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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 Class file
30 //
31 //
32 // File name: G4GammaGeneralProcess
33 //
34 // Author: Vladimir Ivanchenko
35 //
36 // Creation date: 19.07.2018
37 //
38 // Modifications:
39 //
40 // Class Description:
41 //
43 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
44 //
45 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
46 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
48 #include "G4GammaGeneralProcess.hh"
49 #include "G4VDiscreteProcess.hh"
50 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
51 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
52 #include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
53 #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
54 #include "G4LossTableBuilder.hh"
55 #include "G4HadronicProcess.hh"
56 #include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
57 #include "G4Step.hh"
58 #include "G4Track.hh"
59 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
60 #include "G4DataVector.hh"
61 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
62 #include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
63 #include "G4PhysicsLinearVector.hh"
64 #include "G4VParticleChange.hh"
65 #include "G4PhysicsTableHelper.hh"
66 #include "G4EmParameters.hh"
67 #include "G4EmProcessSubType.hh"
68 #include "G4Material.hh"
69 #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
72 #include "G4Log.hh"
73 #include <iostream>
75 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
79  {true,false,true,true,false,false,true,true,true,
80  false,true,true,true,false,false};
82  {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8",
83  "9","10","11","12","13","14"};
86  G4VEmProcess("GammaGeneralProc", fElectromagnetic),
87  minPEEnergy(50*CLHEP::keV),
88  minEEEnergy(2*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2),
89  minMMEnergy(100*CLHEP::MeV),
90  peLambda(0.0),
91  nLowE(40),
92  nHighE(50),
93  splineFlag(false)
94 {
96  theGammaNuclear = nullptr;
97  theConversionMM = nullptr;
98  selectedProc = nullptr;
100  idxEnergy = 0;
101  preStepLogE = factor = 1.0;
103  SetVerboseLevel(1);
106 }
108 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
111 {
112  //std::cout << "G4GammaGeneralProcess::~G4GammaGeneralProcess " << isTheMaster
113  // << " " << theHandler << G4endl;
114  if(isTheMaster) {
115  delete theHandler;
116  theHandler = nullptr;
117  }
118 }
120 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
123 {
124  return true;
125 }
127 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
130 {
131  if(!ptr) { return; }
132  G4int stype = ptr->GetProcessSubType();
133  if(stype == fRayleigh) { theRayleigh = ptr; }
134  else if(stype == fPhotoElectricEffect) { thePhotoElectric = ptr; }
135  else if(stype == fComptonScattering) { theCompton = ptr; }
136  else if(stype == fGammaConversion) { theConversionEE = ptr; }
137 }
139 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
142 {
143  theConversionMM = ptr;
144 }
146 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
149 {
150  theGammaNuclear = ptr;
151 }
153 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
156 {
157  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
158  G4cout << "G4GammaGeneralProcess::PreparePhysicsTable() for "
159  << GetProcessName()
160  << " and particle " << part.GetParticleName()
161  << G4endl;
162  }
163  SetParticle(&part);
164  currentCouple = nullptr;
165  currentMaterial = nullptr;
166  preStepLambda = 0.0;
167  idxEnergy = 0;
180  InitialiseProcess(&part);
181 }
183 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
186 {
187  if(isTheMaster) {
189  // tables are created and its size is defined only once
190  if(!theHandler) {
192  if(theRayleigh) { theT[1] = theT[4] = true; }
193  if(theGammaNuclear) { theT[9] = theT[13] = true; }
194  if(theConversionMM) { theT[14] = true; }
200  }
201  auto bld = lManager->GetTableBuilder();
203  const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
205  size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
210  size_t nbin1 = std::max(5, nd*G4lrint(std::log10(minPEEnergy/mine)));
211  size_t nbin2 = std::max(5, nd*G4lrint(std::log10(maxe/minMMEnergy)));
213  G4PhysicsVector* vec = nullptr;
214  G4PhysicsLogVector aVector(mine,minPEEnergy,nbin1);
217  G4PhysicsLogVector dVector(minMMEnergy,maxe,nbin2);
218  if(splineFlag) {
219  aVector.SetSpline(splineFlag);
220  bVector.SetSpline(splineFlag);
221  cVector.SetSpline(splineFlag);
222  dVector.SetSpline(splineFlag);
223  }
225  for(size_t i=0; i<nTables; ++i) {
226  //G4cout << "## PreparePhysTable " << i << "." << G4endl;
227  if(theT[i]) {
228  G4PhysicsTable* table = theHandler->MakeTable(i);
229  //G4cout << " make table " << table << G4endl;
230  for(size_t j=0; j<numOfCouples; ++j) {
231  vec = (*table)[j];
232  if (bld->GetFlag(j) && !vec) {
233  //G4cout << " i= " << i << " j= " << j << " make new vector" << G4endl;
234  if(i<=1) {
235  vec = new G4PhysicsVector(aVector);
236  } else if(i<=5) {
237  vec = new G4PhysicsVector(bVector);
238  } else if(i<=9) {
239  vec = new G4PhysicsVector(cVector);
240  } else {
241  vec = new G4PhysicsVector(dVector);
242  }
244  }
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  }
249 }
251 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
254 {
255  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
256  G4cout << "### G4VEmProcess::BuildPhysicsTable() for "
257  << GetProcessName()
258  << " and particle " << part.GetParticleName()
259  << G4endl;
260  }
261  if(thePhotoElectric) {
262  if(!isTheMaster) {
264  }
266  }
267  if(theCompton) {
268  if(!isTheMaster) {
270  }
272  }
273  if(theConversionEE) {
274  if(!isTheMaster) {
276  }
278  }
279  if(theRayleigh) {
280  if(!isTheMaster) {
282  }
284  }
288  if(isTheMaster) {
289  const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
291  size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
294  const std::vector<G4PhysicsTable*>& tables = theHandler->GetTables();
298  G4DynamicParticle* dynParticle =
301  G4double sigComp(0.), sigPE(0.), sigConv(0.), sigR(0.),
302  sigN(0.), sigM(0.), val(0.);
304  for(size_t i=0; i<numOfCouples; ++i) {
306  if (bld->GetFlag(i)) {
308  G4int idx = (*theDensityIdx)[i];
309  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple =
310  theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(i);
311  const G4Material* material = couple->GetMaterial();
313  // energy interval 0
314  size_t nn = (*(tables[0]))[idx]->GetVectorLength();
315  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
316  G4cout << "======= Zone 0 ======= N= " << nn
317  << " for " << material->GetName() << G4endl;
318  }
319  for(size_t j=0; j<nn; ++j) {
320  G4double e = (*(tables[0]))[idx]->Energy(j);
321  G4double loge = G4Log(e);
322  sigComp = (theCompton) ? theCompton->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
323  sigR = (theRayleigh) ? theRayleigh->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
324  G4double sum = sigComp + sigR;
325  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
326  G4cout << j << ". E= " << e << " xs= " << sum
327  << " compt= " << sigComp << " Rayl= " << sigR << G4endl;
328  }
329  (*(tables[0]))[idx]->PutValue(j, sum);
330  if(theT[1]) {
331  val = (sum > 0.0) ? sigComp/sum : 0.0;
332  (*(tables[1]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
333  }
334  }
336  // energy interval 1
337  nn = (*(tables[2]))[idx]->GetVectorLength();
338  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
339  G4cout << "======= Zone 1 ======= N= " << nn << G4endl;
340  }
341  for(size_t j=0; j<nn; ++j) {
342  G4double e = (*(tables[2]))[idx]->Energy(j);
343  G4double loge = G4Log(e);
344  sigComp = (theCompton) ? theCompton->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
345  sigR = (theRayleigh) ? theRayleigh->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
346  sigPE = (thePhotoElectric)
347  ? thePhotoElectric->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
348  sigN = 0.0;
349  if(gn) {
350  dynParticle->SetKineticEnergy(e);
351  sigN = gn->ComputeCrossSection(dynParticle, material);
352  }
353  G4double sum = sigComp + sigR + sigPE + sigN;
354  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
355  G4cout << j << ". E= " << e << " xs= " << sum
356  << " compt= " << sigComp << " conv= " << sigConv
357  << " PE= " << sigPE << " Rayl= " << sigR
358  << " GN= " << sigN << G4endl;
359  }
360  (*(tables[2]))[idx]->PutValue(j, sum);
361  val = (sum > 0.0) ? sigPE/sum : 0.0;
362  (*(tables[3]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
363  if(theT[4]) {
364  val = (sum > 0.0) ? (sigComp + sigPE)/sum : 0.0;
365  (*(tables[4]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
366  }
367  if(theT[5]) {
368  val = (sum > 0.0) ? (sigComp + sigPE + sigR)/sum : 0.0;
369  (*(tables[5]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
370  }
371  }
373  // energy interval 2
374  nn = (*(tables[6]))[idx]->GetVectorLength();
375  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
376  G4cout << "======= Zone 2 ======= N= " << nn << G4endl;
377  }
378  for(size_t j=0; j<nn; ++j) {
379  G4double e = (*(tables[6]))[idx]->Energy(j);
380  G4double loge = G4Log(e);
381  sigComp = (theCompton) ? theCompton->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
382  sigConv = (theConversionEE)
383  ? theConversionEE->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
384  sigPE = (thePhotoElectric)
385  ? thePhotoElectric->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
386  sigN = 0.0;
387  if(gn) {
388  dynParticle->SetKineticEnergy(e);
389  sigN = gn->ComputeCrossSection(dynParticle, material);
390  }
391  G4double sum = sigComp + sigConv + sigPE + sigN;
392  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
393  G4cout << j << ". E= " << e << " xs= " << sum
394  << " compt= " << sigComp << " conv= " << sigConv
395  << " PE= " << sigPE
396  << " GN= " << sigN << G4endl;
397  }
398  (*(tables[6]))[idx]->PutValue(j, sum);
399  val = (sum > 0.0) ? sigConv/sum : 0.0;
400  (*(tables[7]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
401  val = (sum > 0.0) ? (sigConv + sigComp)/sum : 0.0;
402  (*(tables[8]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
403  if(theT[9]) {
404  val = (sum > 0.0) ? (sigConv + sigComp + sigPE)/sum : 0.0;
405  (*(tables[9]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
406  }
407  }
409  // energy interval 3
410  nn = (*(tables[10]))[idx]->GetVectorLength();
411  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
412  G4cout << "======= Zone 3 ======= N= " << nn
413  << " for " << material->GetName() << G4endl;
414  }
415  for(size_t j=0; j<nn; ++j) {
416  G4double e = (*(tables[10]))[idx]->Energy(j);
417  G4double loge = G4Log(e);
418  sigComp = (theCompton) ? theCompton->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
419  sigConv = (theConversionEE)
420  ? theConversionEE->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
421  sigPE = (thePhotoElectric)
422  ? thePhotoElectric->GetLambda(e, couple, loge) : 0.0;
423  sigN = 0.0;
424  if(gn) {
425  dynParticle->SetKineticEnergy(e);
426  sigN = gn->ComputeCrossSection(dynParticle, material);
427  }
428  sigM = 0.0;
429  if(theConversionMM) {
430  val = theConversionMM->ComputeMeanFreePath(e, material);
431  sigM = (val < DBL_MAX) ? 1./val : 0.0;
432  }
433  G4double sum = sigComp + sigConv + sigPE + sigN + sigM;
434  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
435  G4cout << j << ". E= " << e << " xs= " << sum
436  << " compt= " << sigComp << " conv= " << sigConv
437  << " PE= " << sigPE
438  << " GN= " << sigN << G4endl;
439  }
440  (*(tables[10]))[idx]->PutValue(j, sum);
441  val = (sum > 0.0) ? 1.0 - sigConv/sum : 1.0;
442  (*(tables[11]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
443  val = (sum > 0.0) ? 1.0 - (sigConv + sigComp)/sum : 1.0;
444  (*(tables[12]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
445  if(theT[13]) {
446  val = (sum > 0.0) ? 1.0 - (sigConv + sigComp + sigPE)/sum : 1.0;
447  (*(tables[13]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
448  }
449  if(theT[14]) {
450  val = (sum > 0.0)
451  ? 1.0 - (sigConv + sigComp + sigPE + sigN)/sum : 1.0;
452  (*(tables[14]))[idx]->PutValue(j, val);
453  }
454  }
455  for(size_t k=0; k<nTables; ++k) {
456  if(theT[k] && splineFlag) {
457  (*(tables[k]))[idx]->FillSecondDerivatives();
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  }
462  delete dynParticle;
463  }
465  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
466  G4cout << "### G4VEmProcess::BuildPhysicsTable() done for "
467  << GetProcessName()
468  << " and particle " << part.GetParticleName()
469  << G4endl;
470  }
471 }
473 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
476 {
478  currentMaterial = nullptr;
479 }
481 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
484  const G4Track& track,
485  G4double previousStepSize,
487 {
488  *condition = NotForced;
489  G4double x = DBL_MAX;
491  G4double energy = track.GetKineticEnergy();
495  // compute mean free path
496  if(mat != currentMaterial || energy != preStepKinEnergy) {
498  basedCoupleIndex = (*theDensityIdx)[currentCoupleIndex];
499  factor = (*theDensityFactor)[currentCoupleIndex];
505  // zero cross section
506  if(preStepLambda <= 0.0) {
509  }
510  }
512  // non-zero cross section
513  if(preStepLambda > 0.0) {
517  // beggining of tracking (or just after DoIt of this process)
521  } else if(currentInteractionLength < DBL_MAX) {
524  previousStepSize/currentInteractionLength;
527  }
529  // new mean free path and step limit for the next step
532  }
533  /*
534  G4cout << "PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength: e= " << energy
535  << " idxe= " << idxEnergy << " xs= " << preStepLambda
536  << " x= " << x << G4endl;
537  */
538  return x;
539 }
541 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
544 {
545  G4double cross = 0.0;
546  /*
547  G4cout << "#Total: " << preStepKinEnergy << " " << minPEEnergy << " "
548  << minEEEnergy << " " << minMMEnergy<< G4endl;
549  G4cout << " idxE= " << idxEnergy
550  << " idxC= " << currentCoupleIndex << G4endl;
551  */
553  cross = ComputeGeneralLambda(0, 0);
554  //G4cout << "XS1: " << cross << G4endl;
557  cross += peLambda;
558  //G4cout << "XS2: " << cross << G4endl;
560  } else if(preStepKinEnergy < minEEEnergy) {
561  cross = ComputeGeneralLambda(1, 2);
562  //G4cout << "XS3: " << cross << G4endl;
564  } else if(preStepKinEnergy < minMMEnergy) {
565  cross = ComputeGeneralLambda(2, 6);
566  //G4cout << "XS4: " << cross << G4endl;
568  } else {
569  cross = ComputeGeneralLambda(3, 10);
570  //G4cout << "XS5: " << cross << G4endl;
571  }
572  /*
573  G4cout << "xs= " << cross << " idxE= " << idxEnergy
574  << " idxC= " << currentCoupleIndex
575  << " E= " << energy << G4endl;
576  */
577  return cross;
578 }
580 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
583  const G4Step& step)
584 {
585  // In all cases clear number of interaction lengths
587  G4double q = G4UniformRand();
589  G4double p;
590  /*
591  G4cout << "PostStep: preStepLambda= " << preStepLambda << " x= " << x
592  << " PE= " << peLambda << " q= " << q << " idxE= " << idxEnergy
593  << G4endl;
594  */
595  switch (idxEnergy) {
596  case 0:
597  if(x <= peLambda) {
598  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, thePhotoElectric);
599  } else {
600  p = GetProbability(1);
601  if(x <= peLambda + (preStepLambda - peLambda)*p) {
602  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theCompton);
603  } else if(theRayleigh) {
604  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theRayleigh);
605  }
606  }
607  break;
609  case 1:
610  p = GetProbability(3);
611  if(q <= p) {
612  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, thePhotoElectric);
613  }
614  p = GetProbability(4);
615  if(q <= p) {
616  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theCompton);
617  }
618  p = GetProbability(5);
619  if(q <= p) {
620  if(theRayleigh) {
621  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theRayleigh);
622  }
623  } else if(theGammaNuclear) {
624  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theGammaNuclear);
625  }
626  break;
628  case 2:
629  p = GetProbability(7);
630  if(q <= p) {
631  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theConversionEE);
632  }
633  p = GetProbability(8);
634  if(q <= p) {
635  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theCompton);
636  }
637  p = GetProbability(9);
638  if(q <= p) {
639  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, thePhotoElectric);
640  } else if(theGammaNuclear) {
641  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theGammaNuclear);
642  }
643  break;
645  case 3:
646  p = 1.0 - GetProbability(11);
647  if(q <= p) {
648  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theConversionEE);
649  }
650  p = 1.0 - GetProbability(12);
651  if(q <= p) {
652  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theCompton);
653  }
654  p = 1.0 - GetProbability(13);
655  if(q <= p) {
656  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, thePhotoElectric);
657  }
658  p = 1.0 - GetProbability(14);
659  if(q <= p) {
660  if(theGammaNuclear) {
661  return SampleSecondaries(track, step, theGammaNuclear);
662  }
663  } else if(theConversionMM) {
665  return theConversionMM->PostStepDoIt(track, step);
666  }
667  break;
668  }
669  // no interaction
671  return &fParticleChange;
672 }
674 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
677  const G4Track& track, const G4Step& step, G4HadronicProcess* proc)
678 {
679  SelectedProcess(track, proc);
681  track.GetMaterial());
682  return theGammaNuclear->PostStepDoIt(track, step);
683 }
685 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
688  const G4String& directory,
689  G4bool ascii)
690 {
691  G4bool yes = true;
692  if(!isTheMaster) { return yes; }
693  if(thePhotoElectric &&
694  !thePhotoElectric->StorePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
695  { yes = false; }
696  if(theCompton &&
697  !theCompton->StorePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
698  { yes = false; }
699  if(theConversionEE &&
700  !theConversionEE->StorePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
701  { yes = false; }
702  if(theRayleigh &&
703  !theRayleigh->StorePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
704  { yes = false; }
706  for(size_t i=0; i<nTables; ++i) {
707  if(theT[i]) {
708  G4String nam = (0==i || 2==i || 6==i || 10==i)
709  ? "LambdaGeneral" + nameT[i] : "ProbGeneral" + nameT[i];
710  G4String fnam = GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,nam,ascii);
711  if(!theHandler->StorePhysicsTable(i, part, fnam, ascii)) { yes = false; }
712  }
713  }
714  return yes;
715 }
717 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.....
719 G4bool
721  const G4String& directory,
722  G4bool ascii)
723 {
724  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
725  G4cout << "G4GammaGeneralProcess::RetrievePhysicsTable() for "
726  << part->GetParticleName() << " and process "
727  << GetProcessName() << G4endl;
728  }
729  G4bool yes = true;
730  if(thePhotoElectric &&
731  !thePhotoElectric->RetrievePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
732  { yes = false; }
733  if(theCompton &&
734  !theCompton->RetrievePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
735  { yes = false; }
736  if(theConversionEE &&
737  !theConversionEE->RetrievePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
738  { yes = false; }
739  if(theRayleigh &&
740  !theRayleigh->RetrievePhysicsTable(part, directory, ascii))
741  { yes = false; }
743  for(size_t i=0; i<nTables; ++i) {
744  if(theT[i]) {
745  G4String nam = (0==i || 2==i || 6==i || 10==i)
746  ? "LambdaGeneral" + nameT[i] : "ProbGeneral" + nameT[i];
747  G4String fnam = GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,nam,ascii);
748  if(!theHandler->RetrievePhysicsTable(i, part, fnam, ascii))
749  { yes = false; }
750  }
751  }
752  return yes;
753 }
755 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
758  G4double,
760 {
761  *condition = NotForced;
762  return MeanFreePath(track);
763 }
765 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
767 void G4GammaGeneralProcess::ProcessDescription(std::ostream& out) const
768 {
775 }
777 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
780 {
781  //G4cout << "GetProcessName(): " << selectedProc << G4endl;
784 }
786 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
789 {
792 }
794 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
797 {
798  G4VEmProcess* proc = nullptr;
800  proc = thePhotoElectric;
801  } else if(theCompton && name == theCompton->GetProcessName()) {
802  proc = theCompton;
803  } else if(theConversionEE && name == theConversionEE->GetProcessName()) {
804  proc = theConversionEE;
805  } else if(theRayleigh && name == theRayleigh->GetProcessName()) {
806  proc = theRayleigh;
807  }
808  return proc;
809 }
811 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....