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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file g3tog4.F
1 *
2 * ********************************************************************
3 * * License and Disclaimer *
4 * * *
5 * * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 * * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 * * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 * * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 * * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 * * *
11 * * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 * * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 * * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 * * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 * * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 * * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 * * *
18 * * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 * * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 * * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 * * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 * * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 * * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 * ********************************************************************
25 *
26 *
27 *
28 *
29 * G3toG4
30 *
31 * Package to convert Geant3 Fortran geometry code to a call list
32 * file to be interpreted by the Geant4 geometry call list
33 * interpreter, or alternatively, directly to Geant4 code.
34 *
35 * This set of routines is to be linked in front of, so overriding,
36 * the standard Geant library.
37 *
38 * It is possible to execute the Geant calls while at the same
39 * time building the call list/Geant4 code. In order to do this,
40 * these routines must occupy a different name space to that of
41 * the real Geant routines. This is provided by the CALL_GEANT
42 * cpp flag. If these routines are compiled with this flag,
43 * the routine names begin with K rather than G. eg. GSVOLU
44 * becomes KSVOLU. Routine names in your source code must be so
45 * converted; a perl script is provided to do this.
46 * $$$ provide the script
47 * Under normal circumstances it should *not* be necessary to go
48 * through this; it is only necessary if during the geometry
49 * generation process your code extracts information from Geant
50 * about material already generated.
51 *
52 * Torre Wenaus, LLNL 6/95
53 *
54 * To Do
55 * - option to divide generated Geant4 code into separate files/routines
56 * based on context
57 *
58 ************************************************************************
59 *
60  subroutine g3tog4(luni,lunc,chopt)
61 ************************************************************************
62 *
63 * G3toG4
64 *
65 * Initialization/setup routine
66 *
67 * luni (call list), lunc (C++ code) logical unit numbers:
68 * lun>0: Open output file on unit lun. Filenames used:
69 * g3calls.dat Call list file
70 * Geant4 C++ geometry code
71 * lun<0: File open has been done by the user. Just write to |lun|
72 * lun=0: Don't generate this output.
73 * ie. luni=0: Don't generate the call list
74 * lunc=0: Don't generate the Geant4 code
75 *
76 * chopt options:
77 * 'G' execute the actual Geant calls as well as building the
78 * code/call list. In case users use info obtained from Geant
79 * during the geometry building process. THIS IS THE DEFAULT
80 * at present:
81 #define CALL_GEANT
82 *
83 ************************************************************************
84  implicit none
85  integer luni, lunc
86  character chopt*(*)
87 #include ""
88 *
89  print *,'Initializing Geant3 to Geant4 conversion'
90 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
91 c dogeom = index(chopt,'G') + index(chopt,'g') .ne. 0
92  dogeom = .true.
93 #else
94  dogeom = .false.
95 #endif
96  context = '----'
97  if (luni.eq.0.and.lunc.eq.0) then
98  print *,'G3TOG4: No output requested by user. No output'//
99  + ' will be generated.'
100  endif
101  lunlist = abs(luni)
102  luncode = abs(lunc)
103  if ( then
104  doclist = .true.
105  else
106  doclist = .false.
107  endif
108  if ( then
109  docode = .true.
110  else
111  docode = .false.
112  endif
113 *** If lun>0, open the file
114  if ( then
115  open(unit=lunlist,file='g3calls.dat',status='unknown')
116  endif
117  if ( then
118  nfile = 1
119  call g3source
120  endif
121 *
122  end
123 *
124  subroutine g4init
125 ************************************************************************
126 ************************************************************************
127  implicit none
128 #include ""
129 *
130  if ( then
131  write(luncode,
132  + '(''//G4GeometryManager* GeoMgr = new G4GeometryManager();'')')
133 * call ctocp('void G3G4init();')
134  endif
135 *
136  end
137 *
138  subroutine g3header
139 ************************************************************************
140 *
141 ************************************************************************
142  implicit none
143  call g4init
144  end
146  subroutine g3source
147 ************************************************************************
148 *
149 ************************************************************************
150  implicit none
151 #include ""
152  character fname*30
153  if (luncode.le.0) return
154  if ( write(luncode,'(''}'')')
155  close(luncode)
156  write (fname,'(''G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''.cc'')') nfile
157  open(unit=luncode,file=fname,status='unknown')
158  write(luncode,'(''#include "G3toG4.hh"'')')
159  if (nfile.eq.1) call g3header
160  write(luncode,'(/''void G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''()'')') nfile
161  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
162  call ctocp('// init to 0 avoids "unused" warnings')
163  call ctocp('G4int nd=0,nh=0,nv=0,imate=0,itmed=0,nmat=0,')
164  call ctocp(' isvol=0,ifield=0,nwhi=0,nwdi=0,idtyp=0,ipart=0,')
165  call ctocp(' itrtyp=0,nlmat=0,npar=0,ndvmx=0,numed=0,iaxis=0,')
166  call ctocp(
167  + ' ndiv=0,irot=0,ival=0,num=0,nmed=0,nbits[100],mode[6];')
168  call ctocp('G4String chnam[100];')
169  call ctocp('G4String name="",moth="",attr="",only="",shape="";')
170  call ctocp('G4String chset="",chdet="",chali="",chpar="";')
171  call ctocp('G4double amass=0.,charge=0.,tlife=0.,parval=0.;')
172  call ctocp('G4double c0=0.,step=0.,a=0.,dens=0.,radl=0.,x=0.;')
173  call ctocp('G4double y=0.,z=0.,theta1=0.,phi1=0.,theta2=0.;')
174  call ctocp('G4double phi2=0.,theta3=0.,phi3=0.,fieldm=0.;')
175  call ctocp('G4double tmaxfd=0.,stemax=0.,deemax=0.,epsil=0.;')
176  call ctocp('G4double stmin=0.,par[100],fact[100],orig[100];')
177  call ctocp('G4double bratio[6],aa[100],zz[100],wmat[100];')
178  call ctocp('nbits[0]=mode[0]=0;chnam[0]="";par[0]=0.;')
179  call ctocp('fact[0]=orig[0]=bratio[0]=aa[0]=zz[0]=wmat[0]=0.;')
180  call ctocp(' ')
181  if (nfile.eq.1) then
182 * call ctocp('G3G4init();')
183  call ctocp(' ')
184  endif
185  end
187  subroutine g3main
188 ************************************************************************
189 ************************************************************************
190  implicit none
191 #include ""
192  integer i
193 *
194  close(luncode)
195  open(unit=luncode,file='',status='unknown')
196  do i=1,nfile
197  write(luncode,'('' void G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''();'')') i
198  enddo
199  call ctocp('void G3toG4code()')
200  call ctocp('{')
201  do i=1,nfile
202  write(luncode,'('' G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''();'')') i
203  enddo
204  call ctocp('}')
205  close(luncode)
206  end
208  subroutine g3context(cntxt)
209 ************************************************************************
210 *
211 * g3context
212 *
213 * Set the current geometry code context. eg. context can be used
214 * to distinguish code for different subdetectors. The Geant4
215 * call list interpreter can then execute the code selectively for
216 * a particular context only, if desired. Spaces not allowed.
217 *
218 ************************************************************************
219  implicit none
220  character*(*) cntxt
221 #include ""
222  context = cntxt
223  end
224 *
225  subroutine ctocp(string)
226 ************************************************************************
227 ************************************************************************
228  implicit none
229  character*(*) string
230 #include ""
231  write (luncode,*) string
232  end
233 *
234  subroutine rtocp(string,x)
235 ************************************************************************
236 ************************************************************************
237  implicit none
238  character*(*) string
239  real x
240 #include ""
241  write(luncode,'(4x,a,'' = '',e14.8,'';'')')
242  + string, x
243  end
244 *
245  subroutine artocp(string,ax,n)
246 ************************************************************************
247 ************************************************************************
248  implicit none
249  character*(*) string
250  real ax(*)
251  integer n,i
252 #include ""
253  do i=1,n
254  write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = '',e14.8,'';'')')
255  + string, i-1, ax(i)
256  enddo
257  end
258 *
259  subroutine aitocp(string,ai,n)
260 ************************************************************************
261 ************************************************************************
262  implicit none
263  character*(*) string
264  integer ai(*)
265  integer n,i
266 #include ""
267  do i=1,n
268  write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = '',i10,'';'')')
269  + string, i-1, ai(i)
270  enddo
271  end
272 *
273  subroutine astocp(string,ac,n)
274 ************************************************************************
275 ************************************************************************
276  implicit none
277  character*(*) string, ac(*)
278  integer n,i
279 #include ""
280 c write(luncode,'('' G4String '',a,''['',i3,''];'')') string, n
281  do i=1,n
282  write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = "'',a,''";'')')
283  + string, i-1, ac(i)
284  enddo
285  end
286 *
287  subroutine g3ldpar(par,npar)
288 ************************************************************************
289 *
290 * g3ldpar
291 *
292 ************************************************************************
293  implicit none
294 *
295  integer npar, i
296  real par(*)
297 #include ""
298 *
299  if ( then
300  write(luncode,'('' par['',i4,''] = '',e14.8,'';'')')
301  + (i-1,par(i),i=1,npar)
302  endif
303  end
304 *
305  subroutine check_lines
306 ************************************************************************
307 ************************************************************************
308  implicit none
309 #include ""
310  if ( then
311  nlines = nlines +1
312  if ( then
313  nfile = nfile +1
314  call g3source
315  nlines = 0
316  endif
317  endif
318  end