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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
28 //
29 // John Allison 19th July 1996
30 //
31 // Class description
32 //
33 // View parameters and options.
34 //
36 //
37 // In GEANT4 visualization, we have the concept of a "Standard
38 // View". This is the view when the complete set of objects being
39 // viewed is comfortably in view from any viewpoint. It is defined by
40 // the "Bounding Extent" of "visible" objects when initially
41 // registered in the scene, and by the View Parameters.
42 //
43 // There is also the "Standard Target Point", which is the centre of
44 // the Bounding Extent (note that this belongs to the scene and is
45 // stored in the G4Scene object). The "Current Target Point", defined
46 // relative to the Standard Target Point, is changed by the
47 // "dolly" and "zoom" commands, and can be reset to the Standard
48 // Target Point with the "/vis/viewer/reset" command.
49 //
50 // Also, the "Standard Camera Position" is the "Standard Camera
51 // Distance" along the Viewpoint Direction vector from the Standard
52 // Target Point. The Standard Camera Distance is the radius of the
53 // Bounding Extent divided by fFieldHalfAngle. It is not stored
54 // explicitly because of the singularity at fFieldHalfAngle = 0,
55 // which implies parallel projection.
56 //
57 // Similarly, the "Current Camera Position" is the "Current Camera
58 // Distance" along the Viewpoint Direction vector from the Current
59 // Target Point. The Current Camera Distance is given by the formulae
60 // below, but note that it can be negative, meaning that the camera
61 // has moved *beyond* the Current Target Point, which is
62 // conceptually possible, but which might give some problems when
63 // setting up the view matrix - see, for example, G4OpenGLView::SetView ().
64 //
65 // All viewers are expected to keep the "Up Vector" vertical unless
66 // RotationStyle is freeRotation.
67 //
68 // Finally, the view is magnified by the "Zoom Factor" which is
69 // reset to 1 by the "/vis/viewer/reset" command.
70 //
71 // The algorithms for calculating various useful quantities from the
72 // View Parameters, such as GetCameraDistance, are described below.
78 #include "G4Vector3D.hh"
79 #include "G4Point3D.hh"
80 #include "G4Plane3D.hh"
81 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
82 #include "G4VMarker.hh"
83 #include "G4ModelingParameters.hh"
85 #include <vector>
86 #include <utility>
88 typedef std::vector<G4Plane3D> G4Planes;
92 public: // With description
94  enum DrawingStyle {
95  wireframe, // Draw edges - no hidden line removal.
96  hlr, // Draw edges - hidden lines removed.
97  hsr, // Draw surfaces - hidden surfaces removed.
98  hlhsr, // Draw surfaces and edges - hidden removed.
99  cloud // Draw volume as a cloud of dots.
100  };
102  enum CutawayMode {
103  cutawayUnion, // Union (addition) of result of each cutaway plane.
104  cutawayIntersection // Intersection (multiplication) " .
105  };
108  constrainUpDirection, // Standard, HEP convention.
109  freeRotation // Free, Google-like rotation, using mouse-grab.
110  };
112  friend std::ostream& operator <<
113  (std::ostream&, const DrawingStyle&);
115  friend std::ostream& operator <<
116  (std::ostream&, const G4ViewParameters&);
118  G4ViewParameters ();
121  // Note: uses default assignment operator and copy constructor.
123  G4bool operator != (const G4ViewParameters&) const;
125  // Get and Is functions.
126  DrawingStyle GetDrawingStyle () const;
127  G4int GetNumberOfCloudPoints () const;
128  G4bool IsAuxEdgeVisible () const;
129  G4bool IsCulling () const;
130  G4bool IsCullingInvisible () const;
131  G4bool IsDensityCulling () const;
132  G4double GetVisibleDensity () const;
133  G4bool IsCullingCovered () const;
134  G4int GetCBDAlgorithmNumber () const;
135  const std::vector<G4double>& GetCBDParameters () const;
136  G4bool IsSection () const;
137  const G4Plane3D& GetSectionPlane () const;
138  G4bool IsCutaway () const;
139  CutawayMode GetCutawayMode () const;
140  const G4Planes& GetCutawayPlanes () const;
141  G4bool IsExplode () const;
142  G4double GetExplodeFactor () const;
143  const G4Point3D& GetExplodeCentre () const;
144  G4int GetNoOfSides () const;
145  const G4Vector3D& GetViewpointDirection () const;
146  const G4Vector3D& GetUpVector () const;
147  G4double GetFieldHalfAngle () const;
148  G4double GetZoomFactor () const;
149  const G4Vector3D& GetScaleFactor () const;
150  const G4Point3D& GetCurrentTargetPoint () const;
151  G4double GetDolly () const;
153  const G4Vector3D& GetLightpointDirection () const; // Relative...
154  G4Vector3D& GetActualLightpointDirection (); // Actual...
155  // ... depending on GetLightsMoveWithCamera.
158  const G4VMarker& GetDefaultMarker () const;
161  G4bool IsMarkerNotHidden () const;
162  unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintX () const;
163  unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintY () const;
166  G4int GetWindowLocationHintX () const;
167  G4int GetWindowLocationHintY () const;
168  const G4String& GetXGeometryString () const;
169  // GetXGeometryString is intended to be parsed by XParseGeometry.
170  // It contains the size information, as in GetWindowSizeHint, but
171  // may also contain the window position, e.g., "600x600-0+200. The
172  // viewer should use this in preference to GetWindowSizeHint, since
173  // it contains more information. (The size information in
174  // GetXGeometryString and GetWindowSizeHint is guaranteed to be
175  // identical.)
176  bool IsWindowSizeHintX () const;
177  bool IsWindowSizeHintY () const;
178  bool IsWindowLocationHintX () const;
179  bool IsWindowLocationHintY () const;
180  G4bool IsAutoRefresh () const;
181  const G4Colour& GetBackgroundColour () const;
182  G4bool IsPicking () const;
184  const std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>&
185  GetVisAttributesModifiers () const;
186  G4double GetStartTime () const;
187  G4double GetEndTime () const;
188  G4double GetFadeFactor () const;
189  G4bool IsDisplayHeadTime () const;
190  G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeX () const;
191  G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeY () const;
196  G4bool IsDisplayLightFront () const;
205  // Here Follow functions to evaluate useful quantities as a
206  // function of the radius of the Bounding Extent of the object being
207  // viewed. Call them in the order given - for efficiency, later
208  // functions depend on the results of earlier ones (Store the
209  // results of earlier functions in your own temporary variables -
210  // see, for example, G4OpenGLView::SetView ().)
212  G4double GetNearDistance (G4double cameraDistance, G4double radius) const;
213  G4double GetFarDistance (G4double cameraDistance,
214  G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const;
215  G4double GetFrontHalfHeight (G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const;
217  // Set, Add, Multiply, Increment, Unset and Clear functions.
219  G4int SetNumberOfCloudPoints (G4int); // Returns number actually set.
220  void SetAuxEdgeVisible (G4bool);
221  void SetCulling (G4bool);
223  void SetDensityCulling (G4bool);
224  void SetVisibleDensity (G4double visibleDensity);
225  void SetCullingCovered (G4bool);
227  void SetCBDParameters (const std::vector<G4double>&);
228  void SetSectionPlane (const G4Plane3D& sectionPlane);
229  void UnsetSectionPlane ();
231  void AddCutawayPlane (const G4Plane3D& cutawayPlane);
232  void ChangeCutawayPlane (size_t index, const G4Plane3D& cutawayPlane);
233  void ClearCutawayPlanes ();
234  void SetExplodeFactor (G4double explodeFactor);
235  void UnsetExplodeFactor ();
236  void SetExplodeCentre (const G4Point3D& explodeCentre);
237  G4int SetNoOfSides (G4int nSides); // Returns number actually set.
238  void SetViewpointDirection (const G4Vector3D& viewpointDirection);
239  // Calls the following to get lightpoint direction right too.
240  void SetViewAndLights (const G4Vector3D& viewpointDirection);
241  // Also sets lightpoint direction according to G4bool fLightsMoveWithCamera.
242  void SetUpVector (const G4Vector3D& upVector);
243  void SetFieldHalfAngle (G4double fieldHalfAngle);
244  void SetOrthogonalProjection (); // This and next use SetFieldHalfAngle.
245  void SetPerspectiveProjection(G4double fieldHalfAngle = 30. * CLHEP::deg);
246  void SetZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactor);
247  void MultiplyZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactorMultiplier);
248  void SetScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D& scaleFactor);
249  void MultiplyScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D& scaleFactorMultiplier);
250  void SetCurrentTargetPoint (const G4Point3D& currentTargetPoint);
251  void SetDolly (G4double dolly);
252  void IncrementDolly (G4double dollyIncrement);
253  void SetLightpointDirection (const G4Vector3D& lightpointDirection);
254  void SetLightsMoveWithCamera (G4bool moves);
255  void SetPan (G4double right, G4double up);
256  void IncrementPan (G4double right, G4double up);
257  // Increment currentTarget point perpendicular to viewpoint direction.
259  // Increment currentTarget point also along viewpoint direction.
261  void SetDefaultColour (const G4Colour&); // Uses SetDefaultVisAttributes.
263  void SetDefaultTextColour (const G4Colour&); // SetDefaultTextVisAttributes.
264  void SetDefaultMarker (const G4VMarker& defaultMarker);
265  void SetGlobalMarkerScale (G4double globalMarkerScale);
266  void SetGlobalLineWidthScale (G4double globalLineWidthScale);
267  void SetMarkerHidden ();
268  void SetMarkerNotHidden ();
269  void SetWindowSizeHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint);
270  void SetWindowLocationHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint);
271  void SetXGeometryString (const G4String&);
272  void SetAutoRefresh (G4bool);
273  void SetBackgroundColour (const G4Colour&);
274  void SetPicking (G4bool);
278  void SetStartTime (G4double);
279  void SetEndTime (G4double);
280  void SetFadeFactor (G4double);
281  void SetDisplayHeadTime (G4bool);
297  // Command dumping functions.
298  // For camera commands we need to provide the standard target point from
299  // the current scene.
300  G4String CameraAndLightingCommands(const G4Point3D standardTargetPoint) const;
303  G4String TouchableCommands () const;
304  G4String TimeWindowCommands () const;
306  // Other functions.
307  void PrintDifferences (const G4ViewParameters& v) const;
309  // Interpolation
310  // Returns a null pointer when no more to be done. For example:
311  // do {
312  // G4ViewParameters* vp =
313  // G4ViewParameters::CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation(viewVector,nInterpolationPoints);
314  // if (!vp) break;
315  // ...
316  // } while (true);
317  // Assumes equal intervals
319  (const std::vector<G4ViewParameters>& views,
320  G4int nInterpolationPoints = 50); // No of interpolations points per interval
322 private:
324  G4int ParseGeometry ( const char *string, G4int *x, G4int *y, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height);
325  G4int ReadInteger(char *string, char **NextString);
327  DrawingStyle fDrawingStyle; // Drawing style.
328  G4int fNumberOfCloudPoints; // For drawing in cloud style.
329  // <= 0 means use viewer default.
330  G4bool fAuxEdgeVisible; // Auxiliary edge visibility.
331  G4bool fCulling; // Culling requested.
332  G4bool fCullInvisible; // Cull (don't Draw) invisible objects.
333  G4bool fDensityCulling; // Density culling requested. If so...
334  G4double fVisibleDensity; // ...density lower than this not drawn.
335  G4bool fCullCovered; // Cull daughters covered by opaque mothers.
336  G4int fCBDAlgorithmNumber; // Colour by density algorithm number.
337  std::vector<G4double> fCBDParameters; // Colour by density parameters.
338  G4bool fSection; // Section drawing requested (DCUT in GEANT3).
339  G4Plane3D fSectionPlane; // Cut plane for section drawing (DCUT).
340  CutawayMode fCutawayMode; // Cutaway mode.
341  G4Planes fCutawayPlanes; // Set of planes used for cutaway.
342  G4double fExplodeFactor; // Explode along radius by this factor...
343  G4Point3D fExplodeCentre; // ...about this centre.
344  G4int fNoOfSides; // ...if polygon approximates circle.
346  G4Vector3D fUpVector; // Up vector. (Warning: MUST NOT be parallel
347  // to fViewpointDirection!)
348  G4double fFieldHalfAngle; // Radius / camara distance, 0 for parallel.
349  G4double fZoomFactor; // Magnification relative to Standard View.
350  G4Vector3D fScaleFactor; // (Non-uniform) scale/magnification factor.
351  G4Point3D fCurrentTargetPoint; // Relative to standard target point.
352  G4double fDolly; // Distance towards current target point.
355  // i.e., rel. to object or camera accoding to G4bool fLightsMoveWithCamera.
363  // True if transients are to be drawn and not hidden by
364  // hidden-line-hidden-surface removal algorithms, e.g., z-buffer
365  // testing; false if they are to be hidden-line-hidden-surface
366  // removed.
367  G4int fWindowSizeHintX; // Size hints for pixel-based window systems.
369  G4int fWindowLocationHintX; // Location hints for pixel-based window systems.
371  G4bool fWindowLocationHintXNegative; // Reference of location hints for pixel-based window systems.
373  G4String fXGeometryString; // If non-null, geometry string for X Windows.
374  G4int fGeometryMask; // Corresponding mask.
375  G4bool fAutoRefresh; // ...after change of view parameters.
377  G4bool fPicking; // Request picking.
378  RotationStyle fRotationStyle; // Rotation style.
379  std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier> fVisAttributesModifiers;
380  G4double fStartTime, fEndTime; // Time range (e.g., for trajectory steps).
381  G4double fFadeFactor; // 0: no fade; 1: maximum fade with time within range.
382  G4bool fDisplayHeadTime; // Display head time (fEndTime) in 2D text.
386  G4bool fDisplayLightFront;// Display light front at head time originating at
391  enum { // Constants for geometry mask in ParseGeometry and related functions.
392  fNoValue = 0,
393  fXValue = 0x0001,
394  fYValue = 0x0002,
395  fWidthValue = 0x0004,
396  fHeightValue = 0x0008,
397  fAllValues = 0x000F,
398  fXNegative = 0x0010,
399  fYNegative = 0x0020
400  };
401 };
403 #include "G4ViewParameters.icc"
405 #endif