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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
29 #include "G4UIparameter.hh"
30 #include "G4UIcommandStatus.hh"
31 #include "G4Tokenizer.hh"
32 #include "G4ios.hh"
33 #include <sstream>
35 #include "G4UItokenNum.hh"
36 using namespace G4UItokenNum;
39 {
40  G4String nullString;
41  parameterName = nullString;
42  parameterType = '\0';
43  omittable = false;
44  parameterGuidance = nullString;
45  defaultValue = nullString;
46  parameterRange = nullString;
47  currentAsDefaultFlag = false;
48  parameterCandidate = nullString;
49  widget = 0;
50  bp = 0;
51  token = NONE;
52 }
54 G4UIparameter::G4UIparameter(char theType):paramERR(0)
55 {
56  G4String nullString;
57  parameterName = nullString;
58  parameterType = theType;
59  omittable = false;
60  parameterGuidance = nullString;
61  defaultValue = nullString;
62  parameterRange = nullString;
63  currentAsDefaultFlag = false;
64  parameterCandidate = nullString;
65  widget = 0;
66  bp = 0;
67  token = NONE;
68 }
70 G4UIparameter::G4UIparameter(const char * theName, char theType, G4bool theOmittable):paramERR(0)
71 {
72  parameterName = theName;
73  parameterType = theType;
74  omittable = theOmittable;
75  G4String nullString;
76  parameterGuidance = nullString;
77  defaultValue = nullString;
78  parameterRange = nullString;
79  currentAsDefaultFlag = false;
80  parameterCandidate = nullString;
81  widget = 0;
82  bp = 0;
83  token = NONE;
84 }
87 { }
90 {
91  return ( this == &right );
92 }
95 {
96  return ( this != &right );
97 }
100 {
101  G4cout << G4endl << "Parameter : " << parameterName << G4endl;
102  if( ! parameterGuidance.isNull() )
103  G4cout << parameterGuidance << G4endl ;
104  G4cout << " Parameter type : " << parameterType << G4endl;
105  if(omittable)
106  { G4cout << " Omittable : True" << G4endl; }
107  else
108  { G4cout << " Omittable : False" << G4endl; }
110  { G4cout << " Default value : taken from the current value" << G4endl; }
111  else if( ! defaultValue.isNull() )
112  { G4cout << " Default value : " << defaultValue << G4endl; }
113  if( ! parameterRange.isNull() )
114  G4cout << " Parameter range : " << parameterRange << G4endl;
115  if( ! parameterCandidate.isNull() )
116  G4cout << " Candidates : " << parameterCandidate << G4endl;
117 }
120 {
121  std::ostringstream os;
122  os << theDefaultValue;
123  defaultValue = os.str();
124 }
127 {
128  std::ostringstream os;
129  os << theDefaultValue;
130  defaultValue = os.str();
131 }
133 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"
134 void G4UIparameter::SetDefaultUnit(const char * theDefaultUnit)
135 {
136  char type = toupper( parameterType );
137  if( type != 'S' )
138  {
140  ed << "This method can be used only for a string-type parameter that is used to specify a unit.\n"
141  << "This parameter <" << parameterName << "> is defined as ";
142  switch(type) {
143  case 'D': ed <<"double."; break;
144  case 'I': ed <<"integer."; break;
145  case 'B': ed <<"bool."; break;
146  default: ed <<"undefined.";
147  }
148  G4Exception("G4UIparameter::SetDefaultUnit","INTERCOM2010",FatalException,ed);
149  }
150  SetDefaultValue(theDefaultUnit);
152 }
154 // ---------- CheckNewValue() related routines -----------
155 #include <ctype.h>
156 #include "G4UItokenNum.hh"
158 //#include "checkNewValue_debug.icc"
159 //#define DEBUG 1
162 CheckNewValue(const char* newValue ) {
163  if( TypeCheck(newValue) == 0) return fParameterUnreadable;
164  if( ! parameterRange.isNull() )
165  { if( RangeCheck(newValue) == 0 ) return fParameterOutOfRange; }
166  if( ! parameterCandidate.isNull() )
167  { if( CandidateCheck(newValue) == 0 ) return fParameterOutOfCandidates; }
168  return 0; // succeeded
169 }
172 CandidateCheck(const char* newValue) {
173  G4Tokenizer candidateTokenizer(parameterCandidate);
174  G4String aToken;
175  G4int iToken = 0;
176  while( ! (aToken=candidateTokenizer()).isNull() )
177  {
178  iToken++;
179  if(aToken==newValue) return iToken;
180  }
181  G4cerr << "parameter value (" << newValue
182  << ") is not listed in the candidate List." << G4endl;
183  return 0;
184 }
187 RangeCheck(const char* newValue) {
188  yystype result;
189  bp = 0; // reset buffer pointer for G4UIpGetc()
190  std::istringstream is(newValue);
191  char type = toupper( parameterType );
192  switch (type) {
193  case 'D': { is >> newVal.D; } break;
194  case 'I': { is >> newVal.I; } break;
195  default: ;
196  }
197  // PrintToken(); // Print tokens (consumes all tokens)
198  token= Yylex();
199  result = Expression();
200  if( paramERR == 1 ) return 0;
201  if( result.type != CONSTINT) {
202  G4cerr << "Illegal Expression in parameter range." << G4endl;
203  return 0;
204  }
205  if ( result.I ) return 1;
206  G4cerr << "parameter out of range: "<< parameterRange << G4endl;
207  return 0;
208 }
212 TypeCheck(const char* newValue)
213 {
214  G4String newValueString(newValue);
215  char type = toupper( parameterType );
216  switch(type) {
217  case 'D':
218  if( IsDouble( 0) {
219  G4cerr<<newValue<<": double value expected."
220  << G4endl;
221  return 0;
222  } break;
223  case 'I':
224  if( IsInt(,20)== 0) {
225  G4cerr<<newValue<<": integer expected."
226  << G4endl;
227  return 0;
228  } break;
229  case 'S': break;
230  case 'B':
231  newValueString.toUpper();
232  if ( newValueString == "Y" || newValueString == "N"
233  ||newValueString == "YES" || newValueString == "NO"
234  ||newValueString == "1" || newValueString == "0"
235  ||newValueString == "T" || newValueString == "F"
236  ||newValueString == "TRUE" || newValueString == "FALSE")
237  return 1;
238  else {
239  G4cerr<<newValue<<": bool expected." << G4endl;
240  return 0;
241  }
242  default: ;
243  }
244  return 1;
245 }
249 IsInt(const char* buf, short maxDigits) // do not allow any std::ws
250 {
251  const char* p= buf;
252  G4int length=0;
253  if( *p == '+' || *p == '-') { ++p; }
254  if( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) {
255  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; ++length; }
256  if( *p == '\0' ) {
257  if( length > maxDigits) {
258  G4cerr <<"digit length exceeds"<<G4endl;
259  return 0;
260  }
261  return 1;
262  } else {
263  // G4cerr <<"illegal character after int:"<<buf<<G4endl;
264  }
265  } else {
266  // G4cerr <<"illegal int:"<<buf<<G4endl;
267  }
268  return 0;
269 }
273 ExpectExponent(const char* str) // used only by IsDouble()
274 {
275  G4int maxExplength;
276  if( IsInt( str, maxExplength=7 )) return 1;
277  else return 0;
278 }
281 IsDouble(const char* buf) // see state diagram for this spec.
282 {
283  const char* p= buf;
284  switch( *p) {
285  case '+': case '-': ++p;
286  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
287  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
288  switch ( *p ) {
289  case '\0': return 1; //break;
290  case 'E': case 'e':
291  return ExpectExponent(++p ); //break;
292  case '.': ++p;
293  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
294  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E' ) return ExpectExponent(++p );
295  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
296  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
297  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
298  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E') return ExpectExponent(++p);
299  } else return 0; break;
300  default: return 0;
301  }
302  }
303  if( *p == '.' ) { ++p;
304  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
305  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
306  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
307  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E') return ExpectExponent(++p);
308  }
309  }
310  break;
311  case '.': ++p;
312  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
313  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
314  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
315  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E' ) return ExpectExponent(++p);
316  } break;
317  default: // digit is expected
318  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
319  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
320  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
321  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E') return ExpectExponent(++p);
322  if( *p == '.' ) { ++p;
323  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
324  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E') return ExpectExponent(++p);
325  if( isdigit(*p) ) {
326  while( isdigit( (G4int)(*p) )) { ++p; }
327  if( *p == '\0' ) return 1;
328  if( *p == 'e' || *p =='E') return ExpectExponent(++p);
329  }
330  }
331  }
332  }
333  return 0;
334 }
337 // ------------------ syntax node functions ------------------
341 {
342  yystype result;
343  #ifdef DEBUG
344  G4cerr << " Expression()" << G4endl;
345  #endif
346  result = LogicalORExpression();
347  return result;
348 }
352 {
353  yystype result;
354  yystype p;
355  p = LogicalANDExpression();
356  if( token != LOGICALOR) return p;
357  if( p.type == CONSTSTRING || p.type == IDENTIFIER ) {
358  G4cerr << "Parameter range: illegal type at '||'" << G4endl;
359  paramERR = 1;
360  }
361  result.I = p.I;
362  while (token == LOGICALOR)
363  {
364  token = Yylex();
365  p = LogicalANDExpression();
366  if( p.type == CONSTSTRING || p.type == IDENTIFIER ) {
367  G4cerr << "Parameter range: illegal type at '||'" <<G4endl;
368  paramERR = 1;
369  }
370  switch (p.type) {
371  case CONSTINT:
372  result.I += p.I;
373  result.type = CONSTINT; break;
374  case CONSTDOUBLE:
375  result.I += (p.D != 0.0);
376  result.type = CONSTINT; break;
377  default:
378  G4cerr << "Parameter range: unknown type"<<G4endl;
379  paramERR = 1;
380  }
381  }
382  return result;
383 }
387 {
388  yystype result;
389  yystype p;
390  p = EqualityExpression();
391  if( token != LOGICALAND) return p;
392  if( p.type == CONSTSTRING || p.type == IDENTIFIER ) {
393  G4cerr << "Parameter range: illegal type at '&&'" << G4endl;
394  paramERR = 1;
395  }
396  result.I = p.I;
397  while (token == LOGICALAND)
398  {
399  token = Yylex();
400  p = EqualityExpression();
401  if( p.type == CONSTSTRING || p.type == IDENTIFIER ) {
402  G4cerr << "Parameter range: illegal type at '&&'" << G4endl;
403  paramERR = 1;
404  }
405  switch (p.type) {
406  case CONSTINT:
407  result.I *= p.I;
408  result.type = CONSTINT; break;
409  case CONSTDOUBLE:
410  result.I *= (p.D != 0.0);
411  result.type = CONSTINT; break;
412  default:
413  G4cerr << "Parameter range: unknown type."<< G4endl;
414  paramERR = 1;
415  }
416  }
417  return result;
418 }
423 {
424  yystype arg1, arg2;
425  G4int operat;
426  yystype result;
427  #ifdef DEBUG
428  G4cerr << " EqualityExpression()" <<G4endl;
429  #endif
430  result = RelationalExpression();
431  if( token==EQ || token==NE ) {
432  operat = token;
433  token = Yylex();
434  arg1 = result;
435  arg2 = RelationalExpression();
436  result.I = Eval2( arg1, operat, arg2 ); // semantic action
437  result.type = CONSTINT;
438  #ifdef DEBUG
439  G4cerr << " return code of Eval2(): " << result.I <<G4endl;
440  #endif
441  } else {
442  if (result.type != CONSTINT && result.type != CONSTDOUBLE) {
443  G4cerr << "Parameter range: error at EqualityExpression"
444  << G4endl;
445  paramERR = 1;
446  }
447  }
448  return result;
449 }
454 {
455  yystype arg1, arg2;
456  G4int operat;
457  yystype result;
458  #ifdef DEBUG
459  G4cerr << " RelationalExpression()" <<G4endl;
460  #endif
462  arg1 = AdditiveExpression();
463  if( token==GT || token==GE || token==LT || token==LE ) {
464  operat = token;
465  token = Yylex();
466  arg2 = AdditiveExpression();
467  result.I = Eval2( arg1, operat, arg2 ); // semantic action
468  result.type = CONSTINT;
469  #ifdef DEBUG
470  G4cerr << " return Eval2(): " << G4endl;
471  #endif
472  } else {
473  result = arg1;
474  }
475  #ifdef DEBUG
476  G4cerr <<" return RelationalExpression()" <<G4endl;
477  #endif
478  return result;
479 }
483 { yystype result;
484  result = MultiplicativeExpression();
485  if( token != '+' && token != '-' ) return result;
486  G4cerr << "Parameter range: operator "
487  << (char)token
488  << " is not supported." << G4endl;
489  paramERR = 1;
490  return result;
491 }
495 { yystype result;
496  result = UnaryExpression();
497  if( token != '*' && token != '/' && token != '%' ) return result;
498  G4cerr << "Parameter range: operator "
499  << (char)token
500  << " is not supported." << G4endl;
501  paramERR = 1;
502  return result;
503 }
507 {
508  yystype result;
509  yystype p;
510  #ifdef DEBUG
511  G4cerr <<" UnaryExpression"<< G4endl;
512  #endif
513  switch(token) {
514  case '-':
515  token = Yylex();
516  p = UnaryExpression();
517  if (p.type == CONSTINT) {
518  result.I = - p.I;
519  result.type = CONSTINT;
520  }
521  if (p.type == CONSTDOUBLE) {
522  result.D = - p.D;
523  result.type = CONSTDOUBLE;
524  } break;
525  case '+':
526  token = Yylex();
527  result = UnaryExpression(); break;
528  case '!':
529  token = Yylex();
530  G4cerr << "Parameter range error: "
531  << "operator '!' is not supported (sorry)."
532  << G4endl;
533  paramERR = 1;
534  result = UnaryExpression(); break;
535  default:
536  result = PrimaryExpression();
537  }
538  return result;
539 }
544 {
545  yystype result;
546  #ifdef DEBUG
547  G4cerr <<" PrimaryExpression" << G4endl;
548  #endif
549  switch (token) {
550  case IDENTIFIER:
551  result.S = yylval.S;
552  result.type = token;
553  token = Yylex(); break;
554  case CONSTINT:
555  result.I = yylval.I;
556  result.type = token;
557  token= Yylex(); break;
558  case CONSTDOUBLE:
559  result.D = yylval.D;
560  result.type = token;
561  token = Yylex(); break;
562  case '(' :
563  token= Yylex();
564  result = Expression();
565  if( token != ')' ) {
566  G4cerr << " ')' expected" << G4endl;
567  paramERR = 1;
568  }
569  token = Yylex();
570  break;
571  default:
572  return result;
573  }
574  return result; // never executed
575 }
577 //---------------- semantic routines ---------------------------------
580 Eval2(yystype arg1, G4int op, yystype arg2)
581 {
582  if( (arg1.type != IDENTIFIER) && (arg2.type != IDENTIFIER)) {
584  << ": meaningless comparison "
585  << G4int(arg1.type) << " " << G4int(arg2.type) << G4endl;
586  paramERR = 1;
587  }
588  char type = toupper( parameterType );
589  if( arg1.type == IDENTIFIER) {
590  switch (type) {
591  case 'I':
592  if ( arg2.type == CONSTINT ) {
593  return CompareInt( newVal.I, op, arg2.I );
594  } else {
595  G4cerr << "integer operand expected for "
596  << parameterRange << '.'
597  << G4endl;
598  }
599  break;
600  case 'D':
601  if ( arg2.type == CONSTDOUBLE ) {
602  return CompareDouble( newVal.D, op, arg2.D );
603  } else
604  if ( arg2.type == CONSTINT ) { // integral promotion
605  return CompareDouble( newVal.D, op, arg2.I );
606  } break;
607  default: ;
608  }
609  }
610  if( arg2.type == IDENTIFIER) {
611  switch (type) {
612  case 'I':
613  if ( arg1.type == CONSTINT ) {
614  return CompareInt( arg1.I, op, newVal.I );
615  } else {
616  G4cerr << "integer operand expected for "
617  << parameterRange << '.'
618  << G4endl;
619  }
620  break;
621  case 'D':
622  if ( arg1.type == CONSTDOUBLE ) {
623  return CompareDouble( arg1.D, op, newVal.D );
624  } else
625  if ( arg1.type == CONSTINT ) { // integral promotion
626  return CompareDouble( arg1.I, op, newVal.D );
627  } break;
628  default: ;
629  }
630  }
631  G4cerr << "no param name is specified at the param range."<<G4endl;
632  return 0;
633 }
636 CompareInt(G4int arg1, G4int op, G4int arg2)
637 {
638  G4int result=-1;
639  G4String opr;
640  switch (op) {
641  case GT: result = ( arg1 > arg2); opr= ">" ; break;
642  case GE: result = ( arg1 >= arg2); opr= ">="; break;
643  case LT: result = ( arg1 < arg2); opr= "<" ; break;
644  case LE: result = ( arg1 <= arg2); opr= "<="; break;
645  case EQ: result = ( arg1 == arg2); opr= "=="; break;
646  case NE: result = ( arg1 != arg2); opr= "!="; break;
647  default:
648  G4cerr << "Parameter range: error at CompareInt" << G4endl;
649  paramERR = 1;
650  }
651  #ifdef DEBUG
652  G4cerr << "CompareInt "
653  << arg1 << " " << opr << arg2
654  << " result: " << result
655  << G4endl;
656  #endif
657  return result;
658 }
662 {
663  G4int result=-1;
664  G4String opr;
665  switch (op) {
666  case GT: result = ( arg1 > arg2); opr= ">"; break;
667  case GE: result = ( arg1 >= arg2); opr= ">="; break;
668  case LT: result = ( arg1 < arg2); opr= "<"; break;
669  case LE: result = ( arg1 <= arg2); opr= "<="; break;
670  case EQ: result = ( arg1 == arg2); opr= "=="; break;
671  case NE: result = ( arg1 != arg2); opr= "!="; break;
672  default:
673  G4cerr << "Parameter range: error at CompareDouble" << G4endl;
674  paramERR = 1;
675  }
676  #ifdef DEBUG
677  G4cerr << "CompareDouble "
678  << arg1 <<" " << opr << " "<< arg2
679  << " result: " << result
680  << G4endl;
681  #endif
682  return result;
683 }
685 // --------------------- utility functions --------------------------
688 Yylex() // reads input and returns token number KR486
689 { // (returns EOF)
690  G4int c;
691  G4String buf;
693  while(( c= G4UIpGetc())==' '|| c=='\t' || c== '\n' )
694  ;
695  if (c== EOF)
696  return (tokenNum)EOF; // KR488
697  buf= "";
698  if (isdigit(c) || c== '.') { // I or D
699  do {
700  buf += G4String((unsigned char)c);
701  c=G4UIpGetc();
702  } while (c=='.' || isdigit(c) ||
703  c=='e' || c=='E' || c=='+' || c=='-');
704  G4UIpUngetc(c);
705  const char* t = buf;
706  std::istringstream is(t);
707  if ( IsInt(,20) ) {
708  is >> yylval.I;
709  return CONSTINT;
710  } else
711  if ( IsDouble( ) {
712  is >> yylval.D;
713  return CONSTDOUBLE;
714  } else {
715  G4cerr << buf<<": numeric format error."<<G4endl;
716  }
717  }
718  buf="";
719  if (isalpha(c)|| c=='_') { // IDENTIFIER
720  do {
721  buf += G4String((unsigned char)c);
722  } while ((c=G4UIpGetc()) != EOF && (isalnum(c) || c=='_'));
723  G4UIpUngetc(c);
724  if( buf == parameterName ) {
725  yylval.S =buf;
726  return IDENTIFIER;
727  } else {
728  G4cerr << buf << " is not a parameter name."<< G4endl;
729  paramERR = 1;
730  }
731  }
732  switch (c) {
733  case '>': return (tokenNum) Follow('=', GE, GT);
734  case '<': return (tokenNum) Follow('=', LE, LT);
735  case '=': return (tokenNum) Follow('=', EQ, '=');
736  case '!': return (tokenNum) Follow('=', NE, '!');
737  case '|': return (tokenNum) Follow('|', LOGICALOR, '|');
738  case '&': return (tokenNum) Follow('&', LOGICALAND, '&');
739  default:
740  return (tokenNum) c;
741  }
742 }
746 Follow(G4int expect, G4int ifyes, G4int ifno)
747 {
748  G4int c = G4UIpGetc();
749  if ( c== expect)
750  return ifyes;
751  G4UIpUngetc(c);
752  return ifno;
753 }
755 //------------------ low level routines -----------------------------
757 G4UIpGetc() { // emulation of getc()
758  G4int length = parameterRange.length();
759  if( bp < length)
760  return parameterRange(bp++);
761  else
762  return EOF;
763 }
765 G4UIpUngetc(G4int c) { // emulation of ungetc()
766  if (c<0) return -1;
767  if (bp >0 && c == parameterRange(bp-1)) {
768  --bp;
769  } else {
770  G4cerr << "G4UIpUngetc() failed." << G4endl;
771  G4cerr << "bp="<<bp <<" c="<<c
772  << " pR(bp-1)=" << parameterRange(bp-1)
773  << G4endl;
774  paramERR = 1;
775  return -1;
776  }
777  return 0;
778 }
779 // ***** end of CheckNewValue() related code ******