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1 //
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25 //
26 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27 // Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29 // Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31 // Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32 // Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
33 //
34 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
36 #include "globals.hh"
38 #include <cmath>
40 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
41 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
42 #include "G4INCLXXInterface.hh"
43 #include "G4GenericIon.hh"
44 #include "G4INCLCascade.hh"
46 #include "G4ReactionProduct.hh"
49 #include "G4String.hh"
50 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
51 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
53 #include "G4INCLVersion.hh"
54 #include "G4VEvaporation.hh"
55 #include "G4VEvaporationChannel.hh"
56 #include "G4CompetitiveFission.hh"
61  theINCLModel(NULL),
62  thePreCompoundModel(aPreCompound),
63  theInterfaceStore(G4INCLXXInterfaceStore::GetInstance()),
64  theTally(NULL),
65  complainedAboutBackupModel(false),
66  complainedAboutPreCompound(false),
67  theIonTable(G4IonTable::GetIonTable()),
68  theINCLXXLevelDensity(NULL),
69  theINCLXXFissionProbability(NULL)
70 {
71  if(!thePreCompoundModel) {
74  thePreCompoundModel = static_cast<G4VPreCompoundModel*>(p);
76  }
78  // Use the environment variable G4INCLXX_NO_DE_EXCITATION to disable de-excitation
79  if(std::getenv("G4INCLXX_NO_DE_EXCITATION")) {
80  G4String message = "de-excitation is completely disabled!";
82  theDeExcitation = 0;
83  } else {
86  theDeExcitation = static_cast<G4VPreCompoundModel*>(p);
89  // set the fission parameters for G4ExcitationHandler
90  G4VEvaporationChannel * const theFissionChannel =
92  G4CompetitiveFission * const theFissionChannelCast = dynamic_cast<G4CompetitiveFission *>(theFissionChannel);
93  if(theFissionChannelCast) {
95  theFissionChannelCast->SetLevelDensityParameter(theINCLXXLevelDensity);
98  theFissionChannelCast->SetEmissionStrategy(theINCLXXFissionProbability);
99  theInterfaceStore->EmitBigWarning("INCL++/G4ExcitationHandler uses its own level-density parameter for fission");
100  } else {
101  theInterfaceStore->EmitBigWarning("INCL++/G4ExcitationHandler could not use its own level-density parameter for fission");
102  }
103  }
105  // use the envvar G4INCLXX_DUMP_REMNANT to dump information about the
106  // remnants on stdout
107  if(std::getenv("G4INCLXX_DUMP_REMNANT"))
108  dumpRemnantInfo = true;
109  else
110  dumpRemnantInfo = false;
114 }
117 {
118  delete theINCLXXLevelDensity;
120 }
123  // Use direct kinematics if the projectile is a nucleon or a pion
124  const G4ParticleDefinition *projectileDef = aTrack.GetDefinition();
125  if(std::abs(projectileDef->GetBaryonNumber()) < 2) // Every non-composite particle. abs()-> in case of anti-nucleus projectile
126  return false;
128  // Here all projectiles should be nuclei
129  const G4int pA = projectileDef->GetAtomicMass();
130  if(pA<=0) {
131  std::stringstream ss;
132  ss << "the model does not know how to handle a collision between a "
133  << projectileDef->GetParticleName() << " projectile and a Z="
134  << theNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << ", A=" << theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
136  return true;
137  }
139  // If either nucleus is a LCP (A<=4), run the collision as light on heavy
140  const G4int tA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
141  if(tA<=4 || pA<=4) {
142  if(pA<tA)
143  return false;
144  else
145  return true;
146  }
148  // If one of the nuclei is heavier than theMaxProjMassINCL, run the collision
149  // as light on heavy.
150  // Note that here we are sure that either the projectile or the target is
151  // smaller than theMaxProjMass; otherwise theBackupModel would have been
152  // called.
153  const G4int theMaxProjMassINCL = theInterfaceStore->GetMaxProjMassINCL();
154  if(pA > theMaxProjMassINCL)
155  return true;
156  else if(tA > theMaxProjMassINCL)
157  return false;
158  else
159  // In all other cases, use the global setting
161 }
164 {
165  G4ParticleDefinition const * const trackDefinition = aTrack.GetDefinition();
166  const G4bool isIonTrack = trackDefinition->GetParticleType()==G4GenericIon::GenericIon()->GetParticleType();
167  const G4int trackA = trackDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
168  const G4int trackZ = (G4int) trackDefinition->GetPDGCharge();
169  const G4int nucleusA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
170  const G4int nucleusZ = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
172  // For reactions induced by weird projectiles (e.g. He2), bail out
173  if((isIonTrack && (trackZ<=0 || trackA<=trackZ)) || (nucleusA>1 && (nucleusZ<=0 || nucleusA<=nucleusZ))) {
174  theResult.Clear();
178  return &theResult;
179  }
181  // For reactions on nucleons, use the backup model (without complaining)
182  if(trackA<=1 && nucleusA<=1) {
183  return theBackupModelNucleon->ApplyYourself(aTrack, theNucleus);
184  }
186  // For systems heavier than theMaxProjMassINCL, use another model (typically
187  // BIC)
188  const G4int theMaxProjMassINCL = theInterfaceStore->GetMaxProjMassINCL();
189  if(trackA > theMaxProjMassINCL && nucleusA > theMaxProjMassINCL) {
192  std::stringstream ss;
193  ss << "INCL++ refuses to handle reactions between nuclei with A>"
194  << theMaxProjMassINCL
195  << ". A backup model ("
197  << ") will be used instead.";
199  }
200  return theBackupModel->ApplyYourself(aTrack, theNucleus);
201  }
203  // For energies lower than cascadeMinEnergyPerNucleon, use PreCompound
204  const G4double cascadeMinEnergyPerNucleon = theInterfaceStore->GetCascadeMinEnergyPerNucleon();
205  const G4double trackKinE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy();
206  if((trackDefinition==G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition() || trackDefinition==G4Proton::ProtonDefinition())
207  && trackKinE < cascadeMinEnergyPerNucleon) {
210  std::stringstream ss;
211  ss << "INCL++ refuses to handle nucleon-induced reactions below "
212  << cascadeMinEnergyPerNucleon / MeV
213  << " MeV. A PreCoumpound model ("
215  << ") will be used instead.";
217  }
218  return thePreCompoundModel->ApplyYourself(aTrack, theNucleus);
219  }
221  // Calculate the total four-momentum in the entrance channel
222  const G4double theNucleusMass = theIonTable->GetIonMass(nucleusZ, nucleusA);
223  const G4double theTrackMass = trackDefinition->GetPDGMass();
224  const G4double theTrackEnergy = trackKinE + theTrackMass;
225  const G4double theTrackMomentumAbs2 = theTrackEnergy*theTrackEnergy - theTrackMass*theTrackMass;
226  const G4double theTrackMomentumAbs = ((theTrackMomentumAbs2>0.0) ? std::sqrt(theTrackMomentumAbs2) : 0.0);
227  const G4ThreeVector theTrackMomentum = aTrack.Get4Momentum().getV().unit() * theTrackMomentumAbs;
229  G4LorentzVector goodTrack4Momentum(theTrackMomentum, theTrackEnergy);
230  G4LorentzVector fourMomentumIn;
231  fourMomentumIn.setE(theTrackEnergy + theNucleusMass);
232  fourMomentumIn.setVect(theTrackMomentum);
234  // Check if inverse kinematics should be used
235  const G4bool inverseKinematics = AccurateProjectile(aTrack, theNucleus);
237  // If we are running in inverse kinematics, redefine aTrack and theNucleus
238  G4LorentzRotation *toInverseKinematics = NULL;
239  G4LorentzRotation *toDirectKinematics = NULL;
240  G4HadProjectile const *aProjectileTrack = &aTrack;
241  G4Nucleus *theTargetNucleus = &theNucleus;
242  if(inverseKinematics) {
243  G4ParticleDefinition *oldTargetDef = theIonTable->GetIon(nucleusZ, nucleusA, 0);
244  const G4ParticleDefinition *oldProjectileDef = trackDefinition;
246  if(oldProjectileDef != 0 && oldTargetDef != 0) {
247  const G4int newTargetA = oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicMass();
248  const G4int newTargetZ = oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicNumber();
250  if(newTargetA > 0 && newTargetZ > 0) {
251  // This should give us the same energy per nucleon
252  theTargetNucleus = new G4Nucleus(newTargetA, newTargetZ);
253  toInverseKinematics = new G4LorentzRotation(goodTrack4Momentum.boostVector());
254  G4LorentzVector theProjectile4Momentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, theNucleusMass);
255  G4DynamicParticle swappedProjectileParticle(oldTargetDef, (*toInverseKinematics) * theProjectile4Momentum);
256  aProjectileTrack = new G4HadProjectile(swappedProjectileParticle);
257  } else {
258  G4String message = "badly defined target after swapping. Falling back to normal (non-swapped) mode.";
259  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(message);
260  toInverseKinematics = new G4LorentzRotation;
261  }
262  } else {
263  G4String message = "oldProjectileDef or oldTargetDef was null";
264  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(message);
265  toInverseKinematics = new G4LorentzRotation;
266  }
267  }
269  // INCL assumes the projectile particle is going in the direction of
270  // the Z-axis. Here we construct proper rotation to convert the
271  // momentum vectors of the outcoming particles to the original
272  // coordinate system.
273  G4LorentzVector projectileMomentum = aProjectileTrack->Get4Momentum();
275  // INCL++ assumes that the projectile is going in the direction of
276  // the z-axis. In principle, if the coordinate system used by G4
277  // hadronic framework is defined differently we need a rotation to
278  // transform the INCL++ reaction products to the appropriate
279  // frame. Please note that it isn't necessary to apply this
280  // transform to the projectile because when creating the INCL++
281  // projectile particle; \see{toINCLKineticEnergy} needs to use only the
282  // projectile energy (direction is simply assumed to be along z-axis).
283  G4RotationMatrix toZ;
284  toZ.rotateZ(-projectileMomentum.phi());
285  toZ.rotateY(-projectileMomentum.theta());
286  G4RotationMatrix toLabFrame3 = toZ.inverse();
287  G4LorentzRotation toLabFrame(toLabFrame3);
288  // However, it turns out that the projectile given to us by G4
289  // hadronic framework is already going in the direction of the
290  // z-axis so this rotation is actually unnecessary. Both toZ and
291  // toLabFrame turn out to be unit matrices as can be seen by
292  // uncommenting the folowing two lines:
293  // G4cout <<"toZ = " << toZ << G4endl;
294  // G4cout <<"toLabFrame = " << toLabFrame << G4endl;
296  theResult.Clear(); // Make sure the output data structure is clean.
299  std::list<G4Fragment> remnants;
301  const G4int maxTries = 200;
302  G4int nTries = 0;
303  // INCL can generate transparent events. However, this is meaningful
304  // only in the standalone code. In Geant4 we must "force" INCL to
305  // produce a valid cascade.
306  G4bool eventIsOK = false;
307  do {
308  const G4INCL::ParticleSpecies theSpecies = toINCLParticleSpecies(*aProjectileTrack);
309  const G4double kineticEnergy = toINCLKineticEnergy(*aProjectileTrack);
311  // The INCL model will be created at the first use
314  const G4INCL::EventInfo eventInfo = theINCLModel->processEvent(theSpecies, kineticEnergy, theTargetNucleus->GetA_asInt(), theTargetNucleus->GetZ_asInt(),0);
315  // eventIsOK = !eventInfo.transparent && nTries < maxTries;
316  eventIsOK = !eventInfo.transparent;
317  if(eventIsOK) {
319  // If the collision was run in inverse kinematics, prepare to boost back
320  // all the reaction products
321  if(inverseKinematics) {
322  toDirectKinematics = new G4LorentzRotation(toInverseKinematics->inverse());
323  }
325  G4LorentzVector fourMomentumOut;
327  for(G4int i = 0; i < eventInfo.nParticles; ++i) {
328  G4int A = eventInfo.A[i];
329  G4int Z = eventInfo.Z[i];
330  G4int PDGCode = eventInfo.PDGCode[i];
331  // G4cout <<"INCL particle A = " << A << " Z = " << Z << G4endl;
332  G4double kinE = eventInfo.EKin[i];
333  G4double px = eventInfo.px[i];
334  G4double py =[i];
335  G4double pz = eventInfo.pz[i];
336  G4DynamicParticle *p = toG4Particle(A, Z, PDGCode, kinE, px, py, pz);
337  if(p != 0) {
340  // Apply the toLabFrame rotation
341  momentum *= toLabFrame;
342  // Apply the inverse-kinematics boost
343  if(inverseKinematics) {
344  momentum *= *toDirectKinematics;
345  momentum.setVect(-momentum.vect());
346  }
348  // Set the four-momentum of the reaction products
349  p->Set4Momentum(momentum);
350  fourMomentumOut += momentum;
353  } else {
354  G4String message = "the model produced a particle that couldn't be converted to Geant4 particle.";
355  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(message);
356  }
357  }
359  for(G4int i = 0; i < eventInfo.nRemnants; ++i) {
360  const G4int A = eventInfo.ARem[i];
361  const G4int Z = eventInfo.ZRem[i];
362  // G4cout <<"INCL particle A = " << A << " Z = " << Z << G4endl;
363  const G4double kinE = eventInfo.EKinRem[i];
364  const G4double px = eventInfo.pxRem[i];
365  const G4double py = eventInfo.pyRem[i];
366  const G4double pz = eventInfo.pzRem[i];
367  G4ThreeVector spin(
368  eventInfo.jxRem[i]*hbar_Planck,
369  eventInfo.jyRem[i]*hbar_Planck,
370  eventInfo.jzRem[i]*hbar_Planck
371  );
372  const G4double excitationE = eventInfo.EStarRem[i];
373  const G4double nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(A, Z) + excitationE;
374  const G4double scaling = remnant4MomentumScaling(nuclearMass,
375  kinE,
376  px, py, pz);
377  G4LorentzVector fourMomentum(scaling * px, scaling * py, scaling * pz,
378  nuclearMass + kinE);
379  if(std::abs(scaling - 1.0) > 0.01) {
380  std::stringstream ss;
381  ss << "momentum scaling = " << scaling
382  << "\n Lorentz vector = " << fourMomentum
383  << ")\n A = " << A << ", Z = " << Z
384  << "\n E* = " << excitationE << ", nuclearMass = " << nuclearMass
385  << "\n remnant i=" << i << ", nRemnants=" << eventInfo.nRemnants
386  << "\n Reaction was: " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
387  << "-MeV " << trackDefinition->GetParticleName() << " + "
388  << theIonTable->GetIonName(theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(), theNucleus.GetA_asInt(), 0)
389  << ", in " << (inverseKinematics ? "inverse" : "direct") << " kinematics.";
390  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(ss.str());
391  }
393  // Apply the toLabFrame rotation
394  fourMomentum *= toLabFrame;
395  spin *= toLabFrame3;
396  // Apply the inverse-kinematics boost
397  if(inverseKinematics) {
398  fourMomentum *= *toDirectKinematics;
399  fourMomentum.setVect(-fourMomentum.vect());
400  }
402  fourMomentumOut += fourMomentum;
403  G4Fragment remnant(A, Z, fourMomentum);
404  remnant.SetAngularMomentum(spin);
405  if(dumpRemnantInfo) {
406  G4cerr << "G4INCLXX_DUMP_REMNANT: " << remnant << " spin: " << spin << G4endl;
407  }
408  remnants.push_back(remnant);
409  }
411  // Check four-momentum conservation
412  const G4LorentzVector violation4Momentum = fourMomentumOut - fourMomentumIn;
413  const G4double energyViolation = std::abs(violation4Momentum.e());
414  const G4double momentumViolation = violation4Momentum.rho();
415  if(energyViolation > G4INCLXXInterfaceStore::GetInstance()->GetConservationTolerance()) {
416  std::stringstream ss;
417  ss << "energy conservation violated by " << energyViolation/MeV << " MeV in "
418  << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV << "-MeV " << trackDefinition->GetParticleName()
419  << " + " << theIonTable->GetIonName(theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(), theNucleus.GetA_asInt(), 0)
420  << " inelastic reaction, in " << (inverseKinematics ? "inverse" : "direct") << " kinematics. Will resample.";
421  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(ss.str());
422  eventIsOK = false;
423  const G4int nSecondaries = theResult.GetNumberOfSecondaries();
424  for(G4int j=0; j<nSecondaries; ++j)
425  delete theResult.GetSecondary(j)->GetParticle();
426  theResult.Clear();
428  remnants.clear();
429  } else if(momentumViolation > G4INCLXXInterfaceStore::GetInstance()->GetConservationTolerance()) {
430  std::stringstream ss;
431  ss << "momentum conservation violated by " << momentumViolation/MeV << " MeV in "
432  << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV << "-MeV " << trackDefinition->GetParticleName()
433  << " + " << theIonTable->GetIonName(theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(), theNucleus.GetA_asInt(), 0)
434  << " inelastic reaction, in " << (inverseKinematics ? "inverse" : "direct") << " kinematics. Will resample.";
435  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(ss.str());
436  eventIsOK = false;
437  const G4int nSecondaries = theResult.GetNumberOfSecondaries();
438  for(G4int j=0; j<nSecondaries; ++j)
439  delete theResult.GetSecondary(j)->GetParticle();
440  theResult.Clear();
442  remnants.clear();
443  }
444  }
445  nTries++;
446  } while(!eventIsOK && nTries < maxTries); /* Loop checking, 10.07.2015, D.Mancusi */
448  // Clean up the objects that we created for the inverse kinematics
449  if(inverseKinematics) {
450  delete aProjectileTrack;
451  delete theTargetNucleus;
452  delete toInverseKinematics;
453  delete toDirectKinematics;
454  }
456  if(!eventIsOK) {
457  std::stringstream ss;
458  ss << "maximum number of tries exceeded for the proposed "
459  << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV << "-MeV " << trackDefinition->GetParticleName()
460  << " + " << theIonTable->GetIonName(nucleusZ, nucleusA, 0)
461  << " inelastic reaction, in " << (inverseKinematics ? "inverse" : "direct") << " kinematics.";
462  theInterfaceStore->EmitWarning(ss.str());
466  return &theResult;
467  }
469  // De-excitation:
471  if(theDeExcitation != 0) {
472  for(std::list<G4Fragment>::iterator i = remnants.begin();
473  i != remnants.end(); ++i) {
474  G4ReactionProductVector *deExcitationResult = theDeExcitation->DeExcite((*i));
476  for(G4ReactionProductVector::iterator fragment = deExcitationResult->begin();
477  fragment != deExcitationResult->end(); ++fragment) {
478  const G4ParticleDefinition *def = (*fragment)->GetDefinition();
479  if(def != 0) {
480  G4DynamicParticle *theFragment = new G4DynamicParticle(def, (*fragment)->GetMomentum());
481  theResult.AddSecondary(theFragment);
482  }
483  }
485  for(G4ReactionProductVector::iterator fragment = deExcitationResult->begin();
486  fragment != deExcitationResult->end(); ++fragment) {
487  delete (*fragment);
488  }
489  deExcitationResult->clear();
490  delete deExcitationResult;
491  }
492  }
494  remnants.clear();
497  theTally->Tally(aTrack, theNucleus, theResult);
499  return &theResult;
500 }
503  return 0;
504 }
507  if( pdef == G4Proton::Proton()) return G4INCL::Proton;
508  else if(pdef == G4Neutron::Neutron()) return G4INCL::Neutron;
509  else if(pdef == G4PionPlus::PionPlus()) return G4INCL::PiPlus;
510  else if(pdef == G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) return G4INCL::PiMinus;
511  else if(pdef == G4PionZero::PionZero()) return G4INCL::PiZero;
512  else if(pdef == G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus()) return G4INCL::KPlus;
513  else if(pdef == G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus()) return G4INCL::KMinus;
514  else if(pdef == G4Deuteron::Deuteron()) return G4INCL::Composite;
515  else if(pdef == G4Triton::Triton()) return G4INCL::Composite;
516  else if(pdef == G4He3::He3()) return G4INCL::Composite;
517  else if(pdef == G4Alpha::Alpha()) return G4INCL::Composite;
519  else return G4INCL::UnknownParticle;
520 }
523  const G4ParticleDefinition *pdef = aTrack.GetDefinition();
524  const G4INCL::ParticleType theType = toINCLParticleType(pdef);
525  if(theType!=G4INCL::Composite)
526  return G4INCL::ParticleSpecies(theType);
527  else {
528  G4INCL::ParticleSpecies theSpecies;
529  theSpecies.theType=theType;
530  theSpecies.theA=pdef->GetAtomicMass();
531  theSpecies.theZ=pdef->GetAtomicNumber();
532  return theSpecies;
533  }
534 }
537  return aTrack.GetKineticEnergy();
538 }
541  if(PDGCode == 2212) return G4Proton::Proton();
542  else if(PDGCode == 2112) return G4Neutron::Neutron();
543  else if(PDGCode == 211) return G4PionPlus::PionPlus();
544  else if(PDGCode == 111) return G4PionZero::PionZero();
545  else if(PDGCode == -211) return G4PionMinus::PionMinus();
547  else if(PDGCode == 221) return G4Eta::Eta();
548  else if(PDGCode == 22) return G4Gamma::Gamma();
550  else if(PDGCode == 3122) return G4Lambda::Lambda();
551  else if(PDGCode == 3222) return G4SigmaPlus::SigmaPlus();
552  else if(PDGCode == 3212) return G4SigmaZero::SigmaZero();
553  else if(PDGCode == 3112) return G4SigmaMinus::SigmaMinus();
554  else if(PDGCode == 321) return G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus();
555  else if(PDGCode == -321) return G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus();
556  else if(PDGCode == 130) return G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLong();
557  else if(PDGCode == 310) return G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShort();
559  else if(PDGCode == 1002) return G4Deuteron::Deuteron();
560  else if(PDGCode == 1003) return G4Triton::Triton();
561  else if(PDGCode == 2003) return G4He3::He3();
562  else if(PDGCode == 2004) return G4Alpha::Alpha();
563  else if(A > 0 && Z > 0 && A > Z) { // Returns ground state ion definition. No hyper-nucleus allows in Geant4
564  return theIonTable->GetIon(Z, A, 0);
565  } else { // Error, unrecognized particle
566  return 0;
567  }
568 }
571  G4double kinE,
572  G4double px,
573  G4double py, G4double pz) const {
574  const G4ParticleDefinition *def = toG4ParticleDefinition(A, Z, PDGCode);
575  if(def == 0) { // Check if we have a valid particle definition
576  return 0;
577  }
578  const G4double energy = kinE * MeV;
579  const G4ThreeVector momentum(px, py, pz);
580  const G4ThreeVector momentumDirection = momentum.unit();
581  G4DynamicParticle *p = new G4DynamicParticle(def, momentumDirection, energy);
582  return p;
583 }
586  G4double kineticE,
587  G4double px, G4double py,
588  G4double pz) const {
589  const G4double p2 = px*px + py*py + pz*pz;
590  if(p2 > 0.0) {
591  const G4double pnew2 = kineticE*kineticE + 2.0*kineticE*mass;
592  return std::sqrt(pnew2)/std::sqrt(p2);
593  } else {
594  return 1.0;
595  }
596 }
598 void G4INCLXXInterface::ModelDescription(std::ostream& outFile) const {
599  outFile
600  << "The Li�ge Intranuclear Cascade (INCL++) is a model for reactions induced\n"
601  << "by nucleons, pions and light ion on any nucleus. The reaction is\n"
602  << "described as an avalanche of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, which can\n"
603  << "lead to the emission of energetic particles and to the formation of an\n"
604  << "excited thermalised nucleus (remnant). The de-excitation of the remnant is\n"
605  << "outside the scope of INCL++ and is typically described by another model.\n\n"
606  << "INCL++ has been reasonably well tested for nucleon (~50 MeV to ~15 GeV),\n"
607  << "pion (idem) and light-ion projectiles (up to A=18, ~10A MeV to 1A GeV).\n"
608  << "Most tests involved target nuclei close to the stability valley, with\n"
609  << "numbers between 4 and 250.\n\n"
610  << "Reference: D. Mancusi et al., Phys. Rev. C90 (2014) 054602\n\n";
611 }
614  return theDeExcitation->GetModelName();
615 }