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1 //
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25 //
26 // neutron_hp -- source file
27 // J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996
28 // A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model.
29 //
30 // 12-April-06 Enable IC electron emissions T. Koi
32 // 081024 G4NucleiPropertiesTable:: to G4NucleiProperties::
33 // 101203 Bugzilla/Geant4 Problem 1155 Lack of residual in some case
34 // 110430 Temporary solution in the case of being MF6 final state in Capture reaction (MT102)
35 //
36 // P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
37 //
38 #include "G4ParticleHPCaptureFS.hh"
39 #include "G4ParticleHPManager.hh"
40 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
41 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
42 #include "G4Gamma.hh"
43 #include "G4ReactionProduct.hh"
44 #include "G4Nucleus.hh"
45 #include "G4PhotonEvaporation.hh"
46 #include "G4Fragment.hh"
47 #include "G4IonTable.hh"
48 #include "G4ParticleHPDataUsed.hh"
51  {
53  if ( theResult.Get() == NULL ) theResult.Put( new G4HadFinalState );
54  theResult.Get()->Clear();
56  G4int i;
58 // prepare neutron
59  G4double eKinetic = theTrack.GetKineticEnergy();
60  const G4HadProjectile *incidentParticle = &theTrack;
61  G4ReactionProduct theNeutron( const_cast<G4ParticleDefinition *>(incidentParticle->GetDefinition() ) );
62  theNeutron.SetMomentum( incidentParticle->Get4Momentum().vect() );
63  theNeutron.SetKineticEnergy( eKinetic );
65  // Prepare target
67  G4Nucleus aNucleus;
68  G4double eps = 0.0001;
69  if (targetMass < 500*MeV) targetMass =
70  (G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+eps), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ+eps) )) /
72  G4ThreeVector neutronVelocity = 1./G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass()*theNeutron.GetMomentum();
73  G4double temperature = theTrack.GetMaterial()->GetTemperature();
74  theTarget = aNucleus.GetBiasedThermalNucleus(targetMass, neutronVelocity, temperature);
77  // Put neutron in nucleus rest system
78  theNeutron.Lorentz(theNeutron, theTarget);
79  eKinetic = theNeutron.GetKineticEnergy();
81  // Sample the photons
82  G4ReactionProductVector * thePhotons = 0;
83  if ( HasFSData() && !G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetUseOnlyPhotoEvaporation() )
84  {
85  //NDL has final state data
86  if ( hasExactMF6 ) {
87  theMF6FinalState.SetTarget(theTarget);
89  thePhotons = theMF6FinalState.Sample( eKinetic );
90  } else {
91  thePhotons = theFinalStatePhotons.GetPhotons(eKinetic);
92  }
93  if ( thePhotons == NULL ) {
94  throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Final state data for photon is not properly allocated");
95  }
96  }
97  else
98  {
99  //NDL does not have final state data or forced to use PhotoEvaporation model
100  G4ThreeVector aCMSMomentum = theNeutron.GetMomentum()+theTarget.GetMomentum();
101  G4LorentzVector p4(aCMSMomentum, theTarget.GetTotalEnergy() + theNeutron.GetTotalEnergy());
102  G4Fragment nucleus(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+1), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ) ,p4);
103  G4PhotonEvaporation photonEvaporation;
104  // T. K. add
105  photonEvaporation.SetICM( TRUE );
106  G4FragmentVector* products = photonEvaporation.BreakItUp(nucleus);
107  G4FragmentVector::iterator it;
108  thePhotons = new G4ReactionProductVector;
109  for(it=products->begin(); it!=products->end(); it++)
110  {
111  G4ReactionProduct * theOne = new G4ReactionProduct;
112  // T. K. add
113  if ( (*it)->GetParticleDefinition() != 0 )
114  theOne->SetDefinition( (*it)->GetParticleDefinition() );
115  else
116  theOne->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() ); // this definiion will be over writen
118  // T. K. comment out below line
119  //theOne->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() );
120  G4IonTable* theTable = G4IonTable::GetIonTable();
121  if ( (*it)->GetMomentum().mag() > 10*MeV)
122  theOne->SetDefinition(theTable->GetIon(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+1), 0) );
124  if ( (*it)->GetExcitationEnergy() > 1.0e-2*eV) {
125  G4double ex = (*it)->GetExcitationEnergy();
126  G4ReactionProduct* aPhoton = new G4ReactionProduct;
127  aPhoton->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() );
128  aPhoton->SetMomentum( (*it)->GetMomentum().vect().unit() * ex );
129  //aPhoton->SetTotalEnergy( ex ); //will be calculated from momentum
130  thePhotons->push_back(aPhoton);
131  }
133  theOne->SetMomentum( (*it)->GetMomentum().vect() * ( (*it)->GetMomentum().t() - (*it)->GetExcitationEnergy() ) / (*it)->GetMomentum().t() ) ;
134  thePhotons->push_back(theOne);
135  delete *it;
136  }
137  delete products;
138  }
140  // Add them to the final state
141  G4int nPhotons = 0;
142  nPhotons=thePhotons->size();
145  if ( DoNotAdjustFinalState() ) {
146 //Make at least one photon
147 //101203 TK
148  if ( nPhotons == 0 )
149  {
150  G4ReactionProduct* theOne = new G4ReactionProduct;
151  theOne->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() );
152  // Bug #1745 DHW G4double theta = pi*G4UniformRand();
153  G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.;
154  G4double theta = std::acos(costheta);
156  G4double sinth = std::sin(theta);
157  G4ThreeVector direction(sinth*std::cos(phi), sinth*std::sin(phi), costheta);
158  theOne->SetMomentum(direction);
159  thePhotons->push_back(theOne);
160  nPhotons++; // 0 -> 1
161  }
162 //One photon case: energy set to Q-value
163 //101203 TK
164  //if ( nPhotons == 1 )
165  if ( nPhotons == 1 && thePhotons->operator[](0)->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() == 0 )
166  {
167  G4ThreeVector direction = thePhotons->operator[](0)->GetMomentum().unit();
169  G4double Q = G4IonTable::GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA), 0) + G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass()
170  - G4IonTable::GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+1), 0);
172  thePhotons->operator[](0)->SetMomentum( Q*direction );
173  }
174 //
175  }
177  // back to lab system
178  for(i=0; i<nPhotons; i++)
179  {
180  thePhotons->operator[](i)->Lorentz(*(thePhotons->operator[](i)), -1*theTarget);
181  }
183  // Recoil, if only one gamma
184  //if (1==nPhotons)
185  if ( nPhotons == 1 && thePhotons->operator[](0)->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() == 0 )
186  {
187  G4DynamicParticle * theOne = new G4DynamicParticle;
189  ->GetIon(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+1), 0);
190  theOne->SetDefinition(aRecoil);
191  // Now energy;
192  // Can be done slightly better @
193  G4ThreeVector aMomentum = theTrack.Get4Momentum().vect()
194  +theTarget.GetMomentum()
195  -thePhotons->operator[](0)->GetMomentum();
197  //TKDB 140520
198  //G4ThreeVector theMomUnit = aMomentum.unit();
199  //G4double aKinEnergy = theTrack.GetKineticEnergy()
200  // +theTarget.GetKineticEnergy(); // gammas come from Q-value
201  //G4double theResMass = aRecoil->GetPDGMass();
202  //G4double theResE = aRecoil->GetPDGMass()+aKinEnergy;
203  //G4double theAbsMom = std::sqrt(theResE*theResE - theResMass*theResMass);
204  //G4ThreeVector theMomentum = theAbsMom*theMomUnit;
205  //theOne->SetMomentum(theMomentum);
207  theOne->SetMomentum(aMomentum);
208  theResult.Get()->AddSecondary(theOne);
209  }
211  // Now fill in the gammas.
212  for(i=0; i<nPhotons; i++)
213  {
214  // back to lab system
215  G4DynamicParticle * theOne = new G4DynamicParticle;
216  theOne->SetDefinition(thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetDefinition());
217  theOne->SetMomentum(thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetMomentum());
218  theResult.Get()->AddSecondary(theOne);
219  delete thePhotons->operator[](i);
220  }
221  delete thePhotons;
223 //101203TK
224  G4bool residual = false;
226  ->GetIon(static_cast<G4int>(theBaseZ), static_cast<G4int>(theBaseA+1), 0);
227  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j != theResult.Get()->GetNumberOfSecondaries() ; j++ )
228  {
229  if ( theResult.Get()->GetSecondary(j)->GetParticle()->GetDefinition() == aRecoil ) residual = true;
230  }
232  if ( residual == false )
233  {
234  G4int nNonZero = 0;
235  G4LorentzVector p_photons(0,0,0,0);
236  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j != theResult.Get()->GetNumberOfSecondaries() ; j++ )
237  {
238  p_photons += theResult.Get()->GetSecondary(j)->GetParticle()->Get4Momentum();
239  // To many 0 momentum photons -> Check PhotonDist
240  if ( theResult.Get()->GetSecondary(j)->GetParticle()->Get4Momentum().e() > 0 ) nNonZero++;
241  }
243  // Can we include kinetic energy here?
244  G4double deltaE = ( theTrack.Get4Momentum().e() + theTarget.GetTotalEnergy() )
245  - ( p_photons.e() + aRecoil->GetPDGMass() );
247 //Add photons
248  if ( nPhotons - nNonZero > 0 )
249  {
250  //G4cout << "TKDB G4ParticleHPCaptureFS::ApplyYourself we will create additional " << nPhotons - nNonZero << " photons" << G4endl;
251  std::vector<G4double> vRand;
252  vRand.push_back( 0.0 );
253  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j != nPhotons - nNonZero - 1 ; j++ )
254  {
255  vRand.push_back( G4UniformRand() );
256  }
257  vRand.push_back( 1.0 );
258  std::sort( vRand.begin(), vRand.end() );
260  std::vector<G4double> vEPhoton;
261  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j < (G4int)vRand.size() - 1 ; j++ )
262  {
263  vEPhoton.push_back( deltaE * ( vRand[j+1] - vRand[j] ) );
264  }
265  std::sort( vEPhoton.begin(), vEPhoton.end() );
267  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j < nPhotons - nNonZero - 1 ; j++ )
268  {
269  //Isotopic in LAB OK?
270  // Bug # 1745 DHW G4double theta = pi*G4UniformRand();
271  G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.;
272  G4double theta = std::acos(costheta);
274  G4double sinth = std::sin(theta);
275  G4double en = vEPhoton[j];
276  G4ThreeVector tempVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*costheta);
278  p_photons += G4LorentzVector ( tempVector, tempVector.mag() );
279  G4DynamicParticle * theOne = new G4DynamicParticle;
280  theOne->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() );
281  theOne->SetMomentum( tempVector );
282  theResult.Get()->AddSecondary(theOne);
283  }
285 // Add last photon
286  G4DynamicParticle * theOne = new G4DynamicParticle;
287  theOne->SetDefinition( G4Gamma::Gamma() );
288 // For better momentum conservation
289  G4ThreeVector lastPhoton = -p_photons.vect().unit()*vEPhoton.back();
290  p_photons += G4LorentzVector( lastPhoton , lastPhoton.mag() );
291  theOne->SetMomentum( lastPhoton );
292  theResult.Get()->AddSecondary(theOne);
293  }
295 //Add residual
296  G4DynamicParticle * theOne = new G4DynamicParticle;
297  G4ThreeVector aMomentum = theTrack.Get4Momentum().vect() + theTarget.GetMomentum()
298  - p_photons.vect();
299  theOne->SetDefinition(aRecoil);
300  theOne->SetMomentum( aMomentum );
301  theResult.Get()->AddSecondary(theOne);
303  }
304 //101203TK END
306 // clean up the primary neutron
308  return theResult.Get();
309  }
311 #include <sstream>
313  {
315  //TK110430 BEGIN
316  std::stringstream ss;
317  ss << static_cast<G4int>(Z);
318  G4String sZ;
319  ss >> sZ;
320  ss.clear();
321  ss << static_cast<G4int>(A);
322  G4String sA;
323  ss >> sA;
325  ss.clear();
326  G4String sM;
327  if ( M > 0 )
328  {
329  ss << "m";
330  ss << M;
331  ss >> sM;
332  ss.clear();
333  }
335  G4String element_name = theNames.GetName( static_cast<G4int>(Z)-1 );
336  G4String filenameMF6 = dirName+"/FSMF6/"+sZ+"_"+sA+sM+"_"+element_name;
337  //std::ifstream dummyIFS(filenameMF6, std::ios::in);
338  //if ( dummyIFS.good() == true ) hasExactMF6=true;
339  std::istringstream theData(std::ios::in);
340  G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetDataStream(filenameMF6,theData);
342  //TK110430 Only use MF6MT102 which has exactly same A and Z
343  //Even _nat_ do not select and there is no _nat_ case in ENDF-VII.0
344  if ( theData.good() == true ) {
345  hasExactMF6=true;
346  theMF6FinalState.Init(theData);
347  //theData.close();
348  return;
349  }
350  //TK110430 END
353  G4String tString = "/FS";
354  G4bool dbool;
355  G4ParticleHPDataUsed aFile = theNames.GetName(static_cast<G4int>(A), static_cast<G4int>(Z), M, dirName, tString, dbool);
357  G4String filename = aFile.GetName();
358  SetAZMs( A, Z, M, aFile );
359  //theBaseA = A;
360  //theBaseZ = G4int(Z+.5);
361  if(!dbool || ( Z<2.5 && ( std::abs(theBaseZ - Z)>0.0001 || std::abs(theBaseA - A)>0.0001)))
362  {
363  hasAnyData = false;
364  hasFSData = false;
365  hasXsec = false;
366  return;
367  }
368  //std::ifstream theData(filename, std::ios::in);
369  //std::istringstream theData(std::ios::in);
370  theData.clear();
371  G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetDataStream(filename,theData);
373  if(hasFSData)
374  {
378  }
379  //theData.close();
380  }