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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LayerArrayCreator.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 // LayerArrayCreator.cpp, Acts project
14 #include <cmath>
17 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
30 std::unique_ptr<const Acts::LayerArray> Acts::LayerArrayCreator::layerArray(
31  const GeometryContext& gctx, const LayerVector& layersInput, double min,
32  double max, BinningType bType, BinningValue bValue) const {
33  ACTS_VERBOSE("Build LayerArray with " << layersInput.size()
34  << " layers at input.");
35  ACTS_VERBOSE(" min/max provided : " << min << " / " << max);
36  ACTS_VERBOSE(" binning type : " << bType);
37  ACTS_VERBOSE(" binning value : " << bValue);
39  // create a local copy of the layer vector
40  LayerVector layers(layersInput);
42  // sort it accordingly to the binning value
43  GeometryObjectSorterT<std::shared_ptr<const Layer>> layerSorter(gctx, bValue);
44  std::sort(layers.begin(), layers.end(), layerSorter);
45  // useful typedef
46  using LayerOrderPosition = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const Layer>, Vector3D>;
47  // needed for all cases
48  std::shared_ptr<const Layer> layer = nullptr;
49  std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> binUtility = nullptr;
50  std::vector<LayerOrderPosition> layerOrderVector;
52  // switch the binning type
53  switch (bType) {
54  // equidistant binning - no navigation layers built - only equdistant layers
55  case equidistant: {
56  // loop over layers and put them in
57  for (auto& layIter : layers) {
58  ACTS_VERBOSE("equidistant : registering a Layer at binning position : "
59  << (layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)));
60  layerOrderVector.push_back(LayerOrderPosition(
61  layIter, layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)));
62  }
63  // create the binUitlity
64  binUtility = std::make_unique<const BinUtility>(layers.size(), min, max,
65  open, bValue);
66  ACTS_VERBOSE("equidistant : created a BinUtility as " << *binUtility);
67  } break;
69  // arbitrary binning
70  case arbitrary: {
71  std::vector<float> boundaries;
72  // initial step
73  boundaries.push_back(min);
74  double layerValue = 0.;
75  double layerThickness = 0.;
76  std::shared_ptr<const Layer> navLayer = nullptr;
77  std::shared_ptr<const Layer> lastLayer = nullptr;
78  // loop over layers
79  for (auto& layIter : layers) {
80  // estimate the offset
81  layerThickness = layIter->thickness();
82  layerValue = layIter->binningPositionValue(gctx, bValue);
83  // register the new boundaries in the step vector
84  boundaries.push_back(layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness);
85  boundaries.push_back(layerValue + 0.5 * layerThickness);
86  // calculate the layer value for the offset
87  double navigationValue = 0.5 * ((layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness) +
88 - 3));
89  // if layers are attached to each other bail out - navigation will not
90  // work anymore
91  if (navigationValue == (layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness)) {
93  "Layers are attached to each other at: "
94  << layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness
95  << ", which corrupts "
96  "navigation. This should never happen. Please detach the "
97  "layers in your geometry description.");
98  }
99  // if layers are overlapping bail out
100  if (navigationValue > (layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness)) {
101  ACTS_ERROR("Layers are overlapping at: "
102  << layerValue - 0.5 * layerThickness
103  << ". This should never happen. "
104  "Please check your geometry description.");
105  }
107  // create the navigation layer surface from the layer
108  std::shared_ptr<const Surface> navLayerSurface =
109  createNavigationSurface(gctx, *layIter, bValue,
110  -std::abs(layerValue - navigationValue));
112  "arbitrary : creating a NavigationLayer at "
113  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).x() << ", "
114  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).y() << ", "
115  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).z());
116  navLayer = NavigationLayer::create(std::move(navLayerSurface));
117  // push the navigation layer in
118  layerOrderVector.push_back(LayerOrderPosition(
119  navLayer, navLayer->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)));
121  // push the original layer in
122  layerOrderVector.push_back(LayerOrderPosition(
123  layIter, layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)));
124  ACTS_VERBOSE("arbitrary : registering MaterialLayer at "
125  << (layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).x() << ", "
126  << (layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).y() << ", "
127  << (layIter->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).z());
128  // remember the last
129  lastLayer = layIter;
130  }
131  // a final navigation layer
132  // calculate the layer value for the offset
133  double navigationValue =
134  0.5 * ( - 1) + max);
135  // create navigation layer only when necessary
136  if (navigationValue != max) {
137  // create the navigation layer surface from the layer
138  std::shared_ptr<const Surface> navLayerSurface =
139  createNavigationSurface(gctx, *lastLayer, bValue,
140  navigationValue - layerValue);
142  "arbitrary : creating a NavigationLayer at "
143  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).x() << ", "
144  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).y() << ", "
145  << (navLayerSurface->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)).z());
146  navLayer = NavigationLayer::create(std::move(navLayerSurface));
147  // push the navigation layer in
148  layerOrderVector.push_back(LayerOrderPosition(
149  navLayer, navLayer->binningPosition(gctx, bValue)));
150  }
151  // now close the boundaries
152  boundaries.push_back(max);
153  // some screen output
154  ACTS_VERBOSE(layerOrderVector.size()
155  << " Layers (material + navigation) built. ");
156  // create the BinUtility
157  binUtility = std::make_unique<const BinUtility>(boundaries, open, bValue);
158  ACTS_VERBOSE("arbitrary : created a BinUtility as " << *binUtility);
160  } break;
161  // default return nullptr
162  default: {
163  return nullptr;
164  }
165  }
166  // return the binned array
167  return std::make_unique<const BinnedArrayXD<LayerPtr>>(layerOrderVector,
168  std::move(binUtility));
169 }
172  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Layer& layer, BinningValue bValue,
173  double offset) const {
174  // surface reference
175  const Surface& layerSurface = layer.surfaceRepresentation();
176  // translation to be applied
177  Vector3D translation(0., 0., 0.);
178  // switching he binnig values
179  switch (bValue) {
180  // case x
181  case binX: {
182  translation = Vector3D(offset, 0., 0.);
183  } break;
184  // case y
185  case binY: {
186  translation = Vector3D(0., offset, 0.);
187  } break;
188  // case z
189  case binZ: {
190  translation = Vector3D(0., 0., offset);
191  } break;
192  // case R
193  case binR: {
194  // binning in R and cylinder surface means something different
195  if (layerSurface.type() == Surface::Cylinder) {
196  break;
197  }
198  translation = Vector3D(offset, 0., 0.);
199  } break;
200  // do nothing for the default
201  default: {
202  ACTS_WARNING("Not yet implemented.");
203  }
204  }
205  // navigation surface
206  std::shared_ptr<Surface> navigationSurface;
207  // for everything else than a cylinder it's a copy with shift
208  if (layerSurface.type() == Surface::Plane) {
209  // create a transform that does the shift
210  Transform3D shift = Transform3D(Translation3D(translation));
211  const PlaneSurface* plane =
212  dynamic_cast<const PlaneSurface*>(&layerSurface);
213  navigationSurface = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(gctx, *plane, shift);
214  } else if (layerSurface.type() == Surface::Disc) {
215  // create a transform that does the shift
216  Transform3D shift = Transform3D(Translation3D(translation));
217  const DiscSurface* disc = dynamic_cast<const DiscSurface*>(&layerSurface);
218  navigationSurface = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(gctx, *disc, shift);
219  } else if (layerSurface.type() == Surface::Cylinder) {
220  // get the bounds
221  const CylinderBounds* cBounds =
222  dynamic_cast<const CylinderBounds*>(&(layerSurface.bounds()));
223  double navigationR = cBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eR) + offset;
224  double halflengthZ = cBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ);
225  // create the new layer surface
226  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D> navTrasform =
227  (!layerSurface.transform(gctx).isApprox(s_idTransform))
228  ? std::make_shared<const Transform3D>(layerSurface.transform(gctx))
229  : nullptr;
230  // new navigation layer
231  auto cylinderBounds =
232  std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(navigationR, halflengthZ);
233  navigationSurface =
234  Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(navTrasform, cylinderBounds);
235  } else {
236  ACTS_WARNING("Not implemented.");
237  }
238  return navigationSurface;
239 }