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1 //
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4 // * *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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25 //
26 // G4LogicalVolume
27 //
28 // Class description:
29 //
30 // Represents a leaf node or unpositioned subtree in the geometry hierarchy.
31 // Logical volumes are named, and may have daughters ascribed to them.
32 // They are responsible for retrieval of the physical and tracking attributes
33 // of the physical volume that it represents: solid, material, magnetic field,
34 // and optionally, user limits, sensitive detectors, regions, biasing weights.
35 //
36 // Get and Set functionality is provided for all attributes, but note that
37 // most set functions should not be used when the geometry is `closed'.
38 // As a further development, `Guard' checks can be added to ensure
39 // only legal operations at tracking time.
40 //
41 // On construction, solid, material and name must be specified.
42 //
43 // Daughters are ascribed and managed by means of a simple
44 // GetNoDaughters,Get/SetDaughter(n),AddDaughter interface.
45 //
46 // Smart voxels as used for tracking optimisation. They're also an attribute.
47 //
48 // Logical volumes self register to the logical volume Store on construction,
49 // and deregister on destruction.
50 //
51 // NOTE: This class is currently *NOT* subclassed, since not meant to
52 // act as a base class. Therefore, the destructor is NOT virtual.
53 //
54 // Data members:
55 //
56 // std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> fDaughters
57 // - Vector of daughters. Given initial size of 0.
58 // G4FieldManager* fFieldManager
59 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to (magnetic or other) field manager object.
60 // G4Material* fMaterial
61 // - Pointer to material at this node.
62 // G4String fName
63 // - Name of logical volume.
64 // G4VSensitiveDetector *fSensitiveDetector
65 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to `Hit' object.
66 // G4VSolid* fSolid
67 // - Pointer to solid.
68 // G4UserLimits* fUserLimits
69 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to user Step limit object for this node.
70 // G4SmartVoxelHeader* fVoxel
71 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to optimisation info objects.
72 // G4bool fOptimise
73 // - Flag to identify if optimisation should be applied or not.
74 // G4bool fRootRegion
75 // - Flag to identify if the logical volume is a root region.
76 // G4double fSmartless
77 // - Quality for optimisation, average number of voxels to be spent
78 // per content.
79 // const G4VisAttributes* fVisAttributes
80 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to visualization attributes.
81 // G4Region* fRegion
82 // - Pointer to the cuts region (if any)
83 // G4MaterialCutsCouple* fCutsCouple
84 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to associated production cuts.
85 // G4double fBiasWeight
86 // - Weight used in the event biasing technique.
87 //
88 // Following data members has been moved to G4Region - M.Asai (Aug/18/2005)
89 // G4FastSimulationManager* fFastSimulationManager
90 // - Pointer (possibly 0) to G4FastSimulationManager object.
91 // G4bool fIsEnvelope
92 // - Flags if the Logical Volume is an envelope for a FastSimulationManager.
94 // 15.01.13 G.Cosmo, A.Dotti: Modified for thread-safety for MT
95 // 12.11.04 G.Cosmo: Added GetMass() method for computing mass of the tree
96 // 24.09.02 G.Cosmo: Added flags and accessors for region cuts handling
97 // 17.05.02 G.Cosmo: Added IsToOptimise() method and related flag
98 // 18.04.01 G.Cosmo: Migrated to STL vector
99 // 12.02.99 S.Giani: Added user defined optimisation quality
100 // 09.11.98 M.Verderi, J.Apostolakis: Added BiasWeight member and accessors
101 // 10.20.97 P.M.DeFreitas: Added pointer to a FastSimulation
102 // J.Apostolakis: & flag to indicate if it is an Envelope for it
103 // 11.07.95 P.Kent: Initial version
104 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 #include <vector>
110 #include "G4Types.hh"
111 #include "G4Region.hh" // Required by inline methods
112 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" // Need operator == for vector fdaughters
113 #include "G4GeomSplitter.hh" // Needed for MT RW data splitting
114 #include "G4Threading.hh"
116 // Forward declarations
117 //
118 class G4FieldManager;
119 class G4Material;
121 class G4VSolid;
122 class G4UserLimits;
123 class G4SmartVoxelHeader;
124 class G4VisAttributes;
128 class G4LVData
129 {
130  // Encapsulates the fields associated to the class
131  // G4LogicalVolume that may not be read-only.
133  public:
135  G4LVData();
136  void initialize()
137  {
138  fSolid = nullptr;
139  fSensitiveDetector = nullptr;
140  fFieldManager = nullptr;
141  fMaterial = nullptr;
142  fMass = 0.0;
143  fCutsCouple = nullptr;
144  }
146  public:
148  G4VSolid* fSolid = nullptr;
149  // Pointer to solid.
151  // Pointer to sensitive detector.
153  // Pointer (possibly nullptr) to (magnetic or other) field manager object.
154  G4Material* fMaterial = nullptr;
155  // Pointer to material at this node.
157  // Mass of the logical volume tree.
159  // Pointer (possibly nullptr) to associated production cuts.
160 };
162 // The type G4LVManager is introduced to encapsulate the methods used by
163 // both the master thread and worker threads to allocate memory space for
164 // the fields encapsulated by the class G4LVData. When each thread
165 // initializes the value for these fields, it refers to them using a macro
166 // definition defined below. For every G4LogicalVolume instance, there is
167 // a corresponding G4LVData instance. All G4LVData instances are organized
168 // by the class G4LVManager as an array.
169 // The field "int instanceID" is added to the class G4LogicalVolume.
170 // The value of this field in each G4LogicalVolume instance is the subscript
171 // of the corresponding G4LVData instance.
172 // In order to use the class G4LVManager, we add a static member in the class
173 // G4LogicalVolume as follows: "static G4LVManager subInstanceManager".
174 // For the master thread, the array for G4LVData instances grows dynamically
175 // along with G4LogicalVolume instances are created. For each worker thread,
176 // it copies the array of G4LVData instances from the master thread.
177 // In addition, it invokes a method similiar to the constructor explicitly
178 // to achieve the partial effect for each instance in the array.
179 //
183 {
184  typedef std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> G4PhysicalVolumeList;
186  public: // with description
188  G4LogicalVolume(G4VSolid* pSolid,
189  G4Material* pMaterial,
190  const G4String& name,
191  G4FieldManager* pFieldMgr = nullptr,
192  G4VSensitiveDetector* pSDetector = nullptr,
193  G4UserLimits* pULimits = nullptr,
194  G4bool optimise = true);
195  // Constructor. The solid and material pointer must be non null.
196  // The parameters for field, detector and user limits are optional.
197  // The volume also enters itself into the logical volume Store.
198  // Optimisation of the geometry (voxelisation) for the volume
199  // hierarchy is applied by default. For parameterised volumes in
200  // the hierarchy, optimisation is -always- applied.
202  virtual ~G4LogicalVolume();
203  // Destructor. Removes the logical volume from the logical volume Store.
204  // This class is NOT meant to act as base class, except for exceptional
205  // circumstances of extended types used in the kernel.
207  G4LogicalVolume(const G4LogicalVolume&) = delete;
208  G4LogicalVolume& operator=(const G4LogicalVolume&) = delete;
209  // Copy-constructor and assignment operator not allowed.
211  inline const G4String& GetName() const;
212  inline void SetName(const G4String& pName);
213  // Returns and sets the name of the logical volume.
215  inline size_t GetNoDaughters() const;
216  // Returns the number of daughters (0 to n).
217  inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetDaughter(const G4int i) const;
218  // Returns the ith daughter. Note numbering starts from 0,
219  // and no bounds checking is performed.
221  // Adds the volume p as a daughter of the current logical volume.
222  inline G4bool IsDaughter(const G4VPhysicalVolume* p) const;
223  // Returns true if the volume p is a daughter of the current
224  // logical volume.
225  G4bool IsAncestor(const G4VPhysicalVolume* p) const;
226  // Returns true if the volume p is part of the hierarchy of
227  // volumes established by the current logical volume. Scans
228  // recursively the volume tree.
229  void RemoveDaughter(const G4VPhysicalVolume* p);
230  // Removes the volume p from the List of daughter of the current
231  // logical volume.
232  void ClearDaughters();
233  // Clears the list of daughters. Used by the phys-volume store when
234  // the geometry tree is cleared, since modified at run-time.
235  G4int TotalVolumeEntities() const;
236  // Returns the total number of physical volumes (replicated or placed)
237  // in the tree represented by the current logical volume.
238  inline EVolume CharacteriseDaughters() const;
239  // Characterise the daughters of this logical volume.
240  inline EVolume DeduceDaughtersType() const;
241  // Used by CharacteriseDaughters().
243  G4VSolid* GetSolid() const;
244  void SetSolid(G4VSolid* pSolid);
245  // Gets and sets the current solid.
247  G4Material* GetMaterial() const;
248  void SetMaterial(G4Material* pMaterial);
249  // Gets and sets the current material.
250  void UpdateMaterial(G4Material* pMaterial);
251  // Sets material and corresponding MaterialCutsCouple.
252  // This method is invoked by G4Navigator while it is navigating through
253  // material parameterization.
254  G4double GetMass(G4bool forced = false, G4bool propagate = true,
255  G4Material* parMaterial = nullptr);
256  // Returns the mass of the logical volume tree computed from the
257  // estimated geometrical volume of each solid and material associated
258  // to the logical volume and (by default) to its daughters.
259  // NOTE: the computation may require a considerable amount of time,
260  // depending from the complexity of the geometry tree.
261  // The returned value is cached and can be used for successive
262  // calls (default), unless recomputation is forced by providing
263  // 'true' for the boolean argument in input. Computation should
264  // be forced if the geometry setup has changed after the previous
265  // call. By setting the 'propagate' boolean flag to 'false' the
266  // method returns the mass of the present logical volume only
267  // (subtracted for the volume occupied by the daughter volumes).
268  // An optional argument to specify a material is also provided.
269  void ResetMass();
270  // Ensure that cached value of Mass is invalidated - due to change in
271  // state, e.g. change of size of Solid, change of type of solid,
272  // or the addition/deletion of a daughter volume.
275  // Gets current FieldManager.
276  void SetFieldManager(G4FieldManager* pFieldMgr, G4bool forceToAllDaughters);
277  // Sets FieldManager and propagates it:
278  // i) only to daughters with G4FieldManager = nullptr
279  // if forceToAllDaughters=false
280  // ii) to all daughters
281  // if forceToAllDaughters=true
284  // Gets current SensitiveDetector.
285  void SetSensitiveDetector(G4VSensitiveDetector* pSDetector);
286  // Sets SensitiveDetector (can be nullptr).
288  inline G4UserLimits* GetUserLimits() const;
289  inline void SetUserLimits(G4UserLimits *pULimits);
290  // Gets and sets current UserLimits.
292  inline G4SmartVoxelHeader* GetVoxelHeader() const;
293  inline void SetVoxelHeader(G4SmartVoxelHeader *pVoxel);
294  // Gets and sets current VoxelHeader.
296  inline G4double GetSmartless() const;
297  inline void SetSmartless(G4double s);
298  // Gets and sets user defined optimisation quality.
300  inline G4bool IsToOptimise() const;
301  // Replies if geometry optimisation (voxelisation) is to be
302  // applied for this volume hierarchy.
303  inline void SetOptimisation(G4bool optim);
304  // Specifies if to apply or not geometry optimisation to this
305  // volume hierarchy. Note that for parameterised volumes in the
306  // hierarchy, optimisation is always applied.
308  inline G4bool IsRootRegion() const;
309  // Replies if the logical volume represents a root region or not.
310  inline void SetRegionRootFlag(G4bool rreg);
311  // Sets/unsets the volume as a root region for cuts.
312  inline G4bool IsRegion() const;
313  // Replies if the logical volume is part of a cuts region or not.
314  inline void SetRegion(G4Region* reg);
315  // Sets/unsets the volume as cuts region.
316  inline G4Region* GetRegion() const;
317  // Return the region to which the volume belongs, if any.
318  inline void PropagateRegion();
319  // Propagates region pointer to daughters.
323  // Accessors for production cuts.
325  G4bool operator == (const G4LogicalVolume& lv) const;
326  // Equality defined by address only.
327  // Returns true if objects are at same address, else false.
329  inline const G4VisAttributes* GetVisAttributes () const;
330  inline void SetVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes* pVA);
331  void SetVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes& VA);
332  // Gets and sets visualization attributes. A copy of 'VA' on the heap
333  // will be made in the case the call with a const reference is used.
336  // Gets current FastSimulationManager pointer if exists, otherwise null.
338  inline void SetBiasWeight (G4double w);
339  inline G4double GetBiasWeight() const;
340  // Sets and gets bias weight.
342  public: // without description
344  G4LogicalVolume(__void__&);
345  // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
346  // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
347  // persistifiable objects.
349  virtual G4bool IsExtended() const;
350  // Return true if it is not a base-class object.
352  inline G4FieldManager* GetMasterFieldManager() const;
353  // Gets current FieldManager for the master thread.
355  // Gets current SensitiveDetector for the master thread.
356  inline G4VSolid* GetMasterSolid() const;
357  // Gets current Solid for the master thread.
359  inline G4int GetInstanceID() const;
360  // Returns the instance ID.
362  static const G4LVManager& GetSubInstanceManager();
363  // Returns the private data instance manager.
365  static void Clean();
366  // Clear memory allocated by sub-instance manager.
368  inline void Lock();
369  // Set lock identifier for final deletion of entity.
371  void InitialiseWorker(G4LogicalVolume* ptrMasterObject,
372  G4VSolid* pSolid, G4VSensitiveDetector* pSDetector);
373  // This method is similar to the constructor. It is used by each worker
374  // thread to achieve the partial effect as that of the master thread.
376  void TerminateWorker(G4LogicalVolume* ptrMasterObject);
377  // This method is similar to the destructor. It is used by each worker
378  // thread to achieve the partial effect as that of the master thread.
380  void AssignFieldManager(G4FieldManager* fldMgr);
381  // Set the FieldManager - only at this level (do not push down hierarchy)
383  static G4VSolid* GetSolid(G4LVData& instLVdata) ; // const;
384  static void SetSolid(G4LVData& instLVdata, G4VSolid* pSolid);
385  // Optimised Methods - passing thread instance of worker data
388  // Change the type of the daughters volume to be of type atype.
389  // Meant for the user who wants to use the external navigator for
390  // the contents of a volume.
391  // Returns: success (true) or failure (false).
393  private:
395  // Data members:
398  // Vector of daughters. Given initial size of 0.
400  // Name of logical volume.
402  // Are contents of volume placements, replica, parameterised or external?
405  // Pointer (possibly nullptr) to user Step limit object for this node.
407  // Pointer (possibly nullptr) to optimisation info objects.
409  // Flag to identify if optimisation should be applied or not.
411  // Flag to identify if the logical volume is a root region.
412  G4bool fLock = false;
413  // Flag to identify if entity is locked for final deletion.
415  // Quality for optimisation, average number of voxels to be spent
416  // per content.
417  const G4VisAttributes* fVisAttributes = nullptr;
418  // Pointer (possibly nullptr) to visualization attributes.
419  G4Region* fRegion = nullptr;
420  // Pointer to the cuts region (if any)
422  // Weight used in the event biasing technique.
425  // This new field is used as instance ID.
427  // This new field helps to use the class G4LVManager introduced above.
429  // Shadow of master pointers.
430  // Each worker thread can access this field from the master thread
431  // through these pointers.
432  //
433  G4VSolid* fSolid = nullptr;
436  G4LVData* lvdata = nullptr; // For use of object persistency
437 };
439 #include "G4LogicalVolume.icc"
441 #endif