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1 //
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4 // * *
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25 //
26 //
27 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 //
30 // File name: G4GSMottCorrection
31 //
32 // Author: Mihaly Novak
33 //
34 // Creation date: 23.08.2017
35 //
36 // Modifications:
37 // 02.02.2018 M.Novak: fixed initialization of first moment correction.
38 //
39 // Class description: see the header file.
40 //
41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 #include "G4GSMottCorrection.hh"
45 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
46 #include "zlib.h"
47 #include "Randomize.hh"
48 #include "G4Log.hh"
49 #include "G4Exp.hh"
51 #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
52 #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
53 #include "G4Material.hh"
54 #include "G4ElementVector.hh"
55 #include "G4Element.hh"
57 #include <iostream>
58 #include <fstream>
59 #include <cmath>
60 #include <algorithm>
63 const std::string G4GSMottCorrection::gElemSymbols[] = {"H","He","Li","Be","B" ,
64  "C" ,"N" ,"O" ,"F" ,"Ne","Na","Mg","Al","Si","P" , "S","Cl","Ar","K" ,"Ca","Sc",
65  "Ti","V" ,"Cr","Mn","Fe","Co","Ni","Cu","Zn","Ga","Ge","As","Se","Br","Kr","Rb",
66  "Sr","Y" ,"Zr","Nb","Mo","Tc","Ru","Rh","Pd","Ag","Cd","In","Sn","Sb","Te","I" ,
67  "Xe","Cs","Ba","La","Ce","Pr","Nd","Pm","Sm","Eu","Gd","Tb","Dy","Ho","Er","Tm",
68  "Yb","Lu","Hf","Ta","W" ,"Re","Os","Ir","Pt","Au","Hg","Tl","Pb","Bi","Po","At",
69  "Rn","Fr","Ra","Ac","Th","Pa","U" ,"Np","Pu","Am","Cm","Bk","Cf"};
71 G4GSMottCorrection::G4GSMottCorrection(G4bool iselectron) : fIsElectron(iselectron) {
72  // init grids related data member values
73  fMaxEkin = CLHEP::electron_mass_c2*(1./std::sqrt(1.-gMaxBeta2)-1.);
81 }
87 }
91  G4double &mcToQ1, G4double &mcToG2PerG1) {
92  G4int ekinIndxLow = 0;
93  G4double remRfaction = 0.;
94  if (beta2>=gMaxBeta2) {
95  ekinIndxLow = gNumEkin - 1;
96  // remRfaction = -1.
97  } else if (beta2>=fMinBeta2) { // linear interpolation on \beta^2
98  remRfaction = (beta2 - fMinBeta2) * fInvDelBeta2;
99  ekinIndxLow = (G4int)remRfaction;
100  remRfaction -= ekinIndxLow;
101  ekinIndxLow += (gNumEkin - gNumBeta2);
102  } else if (logekin>=fLogMinEkin) {
103  remRfaction = (logekin - fLogMinEkin) * fInvLogDelEkin;
104  ekinIndxLow = (G4int)remRfaction;
105  remRfaction -= ekinIndxLow;
106  } // the defaults otherwise i.e. use the lowest energy values when ekin is smaller than the minum ekin
107  //
108  DataPerEkin *perEkinLow = fMCDataPerMaterial[matindx]->fDataPerEkin[ekinIndxLow];
109  mcToScr = perEkinLow->fMCScreening;
110  mcToQ1 = perEkinLow->fMCFirstMoment;
111  mcToG2PerG1 = perEkinLow->fMCSecondMoment;
112  if (remRfaction>0.) {
113  DataPerEkin *perEkinHigh = fMCDataPerMaterial[matindx]->fDataPerEkin[ekinIndxLow+1];
114  mcToScr += remRfaction*(perEkinHigh->fMCScreening - perEkinLow->fMCScreening);
115  mcToQ1 += remRfaction*(perEkinHigh->fMCFirstMoment - perEkinLow->fMCFirstMoment);
116  mcToG2PerG1 += remRfaction*(perEkinHigh->fMCSecondMoment - perEkinLow->fMCSecondMoment);
117  }
118 }
121 // accept cost if rndm [0,1] < return value
123  G4int matindx, G4int &ekindx, G4int &deltindx) {
124  G4double val = 1.0;
125  G4double delta = q1/(0.5+q1);
126  // check if converged to 1 for all angles => accept cost
127  if (delta>=gMaxDelta) {
128  return val;
129  }
130  //
131  // check if kinetic energy index needs to be determined
132  if (ekindx<0) {
133  G4int ekinIndxLow = 0;
134  G4double probIndxHigh = 0.; // will be the prob. of taking the ekinIndxLow+1 bin
135  if (beta2>gMaxBeta2) {
136  ekinIndxLow = gNumEkin - 1;
137  // probIndxHigh = -1.
138  } else if (beta2>=fMinBeta2) { // linear interpolation on \beta^2
139  probIndxHigh = (beta2 - fMinBeta2) * fInvDelBeta2;
140  ekinIndxLow = (G4int)probIndxHigh;
141  probIndxHigh -= ekinIndxLow;
142  ekinIndxLow += (gNumEkin - gNumBeta2);
143  } else if (logekin>fLogMinEkin) { // linear interpolation on \ln(E_{kin})
144  probIndxHigh = (logekin - fLogMinEkin) * fInvLogDelEkin;
145  ekinIndxLow = (G4int)probIndxHigh;
146  probIndxHigh -= ekinIndxLow;
147  } // the defaults otherwise i.e. use the lowest energy values when ekin is smaller than the minum ekin
148  //
149  // check if need to take the higher ekin index
150  if (G4UniformRand()<probIndxHigh) {
151  ++ekinIndxLow;
152  }
153  // set kinetic energy grid index
154  ekindx = ekinIndxLow;
155  }
156  // check if delta value index needs to be determined (note: in case of single scattering deltindx will be set to 0 by
157  // by the caller but the ekindx will be -1: kinetic energy index is not known but the delta index is known)
158  if (deltindx<0) {
159  // note: delta is for sure < gMaxDelta at this point ( and minimum delta value is 0)
160  G4double probIndxHigh = delta*fInvDelDelta; // will be the prob. of taking the deltIndxLow+1 bin
161  G4int deltIndxLow = (G4int)probIndxHigh;
162  probIndxHigh -= deltIndxLow;
163  // check if need to take the higher delta index
164  if (G4UniformRand()<probIndxHigh) {
165  ++deltIndxLow;
166  }
167  // set the delta value grid index
168  deltindx = deltIndxLow;
169  }
170  //
171  // get the corresponding distribution
172  DataPerDelta *perDelta = fMCDataPerMaterial[matindx]->fDataPerEkin[ekindx]->fDataPerDelta[deltindx];
173  //
174  // determine lower index of the angular bin
175  G4double ang = std::sqrt(0.5*(1.-cost)); // sin(0.5\theta) in [0,1]
176  G4double remRfaction = ang*fInvDelAngle;
177  G4int angIndx = (G4int)remRfaction;
178  remRfaction -= angIndx;
179  if (angIndx<gNumAngle-2) { // normal case: linear interpolation
180  val = remRfaction*(perDelta->fRejFuntion[angIndx+1]-perDelta->fRejFuntion[angIndx]) + perDelta->fRejFuntion[angIndx];
181  } else { // last bin
182  G4double dum = ang-1.+1./fInvDelAngle;
183  val = perDelta->fSA + dum*(perDelta->fSB + dum*(perDelta->fSC + dum*perDelta->fSD));
184  }
185  return val;
186 }
190  // load Mott-correction data for each elements that belongs to materials that are used in the detector
192  // clrea Mott-correction data per material
194  // initialise Mott-correction data for the materials that are used in the detector
196 }
200  // do it only once
201  if (fMCDataPerElement.size()<gMaxZet+1) {
202  fMCDataPerElement.resize(gMaxZet+1,nullptr);
203  }
204  // loop over all materials, for those that are used check the list of elements and load data from file if the
205  // corresponding data has not been loaded yet
207  size_t numMatCuts = thePCTable->GetTableSize();
208  for (size_t imc=0; imc<numMatCuts; ++imc) {
209  const G4MaterialCutsCouple *matCut = thePCTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(imc);
210  if (!matCut->IsUsed()) {
211  continue;
212  }
213  const G4Material *mat = matCut->GetMaterial();
214  const G4ElementVector *elemVect = mat->GetElementVector();
215  //
216  size_t numElems = elemVect->size();
217  for (size_t ielem=0; ielem<numElems; ++ielem) {
218  const G4Element *elem = (*elemVect)[ielem];
219  G4int izet = G4lrint(elem->GetZ());
220  if (izet>gMaxZet) {
221  izet = gMaxZet;
222  }
223  if (!fMCDataPerElement[izet]) {
224  LoadMCDataElement(elem);
225  }
226  }
227  }
228 }
232  // prepare size of the container
233  size_t numMaterials = G4Material::GetNumberOfMaterials();
234  if (fMCDataPerMaterial.size()!=numMaterials) {
235  fMCDataPerMaterial.resize(numMaterials);
236  }
237  // init. Mott-correction data for the Materials that are used in the geometry
239  size_t numMatCuts = thePCTable->GetTableSize();
240  for (size_t imc=0; imc<numMatCuts; ++imc) {
241  const G4MaterialCutsCouple *matCut = thePCTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(imc);
242  if (!matCut->IsUsed()) {
243  continue;
244  }
245  const G4Material *mat = matCut->GetMaterial();
246  if (!fMCDataPerMaterial[mat->GetIndex()]) {
247  InitMCDataMaterial(mat);
248  }
249  }
250 }
253 // it's called only if data has not been loaded for this element yet
255  // allocate memory
256  G4int izet = elem->GetZasInt();
257  if (izet>gMaxZet) {
258  izet = gMaxZet;
259  }
260  DataPerMaterial *perElem = new DataPerMaterial();
261  AllocateDataPerMaterial(perElem);
262  fMCDataPerElement[izet] = perElem;
263  //
264  // load data from file
265  char* tmppath = std::getenv("G4LEDATA");
266  if (!tmppath) {
267  G4Exception("G4GSMottCorrection::LoadMCDataElement()","em0006",
269  "Environment variable G4LEDATA not defined");
270  return;
271  }
272  std::string path(tmppath);
273  if (fIsElectron) {
274  path += "/msc_GS/MottCor/el/";
275  } else {
276  path += "/msc_GS/MottCor/pos/";
277  }
278  std::string fname = path+"rej_"+gElemSymbols[izet-1];
279  std::istringstream infile(std::ios::in);
280  ReadCompressedFile(fname, infile);
281  // check if file is open !!!
282  for (G4int iek=0; iek<gNumEkin; ++iek) {
283  DataPerEkin *perEkin = perElem->fDataPerEkin[iek];
284  // 1. get the 3 Mott-correction factors for the current kinetic energy
285  infile >> perEkin->fMCScreening;
286  infile >> perEkin->fMCFirstMoment;
287  infile >> perEkin->fMCSecondMoment;
288  // 2. load each data per delta:
289  for (G4int idel=0; idel<gNumDelta; ++idel) {
290  DataPerDelta *perDelta = perEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel];
291  // 2./a. : first the rejection function values
292  for (G4int iang=0; iang<gNumAngle; ++iang) {
293  infile >> perDelta->fRejFuntion[iang];
294  }
295  // 2./b. : then the 4 spline parameter for the last bin
296  infile >> perDelta->fSA;
297  infile >> perDelta->fSB;
298  infile >> perDelta->fSC;
299  infile >> perDelta->fSD;
300  }
301  }
302 }
304 // uncompress one data file into the input string stream
305 void G4GSMottCorrection::ReadCompressedFile(std::string fname, std::istringstream &iss) {
306  std::string *dataString = nullptr;
307  std::string compfilename(fname+".z");
308  // create input stream with binary mode operation and positioning at the end of the file
309  std::ifstream in(compfilename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
310  if (in.good()) {
311  // get current position in the stream (was set to the end)
312  int fileSize = in.tellg();
313  // set current position being the beginning of the stream
314  in.seekg(0,std::ios::beg);
315  // create (zlib) byte buffer for the data
316  Bytef *compdata = new Bytef[fileSize];
317  while(in) {
318*)compdata, fileSize);
319  }
320  // create (zlib) byte buffer for the uncompressed data
321  uLongf complen = (uLongf)(fileSize*4);
322  Bytef *uncompdata = new Bytef[complen];
323  while (Z_OK!=uncompress(uncompdata, &complen, compdata, fileSize)) {
324  // increase uncompressed byte buffer
325  delete[] uncompdata;
326  complen *= 2;
327  uncompdata = new Bytef[complen];
328  }
329  // delete the compressed data buffer
330  delete [] compdata;
331  // create a string from the uncompressed data (will be deallocated by the caller)
332  dataString = new std::string((char*)uncompdata, (long)complen);
333  // delete the uncompressed data buffer
334  delete [] uncompdata;
335  } else {
336  std::string msg = " Problem while trying to read " + compfilename + " data file.\n";
337  G4Exception("G4GSMottCorrection::ReadCompressedFile","em0006", FatalException,msg.c_str());
338  return;
339  }
340  // create the input string stream from the data string
341  if (dataString) {
342  iss.str(*dataString);
343  in.close();
344  delete dataString;
345  }
346 }
350  constexpr G4double const1 = 7821.6; // [cm2/g]
351  constexpr G4double const2 = 0.1569; // [cm2 MeV2 / g]
352  constexpr G4double finstrc2 = 5.325135453E-5; // fine-structure const. square
355  constFactor *= constFactor; // (mc^2)^2\alpha^2/( C_{TF}^2)
356  // allocate memory
357  DataPerMaterial *perMat = new DataPerMaterial();
358  AllocateDataPerMaterial(perMat);
359  fMCDataPerMaterial[mat->GetIndex()] = perMat;
360  //
361  const G4ElementVector* elemVect = mat->GetElementVector();
362  const G4int numElems = mat->GetNumberOfElements();
363  const G4double* nbAtomsPerVolVect = mat->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
364  G4double totNbAtomsPerVol = mat->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
365  //
366  // 1. Compute material dependent part of Moliere's b_c \chi_c^2
367  // (with \xi=1 (i.e. total sub-threshold scattering power correction)
368  G4double moliereBc = 0.0;
369  G4double moliereXc2 = 0.0;
370  G4double zs = 0.0;
371  G4double ze = 0.0;
372  G4double zx = 0.0;
373  G4double sa = 0.0;
374  G4double xi = 1.0;
375  for (G4int ielem=0; ielem<numElems; ++ielem) {
376  G4double zet = (*elemVect)[ielem]->GetZ();
377  if (zet>gMaxZet) {
378  zet = (G4double)gMaxZet;
379  }
380  G4double iwa = (*elemVect)[ielem]->GetN();
381  G4double ipz = nbAtomsPerVolVect[ielem]/totNbAtomsPerVol;
382  G4double dum = ipz*zet*(zet+xi);
383  zs += dum;
384  ze += dum*(-2.0/3.0)*G4Log(zet);
385  zx += dum*G4Log(1.0+3.34*finstrc2*zet*zet);
386  sa += ipz*iwa;
387  }
388  G4double density = mat->GetDensity()*CLHEP::cm3/CLHEP::g; // [g/cm3]
389  //
390  moliereBc = const1*density*zs/sa*G4Exp(ze/zs)/G4Exp(zx/zs); //[1/cm]
391  moliereXc2 = const2*density*zs/sa; // [MeV2/cm]
392  // change to Geant4 internal units of 1/length and energ2/length
393  moliereBc *= 1.0/CLHEP::cm;
394  moliereXc2 *= CLHEP::MeV*CLHEP::MeV/CLHEP::cm;
395  //
396  // 2. loop over the kinetic energy grid
397  for (G4int iek=0; iek<gNumEkin; ++iek) {
398  // 2./a. set current kinetic energy and pt2 value
400  G4double pt2 = ekin*(ekin+2.0*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2);
401  if (ekin>gMidEkin) {
402  G4double b2 = fMinBeta2+(iek-(gNumEkin-gNumBeta2))/fInvDelBeta2;
403  ekin = CLHEP::electron_mass_c2*(1./std::sqrt(1.-b2)-1.);
404  pt2 = ekin*(ekin+2.0*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2);
405  }
406  // 2./b. loop over the elements at the current kinetic energy point
407  for (G4int ielem=0; ielem<numElems; ++ielem) {
408  const G4Element *elem = (*elemVect)[ielem];
409  G4double zet = elem->GetZ();
410  if (zet>gMaxZet) {
411  zet = (G4double)gMaxZet;
412  }
413  G4int izet = G4lrint(zet);
414  // xi should be one i.e. z(z+1) since total sub-threshold scattering power correction
415  G4double nZZPlus1 = nbAtomsPerVolVect[ielem]*zet*(zet+1.0)/totNbAtomsPerVol;
416  G4double Z23 = std::pow(zet,2./3.);
417  //
418  DataPerEkin *perElemPerEkin = fMCDataPerElement[izet]->fDataPerEkin[iek];
419  DataPerEkin *perMatPerEkin = perMat->fDataPerEkin[iek];
420  //
421  // 2./b./(i) Add the 3 Mott-correction factors
422  G4double mcScrCF = perElemPerEkin->fMCScreening; // \kappa_i[1.13+3.76(\alpha Z_i)^2] with \kappa_i=scr_mc/scr_sr
423  // compute the screening parameter correction factor (Z_i contribution to the material)
424  // src_{mc} = C \exp\left[ \frac{ \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1)\ln[Z_{i}^{2/3}\kappa_i(1.13+3.76(\alpha Z_i)^2)] } {\sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1)}
425  // with C = \frac{(mc^2)^\alpha^2} {4(pc)^2 C_{TF}^2} = constFactor/(4*(pc)^2)
426  // here we compute the \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1)\ln[Z_{i}^{2/3}\kappa_i(1.13+3.76(\alpha Z_i)^2)] part
427  perMatPerEkin->fMCScreening += nZZPlus1*G4Log(Z23*mcScrCF);
428  // compute the corrected screening parameter for the current Z_i and E_{kin}
429  // src(Z_i)_{mc} = \frac{(mc^2)^\alpha^2 Z_i^{2/3}} {4(pc)^2 C_{TF}^2} \kappa_i[1.13+3.76(\alpha Z_i)^2]
430  mcScrCF *= constFactor*Z23/(4.*pt2);
431  // compute first moment correction factor
432  // q1_{mc} = \frac{ \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1) A_i B_i } {\sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1)} \frac{1}{C}
433  // where:
434  // A_i(src(Z_i)_{mc}) = [\ln(1+1/src(Z_i)_{mc}) - 1/(1+src(Z_i)_{mc})]; where \sigma(Z_i)_{tr1}^(sr) = A_i(src(Z_i)_{mc}) [2\pi r_0 Z_i mc^2/(pc)\beta]^2
435  // B_i = \beta_i \gamma_i with beta_i(Z_i) = \sigma(Z_i)_{tr1}^(PWA)/\sigma(Z_i,src(Z_i)_{mc})_{tr1}^(sr)
436  // and \gamma_i = \sigma(Z_i)_{el}^(MC-DCS)/\sigma(Z_i,src(Z_i)_{mc})_{el}^(sr)
437  // C(src_{mc}) = [\ln(1+1/src_{mc}) - 1/(1+src_{mc})]; where \sigma_{tr1}^(sr) = C(src_{mc}) [2\pi r_0 Z_i mc^2/(pc)\beta]^2
438  // A_i x B_i is stored in file per e-/e+, E_{kin} and Z_i
439  // here we compute the \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1) A_i B_i part
440  perMatPerEkin->fMCFirstMoment += nZZPlus1*(G4Log(1.+1./mcScrCF)-1./(1.+mcScrCF))*perElemPerEkin->fMCFirstMoment;
441  // compute the second moment correction factor
442  // [G2/G1]_{mc} = \frac{ \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1) A_i } {\sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1)} \frac{1}{C}
443  // with A_i(Z_i) = G2(Z_i)^{PWA}/G1(Z_i)^{PWA} and C=G2(Z_i,scr_{mc})^{sr}/G1(Z_i,scr_{mc})^{sr}}
444  // here we compute the \sum_i n_i Z_i(Z_i+1) A_i part
445  perMatPerEkin->fMCSecondMoment += nZZPlus1*perElemPerEkin->fMCSecondMoment;
446  //
447  // 2./b./(ii) Go for the rejection funtion part
448  // I. loop over delta values
449  for (G4int idel=0; idel<gNumDelta; ++idel) {
450  DataPerDelta *perMatPerDelta = perMatPerEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel];
451  DataPerDelta *perElemPerDelta = perElemPerEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel];
452  // I./a. loop over angles (i.e. the \sin(0.5\theta) values) and add the rejection function
453  for (G4int iang=0; iang<gNumAngle; ++iang) {
454  perMatPerDelta->fRejFuntion[iang] += nZZPlus1*perElemPerDelta->fRejFuntion[iang];
455  }
456  // I./b. get the last bin spline parameters and add them (a+bx+cx^2+dx^3)
457  perMatPerDelta->fSA += nZZPlus1*perElemPerDelta->fSA;
458  perMatPerDelta->fSB += nZZPlus1*perElemPerDelta->fSB;
459  perMatPerDelta->fSC += nZZPlus1*perElemPerDelta->fSC;
460  perMatPerDelta->fSD += nZZPlus1*perElemPerDelta->fSD;
461  }
462  //
463  // 2./b./(iii) When the last element has been added:
464  if (ielem==numElems-1) {
465  //
466  // 1. the remaining part of the sreening correction and divide the corrected screening par. with Moliere's one:
467  // (Moliere screening parameter = moliereXc2/(4(pc)^2 moliereBc) )
468  G4double dumScr = G4Exp(perMatPerEkin->fMCScreening/zs);
469  perMatPerEkin->fMCScreening = constFactor*dumScr*moliereBc/moliereXc2;
470  //
471  // 2. the remaining part of the first moment correction and divide by the one computed by using the corrected
472  // screening parameter (= (mc^2)^\alpha^2/(4(pc)^2C_{TF}^2) dumScr
473  G4double scrCorTed = constFactor*dumScr/(4.*pt2);
474  G4double dum0 = G4Log(1.+1./scrCorTed);
475  perMatPerEkin->fMCFirstMoment = perMatPerEkin->fMCFirstMoment/(zs*(dum0-1./(1.+scrCorTed)));
476  //
477  // 3. the remaining part of the second moment correction and divide by the one computed by using the corrected
478  // screening parameter
479  G4double G2PerG1 = 3.*(1.+scrCorTed)*((1.+2.*scrCorTed)*dum0-2.)/((1.+scrCorTed)*dum0-1.);
480  perMatPerEkin->fMCSecondMoment = perMatPerEkin->fMCSecondMoment/(zs*G2PerG1);
481  //
482  // 4. scale the maximum of the rejection function to unity and correct the last bin spline parameters as well
483  // I. loop over delta values
484  for (G4int idel=0; idel<gNumDelta; ++idel) {
485  DataPerDelta *perMatPerDelta = perMatPerEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel];
486  G4double maxVal = -1.;
487  // II. llop over angles
488  for (G4int iang=0; iang<gNumAngle; ++iang) {
489  if (perMatPerDelta->fRejFuntion[iang]>maxVal)
490  maxVal = perMatPerDelta->fRejFuntion[iang];
491  }
492  for (G4int iang=0; iang<gNumAngle; ++iang) {
493  perMatPerDelta->fRejFuntion[iang] /=maxVal;
494  }
495  perMatPerDelta->fSA /= maxVal;
496  perMatPerDelta->fSB /= maxVal;
497  perMatPerDelta->fSC /= maxVal;
498  perMatPerDelta->fSD /= maxVal;
499  }
500  }
501  }
502  }
503 }
507  data->fDataPerEkin = new DataPerEkin*[gNumEkin]();
508  for (G4int iek=0; iek<gNumEkin; ++iek) {
509  DataPerEkin *perEkin = new DataPerEkin();
510  perEkin->fDataPerDelta = new DataPerDelta*[gNumDelta]();
511  for (G4int idel=0; idel<gNumDelta; ++idel) {
512  DataPerDelta *perDelta = new DataPerDelta();
513  perDelta->fRejFuntion = new double[gNumAngle]();
514  perEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel] = perDelta;
515  }
516  data->fDataPerEkin[iek] = perEkin;
517  }
518 }
521  for (G4int iek=0; iek<gNumEkin; ++iek) {
522  DataPerEkin *perEkin = data->fDataPerEkin[iek]; //new DataPerEkin();
523  for (G4int idel=0; idel<gNumDelta; ++idel) {
524  DataPerDelta *perDelta = perEkin->fDataPerDelta[idel];
525  delete [] perDelta->fRejFuntion;
526  delete perDelta;
527  }
528  delete [] perEkin->fDataPerDelta;
529  delete perEkin;
530  }
531  delete [] data->fDataPerEkin;
532 }
536  for (size_t i=0; i<fMCDataPerElement.size(); ++i) {
537  if (fMCDataPerElement[i]) {
539  delete fMCDataPerElement[i];
540  }
541  }
542  fMCDataPerElement.clear();
543 }
546  for (size_t i=0; i<fMCDataPerMaterial.size(); ++i) {
547  if (fMCDataPerMaterial[i]) {
549  delete fMCDataPerMaterial[i];
550  }
551  }
552  fMCDataPerMaterial.clear();
553 }