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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HitSmearing.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
19  : BareAlgorithm("HitSmearing", lvl), m_cfg(cfg) {
20  if (m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits.empty()) {
21  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input simulated hits collection");
22  }
23  if (m_cfg.outputSourceLinks.empty()) {
24  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output source links collection");
25  }
26  if ((m_cfg.sigmaLoc0 < 0) or (m_cfg.sigmaLoc1 < 0)) {
27  throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid resolution setting");
28  }
29  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
30  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
31  }
32  if (!m_cfg.randomNumbers) {
33  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing random numbers tool");
34  }
35  // fill the surface map to allow lookup by geometry id only
36  m_cfg.trackingGeometry->visitSurfaces([this](const Acts::Surface* surface) {
37  // for now we just require a valid surface
38  if (not surface) {
39  return;
40  }
41  this->m_surfaces.insert_or_assign(surface->geoID(), surface);
42  });
43 }
46  // setup input and output containers
47  const auto& hits =
48  ctx.eventStore.get<SimHitContainer>(m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits);
49  SimSourceLinkContainer sourceLinks;
50  sourceLinks.reserve(hits.size());
52  // setup random number generator
53  auto rng = m_cfg.randomNumbers->spawnGenerator(ctx);
54  std::normal_distribution<double> stdNormal(0.0, 1.0);
56  // setup local covariance
57  // TODO add support for per volume/layer/module settings
58  Acts::BoundMatrix cov = Acts::BoundMatrix::Zero();
59  cov(Acts::eLOC_0, Acts::eLOC_0) = m_cfg.sigmaLoc0 * m_cfg.sigmaLoc0;
60  cov(Acts::eLOC_1, Acts::eLOC_1) = m_cfg.sigmaLoc1 * m_cfg.sigmaLoc1;
62  for (auto&& [moduleGeoId, moduleHits] : groupByModule(hits)) {
63  // check if we should create hits for this surface
64  const auto is = m_surfaces.find(moduleGeoId);
65  if (is == m_surfaces.end()) {
66  continue;
67  }
69  // smear all truth hits for this module
70  const Acts::Surface* surface = is->second;
71  for (const auto& hit : moduleHits) {
72  // transform global position into local coordinates
73  Acts::Vector2D pos(0, 0);
74  surface->globalToLocal(ctx.geoContext, hit.position(),
75  hit.unitDirection(), pos);
77  // smear truth to create local measurement
78  Acts::BoundVector loc = Acts::BoundVector::Zero();
79  loc[Acts::eLOC_0] = pos[0] + m_cfg.sigmaLoc0 * stdNormal(rng);
80  loc[Acts::eLOC_1] = pos[1] + m_cfg.sigmaLoc1 * stdNormal(rng);
82  // create source link at the end of the container
83  auto it = sourceLinks.emplace_hint(sourceLinks.end(), *surface, hit, 2,
84  loc, cov);
85  // ensure hits and links share the same order to prevent ugly surprises
86  if (std::next(it) != sourceLinks.end()) {
87  ACTS_FATAL("The hit ordering broke. Run for your life.");
88  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
89  }
90  }
91  }
93  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputSourceLinks, std::move(sourceLinks));
94  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
95 }