130  // return the pair of geometry and the alignment decorator(s)
131  return std::make_pair<TrackingGeometryPtr, ContextDecorators>(
132  std::move(aTrackingGeometry), std::move(aContextDecorators));
133 }