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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 // The code was written by :
27 // ^Claudio Andenna,
28 // *Barbara Caccia
29 // with the support of Pablo Cirrone (LNS, INFN Catania Italy)
30 // with the contribute of Alessandro Occhigrossi*
31 //
32 // ^INAIL DIPIA - ex ISPESL and INFN Roma, gruppo collegato Sanità, Italy
33 // *Istituto Superiore di Sanità and INFN Roma, gruppo collegato Sanità, Italy
34 // Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Roma (Italy)
35 // tel (39) 06 49902246
36 // fax (39) 06 49387075
37 //
38 // more information:
39 //
40 //
41 //*******************************************************//
44 #include "ML2Acc2.hh"
45 #include "ML2Acc2Messenger.hh"
46 #include "ML2Accelerator.hh"
48 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
49 #include "G4ios.hh"
51 using namespace std;
54 {
55  PVWorld = 0;
56  acc2Messenger = new CML2Acc2Messenger(this);
57 }
60 {
61 }
66 {
67  if (instance == 0)
68  {
69  instance = new CML2Acc2();
70  }
71  return instance;
72 }
74 {
75  G4cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl;;
76  G4cout << "Accelerator VARIAN LINAC 2100 " << G4endl;
77  G4cout <<"\n\n\tnominal beam energy: "<<idEnergy << G4endl;
78  G4cout << "\tdistance isocentre [mm]:"<< isoCentre/mm << G4endl;
79  G4cout <<"\tJaw X aperture: 1) "<< jaw1XAperture/mm<<"[mm]\t2) " << jaw2XAperture/mm<< " [mm]"<< G4endl;
80  G4cout <<"\tJaw Y aperture: 1) "<< jaw1YAperture/mm<<"[mm]\t2) " << jaw2YAperture/mm<< " [mm]\n"<< G4endl;
81  if (vec_leavesA.size()>0)
82  {
83  G4cout << "\tvec_leaves A aperture [mm]" << G4endl;;
84  for (int i=0; i< (int)vec_leavesA.size(); i++)
85  {
86  G4cout<<"\t" <<i <<") "<< vec_leavesA[i]/mm << G4endl;
87  }
88  }
89  else
90  {
91  G4cout << "\tNo vec_leaves A" << G4endl;
92  }
93  if (vec_leavesB.size()>0)
94  {
95  G4cout << "\tvec_leaves B aperture [mm]" << G4endl;
96  for (int i=0; i< (int)vec_leavesB.size(); i++)
97  {
98  G4cout<<"\t" <<i <<") "<< vec_leavesB[i]/mm << G4endl;
99  }
100  }
101  else
102  {
103  G4cout << "\tNo vec_leaves B" << G4endl;
104  }
105  G4cout << "______________________________________________________________" << G4endl;
106 }
109 {
110  setIsoCentre(iso);
111  PVWorld = PWorld;
112  target();
113  vacuumWindow();
114  ionizationChamber();
115  flatteningFilter();
116  mirror();
117  primaryCollimator();
118  MLC();
119  Jaw1X();
120  Jaw2X();
121  Jaw1Y();
122  Jaw2Y();
123 }
125 {
126  using namespace std;
127  G4double theta, x, y, z, dx, dy; //, dz, top;
128 // G4double beta, R;
129  x=centre.getX();
130  y=centre.getY();
131  z=centre.getZ();
132 // top=z-78./2.;
133  dx=halfSize.getX();
134  dy=halfSize.getY();
135 // dz=halfSize.getZ();
137 // G4double p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, dist;
139  switch (idJaw)
140  {
141  case 1: //idJaw1XV2100:
142  theta=fabs(atan(jaw1XAperture/isoCentre));
143  centre.set(z*sin(theta)+dx*cos(theta), y, z*cos(theta)-dx*sin(theta));
144  cRotation->rotateY(-theta);
145  break;
147  case 2: //idJaw2XV2100:
148  theta=fabs(atan(jaw2XAperture/isoCentre));
149  centre.set(-(z*sin(theta)+dx*cos(theta)), y, z*cos(theta)-dx*sin(theta));
150  cRotation->rotateY(theta);
151  break;
153  case 3: //idJaw1YV2100:
154  theta=fabs(atan(jaw1YAperture/isoCentre));
155  centre.set(x, z*sin(theta)+dy*cos(theta), z*cos(theta)-dy*sin(theta));
156  cRotation->rotateX(theta);
157  break;
159  case 4: //idJaw2YV2100:
160  theta=fabs(atan(jaw2YAperture/isoCentre));
161  centre.set(x, -(z*sin(theta)+dy*cos(theta)), z*cos(theta)-dy*sin(theta));
162  cRotation->rotateX(-theta);
163  break;
164  }
165 }
169 {
170  bool bCreated = false;
171  switch (idEnergy)
172  {
173  case 6:
174  {
175  // Physical and logical volumes
177  G4Box *targetABox = new G4Box("targetABox", 5.*mm, 5.*mm, (.035*25.4/2.)*mm);
178  G4LogicalVolume *targetALV = new G4LogicalVolume(targetABox, W, "targetALV", 0, 0, 0);
181  G4Box *targetBBox = new G4Box("targetABox", 5.*mm, 5.*mm, (0.062*25.4/2.)*mm);
182  G4LogicalVolume *targetBLV = new G4LogicalVolume(targetBBox, Cu, "targetBLV", 0, 0, 0);
184  // specific translations for the various parts of the component
185  new G4PVPlacement(
186  0,
187  G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,targetABox->GetZHalfLength()),
188  "targetAPV",
189  targetALV,
190  PVWorld,
191  false,
192  0);
194  new G4PVPlacement(
195  0,
196  G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,targetABox->GetZHalfLength()*2.+targetBBox->GetZHalfLength()),
197  "targetBPV",
198  targetBLV,
199  PVWorld,
200  false,
201  0);
203  // Region for cuts
204  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region("targetR");
206  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.2*cm);
207  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
209  targetALV->SetRegion(regVol);
210  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(targetALV);
212  targetBLV->SetRegion(regVol);
213  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(targetBLV);
215  // Visibility
216  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Red());
217  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
218  targetALV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
220  G4VisAttributes* simpleBlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
221  simpleBlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
222  targetBLV->SetVisAttributes(simpleBlSVisAtt);
224  bCreated = true;
225  break;
226  }
227  case 15:
228  {
229  // Physical and logical volumes
231  G4Box *targetABox = new G4Box("targetABox", 5.*mm, 5.*mm, (.025*25.4/2.)*mm);
232  G4LogicalVolume *targetALV = new G4LogicalVolume(targetABox, W, "targetALV", 0, 0, 0);
235  G4Box *targetBBox = new G4Box("targetABox", 5.*mm, 5.*mm, (0.312*25.4/2.)*mm);
236  G4LogicalVolume *targetBLV = new G4LogicalVolume(targetBBox, Cu, "targetBLV", 0, 0, 0);
238  // specific translations for the various parts of the component
239  new G4PVPlacement(
240  0,
241  G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,targetABox->GetZHalfLength()),
242  "targetAPV",
243  targetALV,
244  PVWorld,
245  false,
246  0);
248  new G4PVPlacement(
249  0,
250  G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,targetABox->GetZHalfLength()*2.+targetBBox->GetZHalfLength()),
251  "targetBPV",
252  targetBLV,
253  PVWorld,
254  false,
255  0);
257  // Region for cuts
258  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region("targetR");
260  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.2*cm);
261  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
263  targetALV->SetRegion(regVol);
264  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(targetALV);
266  targetBLV->SetRegion(regVol);
267  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(targetBLV);
269  // Visibility
270  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Red());
271  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
272  targetALV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
274  G4VisAttributes* simpleBlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
275  simpleBlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
276  targetBLV->SetVisAttributes(simpleBlSVisAtt);
278  bCreated=true;
279  break;
280  }
281  }
282  return bCreated;
283 }
285 {
286  bool bCreated = false;
287  // the component as a whole
288  G4double totalHeight = 80.0*mm;
291  G4Material *Vacuum = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Galactic");
293  // Region for cuts
294  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region("primaryCollimator");
296  cuts->SetProductionCut(1.*cm);
297  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
299  // //-------------------- upper part----------------
300  G4ThreeVector centre=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,16.)-G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,(16. + totalHeight-76.)/2.);
301  G4Tubs *PCUTube = new G4Tubs("PrimaryCollimatorUTube", 10.*mm, 40.0*mm, 10.*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
302  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeLV = new G4LogicalVolume(PCUTube, Pb, "PrimaryCollimatorUTubeLV", 0, 0, 0);
304  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "PrimaryCollimatorUTubePV", PCUTubeLV, PVWorld, false, 0);
305  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::White());
306  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
307  PCUTubeLV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
308  PCUTubeLV->SetRegion(regVol);
309  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeLV);
311  // //-------------------- lower part----------------
312  // Tube
313  G4Tubs* PCLTube = new G4Tubs("PrimaryCollimatorLTube", 0., 40.*mm, 60./2.*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
314  // Cone
315  G4double coneAperture = 14.*deg;
316  G4Cons* collimCone = new G4Cons("PrimaryCollimatorLCone", 0., (16.*std::tan(coneAperture))*mm, 0., (76.*std::tan(coneAperture))*mm, 30.*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
318  G4LogicalVolume* PCLTubeLV = new G4LogicalVolume(PCLTube, Pb, "PCLTubeLV",0,0,0);
319  G4LogicalVolume* collimConeLV = new G4LogicalVolume(collimCone, Vacuum, "collimConeLV",0,0,0);
320  centre = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,16.+60./2.);
321  G4VPhysicalVolume *PCLTubePV = new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "PCLTubePV", PCLTubeLV, PVWorld, false, 0);
323  centre = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
324  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "TubeMinusConeLPV", collimConeLV, PCLTubePV, false, 0);
326  // Visualization
327  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Green());
328  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
329  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetForceSolid(true);
330  PCLTubeLV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
332  // Region for cuts
333  PCLTubeLV->SetRegion(regVol);
334  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(PCLTubeLV);
336  bCreated = true;
337  return bCreated;
338 }
340 {
341  bool bCreated = false;
345  // Region for cuts
346  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region("BeWindow");
348  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.1*cm);
349  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
352  G4Tubs* BeWTube = new G4Tubs("BeWindowTube", 0., 50.*mm, 0.12*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
353  G4LogicalVolume *BeWTubeLV = new G4LogicalVolume(BeWTube, Be, "BeWTubeLV", 0, 0, 0);
354  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,90.*mm), "BeWTubePV", BeWTubeLV, PVWorld, false, 0);
356  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
357  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
358  BeWTubeLV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
359  BeWTubeLV->SetRegion(regVol);
360  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(BeWTubeLV);
362  bCreated = true;
363  return bCreated;
364 }
366 {
367  G4String iName;
368  char a[10];
369  bool bCreated = false;
370  switch (idEnergy)
371  {
372  case 6:
373  {
374  G4double distanceLast = 116.3386 - 0.932*25.4/2.*mm;
377  const int PointsNumber=22;
378  // Coordinates of flattening filter in inches
379  G4double xRadius[PointsNumber]={0.0000000001, .025, .050, .075, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1., 1.1, 1.205, 1.3, 1.325, 1.5};
380  G4double yHeight[PointsNumber]={.932, .92, .907, .892, .874, .83, .782, .736, .69, .645, .601, .516, .437, .361, .294, .22, .173, .118, .08, .08, .125, .125};
382  int i;
383  // From inches to millimeters
384  for (i = 0; i<PointsNumber; i++)
385  {
386  xRadius[i]*=25.4*mm;
387  yHeight[i]*=25.4*mm;
388  }
389  G4double angleStart=0.;
390  G4double angleStop=360.0;
392  G4double halfHeigth, rMaxInf, rMaxSup, rMinInf, rMinSup;
393  G4String name;
394  G4ThreeVector centre;
395  G4LogicalVolume *logVol;
396  G4Cons *cone;
397 // G4VPhysicalVolume *phVol;
398  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
399  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region("flatfilterR");
401  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.2*cm);
402  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
404  for (i = 0 ; i < 19; i++)
405  {
406  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
407  iName = (G4String)a;
408  halfHeigth = (yHeight[i]-yHeight[i+1])/2. ;
409  if (i == 18)
410  {
411  halfHeigth = yHeight[i]/2.;
412  }
414  rMaxInf = xRadius[i];
415  rMaxSup = xRadius[i+1];
416  rMinInf = 0.;
417  rMinSup = 0.;
418  centre.set(0.,0.,distanceLast+halfHeigth); distanceLast+=halfHeigth*2.;
419  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
420  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
421  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
422  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
423  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
424  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
426  // Region for cuts
427  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
428  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
429  // Visualization
430  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
431  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
432  logVol->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
433  }
435  halfHeigth = yHeight[19]/2. ;
436  rMaxInf = xRadius[21];
437  rMaxSup = xRadius[21];
438  rMinInf = 0.;
439  rMinSup = 0.;
440  centre.set(0.,0., distanceLast+halfHeigth);
441  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
442  iName = (G4String)a;
443  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
444  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
445  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
446  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
447  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
448  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
450  // Region for cuts
451  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
452  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
453  // Visualization
454  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
455  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
456  logVol -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
458  halfHeigth = (yHeight[20]-yHeight[19])/2. ;
459  rMaxInf = xRadius[21];
460  rMaxSup = xRadius[21];
461  rMinInf = xRadius[20];
462  rMinSup = xRadius[19];
463  centre.set(0.,0., distanceLast-halfHeigth);
464  sprintf(a,"%d", ++i);
465  iName = (G4String)a;
466  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
467  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
468  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
469  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
470  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
471  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol,PVWorld, false, 0);
473  // Region for cuts
474  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
475  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
476  // Visualization
477  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
478  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
479  logVol->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
481  bCreated = true;
482  break;
483  }
484  case 15:
485  {
486  G4double distanceLast = 125.+.125*25.4 - 0.744*25.4/2.- 0.744*25.4/2.*mm;
489  const int PointsNumber = 21;
490  // Coordinate in pollici del flattening filter come da disegno
491  G4double xRadius[PointsNumber] = {0.0000000001, 0.040, 0.078,
492  0.105, 0.131, 0.160, 0.205, 0.248, 0.343, 0.436, 0.531,
493  0.628, 0.727, 0.829, 0.880, 0.932, 0.983, 1.037, 1.250,
494  1.350, 1.5};
495  G4double yHeight[PointsNumber] = {0.744, 0.718, 0.682, 0.653,
496  0.622, 0.593, 0.547, 0.506, 0.427, 0.354, 0.287, 0.225,
497  0.168, 0.119, 0.090, 0.067, 0.047, 0.030, 0.030, 0.125,
498  0.125};
500  // From inches to millimeters
501  int i;
502  for (i = 0; i < PointsNumber; i++)
503  {
504  xRadius[i]*=25.4*mm;
505  yHeight[i]*=25.4*mm;
506  }
507  G4double angleStart = 0.;
508  G4double angleStop = 360.0;
510  G4double halfHeigth, rMaxInf, rMaxSup, rMinInf, rMinSup;
511  G4String name;
512  G4ThreeVector centre;
513  G4Cons *cone;
514  G4LogicalVolume *logVol;
515 // G4VPhysicalVolume *phVol;
516  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
517  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region("flatfilterR");
519  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.2*cm);
520  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
522  for (i=0;i<18;i++)
523  {
524  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
525  iName = (G4String)a;
526  halfHeigth = (yHeight[i]-yHeight[i+1])/2. ;
527  if (i == 17)
528  {
529  halfHeigth = yHeight[i]/2.;
530  }
531  rMaxInf = xRadius[i];
532  rMaxSup = xRadius[i+1];
533  rMinInf = 0.;
534  rMinSup = 0.;
535  centre.set(0.,0.,distanceLast+halfHeigth); distanceLast+=halfHeigth*2.;
536  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
537  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
538  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
539  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
540  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
541  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
543  // Region for cuts
544  logVol -> SetRegion(regVol);
545  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
546  // Visualization
547  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
548  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
549  logVol -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
550  }
552  halfHeigth = yHeight[18]/2. ;
553  rMaxInf = xRadius[20];
554  rMaxSup = xRadius[20];
555  rMinInf = 0.;
556  rMinSup = 0.;
557  centre.set(0.,0., distanceLast+halfHeigth);
558  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
559  iName = (G4String)a;
560  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
561  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
562  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
563  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
564  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
565  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
567  // Region for cuts
568  logVol -> SetRegion(regVol);
569  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
570  // Visualization
571  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
572  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
573  logVol -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
575  halfHeigth = (yHeight[19]-yHeight[18])/2. ;
576  rMaxInf = xRadius[20];
577  rMaxSup = xRadius[20];
578  rMinInf = xRadius[19];
579  rMinSup = xRadius[18];
580  centre.set(0.,0., distanceLast-halfHeigth);
581  sprintf(a,"%d", ++i);
582  iName = (G4String)a;
583  name = "ffConeG"+iName;
584  cone = new G4Cons(name, rMinInf, rMaxInf, rMinSup, rMaxSup, halfHeigth, angleStart, angleStop);
585  name = "ffConeLV"+iName;
586  logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(cone, Cu, name, 0, 0, 0);
587  name = "ffConePV"+iName;
588  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, name, logVol,PVWorld, false, 0);
590  // Region for cuts
591  logVol -> SetRegion(regVol);
592  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
593  // Visualization
594  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Cyan());
595  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
596  logVol -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
598  bCreated = true;
599  break;
600  }
601  }
602  return bCreated;
603 }
605 {
606  bool bCreated = false;
609  G4Material *KAPTON = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_KAPTON");
610  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region("ionizationChamber");
612  cuts -> SetProductionCut(0.1*cm);
613  regVol -> SetProductionCuts(cuts);
615  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
616  // Region for cuts
618  G4Tubs* ICTubeW = new G4Tubs("ionizationChamberTube", 0., 3.75*2.54*10.*mm, 0.005*25.4*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
619  G4Tubs* ICTubeP = new G4Tubs("ionizationChamberTube", 0., 3.75*2.54*10.*mm, 0.002*25.4*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
621  G4ThreeVector centre;
622  // W1
623  centre.set(0.,0.,148.35*mm);
624  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeW1LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeW, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeW1LV", 0, 0, 0);
625  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeW1PV", PCUTubeW1LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
626  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Blue());
627  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
628  PCUTubeW1LV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
629  PCUTubeW1LV -> SetRegion(regVol);
630  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeW1LV);
632  // P1
633  centre.set(0.,0.,150.73*mm);
634  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeP1LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeP, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeP1LV", 0, 0, 0);
635  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeP1PV", PCUTubeP1LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
636  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
637  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
638  PCUTubeP1LV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
639  PCUTubeP1LV -> SetRegion(regVol);
640  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeP1LV);
642  // W2
643  centre.set(0.,0.,155.5*mm);
644  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeW2LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeW, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeW2LV", 0, 0, 0);
645  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeW2PV", PCUTubeW2LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
646  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Blue());
647  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
648  PCUTubeW2LV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
649  PCUTubeW2LV -> SetRegion(regVol);
650  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeW2LV);
652  // P2
653  centre.set(0.,0.,153.12*mm);
654  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeP2LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeP, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeP2LV", 0, 0, 0);
655  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeP2PV", PCUTubeP2LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
656  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
657  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
658  PCUTubeP2LV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
659  PCUTubeP2LV->SetRegion(regVol);
660  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeP2LV);
662  // W3
663  centre.set(0.,0.,162.65*mm);
664  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeW3LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeW, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeW3LV", 0, 0, 0);
665  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeW3PV", PCUTubeW3LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
666  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Blue());
667  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
668  PCUTubeW3LV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
669  PCUTubeW3LV -> SetRegion(regVol);
670  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeW3LV);
672  // P3
673  centre.set(0.,0.,157.88*mm);
674  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeP3LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeP, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeP3LV", 0, 0, 0);
675  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeP3PV", PCUTubeP3LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
676  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
677  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
678  PCUTubeP3LV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
679  PCUTubeP3LV -> SetRegion(regVol);
680  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeP3LV);
682  // P4
683  centre.set(0.,0.,160.27*mm);
684  G4LogicalVolume *PCUTubeP4LV = new G4LogicalVolume(ICTubeP, KAPTON, "ionizationChamberTubeP4LV", 0, 0, 0);
685  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, "ionizationChamberTubeP4PV", PCUTubeP4LV, PVWorld, false, 0);
686  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Yellow());
687  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
688  PCUTubeP4LV->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
689  PCUTubeP4LV->SetRegion(regVol);
690  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(PCUTubeP4LV);
692  bCreated = true;
693  return bCreated;
694 }
696 {
697  bool bCreated = false;
701  // Region for cuts
702  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region("Mirror");
704  cuts -> SetProductionCut(0.1*cm);
705  regVol -> SetProductionCuts(cuts);
707  G4Tubs* MirrorTube = new G4Tubs("MirrorTube", 0., 86.*mm, 1.*mm, 0.*deg, 360.*deg);
708  G4LogicalVolume *MirrorTubeLV = new G4LogicalVolume(MirrorTube, MYLAR, "MirrorTubeLV", 0, 0, 0);
709  G4RotationMatrix *cRotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
710  cRotation -> rotateY(35.0*deg);
711  new G4PVPlacement(cRotation, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 220.*mm), "MirrorTubePV", MirrorTubeLV,PVWorld, false, 0);
713  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Green());
714  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
715  MirrorTubeLV -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
716  MirrorTubeLV -> SetRegion(regVol);
717  regVol -> AddRootLogicalVolume(MirrorTubeLV);
719  bCreated = true;
720  return bCreated;
721 }
723 {
724  bool bCreated = false;
727  G4String name = "Jaws1X";
729  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region(name+"R");
731  cuts->SetProductionCut(1.*cm);
732  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
734  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
735  G4ThreeVector centre, halfSize;
736  G4RotationMatrix *cRotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
737  centre.set(0.,0.,(367.+78./2.)*mm);
738  halfSize.set(50.*mm, 90.*mm, 78./2.*mm);
739  G4Box *box = new G4Box(name+"Box", halfSize.getX(), halfSize.getY(), halfSize.getZ());
740  G4LogicalVolume *logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(box, W, name+"LV", 0, 0, 0);
741  SetJawAperture(1, centre, halfSize,cRotation);
742  new G4PVPlacement(cRotation, centre, name+"PV", logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
744  // Region for cuts
745  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
746  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
748  // Visibility
749  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Blue());
750  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
751  logVol->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
753  bCreated = true;
754  return bCreated;
755 }
757 {
758  bool bCreated=false;
760  G4String name="Jaws2X";
761  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region(name+"R");
763  cuts->SetProductionCut(1.*cm);
764  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
766  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
767  G4ThreeVector centre, halfSize;
768  G4RotationMatrix *cRotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
769  centre.set(0.,0.,(367.+78./2.)*mm);
770  halfSize.set(50.*mm, 90.*mm, 78./2.*mm);
771  G4Box *box = new G4Box(name+"Box", halfSize.getX(), halfSize.getY(), halfSize.getZ());
772  G4LogicalVolume *logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(box, W, name+"LV", 0, 0, 0);
773  SetJawAperture(2, centre, halfSize, cRotation);
774  new G4PVPlacement(cRotation, centre, name+"PV", logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
776  // Region for cuts
777  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
778  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
780  // Visibility
781  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Blue());
782  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
783  logVol->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
785  bCreated = true;
786  return bCreated;
787 }
789 {
790  bool bCreated = false;
792  G4String name="Jaws1Y";
794  G4Region *regVol= new G4Region(name+"R");
796  cuts->SetProductionCut(1.*cm);
797  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
799  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
800  G4ThreeVector centre, halfSize;
801  G4RotationMatrix *cRotation=new G4RotationMatrix();
802  centre.set(0.,0.,(280.+78./2.)*mm);
803  halfSize.set(90.*mm, 50.*mm, 78./2.*mm);
804  G4Box *box = new G4Box(name+"Box", halfSize.getX(), halfSize.getY(), halfSize.getZ());
805  G4LogicalVolume *logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(box, W, name+"LV", 0, 0, 0);
806  SetJawAperture(3, centre, halfSize, cRotation);
807  new G4PVPlacement(cRotation, centre, name+"PV", logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
809  // Region for cuts
810  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
811  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
813  // Visibility
814  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Red());
815  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
816  logVol->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
818  bCreated = true;
819  return bCreated;
820 }
822 {
823  bool bCreated = false;
826  G4String name = "Jaws2Y";
827  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region(name+"R");
829  cuts->SetProductionCut(1.*cm);
830  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
832  G4ThreeVector centre, halfSize;
833  G4RotationMatrix *cRotation=new G4RotationMatrix();
834  centre.set(0.,0.,(280.+78./2.)*mm);
835  halfSize.set(90.*mm, 50.*mm, 78./2.*mm);
836  G4Box *box = new G4Box(name+"Box", halfSize.getX(), halfSize.getY(), halfSize.getZ());
837  G4LogicalVolume *logVol = new G4LogicalVolume(box, W, name+"LV", 0, 0, 0);
838  SetJawAperture(4, centre, halfSize, cRotation);
839  new G4PVPlacement(cRotation, centre, name+"PV", logVol, PVWorld, false, 0);
841  // Region for cuts
842  logVol->SetRegion(regVol);
843  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(logVol);
845  // Visibility
847  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Red());
848  simpleAlSVisAtt -> SetVisibility(true);
849  logVol -> SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
851  bCreated = true;
852  return bCreated;
853 }
855 {
856  G4String iName;
857  char a[12];
858  bool bCreated = false;
859  // material
861  G4VisAttributes* simpleAlSVisAtt;
862  // Region for cuts
863  G4Region *regVol = new G4Region("MLCR");
865  cuts->SetProductionCut(0.5*cm);
866  regVol->SetProductionCuts(cuts);
868  G4ThreeVector box1Size, box2Size;
870  G4ThreeVector centreStart;
871  centreStart.set(0.,0.,(482.5+535.5)/2.*mm);
873  box1Size.set(5.2883/2.*mm, 167.488/2.*mm, 61.2953/2.*mm);
874  G4double circleRadiuos=80.0*mm;
876  G4double alfa=std::asin(box1Size.getZ()/circleRadiuos);
877  G4double externalYPartSize=circleRadiuos*(1-std::cos(alfa));
879  box2Size.set(box1Size.getX(), externalYPartSize/2., box1Size.getZ());
881  // single leaf
882  G4Box *box1Leaf = new G4Box("LeafBox1", box1Size.getX(), box1Size.getY(), box1Size.getZ());
883  G4Box *box2leaf = new G4Box("LeafBox2", box2Size.getX(), box2Size.getY(), box2Size.getZ());
884  G4Tubs *cyLeaf = new G4Tubs("LeafCylinder", 0, circleRadiuos, box1Size.getX(),0,CLHEP::twopi);
887  rm->rotateY(90.*deg);
888  G4DisplacedSolid *cyLeaf90Y=new G4DisplacedSolid("LeafCylinder90Y",cyLeaf,rm,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0));
889  G4DisplacedSolid *cyLeafTr=new G4DisplacedSolid("LeafCylinderTr",cyLeaf90Y,0,G4ThreeVector(0., -(circleRadiuos-box2Size.getY()), 0.));
890  G4IntersectionSolid* bx2CyleafTr =new G4IntersectionSolid("bx2CyleafTr", box2leaf, cyLeafTr);
891  G4DisplacedSolid *bx2CyleafTrTr=new G4DisplacedSolid("bx2CyleafTrTr",bx2CyleafTr,0,G4ThreeVector(0., +(box1Size.getY()+box2Size.getY()-.1), 0.)); // -.1 to guarantee the volumes touch each other
893  G4UnionSolid *leafSolidA = new G4UnionSolid("SingleLeafA", bx2CyleafTrTr, box1Leaf);
894  rm = new G4RotationMatrix();
895  rm -> rotateZ(180.*deg);
896  G4DisplacedSolid *leafSolidB = new G4DisplacedSolid("SingleLeafB", leafSolidA, rm, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0));
899  G4ThreeVector halfSize;
900  halfSize.set(0., box2Size.getY()*2.-.1,0.);
901  halfSize+=box1Size;
903  G4LogicalVolume *leafLVA = new G4LogicalVolume(leafSolidA, W, "leafSolidALV", 0, 0, 0);
904  G4LogicalVolume *leafLVB = new G4LogicalVolume(leafSolidB, W, "leafSolidBLV", 0, 0, 0);
906  simpleAlSVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Green());
907  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
908  leafLVA->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
909  leafLVA->SetRegion(regVol);
910  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(leafLVA);
912  simpleAlSVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour::Green());
913  simpleAlSVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
914  leafLVB->SetVisAttributes(simpleAlSVisAtt);
915  leafLVB->SetRegion(regVol);
916  regVol->AddRootLogicalVolume(leafLVB);
919  G4String PVname;
920 // G4VPhysicalVolume *leafPhys;
921  int i;
922  int j = 0;
924  G4ThreeVector centre;
925  centre= centreStart + G4ThreeVector(-38.*halfSize.getX(), 0.,0.);
927  for (i = 1; i < (int)vec_leavesA.size(); i++)
928  {
929  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
930  iName = (G4String)a;
931  PVname = "leafA"+iName;
932  centre.setX(centre.getX()+halfSize.getX()*2.);
933  centre.setY(-halfSize.getY()-vec_leavesA[i]);
934  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, PVname, leafLVA, PVWorld, false, i);
935  j++;
936  }
937  centre=centreStart+G4ThreeVector(-38.*halfSize.getX(), 0.,0.);
938  for (i = 1; i < (int)vec_leavesB.size(); i++)
939  {
940  sprintf(a,"%d", i);
941  iName = (G4String)a;
942  PVname = "leafB"+iName;
943  centre.setX(centre.getX()+halfSize.getX()*2.);
944  centre.setY(+halfSize.getY()+vec_leavesB[i]);
945  new G4PVPlacement(0, centre, PVname, leafLVB, PVWorld, false, i);
946  j++;
947  }
948  bCreated = true;
949  return bCreated;
950 }