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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ODDServiceHelper.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
13 using namespace std;
14 using namespace dd4hep;
24 template <typename volume_t>
25 void buildBarrelRouting(Detector& oddd, volume_t& barrelVolume,
26  const xml_comp_t& x_routing,
27  const std::vector<double>& layerR) {
28  // Grab the cables & route them outwards
29  unsigned int nphi = x_routing.nphi();
31  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / nphi;
32  double phi0 = x_routing.phi0();
33  double rmin = x_routing.rmin();
34  double rmax = x_routing.rmax();
35  double n = x_routing.number();
37  for (int side = -1; side < 2; side += 2) {
38  // Loop over the layer routings
39  for (unsigned int ib = 1; ib < layerR.size(); ++ib) {
40  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nphi; ++iphi) {
41  // Calculate the phi
42  double phi = phi0 + iphi * phiStep;
44  // The layer position
45  double gap =;
46  double clength = layerR[ib] - layerR[ib - 1] - 2. * gap;
47  double rpos = 0.5 * (layerR[ib] + layerR[ib - 1]);
48  double xpos = rpos * cos(phi);
49  double ypos = rpos * sin(phi);
50  double zpos = side * x_routing.z_offset();
52  Assembly cableboxAssembly("CableBox");
53  if (x_routing.hasChild(_U(box))) {
54  // The box plate for the cables
55  xml_comp_t x_box = x_routing.child(_U(box));
56  Box box(, n * ib * rmax, 0.5 * clength);
57  Volume boxVolume("CableBand", box,
58  oddd.material(x_routing.materialStr()));
59  boxVolume.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_box.visStr());
61  cableboxAssembly.placeVolume(
62  boxVolume, Position(side * (rmax +, 0., 0.));
63  }
65  Tube cable(rmin, rmax, 0.5 * clength);
66  Volume cableVolume("Cable", cable,
67  oddd.material(x_routing.materialStr()));
68  cableVolume.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_routing.visStr());
70  for (unsigned int icable = 0; icable < n * ib; ++icable) {
71  // Place the pipe in the stave
72  cableboxAssembly.placeVolume(
73  cableVolume, Position(0., (-n * ib + 1 + 2 * icable) * rmax, 0.));
74  }
75  // Place the pipe in the stave
76  barrelVolume.placeVolume(
77  cableboxAssembly,
78  Transform3D(RotationZ(phi) * RotationY(0.5 * M_PI),
79  Position(xpos, ypos, zpos)));
80  }
81  }
82  }
83 }
93 template <typename volume_t>
94 void buildEndcapRouting(Detector& oddd, volume_t& endcapVolume,
95  const xml_comp_t& x_routing,
96  const std::vector<double>& endcapZ) {
97  // Grab the cables & route them outwards
98  unsigned int nphi = x_routing.nphi();
100  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / nphi;
101  double phi0 = x_routing.phi0();
102  double rmin = x_routing.rmin();
103  double rmax = x_routing.rmax();
104  double r = x_routing.r();
105  double n = x_routing.number();
107  // Loop over the layer routings
108  for (unsigned int iec = 1; iec < endcapZ.size(); ++iec) {
109  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nphi; ++iphi) {
110  // Calculate the phi
111  double phi = phi0 + iphi * phiStep;
113  // The layer position
114  double gap =;
115  double clength = std::abs(endcapZ[iec] - endcapZ[iec - 1]) - 2. * gap;
116  double xpos = r * cos(phi);
117  double ypos = r * sin(phi);
118  double zpos = 0.5 * (endcapZ[iec] + endcapZ[iec - 1]);
120  Assembly cableboxAssembly("CableBox");
121  if (x_routing.hasChild(_U(box))) {
122  // The box plate for the cables
123  xml_comp_t x_box = x_routing.child(_U(box));
124  Box box(, n * iec * rmax, 0.5 * clength);
125  Volume boxVolume("CableBand", box,
126  oddd.material(x_routing.materialStr()));
127  boxVolume.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_box.visStr());
129  cableboxAssembly.placeVolume(boxVolume,
130  Position(rmax +, 0., 0.));
131  }
133  Tube cable(rmin, rmax, 0.5 * clength);
134  Volume cableVolume("Cable", cable,
135  oddd.material(x_routing.materialStr()));
136  cableVolume.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_routing.visStr());
138  for (unsigned int icable = 0; icable < n * iec; ++icable) {
139  // Place the pipe in the stave
140  cableboxAssembly.placeVolume(
141  cableVolume, Position(0., (-n * iec + 1 + 2 * icable) * rmax, 0.));
142  }
143  // Place the pipe in the stave
144  endcapVolume.placeVolume(
145  cableboxAssembly,
146  Transform3D(RotationZ(+phi), Position(xpos, ypos, zpos)));
147  }
148  }
149 }
159 template <typename volume_t>
160 void buildSupportCylinder(Detector& oddd, volume_t& motherVolume,
161  const xml_comp_t& x_mother_comp,
162  std::vector<double>& layerR) {
163  size_t supportNum = 0;
164  for (xml_coll_t sup(x_mother_comp, _U(support)); sup; ++sup, ++supportNum) {
165  xml_comp_t x_support = sup;
166  // Create the volume of the support structure
167  string supportName = _toString((int)supportNum, "SupportCylinder%d");
169  // Remember the layer radius if it is needed for operation
170  if (x_support.hasChild(_Unicode(connector))) {
171  layerR.push_back(0.5 * (x_support.rmin() + x_support.rmax()));
172  }
173  // If nz is not set to 0, build 2 symmetric ones
174  for (int side = -1; side < x_support.nsides(); side += 2) {
175  // Create the support volume
176  Volume supportVolume(
177  supportName, Tube(x_support.rmin(), x_support.rmax(),,
178  oddd.material(x_support.materialStr()));
179  supportVolume.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_support.visStr());
180  // Place the support structure
181  motherVolume.placeVolume(supportVolume,
182  Position(0., 0., side * x_support.z_offset()));
183  }
184  }
185 }
195 template <typename volume_t>
196 void buildCoolingRings(Detector& oddd, volume_t& motherVolume,
197  const xml_comp_t& x_mother_comp) {
198  size_t cringNum = 0;
199  for (xml_coll_t cring(x_mother_comp, _Unicode(cooling_ring)); cring;
200  ++cring, ++cringNum) {
201  xml_comp_t x_cooling_ring = cring;
203  double r = x_cooling_ring.r();
204  double nPhi = x_cooling_ring.nphi();
205  double phiStep = 2. * M_PI / nPhi;
206  double zpos = x_cooling_ring.z_offset();
207  double dz = 2 * (r * M_PI / nPhi -;
209  // Create the segments around the ring
210  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nPhi; ++iphi) {
211  Volume coolingSegement(
212  "CoolingRingSegment",
213  Tube(x_cooling_ring.rmin(), x_cooling_ring.rmax(), dz),
214  oddd.material(x_cooling_ring.materialStr()));
215  coolingSegement.setVisAttributes(oddd, x_cooling_ring.visStr());
217  // position & orientation
218  double phi = iphi * phiStep;
219  Position segementPos(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi), zpos);
220  // Place the support structure
221  motherVolume.placeVolume(
222  coolingSegement,
223  Transform3D(RotationY(0.5 * M_PI) * RotationX(0.5 * M_PI - phi),
224  segementPos));
225  }
226  }
227 }