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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 #include "G4VUserMPIrunMerger.hh"
27 #include <mpi.h>
28 #include <assert.h>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <functional>
31 #include "G4MPIutils.hh"
32 #include "G4MPImanager.hh"
35  G4int destination ,
36  G4int ver) :
37  outputBuffer(nullptr),outputBufferSize(0),outputBufferPosition(0),
38  ownsBuffer(false),
39  destinationRank(destination),
40  run(const_cast<G4Run*>(aRun)),
41  commSize(0),
42  verbose(ver),
43  bytesSent(0) {}
45 #define DMSG( LVL , MSG ) { if ( verbose > LVL ) { G4cout << MSG << G4endl; } }
47 void G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Send(const unsigned int destination)
48 {
49  assert(run!=nullptr);
50  G4int nevts = run->GetNumberOfEvent();
51  DMSG( 1 , "G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Send() : Sending a G4run ("
52  <<run<<") with "<<nevts<<" events to: "<<destination);
53  input_userdata.clear();
54  Pack();//User code
55  InputUserData(&nevts,MPI::INT,1);
57  DestroyBuffer();
58  G4int newbuffsize = 0;
59  for ( const const_registered_data& el : input_userdata ) {
60  newbuffsize += (el.dt.Get_size()*el.count);
61  }
62  char* buffer = new char[newbuffsize];
63  //Avoid complains from valgrind (i'm not really sure why this is needed, but, beside the
64  //small cpu penalty, we can live with that).)
65  std::fill(buffer,buffer+newbuffsize,0);
66  ownsBuffer=true;
67  SetupOutputBuffer(buffer,newbuffsize,0);
68  DMSG(3,"Buffer size: "<<newbuffsize<<" bytes at: "<<(void*)outputBuffer);
70  //Now userdata contains all data to be send, do the real packing
71  for ( const const_registered_data& el : input_userdata ) {
73  MPI_Pack(const_cast<void*>(el.p_data),el.count,el.dt,
74 #else
75  MPI_Pack(el.p_data,el.count,el.dt,
76 #endif
79  }
81  COMM_G4COMMAND_.Send(outputBuffer , outputBufferSize , MPI::PACKED ,
82  destination , G4MPImanager::kTAG_RUN);
84  DMSG(2 , "G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Send() : Done ");
85 }
88 void G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Receive(const unsigned int source)
89 {
90  const MPI::Intracomm* parentComm = G4MPImanager::GetManager()->GetComm();
91  DMSG( 1 , "G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Receive(...) , this rank : "
92  <<parentComm->Get_rank()<<" and receiving from : "<<source);
93  //DestroyBuffer();
94  //Receive from all but one
95  //for (G4int rank = 0; rank < commSize-1; ++rank)
96  //{
97  MPI::Status status;
98  COMM_G4COMMAND_.Probe(source, G4MPImanager::kTAG_RUN, status);
99  //const G4int source = status.Get_source();
100  const G4int newbuffsize = status.Get_count(MPI::PACKED);
101  DMSG(2,"Preparing to receive buffer of size: "<<newbuffsize);
102  char* buffer = outputBuffer;
103  if ( newbuffsize > outputBufferSize ) {
104  DMSG(3,"New larger buffer expected, resize");
105  //New larger buffer incoming, recreate buffer
106  delete[] outputBuffer;
107  buffer = new char[newbuffsize];
108  //Avoid complains from valgrind (i'm not really sure why this is needed, but, beside the
109  //small cpu penalty, we can live with that).)
110  std::fill(buffer,buffer+newbuffsize,0);
111  ownsBuffer = true;
112  }
113  SetupOutputBuffer(buffer,newbuffsize,0);
114  COMM_G4COMMAND_.Recv(buffer, newbuffsize, MPI::PACKED,source,
115  G4MPImanager::kTAG_RUN, status);
116  DMSG(3,"Buffer Size: "<<outputBufferSize<< " bytes at: "<<(void*)outputBuffer);
117  output_userdata.clear();
118  //User code, if implemented will return the concrete G4Run class
119  G4Run* aNewRun = UnPack();
120  if ( aNewRun == nullptr ) aNewRun = new G4Run;
121  //Add number of events counter
122  G4int nevets = 0;
123  OutputUserData(&nevets,MPI::INT,1);
124  //now userdata contains all data references, do the real unpacking
125  for ( const registered_data& el : output_userdata ) {
127  el.p_data,el.count,el.dt,COMM_G4COMMAND_);
128  }
129  for ( G4int i = 0 ; i<nevets ; ++i ) aNewRun->RecordEvent(nullptr);
131  //Now merge received MPI run with global one
132  DMSG(2,"Before G4Run::Merge : "<<run->GetNumberOfEvent());
133  run->Merge( aNewRun );
134  DMSG(2,"After G4Run::Merge : "<<run->GetNumberOfEvent());
135  delete aNewRun;
136  //}
137 }
140 {
141  // G4cout << "G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Merge called" << G4endl;
143  DMSG(0, "G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Merge called");
144  const MPI::Intracomm* parentComm = G4MPImanager::GetManager()->GetComm();
145  const unsigned int myrank = parentComm->Get_rank();
147  // do not include extra worker in this communication
149  if ( commSize == 1 ) {
150  DMSG(1,"Comm world size is 1, nothing to do");
151  return;
152  }
153  COMM_G4COMMAND_ = parentComm->Dup();
154  bytesSent = 0;
155  const G4double sttime = MPI::Wtime();
157  //Use G4MPIutils to optimize communications between ranks
158  typedef std::function<void(unsigned int)> handler_t;
159  using std::placeholders::_1;
160  handler_t sender = std::bind(&G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Send , this , _1);
161  handler_t receiver = std::bind(&G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Receive, this, _1);
162  std::function<void(void)> barrier =
163  std::bind(&MPI::Intracomm::Barrier,&COMM_G4COMMAND_);
164  // G4cout << "go to G4mpi::Merge" << G4endl;
165  G4mpi::Merge( sender , receiver , barrier , commSize , myrank );
167  //OLD Style p2p communications
168 /*
169  if ( myrank != destinationRank ) {
170  DMSG(0,"Comm world size: "<<commSize<<" this rank is: "
171  <<myrank<<" sending to rank "<<destinationRank);
172  Send(destinationRank);
173  } else {
174  DMSG(1,"Comm world size: "<<commSize<<" this rank is: "
175  <<myrank<<" receiving. ");
176  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i<commSize ; ++i) {
177  if ( i != myrank ) Receive(i);
178  }
179  }
180 */
181  const G4double elapsed = MPI::Wtime() - sttime;
182  long total=0;
183  COMM_G4COMMAND_.Reduce(&bytesSent,&total,1,MPI::LONG,MPI::SUM,
185  if ( verbose > 0 && myrank == destinationRank ) {
186  //Collect from ranks how much data was sent around
187  G4cout<<"G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Merge() - data transfer performances: "
188  <<double(total)/1000./elapsed<<" kB/s"
189  <<" (Total Data Transfer= "<<double(total)/1000<<" kB in "
190  <<elapsed<<" s)."<<G4endl;
191  }
193  COMM_G4COMMAND_.Free();
194  DMSG(0,"G4VUserMPIrunMerger::Merge done");
195 }