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1 //
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4 // * *
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26 //
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <signal.h>
31 #include "G4RPGTwoCluster.hh"
32 #include "G4Log.hh"
33 #include "G4Pow.hh"
34 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
35 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
36 #include "Randomize.hh"
37 #include "G4Poisson.hh"
41  : G4RPGReaction() {}
45 ReactionStage(const G4HadProjectile* originalIncident,
46  G4ReactionProduct& modifiedOriginal,
47  G4bool& incidentHasChanged,
48  const G4DynamicParticle* originalTarget,
49  G4ReactionProduct& targetParticle,
50  G4bool& targetHasChanged,
51  const G4Nucleus& targetNucleus,
52  G4ReactionProduct& currentParticle,
54  G4int& vecLen,
55  G4bool leadFlag,
56  G4ReactionProduct& leadingStrangeParticle)
57 {
58  // Derived from H. Fesefeldt's FORTRAN code TWOCLU
59  //
60  // A simple two cluster model is used to generate x- and pt- values for
61  // incident, target, and all secondary particles.
62  // This should be sufficient for low energy interactions.
64  G4int i;
70  G4bool veryForward = false;
72  const G4double protonMass = aProton->GetPDGMass()/MeV;
73  const G4double ekOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
74  const G4double etOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetTotalEnergy()/GeV;
75  const G4double mOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetMass()/GeV;
76  const G4double pOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().mag()/GeV;
77  G4double targetMass = targetParticle.GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass()/GeV;
78  G4double centerofmassEnergy = std::sqrt(mOriginal*mOriginal +
79  targetMass*targetMass +
80  2.0*targetMass*etOriginal); // GeV
81  G4double currentMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
82  targetMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
84  if (currentMass == 0.0 && targetMass == 0.0) {
85  G4double ek = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy();
86  G4ThreeVector mom = currentParticle.GetMomentum();
87  currentParticle = *vec[0];
88  targetParticle = *vec[1];
89  for (i = 0; i < (vecLen-2); ++i) *vec[i] = *vec[i+2];
90  if (vecLen < 2) {
91  for (G4int j = 0; j < vecLen; j++) delete vec[j];
92  vecLen = 0;
93  throw G4HadReentrentException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
94  "G4RPGTwoCluster::ReactionStage : Negative number of particles");
95  }
96  delete vec[vecLen-1];
97  delete vec[vecLen-2];
98  vecLen -= 2;
99  currentMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
100  targetMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
101  incidentHasChanged = true;
102  targetHasChanged = true;
103  currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy(ek);
104  currentParticle.SetMomentum(mom);
105  veryForward = true;
106  }
108  const G4double atomicWeight = targetNucleus.GetA_asInt();
109  const G4double atomicNumber = targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
111  // particles have been distributed in forward and backward hemispheres
112  // in center of mass system of the hadron nucleon interaction
114  // Incident particle always in forward hemisphere
116  G4int forwardCount = 1; // number of particles in forward hemisphere
117  currentParticle.SetSide( 1 );
118  G4double forwardMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
119  G4double cMass = forwardMass;
121  // Target particle always in backward hemisphere
122  G4int backwardCount = 1; // number of particles in backward hemisphere
123  targetParticle.SetSide( -1 );
124  G4double backwardMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
125  G4double bMass = backwardMass;
127  // G4int backwardNucleonCount = 1; // number of nucleons in backward hemisphere
128  for (i = 0; i < vecLen; ++i) {
129  if (vec[i]->GetSide() < 0) vec[i]->SetSide(-1); // to take care of
130  // case where vec has been preprocessed by GenerateXandPt
131  // and some of them have been set to -2 or -3
132  if (vec[i]->GetSide() == -1) {
133  ++backwardCount;
134  backwardMass += vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV;
135  } else {
136  ++forwardCount;
137  forwardMass += vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV;
138  }
139  }
141  // Add nucleons and some pions from intra-nuclear cascade
142  G4double term1 = G4Log(centerofmassEnergy*centerofmassEnergy);
143  if(term1 < 0) term1 = 0.0001; // making sure xtarg<0;
144  const G4double afc = 0.312 + 0.2 * G4Log(term1);
145  G4double xtarg;
146  G4double a13 = G4Pow::GetInstance()->A13(atomicWeight); // A**(1/3)
147  if( centerofmassEnergy < 2.0+G4UniformRand() ) // added +2 below, JLC 4Jul97
148  xtarg = afc * (a13-1.0) * (2*backwardCount+vecLen+2)/2.0;
149  else
150  xtarg = afc * (a13-1.0) * (2*backwardCount);
152  if( xtarg <= 0.0 )xtarg = 0.01;
153  G4int nuclearExcitationCount = G4Poisson( xtarg );
155  if(atomicWeight<1.0001) nuclearExcitationCount = 0;
156  // G4int extraNucleonCount = 0;
157  // G4double extraMass = 0.0;
158  // G4double extraNucleonMass = 0.0;
159  if( nuclearExcitationCount > 0 )
160  {
161  G4int momentumBin = std::min( 4, G4int(pOriginal/3.0) );
162  const G4double nucsup[] = { 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4 };
163  //
164  // NOTE: in TWOCLU, these new particles were given negative codes
165  // here we use NewlyAdded = true instead
166  //
167  for( i=0; i<nuclearExcitationCount; ++i )
168  {
169  G4ReactionProduct* pVec = new G4ReactionProduct();
170  if( G4UniformRand() < nucsup[momentumBin] ) // add proton or neutron
171  {
172  if( G4UniformRand() > 1.0-atomicNumber/atomicWeight )
173  pVec->SetDefinition( aProton );
174  else
175  pVec->SetDefinition( aNeutron );
176  // Not used ++backwardNucleonCount;
177  // Not used ++extraNucleonCount;
178  // Not used extraNucleonMass += pVec->GetMass()/GeV;
179  }
180  else
181  { // add a pion
183  if( ran < 0.3181 )
184  pVec->SetDefinition( aPiPlus );
185  else if( ran < 0.6819 )
186  pVec->SetDefinition( aPiZero );
187  else
188  pVec->SetDefinition( aPiMinus );
190  // DHW: add following two lines to correct energy balance
191  // ++backwardCount;
192  // backwardMass += pVec->GetMass()/GeV;
193  }
194  pVec->SetSide( -2 ); // backside particle
195  // Not used extraMass += pVec->GetMass()/GeV;
196  pVec->SetNewlyAdded( true );
197  vec.SetElement( vecLen++, pVec );
198  }
199  }
201  // Masses of particles added from cascade not included in energy balance.
202  // That's correct for nucleons from the intra-nuclear cascade but not for
203  // pions from the cascade.
205  G4double forwardEnergy = (centerofmassEnergy-cMass-bMass)/2.0 +cMass - forwardMass;
206  G4double backwardEnergy = (centerofmassEnergy-cMass-bMass)/2.0 +bMass - backwardMass;
207  G4double eAvailable = centerofmassEnergy - (forwardMass+backwardMass);
208  G4bool secondaryDeleted;
209  G4double pMass;
211  G4int loop = 0;
213  ed << " While count exceeded " << G4endl;
214  // must eliminate a particle
215  while( eAvailable <= 0.0 ) { /* Loop checking, 01.09.2015, D.Wright */
216  loop++;
217  if (loop > 1000) {
218  G4Exception("G4RPGTwoCluster::ReactionStage()", "HAD_RPG_100", JustWarning, ed);
219  break;
220  }
222  secondaryDeleted = false;
223  for( i=(vecLen-1); i>=0; --i )
224  {
225  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == 1 && vec[i]->GetMayBeKilled())
226  {
227  pMass = vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV;
228  for( G4int j=i; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
229  --forwardCount;
230  forwardEnergy += pMass;
231  forwardMass -= pMass;
232  secondaryDeleted = true;
233  break;
234  }
235  else if( vec[i]->GetSide() == -1 && vec[i]->GetMayBeKilled())
236  {
237  pMass = vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV;
238  for( G4int j=i; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
239  --backwardCount;
240  backwardEnergy += pMass;
241  backwardMass -= pMass;
242  secondaryDeleted = true;
243  break;
244  }
245  } // breaks go down to here
247  if( secondaryDeleted )
248  {
249  delete vec[vecLen-1];
250  --vecLen;
251  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
252  }
253  else
254  {
255  if( vecLen == 0 ) return false; // all secondaries have been eliminated
256  if( targetParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
257  {
258  pMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
259  targetParticle = *vec[0];
260  for( G4int j=0; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
261  --backwardCount;
262  backwardEnergy += pMass;
263  backwardMass -= pMass;
264  secondaryDeleted = true;
265  }
266  else if( targetParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
267  {
268  pMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
269  targetParticle = *vec[0];
270  for( G4int j=0; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
271  --forwardCount;
272  forwardEnergy += pMass;
273  forwardMass -= pMass;
274  secondaryDeleted = true;
275  }
277  if( secondaryDeleted )
278  {
279  delete vec[vecLen-1];
280  --vecLen;
281  }
282  else
283  {
284  if( currentParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
285  {
286  pMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
287  currentParticle = *vec[0];
288  for( G4int j=0; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
289  --backwardCount;
290  backwardEnergy += pMass;
291  backwardMass -= pMass;
292  secondaryDeleted = true;
293  }
294  else if( currentParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
295  {
296  pMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV;
297  currentParticle = *vec[0];
298  for( G4int j=0; j<(vecLen-1); ++j )*vec[j] = *vec[j+1]; // shift up
299  --forwardCount;
300  forwardEnergy += pMass;
301  forwardMass -= pMass;
302  secondaryDeleted = true;
303  }
304  if( secondaryDeleted )
305  {
306  delete vec[vecLen-1];
307  --vecLen;
308  }
309  else break;
311  } // secondary not deleted
312  } // secondary not deleted
314  eAvailable = centerofmassEnergy - (forwardMass+backwardMass);
315  } // while
317  //
318  // This is the start of the TwoCluster function
319  // Choose multi-particle resonance masses by sampling
320  // P(M) = gc[g(M-M0)]**(c-1) *exp[-(g(M-M0))**c]
321  // for M > M0
322  //
323  // Use for the forward and backward clusters, but not
324  // the cascade cluster
326  const G4double cpar[] = { 1.60, 1.35, 1.15, 1.10 };
327  const G4double gpar[] = { 2.60, 1.80, 1.30, 1.20 };
328  G4int ntc = 0;
330  if (forwardCount < 1 || backwardCount < 1) return false; // array bounds protection
332  G4double rmc = forwardMass;
333  if (forwardCount > 1) {
334  ntc = std::min(3,forwardCount-2);
335  rmc += std::pow(-G4Log(1.0-G4UniformRand()),1./cpar[ntc])/gpar[ntc];
336  }
337  G4double rmd = backwardMass;
338  if( backwardCount > 1 ) {
339  ntc = std::min(3,backwardCount-2);
340  rmd += std::pow(-G4Log(1.0-G4UniformRand()),1./cpar[ntc])/gpar[ntc];
341  }
343  loop = 0;
345  eda << " While count exceeded " << G4endl;
346  while( rmc+rmd > centerofmassEnergy ) { /* Loop checking, 01.09.2015, D.Wright */
347  loop++;
348  if (loop > 1000) {
349  G4Exception("G4RPGTwoCluster::ReactionStage()", "HAD_RPG_100", JustWarning, eda);
350  break;
351  }
353  if( (rmc <= forwardMass) && (rmd <= backwardMass) )
354  {
355  G4double temp = 0.999*centerofmassEnergy/(rmc+rmd);
356  rmc *= temp;
357  rmd *= temp;
358  }
359  else
360  {
361  rmc = 0.1*forwardMass + 0.9*rmc;
362  rmd = 0.1*backwardMass + 0.9*rmd;
363  }
364  }
366  G4ReactionProduct pseudoParticle[8];
367  for( i=0; i<8; ++i )pseudoParticle[i].SetZero();
369  pseudoParticle[1].SetMass( mOriginal*GeV );
370  pseudoParticle[1].SetTotalEnergy( etOriginal*GeV );
371  pseudoParticle[1].SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, pOriginal*GeV );
373  pseudoParticle[2].SetMass( protonMass*MeV );
374  pseudoParticle[2].SetTotalEnergy( protonMass*MeV );
375  pseudoParticle[2].SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
376  //
377  // transform into center of mass system
378  //
379  pseudoParticle[0] = pseudoParticle[1] + pseudoParticle[2];
380  pseudoParticle[1].Lorentz( pseudoParticle[1], pseudoParticle[0] );
381  pseudoParticle[2].Lorentz( pseudoParticle[2], pseudoParticle[0] );
383  // Calculate cm momentum for forward and backward masses
384  // W = sqrt(pf*pf + rmc*rmc) + sqrt(pf*pf + rmd*rmd)
385  // Solve for pf
387  const G4double pfMin = 0.0001;
388  G4double pf = (centerofmassEnergy*centerofmassEnergy+rmd*rmd-rmc*rmc);
389  pf *= pf;
390  pf -= 4*centerofmassEnergy*centerofmassEnergy*rmd*rmd;
391  pf = std::sqrt( std::max(pf,pfMin) )/(2.0*centerofmassEnergy);
392  //
393  // set final state masses and energies in centre of mass system
394  //
395  pseudoParticle[3].SetMass( rmc*GeV );
396  pseudoParticle[3].SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt(pf*pf+rmc*rmc)*GeV );
398  pseudoParticle[4].SetMass( rmd*GeV );
399  pseudoParticle[4].SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt(pf*pf+rmd*rmd)*GeV );
401  //
402  // Get cm scattering angle by sampling t from tmin to tmax
403  //
404  const G4double bMin = 0.01;
405  const G4double b1 = 4.0;
406  const G4double b2 = 1.6;
407  G4double pin = pseudoParticle[1].GetMomentum().mag()/GeV;
408  G4double dtb = 4.0*pin*pf*std::max( bMin, b1+b2*G4Log(pOriginal) );
409  G4double factor = 1.0 - G4Exp(-dtb);
410  G4double costheta = 1.0 + 2.0*G4Log(1.0 - G4UniformRand()*factor) / dtb;
412  costheta = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, costheta));
413  G4double sintheta = std::sqrt((1.0-costheta)*(1.0+costheta));
415  //
416  // calculate final state momenta in centre of mass system
417  //
418  pseudoParticle[3].SetMomentum( pf*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*GeV,
419  pf*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*GeV,
420  pf*costheta*GeV );
421  pseudoParticle[4].SetMomentum( -pseudoParticle[3].GetMomentum());
423  // Backward cluster of nucleons and pions from intra-nuclear cascade
424  // Set up in lab system and transform to cms
426  G4double pp, pp1;
427  if( nuclearExcitationCount > 0 )
428  {
429  const G4double ga = 1.2;
430  G4double ekit1 = 0.04;
431  G4double ekit2 = 0.6; // Max KE of cascade particle
432  if( ekOriginal <= 5.0 )
433  {
434  ekit1 *= ekOriginal*ekOriginal/25.0;
435  ekit2 *= ekOriginal*ekOriginal/25.0;
436  }
437  G4double scale = std::pow(ekit2/ekit1, 1.0-ga) - 1.0;
438  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
439  {
440  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == -2 )
441  {
442  G4double kineticE = ekit1*std::pow((1.0 + G4UniformRand()*scale), 1.0/(1.0-ga) );
443  vec[i]->SetKineticEnergy( kineticE*GeV );
444  G4double vMass = vec[i]->GetMass()/MeV;
445  G4double totalE = kineticE*GeV + vMass;
446  pp = std::sqrt( std::abs(totalE*totalE-vMass*vMass) );
447  G4double cost = std::min( 1.0, std::max( -1.0, G4Log(2.23*G4UniformRand()+0.383)/0.96 ) );
448  G4double sint = std::sqrt(1.0-cost*cost);
449  phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
450  vec[i]->SetMomentum( pp*sint*std::cos(phi)*MeV,
451  pp*sint*std::sin(phi)*MeV,
452  pp*cost*MeV );
453  vec[i]->Lorentz( *vec[i], pseudoParticle[0] );
454  }
455  }
456  }
458  //
459  // Fragmentation of forward and backward clusters
460  //
462  currentParticle.SetMomentum( pseudoParticle[3].GetMomentum() );
463  currentParticle.SetTotalEnergy( pseudoParticle[3].GetTotalEnergy() );
465  targetParticle.SetMomentum( pseudoParticle[4].GetMomentum() );
466  targetParticle.SetTotalEnergy( pseudoParticle[4].GetTotalEnergy() );
468  pseudoParticle[5].SetMomentum( pseudoParticle[3].GetMomentum() * (-1.0) );
469  pseudoParticle[5].SetMass( pseudoParticle[3].GetMass() );
470  pseudoParticle[5].SetTotalEnergy( pseudoParticle[3].GetTotalEnergy() );
472  pseudoParticle[6].SetMomentum( pseudoParticle[4].GetMomentum() * (-1.0) );
473  pseudoParticle[6].SetMass( pseudoParticle[4].GetMass() );
474  pseudoParticle[6].SetTotalEnergy( pseudoParticle[4].GetTotalEnergy() );
476  G4double wgt;
477  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
478  if( forwardCount > 1 ) // tempV will contain the forward particles
479  {
481  tempV.Initialize( forwardCount );
482  G4bool constantCrossSection = true;
483  G4int tempLen = 0;
484  if( currentParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
485  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, &currentParticle );
486  if( targetParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
487  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, &targetParticle );
488  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
489  {
490  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == 1 )
491  {
492  if( tempLen < 18 )
493  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, vec[i] );
494  else
495  {
496  vec[i]->SetSide( -1 );
497  continue;
498  }
499  }
500  }
501  if( tempLen >= 2 )
502  {
503  wgt = GenerateNBodyEvent( pseudoParticle[3].GetMass()/MeV,
504  constantCrossSection, tempV, tempLen );
505  if( currentParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
506  currentParticle.Lorentz( currentParticle, pseudoParticle[5] );
507  if( targetParticle.GetSide() == 1 )
508  targetParticle.Lorentz( targetParticle, pseudoParticle[5] );
509  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
510  {
511  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == 1 )vec[i]->Lorentz( *vec[i], pseudoParticle[5] );
512  }
513  }
514  }
515  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
516  if( backwardCount > 1 ) // tempV will contain the backward particles,
517  { // but not those created from the intranuclear cascade
519  tempV.Initialize( backwardCount );
520  G4bool constantCrossSection = true;
521  G4int tempLen = 0;
522  if( currentParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
523  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, &currentParticle );
524  if( targetParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
525  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, &targetParticle );
526  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
527  {
528  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == -1 )
529  {
530  if( tempLen < 18 )
531  tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, vec[i] );
532  else
533  {
534  vec[i]->SetSide( -2 );
535  vec[i]->SetKineticEnergy( 0.0 );
536  vec[i]->SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
537  continue;
538  }
539  }
540  }
541  if( tempLen >= 2 )
542  {
543  wgt = GenerateNBodyEvent( pseudoParticle[4].GetMass()/MeV,
544  constantCrossSection, tempV, tempLen );
545  if( currentParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
546  currentParticle.Lorentz( currentParticle, pseudoParticle[6] );
547  if( targetParticle.GetSide() == -1 )
548  targetParticle.Lorentz( targetParticle, pseudoParticle[6] );
549  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
550  {
551  if( vec[i]->GetSide() == -1 )vec[i]->Lorentz( *vec[i], pseudoParticle[6] );
552  }
553  }
554  }
556  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
557  //
558  // Lorentz transformation in lab system
559  //
560  currentParticle.Lorentz( currentParticle, pseudoParticle[2] );
561  targetParticle.Lorentz( targetParticle, pseudoParticle[2] );
562  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i ) vec[i]->Lorentz( *vec[i], pseudoParticle[2] );
564  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
565  //
566  // sometimes the leading strange particle is lost, set it back
567  //
568  G4bool dum = true;
569  if( leadFlag )
570  {
571  // leadFlag will be true
572  // iff original particle is strange AND if incident particle is strange
573  // leadFlag is set to the incident particle
574  // or
575  // target particle is strange leadFlag is set to the target particle
577  if( currentParticle.GetDefinition() == leadingStrangeParticle.GetDefinition() )
578  dum = false;
579  else if( targetParticle.GetDefinition() == leadingStrangeParticle.GetDefinition() )
580  dum = false;
581  else
582  {
583  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
584  {
585  if( vec[i]->GetDefinition() == leadingStrangeParticle.GetDefinition() )
586  {
587  dum = false;
588  break;
589  }
590  }
591  }
592  if( dum )
593  {
594  G4double leadMass = leadingStrangeParticle.GetMass()/MeV;
595  G4double ekin;
596  if( ((leadMass < protonMass) && (targetParticle.GetMass()/MeV < protonMass)) ||
597  ((leadMass >= protonMass) && (targetParticle.GetMass()/MeV >= protonMass)) )
598  {
599  ekin = targetParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
600  pp1 = targetParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; // old momentum
601  targetParticle.SetDefinition( leadingStrangeParticle.GetDefinition() );
602  targetParticle.SetKineticEnergy( ekin*GeV );
603  pp = targetParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; // new momentum
604  if( pp1 < 1.0e-3 ) {
605  G4ThreeVector iso = Isotropic(pp);
606  targetParticle.SetMomentum( iso.x(), iso.y(), iso.z() );
607  } else {
608  targetParticle.SetMomentum( targetParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) );
609  }
610  targetHasChanged = true;
611  }
612  else
613  {
614  ekin = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
615  pp1 = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV;
616  currentParticle.SetDefinition( leadingStrangeParticle.GetDefinition() );
617  currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy( ekin*GeV );
618  pp = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV;
619  if( pp1 < 1.0e-3 ) {
620  G4ThreeVector iso = Isotropic(pp);
621  currentParticle.SetMomentum( iso.x(), iso.y(), iso.z() );
622  } else {
623  currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) );
624  }
625  incidentHasChanged = true;
626  }
627  }
628  } // end of if( leadFlag )
630  // Get number of final state nucleons and nucleons remaining in
631  // target nucleus
633  std::pair<G4int, G4int> finalStateNucleons =
634  GetFinalStateNucleons(originalTarget, vec, vecLen);
636  G4int protonsInFinalState = finalStateNucleons.first;
637  G4int neutronsInFinalState = finalStateNucleons.second;
639  G4int numberofFinalStateNucleons =
640  protonsInFinalState + neutronsInFinalState;
642  if (currentParticle.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() == 1 &&
643  targetParticle.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() == 1 &&
644  originalIncident->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass() <
646  numberofFinalStateNucleons++;
648  numberofFinalStateNucleons = std::max(1, numberofFinalStateNucleons);
650  G4int PinNucleus = std::max(0,
651  G4int(targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt()) - protonsInFinalState);
652  G4int NinNucleus = std::max(0,
653  G4int(targetNucleus.GetA_asInt()-targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt()) - neutronsInFinalState);
654  //
655  // for various reasons, the energy balance is not sufficient,
656  // check that, energy balance, angle of final system, etc.
657  //
658  pseudoParticle[4].SetMass( mOriginal*GeV );
659  pseudoParticle[4].SetTotalEnergy( etOriginal*GeV );
660  pseudoParticle[4].SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, pOriginal*GeV );
662  const G4ParticleDefinition* aOrgDef = modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition();
663  G4int diff = 0;
664  if(aOrgDef == G4Proton::Proton() || aOrgDef == G4Neutron::Neutron() ) diff = 1;
665  if(numberofFinalStateNucleons == 1) diff = 0;
666  pseudoParticle[5].SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
667  pseudoParticle[5].SetMass( protonMass*(numberofFinalStateNucleons-diff)*MeV);
668  pseudoParticle[5].SetTotalEnergy( protonMass*(numberofFinalStateNucleons-diff)*MeV);
670  G4double theoreticalKinetic =
671  pseudoParticle[4].GetTotalEnergy()/GeV + pseudoParticle[5].GetTotalEnergy()/GeV;
673  pseudoParticle[6] = pseudoParticle[4] + pseudoParticle[5];
674  pseudoParticle[4].Lorentz( pseudoParticle[4], pseudoParticle[6] );
675  pseudoParticle[5].Lorentz( pseudoParticle[5], pseudoParticle[6] );
677  if( vecLen < 16 )
678  {
679  G4ReactionProduct tempR[130];
680  tempR[0] = currentParticle;
681  tempR[1] = targetParticle;
682  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )tempR[i+2] = *vec[i];
685  tempV.Initialize( vecLen+2 );
686  G4bool constantCrossSection = true;
687  G4int tempLen = 0;
688  for( i=0; i<vecLen+2; ++i )tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, &tempR[i] );
690  if( tempLen >= 2 )
691  {
692  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
693  wgt = GenerateNBodyEvent( pseudoParticle[4].GetTotalEnergy()/MeV +
694  pseudoParticle[5].GetTotalEnergy()/MeV,
695  constantCrossSection, tempV, tempLen );
696  if (wgt == -1) {
697  G4double Qvalue = 0;
698  for (i = 0; i < tempLen; i++) Qvalue += tempV[i]->GetMass();
699  wgt = GenerateNBodyEvent( Qvalue/MeV,
700  constantCrossSection, tempV, tempLen );
701  }
702  theoreticalKinetic = 0.0;
703  for( i=0; i<vecLen+2; ++i )
704  {
705  pseudoParticle[7].SetMomentum( tempV[i]->GetMomentum() );
706  pseudoParticle[7].SetMass( tempV[i]->GetMass() );
707  pseudoParticle[7].SetTotalEnergy( tempV[i]->GetTotalEnergy() );
708  pseudoParticle[7].Lorentz( pseudoParticle[7], pseudoParticle[5] );
709  theoreticalKinetic += pseudoParticle[7].GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
710  }
711  }
712  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
713  }
714  else
715  {
716  theoreticalKinetic -=
717  ( currentParticle.GetMass()/GeV + targetParticle.GetMass()/GeV );
718  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )theoreticalKinetic -= vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV;
719  }
720  G4double simulatedKinetic =
721  currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV + targetParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
722  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )simulatedKinetic += vec[i]->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
724  // make sure that kinetic energies are correct
725  // the backward nucleon cluster is not produced within proper kinematics!!!
727  if( simulatedKinetic != 0.0 )
728  {
729  wgt = (theoreticalKinetic)/simulatedKinetic;
730  currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy( wgt*currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy() );
731  pp = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV;
732  pp1 = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV;
733  if( pp1 < 0.001*MeV ) {
734  G4ThreeVector iso = Isotropic(pp);
735  currentParticle.SetMomentum( iso.x(), iso.y(), iso.z() );
736  } else {
737  currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) );
738  }
740  targetParticle.SetKineticEnergy( wgt*targetParticle.GetKineticEnergy() );
741  pp = targetParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV;
742  pp1 = targetParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV;
743  if( pp1 < 0.001*MeV ) {
744  G4ThreeVector iso = Isotropic(pp);
745  targetParticle.SetMomentum( iso.x(), iso.y(), iso.z() );
746  } else {
747  targetParticle.SetMomentum( targetParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) );
748  }
750  for( i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
751  {
752  vec[i]->SetKineticEnergy( wgt*vec[i]->GetKineticEnergy() );
753  pp = vec[i]->GetTotalMomentum()/MeV;
754  pp1 = vec[i]->GetMomentum().mag()/MeV;
755  if( pp1 < 0.001 ) {
756  G4ThreeVector iso = Isotropic(pp);
757  vec[i]->SetMomentum( iso.x(), iso.y(), iso.z() );
758  } else {
759  vec[i]->SetMomentum( vec[i]->GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) );
760  }
761  }
762  }
763  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
765  Rotate( numberofFinalStateNucleons, pseudoParticle[4].GetMomentum(),
766  modifiedOriginal, originalIncident, targetNucleus,
767  currentParticle, targetParticle, vec, vecLen );
769  // Add black track particles
770  // the total number of particles produced is restricted to 198
771  // this may have influence on very high energies
773  if( atomicWeight >= 1.5 )
774  {
775  // npnb is number of proton/neutron black track particles
776  // ndta is the number of deuterons, tritons, and alphas produced
777  // epnb is the kinetic energy available for proton/neutron black track
778  // particles
779  // edta is the kinetic energy available for deuteron/triton/alpha
780  // particles
782  G4int npnb = 0;
783  G4int ndta = 0;
785  G4double epnb, edta;
786  if (veryForward) {
787  epnb = targetNucleus.GetAnnihilationPNBlackTrackEnergy();
788  edta = targetNucleus.GetAnnihilationDTABlackTrackEnergy();
789  } else {
790  epnb = targetNucleus.GetPNBlackTrackEnergy();
791  edta = targetNucleus.GetDTABlackTrackEnergy();
792  }
794  const G4double pnCutOff = 0.001; // GeV
795  const G4double dtaCutOff = 0.001; // GeV
796  // const G4double kineticMinimum = 1.e-6;
797  // const G4double kineticFactor = -0.005;
799  // G4double sprob = 0.0; // sprob = probability of self-absorption in
800  // heavy molecules
801  // Not currently used (DHW 9 June 2008) const G4double ekIncident = originalIncident->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
802  // if( ekIncident >= 5.0 )sprob = std::min( 1.0, 0.6*std::log(ekIncident-4.0) );
804  if( epnb >= pnCutOff )
805  {
806  npnb = G4Poisson((1.5+1.25*numberofFinalStateNucleons)*epnb/(epnb+edta));
807  if( numberofFinalStateNucleons + npnb > atomicWeight )
808  npnb = G4int(atomicWeight - numberofFinalStateNucleons);
809  npnb = std::min( npnb, 127-vecLen );
810  }
811  if( edta >= dtaCutOff )
812  {
813  ndta = G4Poisson( (1.5+1.25*numberofFinalStateNucleons)*edta/(epnb+edta) );
814  ndta = std::min( ndta, 127-vecLen );
815  }
816  if (npnb == 0 && ndta == 0) npnb = 1;
818  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
820  AddBlackTrackParticles(epnb, npnb, edta, ndta, modifiedOriginal,
821  PinNucleus, NinNucleus, targetNucleus,
822  vec, vecLen );
823  // DEBUGGING --> DumpFrames::DumpFrame(vec, vecLen);
824  }
826  //if( centerofmassEnergy <= (4.0+G4UniformRand()) )
827  // MomentumCheck( modifiedOriginal, currentParticle, targetParticle, vec, vecLen );
828  //
829  // calculate time delay for nuclear reactions
830  //
831  if( (atomicWeight >= 1.5) && (atomicWeight <= 230.0) && (ekOriginal <= 0.2) )
832  currentParticle.SetTOF( 1.0-500.0*G4Exp(-ekOriginal/0.04)*G4Log(G4UniformRand()) );
833  else
834  currentParticle.SetTOF( 1.0 );
836  return true;
837 }
839  /* end of file */