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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4MTRunManager.hh
1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // class description:
28 // This is a class for run control in GEANT4 for multi-threaded runs
29 // It extends G4RunManager re-implementing multi-threaded behavior in
30 // key methods. See documentation for G4RunManager
31 // Users initializes an instance of this class instead of G4RunManager
32 // to start a multi-threaded simulation.
34 #ifndef G4MTRunManager_h
35 #define G4MTRunManager_h 1
37 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
38 #include "G4Threading.hh"
39 #include "G4RNGHelper.hh"
40 #include "G4MTBarrier.hh"
41 #include <list>
42 #include <map>
45 class G4ScoringManager;
49 //TODO: Split random number storage from this class
51 class G4MTRunManager : public G4RunManager {
52 public:
54  virtual ~G4MTRunManager();
55  //New method
56  void SetNumberOfThreads( G4int n );
57  G4int GetNumberOfThreads() const { return nworkers; }
58  void SetPinAffinity(G4int n=1);
59  G4int GetPinAffinity() const { return pinAffinity; }
60 public:
62  //Inherited methods to re-implement for MT case
63  virtual void Initialize();
64  virtual void InitializeEventLoop(G4int n_event, const char* macroFile=0, G4int n_select=-1);
66  //The following do not do anything for this runmanager
67  virtual void TerminateOneEvent();
68  virtual void ProcessOneEvent(G4int i_event);
70  virtual void ConstructScoringWorlds();
71  virtual void RunTermination();
73  //The following method should be invoked by G4WorkerRunManager for each event.
74  //False is returned if no more event to be processed.
75  // Note: G4Event object must be instantiated by a worker thread. In case no more
76  // event remains to be processed, that worker thread must delete that G4Event
77  // object. If a worker runs with its own random number sequence, the boolean flag
78  // reseedRequired should be set to false. This is *NOT* allowed for the first event.
79  virtual G4bool SetUpAnEvent(G4Event*, long& s1, long& s2, long& s3, G4bool reseedRequired=true);
80  // Same as above method, but the seeds are set only once over "eventModulo" events.
81  // The return value shows the number of events the caller Worker has to process
82  // (between 1 and eventModulo depending on number of events yet to be processed).
83  // G4Event object has the event ID of the first event of this bunch.
84  // If zero is returned no more event needs to be processed, and worker thread
85  // must delete that G4Event.
86  virtual G4int SetUpNEvents(G4Event*, G4SeedsQueue* seedsQueue, G4bool reseedRequired=true);
88  //Method called by Initialize() method
89 protected:
90  //Initialize the seeds list, if derived class does not implement this method
91  //A default generation will be used (nevents*2 random seeds)
92  //Return true if initialization is done.
93  virtual G4bool InitializeSeeds( G4int /*nevts*/) { return false; };
94  //Adds one seed to the list of seeds
95  virtual void PrepareCommandsStack();
96  virtual void StoreRNGStatus(const G4String& filenamePrefix );
97  virtual void rndmSaveThisRun();
98  virtual void rndmSaveThisEvent();
99  virtual void CreateAndStartWorkers();
100  //Creates worker threads and signal to start
101 public:
102  std::vector<G4String> GetCommandStack();
103  //This method is invoked just before spawning the threads to
104  //collect from UI managere the list of commands that threads
105  //will execute.
106  size_t GetNumberActiveThreads() const { return threads.size(); }
107  //Returns number of currently active threads.
108  //This number may be different from the number of threads currently
109  //in running state (e.g. the number returned by:
110  //G4Threading::GetNumberOfActiveWorkerThreads() method).
111 private:
112  // Number of worker threads. To be set by SetNumberOfThreads() method.
114  // Force to use this number regardless of SetNumberOfThreads() method.
116  // Pin Affinity parameter
119  //List of workers (i.e. thread)
120  typedef std::list<G4Thread*> G4ThreadsList;
122  //List of workers run managers
123  //List of all workers run managers
124  std::vector<G4String> uiCmdsForWorkers;
125  //List of UI commands for workers.
127  //Pointer to the mastet thread random engine
128 protected:
129  virtual void WaitForReadyWorkers();
130  //Master thread barrier:
131  //Call this function to block master thread and
132  //wait workers to be ready to process work.
133  //This function will return only when all
134  //workers are ready to perform event loop.
135  virtual void WaitForEndEventLoopWorkers();
136  //Master thread barrier:
137  //Call this function to block master thread and
138  //wait workers have finished current event loop.
139  //This function will return only when all
140  //workers have finished processing events for this run.
141 protected:
143  virtual void TerminateWorkers();
144  //Empty the workersList
146 public:
147  virtual void ThisWorkerReady();
148  //Worker threads barrier:
149  //This method should be called by each
150  //worker when ready to start thread event-loop
151  //This method will return only when all workers
152  //are ready.
153  //static void ThisWorkerFinishWork();
154  //Worker threads barrier:
155  //This static method should be called by each
156  //worker when finish to process events
157  virtual void ThisWorkerEndEventLoop();
158  //Worker threads barrier:
159  //This method should be called by each
160  //worker when worker event loop is terminated.
161  typedef std::map<G4int,G4VPhysicalVolume*> masterWorlds_t;
164  static void addWorld( G4int counter, G4VPhysicalVolume* w) { masterWorlds.insert( std::make_pair(counter,w) ); }
166 private:
167  //Handling of master thread scoring worlds, access to it is needed by workers
170  //Singleton implementing master thread behavior
173 public: // with description
175  // Returns the singleton instance of the run manager common to all threads implementing
176  // the master behavior
179  // Returns the singleton instance of the run manager kernel common to all threads
181  virtual void SetUserInitialization(G4VUserPhysicsList* userPL);
183  virtual void SetUserInitialization(G4UserWorkerInitialization* userInit);
185  virtual void SetUserInitialization(G4VUserActionInitialization* userInit);
186  virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserRunAction* userAction);
187  virtual void SetUserAction(G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction* userAction);
188  virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserEventAction* userAction);
189  virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserStackingAction* userAction);
190  virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction);
191  virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* userAction);
193 public:
194  // To be invoked solely from G4WorkerRunManager to merge the results
195  void MergeScores(const G4ScoringManager* localScoringManager);
196  void MergeRun(const G4Run* localRun);
198 public:
199  //Handling of more than one run per thread
200  enum class WorkerActionRequest {
202  NEXTITERATION , // There is another set of UI commands to be executed
203  PROCESSUI, // Process UI commands w/o a /run/beamOn
204  ENDWORKER // Terminate thread, work finished
205  };
206  virtual void RequestWorkersProcessCommandsStack();
207  //Called to force workers to request and process the UI commands stack
208  //This will block untill all workers have processed UI commands
209  virtual void ThisWorkerProcessCommandsStackDone();
210  //Called by workers to signal to master it has completed processing of
211  //UI commands
213  //Worker thread barrier
214  //This method should be used by workers' run manager to wait,
215  //after an event loop for the next action to be performed
216  // (for example execute a new run)
217  //This returns the action to be performed
218 protected:
220  virtual void NewActionRequest( WorkerActionRequest newRequest );
222 protected:
229  double* randDbl;
231  void RefillSeeds();
233 public:
234  inline void SetEventModulo(G4int i=1) { eventModuloDef = i; }
235  inline G4int GetEventModulo() const { return eventModuloDef; }
237 public:
238  virtual void AbortRun(G4bool softAbort=false);
239  virtual void AbortEvent();
241 protected:
243  // - If it is set to 0 (default), seeds that are centrally managed
244  // by G4MTRunManager are set for every event of every worker thread.
245  // This option guarantees event reproducability regardless of number
246  // of threads.
247  // - If it is set to 1, seeds are set only once for the first
248  // event of each run of each worker thread. Event reproducability is
249  // guaranteed only if the same number of worker threads are used.
250  // On the other hand, this option offers better computing performance
251  // in particular for applications with relatively small primary
252  // particle energy and large number of events.
253  // - If it is set to 2, seeds are set only for the first event of
254  // group of N events. This option is reserved for the future use when
255  // Geant4 allows number of threads to be dynatically changed during an
256  // event loop.
257 public:
260 protected:
261  //Barriers: synch points between master and workers
266 };
268 #endif //G4MTRunManager_h