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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TGeoLayerBuilder.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include "TGeoManager.h"
14 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
18  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)
19  : m_cfg(), m_logger(std::move(logger)) {
20  setConfiguration(config);
21 }
27  m_cfg = config;
28 }
31  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger) {
32  m_logger = std::move(newLogger);
33 }
36  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
37  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
38  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
39  LayerVector nVector;
40  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, nVector, -1);
41  return nVector;
42 }
45  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
46  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
47  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
48  LayerVector cVector;
49  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, cVector, 0);
50  return cVector;
51 }
54  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
55  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
56  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
57  LayerVector pVector;
58  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, pVector, 1);
59  return pVector;
60 }
63  LayerVector& layers, int type) {
64  // Bail out if you have no gGeoManager
65  if (gGeoManager == nullptr) {
66  ACTS_WARNING("No gGeoManager found - bailing out.");
67  return;
68  }
70  // Prepare which ones to build
71  std::vector<LayerConfig> layerConfigs = m_cfg.layerConfigurations[type + 1];
72  std::string layerType = m_layerTypes[type + 1];
74  // Appropriate screen output
75  std::string addonOutput = m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1] > 0.
76  ? std::string(", splitting in r")
77  : std::string("");
78  addonOutput += m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1] > 0.
79  ? std::string(", splitting in z")
80  : std::string("");
81  addonOutput += std::string(".");
83  // Screen output of the configuration
84  ACTS_DEBUG(layerType << " layers : found " << layerConfigs.size()
85  << " configuration(s)" + addonOutput);
86  for (auto layerCfg : layerConfigs) {
87  // Prepare the layer surfaces
88  using LayerSurfaceVector = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>>;
89  LayerSurfaceVector layerSurfaces;
91  ACTS_DEBUG("- layer configuration found for layer "
92  << layerCfg.layerName << " with sensor " << layerCfg.sensorName);
93  ACTS_DEBUG("- layers radially bound to rmin/rmax = "
94  << layerCfg.parseRangeR.first << "/"
95  << layerCfg.parseRangeR.second);
96  // Step down from the top volume each time to collect the logical tree
97  TGeoVolume* tvolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
98  if (tvolume != nullptr) {
99  // Recursively step down
100  resolveSensitive(gctx, layerSurfaces, tvolume, nullptr, TGeoIdentity(),
101  layerCfg, type);
102  // screen output
104  "- number of senstive sensors found : " << layerSurfaces.size());
106  // Helper function to fill the layer
107  auto fillLayer = [&](const LayerSurfaceVector lSurfaces,
108  const LayerConfig& lCfg) -> void {
109  // Create the layer - either way as cylinder or disk
110  if (type == 0) {
111  ProtoLayer pl(gctx, lSurfaces);
112  pl.envR = {lCfg.envelope.first, lCfg.envelope.second};
113  pl.envZ = {lCfg.envelope.second, lCfg.envelope.second};
114  layers.push_back(m_cfg.layerCreator->cylinderLayer(
115  gctx, lSurfaces, lCfg.binsLoc0, lCfg.binsLoc1, pl));
116  } else {
117  ProtoLayer pl(gctx, lSurfaces);
118  pl.envR = {lCfg.envelope.first, lCfg.envelope.second};
119  pl.envZ = {lCfg.envelope.second, lCfg.envelope.second};
120  layers.push_back(m_cfg.layerCreator->discLayer(
121  gctx, lSurfaces, lCfg.binsLoc0, lCfg.binsLoc1, pl));
122  }
123  };
125  // There is no split to be attempted
126  if (layerCfg.splitParametersR.empty() and
127  layerCfg.splitParametersZ.empty()) {
128  // No splitting to be done, fill and return
129  fillLayer(layerSurfaces, layerCfg);
130  return;
131  }
133  std::vector<LayerSurfaceVector> splitLayerSurfaces = {layerSurfaces};
135  // Helper method : perform the actual split
136  auto splitSurfaces =
137  [&](std::string splitValue, BinningValue bValue,
138  const std::vector<LayerSurfaceVector>& preSplitSurfaces,
139  double splitTolerance,
140  std::pair<double, double> splitRange = {0., 0.},
141  std::vector<double> splitParameters = {})
142  -> std::vector<LayerSurfaceVector> {
143  ACTS_DEBUG("- split attempt in " << splitValue);
144  ACTS_DEBUG("- split layers seperated by more than " << splitTolerance);
145  // Re-evaluate
146  bool reevaluate = splitParameters.empty();
147  if (reevaluate) {
148  ACTS_DEBUG("- split parameters to be re-evaluated");
149  }
151  // The vector of surfaces after splitting
152  std::vector<LayerSurfaceVector> postSplitSurfaces;
153  // Go through and split them accordingly
154  for (const auto& surfaceSet : preSplitSurfaces) {
155  ACTS_DEBUG("- split surface set with " << surfaceSet.size()
156  << " surfaces.");
157  // The Split parameters are empty, parse again
158  if (reevaluate) {
159  // Loop over sub set for new splitting range and parameters
160  for (const auto& surface : surfaceSet) {
161  // Get the surface parameter
162  double surfacePar = surface->binningPositionValue(gctx, bValue);
163  registerSplit(splitParameters, surfacePar, splitTolerance,
164  splitRange);
165  }
166  }
167  // Output the split range
168  ACTS_DEBUG("- split range is = " << splitRange.first << ", "
169  << splitRange.second);
170  ACTS_DEBUG("- number of proposed splits is "
171  << splitParameters.size());
172  // Allocate expected sub vector
173  std::vector<LayerSurfaceVector> setSplitSurfaces{
174  splitParameters.size(), LayerSurfaceVector{}};
175  // Filling loop (2nd loop if split in case of re-evaluation)
176  for (const auto& surface : surfaceSet) {
177  // Get the surface parameter
178  double surfacePar = surface->binningPositionValue(gctx, bValue);
179  unsigned isplit = 0;
180  for (const auto& splitPar : splitParameters) {
181  if (std::abs(splitPar - surfacePar) < splitTolerance) {
182  setSplitSurfaces[isplit].push_back(surface);
183  }
184  ++isplit;
185  }
186  }
187  // Insert the split set into the post split set
188  postSplitSurfaces.insert(postSplitSurfaces.end(),
189  setSplitSurfaces.begin(),
190  setSplitSurfaces.end());
191  // reset the split parameters
192  if (reevaluate) {
193  splitParameters.clear();
194  }
195  }
196  unsigned int iss = 0;
197  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - splitting yielded " << postSplitSurfaces.size()
198  << " surface sets:");
199  for (const auto& sset : postSplitSurfaces) {
200  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - set " << iss++ << " has " << sset.size()
201  << " surfaces.");
202  }
204  // Return them to the callers
205  return postSplitSurfaces;
206  };
208  // Split in R first if split tolerance is set
209  if (m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1] > 0.) {
210  // Split the surfaces in R
211  splitLayerSurfaces = splitSurfaces(
212  "r", binR, splitLayerSurfaces, m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1],
213  layerCfg.splitRangeR, layerCfg.splitParametersR);
214  // This invalidates the Z parameters and range
215  layerCfg.splitParametersZ.clear();
216  layerCfg.splitRangeZ = {std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
218  }
220  // Split in Z then if configured to do so
221  if (m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1] > 0.) {
222  // Split the surfaces in Z
223  splitLayerSurfaces = splitSurfaces(
224  "z", binZ, splitLayerSurfaces, m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1],
225  layerCfg.splitRangeZ, layerCfg.splitParametersZ);
226  }
228  // Now go through and fill, @todo adapt layer configurations
229  unsigned int il = 0;
230  for (const auto& slSurfaces : splitLayerSurfaces) {
231  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - layer " << il++ << " has " << slSurfaces.size()
232  << " surfaces.");
233  fillLayer(slSurfaces, layerCfg);
234  }
235  }
236  }
237 }
240  const GeometryContext& gctx,
241  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface>>& layerSurfaces,
242  TGeoVolume* tgVolume, TGeoNode* tgNode, const TGeoMatrix& tgTransform,
243  LayerConfig& layerConfig, int type, bool correctBranch,
244  const std::string& offset) {
245  if (tgVolume != nullptr) {
246  std::string volumeName = tgVolume->GetName();
248  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "[o] Volume : " << volumeName
249  << " - checking for volume name "
250  << layerConfig.layerName);
252  // Once in the current branch stepping down means staying inside the branch
253  bool correctVolume = correctBranch;
254  if (!correctVolume &&
255  (volumeName.find(layerConfig.layerName) != std::string::npos ||
256  match(layerConfig.layerName.c_str(), volumeName.c_str()))) {
257  correctVolume = true;
258  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << " triggered current branch!");
259  }
260  // Loop over the daughters and collect them
261  auto daugthers = tgVolume->GetNodes();
262  // Screen output
263  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "has " << tgVolume->GetNdaughters()
264  << " daughters.");
265  // A daughter iterator
266  TIter iObj(daugthers);
267  // While loop over the objects for the recursive parsing
268  while (TObject* obj = iObj()) {
269  // dynamic_cast to a node
270  TGeoNode* node = dynamic_cast<TGeoNode*>(obj);
271  if (node != nullptr) {
272  resolveSensitive(gctx, layerSurfaces, nullptr, node, tgTransform,
273  layerConfig, type, correctVolume, offset + " ");
274  }
275  }
276  } else {
277  ACTS_VERBOSE("No volume present.");
278  }
281  if (tgNode != nullptr) {
282  // Get the matrix of the current node for positioning
283  const TGeoMatrix* tgMatrix = tgNode->GetMatrix();
285  // Build the matrix
286  TGeoHMatrix parseTransform =
287  TGeoCombiTrans(tgTransform) * TGeoCombiTrans(*tgMatrix);
289  // The translation of the node for parsing
290  const Double_t* translation = parseTransform.GetTranslation();
292  double x = m_cfg.unit * translation[0];
293  double y = m_cfg.unit * translation[1];
294  double z = m_cfg.unit * translation[2];
295  double r = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
297  // The name of the nodefor cross checking
298  std::string tNodeName = tgNode->GetName();
299  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "[>] Node : " << tNodeName
300  << " - checking for sensor name "
301  << layerConfig.sensorName);
302  // Find out the branch hit, ingle layer depth supported by sensor==layer
303  bool branchHit =
304  correctBranch || (layerConfig.sensorName == layerConfig.layerName);
305  if (branchHit &&
306  (tNodeName.find(layerConfig.sensorName) != std::string::npos ||
307  match(layerConfig.sensorName.c_str(), tNodeName.c_str()))) {
308  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "Sensor name '" << layerConfig.sensorName
309  << "' found in branch '" << layerConfig.layerName
310  << "'.");
312  // Create the detector element
313  // - check on the type for the side
314  // - check for the parsing volume
315  bool insideParseRange = r >= layerConfig.parseRangeR.first and
316  r <= layerConfig.parseRangeR.second;
318  if (insideParseRange and ((type == 0) || type * z > 0.)) {
319  // Senstive volume found, collect it
320  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "[>>] accepted.");
321  // Create the element
322  auto identifier =
323  m_cfg.identifierProvider != nullptr
324  ? m_cfg.identifierProvider->identify(gctx, *tgNode)
325  : Identifier();
326  auto tgElement = std::make_shared<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>(
327  identifier, tgNode, &tgTransform, layerConfig.localAxes,
328  m_cfg.unit);
329  // Record the element @todo solve with provided cache
330  m_elementStore.push_back(tgElement);
331  // Register the shared pointer to the surface for layer building
332  layerSurfaces.push_back(tgElement->surface().getSharedPtr());
334  // Record split range for eventual splitting
335  double surfaceR = tgElement->surface().binningPositionValue(gctx, binR);
336  double surfaceZ = tgElement->surface().binningPositionValue(gctx, binZ);
338  // Split in R if configured to do so
339  if (m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1] > 0.) {
340  registerSplit(layerConfig.splitParametersR, surfaceR,
341  m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1],
342  layerConfig.splitRangeR);
343  }
344  // Split in Z if configured to do so
345  if (m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1] > 0.) {
346  registerSplit(layerConfig.splitParametersZ, surfaceZ,
347  m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1],
348  layerConfig.splitRangeZ);
349  }
350  } else if (type * z < 0) {
351  ACTS_VERBOSE("[xx] cancelled by side check.");
352  } else if (not insideParseRange) {
353  ACTS_VERBOSE("[xx] cancelled by parse range on side " << type);
354  ACTS_VERBOSE(" r = " << r << " in ("
355  << layerConfig.parseRangeR.first << ", "
356  << layerConfig.parseRangeR.second << "] ?");
357  }
358  } else {
359  // This is not yet the senstive one
360  ACTS_VERBOSE(offset << "[<<] not accepted, stepping down.");
361  // Build the matrix
362  TGeoHMatrix nTransform =
363  TGeoCombiTrans(tgTransform) * TGeoCombiTrans(*tgMatrix);
364  std::string suffix = "_transform";
365  nTransform.SetName((tNodeName + suffix).c_str());
366  // If it's not accepted, get the associated volume
367  TGeoVolume* nodeVolume = tgNode->GetVolume();
368  // Now step down one further
369  resolveSensitive(gctx, layerSurfaces, nodeVolume, nullptr, nTransform,
370  layerConfig, type, correctBranch, offset + " ");
371  }
372  } else {
373  ACTS_VERBOSE("No node present.");
374  }
375 }