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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // class G4ParticlePropertyData
28 //
29 // Implementation
30 //
31 // History:
32 // first implementation by H Kurashige 9 June 2003
33 // Add magnetic moment by H Kurashige Mar 2007
35 #include "G4ios.hh"
36 #include "globals.hh"
37 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
38 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
44 {
45 }
49  theParticleName(particleName),
50  thePDGMass(0.0),
51  thePDGWidth(0.0),
52  thePDGCharge(0.0),
53  thePDGiSpin(0),
54  thePDGiParity(0),
55  thePDGiConjugation(0),
56  thePDGiGParity(0),
57  thePDGiIsospin(0),
58  thePDGiIsospin3(0),
59  thePDGMagneticMoment(0.0),
60  theLeptonNumber(0),
61  theBaryonNumber(0),
62  thePDGEncoding(0),
63  theAntiPDGEncoding(0),
64  thePDGLifeTime(-1.0),
65  fPDGMassModified(false),
66  fPDGWidthModified(false),
67  fPDGChargeModified(false),
68  fPDGiSpinModified(false),
69  fPDGiParityModified(false),
70  fPDGiConjugationModified(false),
71  fPDGiGParityModified(false),
72  fPDGiIsospinModified(false),
73  fPDGiIsospin3Modified(false),
74  fPDGIsospinModified(false),
75  fPDGIsospin3Modified(false),
76  fPDGMagneticMomentModified(false),
77  fLeptonNumberModified(false),
78  fBaryonNumberModified(false),
79  fPDGEncodingModified(false),
80  fAntiPDGEncodingModified(false),
81  fQuarkContentModified(false),
82  fAntiQuarkContentModified(false),
83  fPDGLifeTimeModified(false),
84  verboseLevel(1)
85 {
86  for (size_t flv=0; flv<NumberOfQuarkFlavor; ++flv) {
87  theQuarkContent[flv] =0;
88  theAntiQuarkContent[flv]=0;
89  }
90 }
95  fPDGMassModified(false),
96  fPDGWidthModified(false),
97  fPDGChargeModified(false),
98  fPDGiSpinModified(false),
99  fPDGiParityModified(false),
100  fPDGiConjugationModified(false),
101  fPDGiGParityModified(false),
102  fPDGiIsospinModified(false),
103  fPDGiIsospin3Modified(false),
104  fPDGIsospinModified(false),
105  fPDGIsospin3Modified(false),
106  fPDGMagneticMomentModified(false),
107  fLeptonNumberModified(false),
108  fBaryonNumberModified(false),
109  fPDGEncodingModified(false),
110  fAntiPDGEncodingModified(false),
111  fQuarkContentModified(false),
112  fAntiQuarkContentModified(false),
113  fPDGLifeTimeModified(false)
114 {
115  verboseLevel = right.verboseLevel;
117  thePDGMass = right.thePDGMass;
118  thePDGWidth = right. thePDGWidth;
119  thePDGCharge = right.thePDGCharge;
120  thePDGiSpin = right.thePDGiSpin;
131  for (size_t flv=0; flv<NumberOfQuarkFlavor; ++flv) {
132  theQuarkContent[flv] = right.theQuarkContent[flv];
133  theAntiQuarkContent[flv]= right.theAntiQuarkContent[flv];
134  }
136 }
140 {
141  if (this != &right) {
142  verboseLevel = right.verboseLevel;
144  thePDGMass = right.thePDGMass;
145  thePDGWidth = right. thePDGWidth;
146  thePDGCharge = right.thePDGCharge;
147  thePDGiSpin = right.thePDGiSpin;
158  for (size_t flv=0; flv<NumberOfQuarkFlavor; ++flv) {
159  theQuarkContent[flv] = right.theQuarkContent[flv];
160  theAntiQuarkContent[flv]= right.theAntiQuarkContent[flv];
161  }
163  fPDGMassModified = true;
164  fPDGWidthModified = true;
165  fPDGChargeModified = true;
166  fPDGiSpinModified = true;
167  fPDGiParityModified = true;
168  fPDGiConjugationModified = true;
169  fPDGiGParityModified = true;
170  fPDGiIsospinModified = true;
171  fPDGiIsospin3Modified = true;
172  fPDGIsospinModified = true;
173  fPDGIsospin3Modified = true;
175  fLeptonNumberModified = true;
176  fBaryonNumberModified = true;
177  fPDGEncodingModified = true;
179  fQuarkContentModified = true;
181  fPDGLifeTimeModified = true;
182  }
183  return *this;
184 }
188 {
189  return (this == &right);
190 }
194 {
195  return (this != &right);
196 }
200 {
201 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
202  G4cout << " Particle Name : " << theParticleName << G4endl;
203  G4cout << " PDG particle code : " << thePDGEncoding;
204  G4cout << " [PDG anti-particle code: " << this->GetAntiPDGEncoding() << "]"<< G4endl;
205  G4cout << " Mass [GeV/c2] : " << thePDGMass/GeV ;
206  G4cout << " Width : " << thePDGWidth/GeV << G4endl;
207  G4cout << " Lifetime [nsec] : " << thePDGLifeTime/ns << G4endl;
208  G4cout << " Charge [e]: " << thePDGCharge/eplus << G4endl;
209  G4cout << " Spin : " << thePDGiSpin << "/2" << G4endl;
210  G4cout << " Parity : " << thePDGiParity << G4endl;
211  G4cout << " Charge conjugation : " << thePDGiConjugation << G4endl;
212  G4cout << " Isospin : (I,Iz): (" << thePDGiIsospin <<"/2";
213  G4cout << " , " << thePDGiIsospin3 << "/2 ) " << G4endl;
214  G4cout << " GParity : " << thePDGiGParity << G4endl;
215  G4cout << " MagneticMoment [MeV/T]: ";
216  if (thePDGMagneticMoment != 0.0) {
218  }else {
219  G4cout << "not defined " << G4endl;
220  }
221  G4cout << " Lepton number : " << theLeptonNumber;
222  G4cout << " Baryon number : " << theBaryonNumber << G4endl;
223  G4cout << " Quark contents (d,u,s,c,b,t) : " << theQuarkContent[0];
224  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[1];
225  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[2];
226  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[3];
227  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[4];
228  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[5] << G4endl;
229  G4cout << " AntiQuark contents : " << theAntiQuarkContent[0];
230  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[1];
231  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[2];
232  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[3];
233  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[4];
234  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[5] << G4endl;
235 #endif
236 }