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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ParticleSelector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
13 #include <stdexcept>
14 #include <vector>
20 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
23  using boost::program_options::bool_switch;
25  using Options::Interval;
27  auto opt = desc.add_options();
28  opt("select-rho-mm", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
29  "Select particle transverse distance to the origin in mm");
30  opt("select-absz-mm", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
31  "Select particle absolute longitudinal distance to the origin in mm");
32  opt("select-phi-degree", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
33  "Select particle direction angle in the transverse plane in degree");
34  opt("select-eta", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
35  "Select particle pseudo-rapidity");
36  opt("select-abseta", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
37  "Select particle absolute pseudo-rapidity");
38  opt("select-pt-gev", value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX"),
39  "Select particle transverse momentum in GeV");
40  opt("remove-charged", bool_switch(), "Remove charged particles");
41  opt("remove-neutral", bool_switch(), "Remove neutral particles");
42 }
45  const FW::Options::Variables& vars) {
46  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
48  // Set boundary values if the given config exists
49  auto extractInterval = [&](const char* name, auto unit, auto& lower,
50  auto& upper) {
51  if (vars[name].empty()) {
52  return;
53  }
54  auto interval = vars[name].as<Options::Interval>();
55  lower = interval.lower.value_or(lower) * unit;
56  upper = interval.upper.value_or(upper) * unit;
57  };
59  Config cfg;
60  extractInterval("select-rho-mm", 1_mm, cfg.rhoMin, cfg.rhoMax);
61  extractInterval("select-absz-mm", 1_mm, cfg.absZMin, cfg.absZMax);
62  extractInterval("select-phi-degree", 1_degree, cfg.phiMin, cfg.phiMax);
63  extractInterval("select-eta", 1.0, cfg.etaMin, cfg.etaMax);
64  extractInterval("select-abseta", 1.0, cfg.absEtaMin, cfg.absEtaMax);
65  extractInterval("select-pt-gev", 1_GeV, cfg.ptMin, cfg.ptMax);
66  cfg.removeCharged = vars["remove-charged"].as<bool>();
67  cfg.removeNeutral = vars["remove-neutral"].as<bool>();
68  return cfg;
69 }
73  : FW::BareAlgorithm("ParticleSelector", lvl), m_cfg(cfg) {
74  if (m_cfg.inputEvent.empty()) {
75  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input event collection");
76  }
77  if (m_cfg.outputEvent.empty()) {
78  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output event collection");
79  }
80  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle rho [" << m_cfg.rhoMin << "," << m_cfg.rhoMax
81  << "]");
82  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle |z| [" << m_cfg.absZMin << "," << m_cfg.absZMax
83  << "]");
84  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle phi [" << m_cfg.phiMin << "," << m_cfg.phiMax
85  << "]");
86  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle eta [" << m_cfg.etaMin << "," << m_cfg.etaMax
87  << "]");
88  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle |eta| [" << m_cfg.absEtaMin << ","
89  << m_cfg.absEtaMax << "]");
90  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle pt [" << m_cfg.ptMin << "," << m_cfg.ptMax
91  << "]");
92  ACTS_DEBUG("remove charged particles " << m_cfg.removeCharged);
93  ACTS_DEBUG("remove neutral particles " << m_cfg.removeNeutral);
94 }
97  const FW::AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
98  using SimEvent = std::vector<SimVertex>;
100  // prepare input/ output types
101  const auto& input = ctx.eventStore.get<SimEvent>(m_cfg.inputEvent);
102  SimEvent selected;
104  auto within = [](double x, double min, double max) {
105  return (min <= x) and (x < max);
106  };
107  auto isValidParticle = [&](const ActsFatras::Particle& p) {
108  const auto eta = Acts::VectorHelpers::eta(p.unitDirection());
109  const auto phi = Acts::VectorHelpers::phi(p.unitDirection());
110  const auto rho = Acts::VectorHelpers::perp(p.position());
111  // defined charge selection
112  const bool validNeutral = (p.charge() == 0) and not m_cfg.removeNeutral;
113  const bool validCharged = (p.charge() != 0) and not m_cfg.removeCharged;
114  const bool validCharge = validNeutral or validCharged;
115  return validCharge and
116  within(p.transverseMomentum(), m_cfg.ptMin, m_cfg.ptMax) and
117  within(std::abs(eta), m_cfg.absEtaMin, m_cfg.absEtaMax) and
118  within(eta, m_cfg.etaMin, m_cfg.etaMax) and
119  within(phi, m_cfg.phiMin, m_cfg.phiMax) and
120  within(std::abs(p.position().z()), m_cfg.absZMin, m_cfg.absZMax) and
121  within(rho, m_cfg.rhoMin, m_cfg.rhoMax);
122  };
124  std::size_t allParticles = 0;
125  std::size_t selectedParticles = 0;
127  selected.reserve(input.size());
128  for (const auto& inputVertex : input) {
129  allParticles += inputVertex.incoming.size();
130  allParticles += inputVertex.outgoing.size();
132  SimVertex vertex(inputVertex.position4, inputVertex.process);
133  // copy selected particles over
134  std::copy_if(inputVertex.incoming.begin(), inputVertex.incoming.end(),
135  std::back_inserter(vertex.incoming), isValidParticle);
136  std::copy_if(inputVertex.outgoing.begin(), inputVertex.outgoing.end(),
137  std::back_inserter(vertex.outgoing), isValidParticle);
139  // only retain vertex if it still contains particles
140  if (vertex.incoming.empty() and vertex.outgoing.empty()) {
141  continue;
142  }
144  selectedParticles += vertex.incoming.size();
145  selectedParticles += vertex.outgoing.size();
146  selected.push_back(std::move(vertex));
147  }
149  ACTS_DEBUG("event " << ctx.eventNumber << " selected " << selectedParticles
150  << " from " << allParticles << " particles");
152  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputEvent, std::move(selected));
153  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
154 }