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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DigitizationAlgorithm.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <stdexcept>
30 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
34  : FW::BareAlgorithm("DigitizationAlgorithm", lvl), m_cfg(std::move(cfg)) {
35  if (m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits.empty()) {
36  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input hits collection");
37  }
38  if (m_cfg.outputClusters.empty()) {
39  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output clusters collection");
40  }
41  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
42  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
43  }
45  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing planar module stepper");
46  }
47  if (!m_cfg.randomNumbers) {
48  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing random numbers tool");
49  }
50  // fill the digitizables map to allow lookup by geometry id only
51  m_cfg.trackingGeometry->visitSurfaces([this](const Acts::Surface* surface) {
52  Digitizable dg;
53  // require a valid surface
54  dg.surface = surface;
55  if (not dg.surface) {
56  return;
57  }
58  // require an associated detector element
59  dg.detectorElement = dynamic_cast<const Acts::IdentifiedDetectorElement*>(
60  dg.surface->associatedDetectorElement());
61  if (not dg.detectorElement) {
62  return;
63  }
64  // require an associated digitization module
65  dg.digitizer = dg.detectorElement->digitizationModule().get();
66  if (not dg.digitizer) {
67  return;
68  }
69  // record all valid surfaces
70  this->m_digitizables.insert_or_assign(surface->geoID(), dg);
71  });
72 }
75  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
76  // Prepare the input and output collections
77  const auto& hits =
78  ctx.eventStore.get<SimHitContainer>(m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits);
81  for (auto&& [moduleGeoId, moduleHits] : groupByModule(hits)) {
82  // can only digitize hits on digitizable surfaces
83  const auto it = m_digitizables.find(moduleGeoId);
84  if (it == m_digitizables.end()) {
85  continue;
86  }
88  const auto& dg = it->second;
89  // local intersection / direction
90  const auto invTransfrom = dg.surface->transform(ctx.geoContext).inverse();
92  // use iterators manually so we can retrieve the hit index in the container
93  for (auto ih = moduleHits.begin(); ih != moduleHits.end(); ++ih) {
94  const auto& hit = *ih;
95  const auto idx = hits.index_of(ih);
97  Acts::Vector2D localIntersect = (invTransfrom * hit.position()).head<2>();
98  Acts::Vector3D localDirection =
99  invTransfrom.linear() * hit.unitDirection();
101  // compute digitization steps
102  const auto thickness = dg.detectorElement->thickness();
103  const auto lorentzAngle = dg.digitizer->lorentzAngle();
104  auto lorentzShift = thickness * std::tan(lorentzAngle);
105  lorentzShift *= -(dg.digitizer->readoutDirection());
106  // now calculate the steps through the silicon
107  std::vector<Acts::DigitizationStep> dSteps =
108  m_cfg.planarModuleStepper->cellSteps(ctx.geoContext, *dg.digitizer,
109  localIntersect, localDirection);
110  // everything under threshold or edge effects
111  if (!dSteps.size()) {
112  ACTS_VERBOSE("No steps returned from stepper.");
113  continue;
114  }
116  // lets create a cluster - centroid method
117  double localX = 0.;
118  double localY = 0.;
119  double totalPath = 0.;
120  // the cells to be used
121  std::vector<Acts::DigitizationCell> usedCells;
122  usedCells.reserve(dSteps.size());
123  // loop over the steps
124  for (auto dStep : dSteps) {
125  // @todo implement smearing
126  localX += dStep.stepLength * dStep.stepCellCenter.x();
127  localY += dStep.stepLength * dStep.stepCellCenter.y();
128  totalPath += dStep.stepLength;
129  usedCells.push_back(Acts::DigitizationCell(dStep.stepCell.channel0,
130  dStep.stepCell.channel1,
131  dStep.stepLength));
132  }
133  // divide by the total path
134  localX /= totalPath;
135  localX += lorentzShift;
136  localY /= totalPath;
138  // get the segmentation & find the corresponding cell id
139  const Acts::Segmentation& segmentation = dg.digitizer->segmentation();
140  auto binUtility = segmentation.binUtility();
141  Acts::Vector2D localPosition(localX, localY);
142  // @todo remove unneccesary conversion
143  // size_t bin0 = binUtility.bin(localPosition, 0);
144  // size_t bin1 = binUtility.bin(localPosition, 1);
145  // size_t binSerialized = binUtility.serialize({{bin0, bin1, 0}});
147  // the covariance is currently set to 0.
149  cov << 0.05, 0., 0., 0., 0.05, 0., 0., 0.,
152  // create the planar cluster
153  Acts::PlanarModuleCluster pCluster(
154  dg.surface->getSharedPtr(), Identifier(identifier_type(idx), {idx}),
155  std::move(cov), localX, localY, hit.time(), std::move(usedCells));
157  // insert into the cluster container. since the input data is already
158  // sorted by geoId, we should always be able to add at the end.
159  clusters.emplace_hint(clusters.end(), hit.geometryId(),
160  std::move(pCluster));
161  }
162  }
164  ACTS_DEBUG("digitized " << hits.size() << " hits into " << clusters.size()
165  << " clusters");
167  // write the clusters to the EventStore
168  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputClusters, std::move(clusters));
170 }