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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EventDataVisualization.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
22 #include <optional>
24 namespace Acts {
25 namespace Visualization {
30 static inline std::array<double, 3> decomposeCovariance(
31  const ActsSymMatrixD<2>& covariance) {
32  double c00 = covariance(eLOC_0, eLOC_0);
33  double c01 = covariance(eLOC_0, eLOC_1);
34  double c11 = covariance(eLOC_1, eLOC_1);
36  double cdsq = std::pow((c00 - c11), 2) / 4.;
37  double cosq = c01 * c01;
39  // Calculate the eigen values w.r.t reference frame
40  double lambda0 = (c00 + c11) / 2. + std::sqrt(cdsq + cosq);
41  double lambda1 = (c00 + c11) / 2. - std::sqrt(cdsq + cosq);
42  double theta = atan2(lambda0 - c00, c01);
44  return {lambda0, lambda1, theta};
45 }
56 static inline std::vector<Vector3D> createEllipse(
57  double lambda0, double lambda1, double theta, size_t lseg,
58  double outOfPlane, const Vector2D& lposition = Vector2D(0., 0.),
59  const Transform3D& transform = Transform3D::Identity()) {
60  double ctheta = std::cos(theta);
61  double stheta = std::sin(theta);
63  double l1sq = std::sqrt(lambda0);
64  double l2sq = std::sqrt(lambda1);
66  // Now generate the ellipse points
67  std::vector<Vector3D> ellipse;
68  ellipse.reserve(lseg);
69  double thetaStep = 2 * M_PI / lseg;
70  for (size_t it = 0; it < lseg; ++it) {
71  double phi = -M_PI + it * thetaStep;
72  double cphi = std::cos(phi);
73  double sphi = std::sin(phi);
74  double x = lposition.x() + (l1sq * ctheta * cphi - l2sq * stheta * sphi);
75  double y = lposition.y() + (l1sq * stheta * cphi + l2sq * ctheta * sphi);
76  ellipse.push_back(transform * Vector3D(x, y, outOfPlane));
77  }
78  return ellipse;
79 }
91 static inline void drawCovarianceCartesian(
92  IVisualization& helper, const Vector2D& lposition,
93  const ActsSymMatrixD<2>& covariance, const Transform3D& transform,
94  std::vector<int> nsigma = {3}, double locErrorScale = 1, size_t lseg = 72,
95  const IVisualization::ColorType& color = {20, 120, 20},
96  double outOfPlane = 0.1) {
97  auto [lambda0, lambda1, theta] = decomposeCovariance(covariance);
99  // Now generate the ellipse points
100  std::vector<Vector3D> ellipse = createEllipse(
101  lambda0, lambda1, theta, lseg, outOfPlane, lposition, transform);
103  ellipse.push_back(transform *
104  Vector3D(lposition.x(), lposition.y(), outOfPlane));
105  auto faces = detail::FacesHelper::convexFaceMesh(ellipse, true);
106  Polyhedron ellipseHedron(ellipse, faces.first, faces.second);
107  ellipseHedron.draw(helper, false, color);
108 }
121 static inline void drawCovarianceAngular(
122  IVisualization& helper, const Vector3D& position, const Vector3D& direction,
123  const ActsSymMatrixD<2>& covariance, std::vector<int> nsigma = {3},
124  double directionScale = 1, double angularErrorScale = 1, size_t lseg = 72,
125  const IVisualization::ColorType& color = {20, 120, 20}) {
126  auto [lambda0, lambda1, theta] = decomposeCovariance(covariance);
128  // Anker point
129  Vector3D anker = position + directionScale * direction;
131  double dphi = VectorHelpers::phi(direction);
132  double dtheta = VectorHelpers::theta(direction);
134  Transform3D eplane(Translation3D(anker) *
135  AngleAxis3D(dtheta, Vector3D(1., 0., 0.)) *
136  AngleAxis3D(dphi, Vector3D(0., 0., 1.)));
138  // Now generate the ellipse points
139  std::vector<Vector3D> ellipse =
140  createEllipse(angularErrorScale * directionScale * tan(lambda0),
141  angularErrorScale * directionScale * tan(lambda1), theta,
142  lseg, 0., {0., 0.}, eplane);
144  std::vector<Vector3D> coneTop = ellipse;
145  coneTop.push_back(anker);
146  auto coneTopFaces = detail::FacesHelper::convexFaceMesh(coneTop, true);
147  Polyhedron coneTopHedron(coneTop, coneTopFaces.first, coneTopFaces.second);
148  coneTopHedron.draw(helper, false, color);
150  std::vector<Vector3D> cone = ellipse;
151  cone.push_back(position);
152  auto coneFaces = detail::FacesHelper::convexFaceMesh(cone, true);
153  Polyhedron coneHedron(cone, coneFaces.first, coneFaces.second);
154  coneHedron.draw(helper, true, color);
155 }
169 template <typename parameters_t>
170 static inline void drawBoundParameters(
171  IVisualization& helper, const parameters_t& parameters,
172  const GeometryContext& gctx = GeometryContext(), double momentumScale = 1.,
173  double locErrorScale = 1., double angularErrorScale = 1.,
174  bool drawParameterSurface = true, size_t lseg = 72,
175  const IVisualization::ColorType& pcolor = {20, 120, 20},
176  const IVisualization::ColorType& scolor = {235, 198, 52}) {
177  // First, if necessary, draw the surface
178  if (drawParameterSurface) {
179  drawSurface(helper, parameters.referenceSurface(), gctx,
180  Transform3D::Identity(), lseg, false, scolor);
181  }
183  // Draw the parameter shaft and cone
184  auto position = parameters.position();
185  auto direction = parameters.momentum().normalized();
186  double p = parameters.momentum().norm();
188  Vector3D startmod = parameters.covariance().has_value()
189  ? 0.25 * p * momentumScale * direction
190  : Vector3D(0., 0., 0.);
192  drawArrowForward(helper, position, position + p * momentumScale * direction,
193  0.025, 0.05, 2., 72, pcolor);
195  if (parameters.covariance().has_value()) {
196  auto lposition =
197  parameters.getParameterSet().getParameters().template block<2, 1>(0, 0);
199  // Draw the local covariance
200  const auto& covariance = *parameters.covariance();
201  drawCovarianceCartesian(helper, lposition,
202  covariance.template block<2, 2>(0, 0),
203  parameters.referenceSurface().transform(gctx), {3},
204  locErrorScale, 72, pcolor, 0.01);
207  helper, parameters.position(), parameters.momentum().normalized(),
208  covariance.template block<2, 2>(2, 2), {3}, 0.9 * p * momentumScale,
209  angularErrorScale, 72, pcolor);
210  }
211 }
213 } // namespace Visualization
214 } // namespace Acts