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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GeometryIDTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
13 namespace Acts {
14 namespace Test {
16 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryID_construct_default) {
17  GeometryID id;
18  BOOST_TEST(id.volume() == 0u);
19  BOOST_TEST(id.boundary() == 0u);
20  BOOST_TEST(id.layer() == 0u);
21  BOOST_TEST(id.approach() == 0u);
22  BOOST_TEST(id.sensitive() == 0u);
23 }
25 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryID_construct_encoded) {
26  // not sure if it is a good idea to test for the encoding since it should be
27  // an implementation detail. only the resulting functionality is relevant.
28  GeometryID id = 0xa0b00c00d00affe0u;
29  BOOST_TEST(id.volume() == 0xa0u);
30  BOOST_TEST(id.boundary() == 0xb0u);
31  BOOST_TEST(id.layer() == 0x0c0u);
32  BOOST_TEST(id.approach() == 0x0du);
33  BOOST_TEST(id.sensitive() == 0x00affe0u);
34 }
36 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryID_max_values) {
37  // compute maximum value for each component
38  constexpr GeometryID::Value volumeMax = (1u << 8) - 1;
39  constexpr GeometryID::Value boundaryMax = (1u << 8) - 1;
40  constexpr GeometryID::Value layerMax = (1u << 12) - 1;
41  constexpr GeometryID::Value approachMax = (1u << 8) - 1;
42  constexpr GeometryID::Value sensitiveMax = (1u << 28) - 1;
43  // reference values non-zero values everywhere
44  constexpr GeometryID ref = 0xdeadaffe01234567;
45  // values above the maximum are truncated
46  // max+1 has all available bits zeroed
47  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(ref).setVolume(volumeMax + 1) ==
48  GeometryID(ref).setVolume(0u));
49  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(ref).setBoundary(boundaryMax + 1) ==
50  GeometryID(ref).setBoundary(0u));
51  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(ref).setLayer(layerMax + 1) ==
52  GeometryID(ref).setLayer(0u));
53  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(ref).setApproach(approachMax + 1) ==
54  GeometryID(ref).setApproach(0u));
55  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(ref).setSensitive(sensitiveMax + 1) ==
56  GeometryID(ref).setSensitive(0u));
57 }
59 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryID_order) {
60  auto vol1 = GeometryID().setVolume(1u).setLayer(14u).setSensitive(5u);
61  auto vol2 = GeometryID().setVolume(2u).setLayer(13u).setSensitive(3u);
62  // order uses volume first even if other components are larger
63  BOOST_TEST(vol1 < vol2);
64  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setBoundary(64u) < vol2);
65  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setLayer(64u) < vol2);
66  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setApproach(64u) < vol2);
67  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setSensitive(64u) < vol2);
68  BOOST_TEST(vol2 < GeometryID(vol1).setVolume(3u));
69  // other components are hierachical
70  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setVolume(1u).setBoundary(2u) <
71  GeometryID(vol1).setVolume(2u).setBoundary(1u));
72  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setBoundary(1u).setLayer(2u) <
73  GeometryID(vol1).setBoundary(2u).setLayer(1u));
74  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setLayer(1u).setApproach(2u) <
75  GeometryID(vol1).setLayer(2u).setApproach(1u));
76  BOOST_TEST(GeometryID(vol1).setApproach(1u).setSensitive(2u) <
77  GeometryID(vol1).setApproach(2u).setSensitive(1u));
78 }
80 } // namespace Test
81 } // namespace Acts