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1 //
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4 // * *
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25 //
26 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
27 // by V. Lara (Oct 1998)
28 //
29 // Modifications:
30 // 28.10.2010 V.Ivanchenko defined members in constructor and cleaned up
33 #include "G4NuclearLevelData.hh"
34 #include "G4LevelManager.hh"
35 #include "G4DeexPrecoParameters.hh"
36 #include "Randomize.hh"
37 #include "G4Pow.hh"
40  : OPTxs(3),pVerbose(1),theZ(Z),theA(A),resZ(0),resA(0),
41  pMass(0.0),pEvapMass(0.0),pResMass(0.0),fExc(0.0),fExcRes(0.0),
42  elimit(CLHEP::MeV),accuracy(0.02),fFD(false)
43 {
47  // G4cout << "G4VEvaporationProbability: Z= " << theZ << " A= " << theA
48  // << " M(GeV)= " << pEvapMass/1000. << G4endl;
49  length = nbin = 0;
50  emin = emax = eCoulomb = pProbability = probmax = 0.0;
51 }
54 {}
57 {
59  OPTxs = param->GetDeexModelType();
60  pVerbose = param->GetVerbose();
61  fFD = param->GetDiscreteExcitationFlag();
62 }
65 {
66  if(nbins > 0) { length = nbins; }
67  if(de > 0.0) { elimit = de; }
68  if(eps > 0.0) { accuracy = eps; }
69 }
72 {
73  return 0.0;
74 }
77 {
78  return 0.0;
79 }
82  G4double ehigh,
83  G4double cb)
84 {
85  pProbability = 0.0;
86  if(elow >= ehigh) { return pProbability; }
88  emin = elow;
89  emax = ehigh;
90  eCoulomb = cb;
92  G4double edelta = elimit;
93  nbin = (size_t)((emax - emin)/edelta) + 1;
94  const G4double edeltamin = 0.2*CLHEP::MeV;
95  const G4double edeltamax = 2*CLHEP::MeV;
96  if(nbin < 4) {
97  nbin = 4;
98  edelta = (emax - emin)/(G4double)nbin;
99  } else if(nbin > length) {
100  nbin = length;
101  }
103  G4double x(emin), del, y;
104  G4double edelmicro= edelta*0.02;
105  probmax = ComputeProbability(x + edelmicro, eCoulomb);
106  G4double problast = probmax;
107  if(pVerbose > 2) {
108  G4cout << "### G4VEmissionProbability::IntegrateProbability: "
109  << " Emax= " << emax << " QB= " << cb << " nbin= " << nbin
110  << G4endl;
111  G4cout << " 0. E= " << emin << " prob= " << probmax << G4endl;
112  }
113  for(size_t i=1; i<=nbin; ++i) {
114  x += edelta;
115  if(x > emax) {
116  edelta += (emax - x);
117  x = emax;
118  }
119  G4bool endpoint = (std::abs(x - emax) < edelmicro) ? true : false;
120  G4double xx = endpoint ? x - edelmicro : x;
121  y = ComputeProbability(xx, eCoulomb);
122  if(pVerbose > 2) {
123  G4cout << " " << i << ". E= " << x << " prob= " << y
124  << " Edel= " << edelta << G4endl;
125  }
126  probmax = std::max(probmax, y);
127  del = (y + problast)*edelta*0.5;
128  pProbability += del;
129  // end of the loop
130  if(del < accuracy*pProbability || endpoint) { break; }
131  problast = y;
133  // smart step definition
134  if(del != pProbability && del > 0.8*pProbability &&
135  0.7*edelta > edeltamin) {
136  edelta *= 0.7;
137  } else if(del < 0.1*pProbability && 1.5*edelta < edeltamax) {
138  edelta *= 1.5;
139  }
140  }
142  if(pVerbose > 1) {
143  G4cout << " Probability= " << pProbability << " probmax= "
144  << probmax << G4endl;
145  }
146  return pProbability;
147 }
150 {
151  static const G4double fact = 1.05;
152  probmax *= fact;
154  if(pVerbose > 1) {
155  G4cout << "### G4VEmissionProbability::SampleEnergy: "
156  << " Emin= " << emin << " Emax= " << emax
157  << " probmax= " << probmax << G4endl;
158  }
160  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* rndm = G4Random::getTheEngine();
161  const G4int nmax = 100;
162  G4double del = emax - emin;
163  G4double ekin, g;
164  G4int n = 0;
165  do {
166  ekin = del*rndm->flat() + emin;
167  ++n;
168  g = ComputeProbability(ekin, eCoulomb);
169  if(pVerbose > 2) {
170  G4cout << " " << n
171  << ". prob= " << g << " probmax= " << probmax
172  << " Ekin= " << ekin << G4endl;
173  }
174  if((g > probmax || n > nmax) && pVerbose > 1) {
175  G4cout << "### G4VEmissionProbability::SampleEnergy for Z= " << theZ
176  << " A= " << theA
177  << "\n Warning n= " << n
178  << " prob/probmax= " << g/probmax
179  << " prob= " << g << " probmax= " << probmax
180  << "\n Ekin= " << ekin << " Emin= " << emin
181  << " Emax= " << emax << G4endl;
182  }
183  } while(probmax*rndm->flat() > g && n < nmax);
184  return (fFD) ? FindRecoilExcitation(ekin) : ekin;
185 }
188 {
189  fExcRes = 0.0;
191  // abnormal case - should never happens
192  if(pMass < mass + pResMass) { return 0.0; }
194  G4double m02 = pMass*pMass;
195  G4double m12 = mass*mass;
196  G4double m22 = pResMass*pResMass;
197  G4double mres = std::sqrt(m02 + m12 - 2.*pMass*(mass + e));
199  fExcRes = mres - pResMass;
200  const G4double tolerance = 0.1*CLHEP::keV;
202  if(pVerbose > 1) {
203  G4cout << "### G4VEmissionProbability::FindRecoilExcitation for resZ= "
204  << resZ << " resA= " << resA
205  << " evaporated Z= " << theZ << " A= " << theA
206  << " Ekin= " << e << " Eexc= " << fExcRes << G4endl;
207  }
209  // residual nucleus is in the ground state
210  if(fExcRes < tolerance) {
211  fExcRes = 0.0;
212  //G4cout<<"Ground state Ekin= "<< 0.5*(m02 + m12 - m22)/pMass - mass<<G4endl;
213  return std::max(0.5*(m02 + m12 - m22)/pMass - mass,0.0);
214  }
215  // select final state excitation
216  auto lManager = pNuclearLevelData->GetLevelManager(resZ, resA);
217  if(!lManager) { return e; }
219  //G4cout<<"ExcMax= "<< lManager->MaxLevelEnergy()<<" CB= "<<eCoulomb<<G4endl;
220  // levels are not known
221  if(fExcRes > lManager->MaxLevelEnergy() + tolerance) { return e; }
223  // find level
224  auto idx = lManager->NearestLevelIndex(fExcRes);
225  //G4cout << "idx= " << idx << " Exc= " << fExcRes
226  // << " Elevel= " << lManager->LevelEnergy(idx) << G4endl;
227  for(; idx > 0; --idx) {
228  fExcRes = lManager->LevelEnergy(idx);
229  // excited level
230  if(pMass > mass + pResMass + fExcRes && lManager->FloatingLevel(idx) == 0) {
231  G4double massR = pResMass + fExcRes;
232  G4double mr2 = massR*massR;
233  //G4cout << "Result idx= " << idx << " Eexc= " << fExcRes
234  // << " Ekin= " << 0.5*(m02 + m12 - mr2)/pMass - mass << G4endl;
235  return std::max(0.5*(m02 + m12 - mr2)/pMass - mass,0.0);
236  }
237  }
238  // ground level
239  fExcRes = 0.0;
240  //G4cout << "Ground state Ekin= " << 0.5*(m02 + m12 - m22)/pMass - mass << G4endl;
241  return std::max(0.5*(m02 + m12 - m22)/pMass - mass,0.0);
242 }