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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 // This example is provided by the Geant4-DNA collaboration
27 // Any report or published results obtained using the Geant4-DNA software
28 // shall cite the following Geant4-DNA collaboration publication:
29 // Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708
30 // and papers
31 // M. Batmunkh et al. J Radiat Res Appl Sci 8 (2015) 498-507
32 // O. Belov et al. Physica Medica 32 (2016) 1510-1520
33 // The Geant4-DNA web site is available at
34 //
35 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
36 // November 2016
37 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
38 //
39 //
43 #include "NeuronLoadDataFile.hh"
44 //#include "NeuronLoadMessenger.hh"
45 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
46 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
47 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
48 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
49 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
50 #include "G4Colour.hh"
51 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
52 #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
53 #include "G4ios.hh"
54 #include <algorithm>
55 #include <fstream>
56 #include <iostream>
57 #include <limits>
58 #include <cmath>
59 #include <sstream>
60 #include <string>
61 #include <stdlib.h>
62 //define if the program is running with Geant4
63 #define GEANT4
64 #ifdef GEANT4
65 //Specific to Geant4, globals.hh is used for G4cout
66 #include "globals.hh"
67 #endif
68 #include "CommandLineParser.hh"
69 #include "G4UImanager.hh"
71 using namespace std;
72 using namespace G4DNAPARSER;
74 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
77 {
78  //CommandLineParser* parser = CommandLineParser::GetParser();
79  Command* commandLine(0);
81  // 1. Load single neuron morphology and obtain parameters.
82  // Default SWC file name of neuron
83  fNeuronFileNameSWC = G4String("GranuleCell-Nr2.CNG.swc");
85  // 2. Load neural network and obtain parameters.
86  // Default prepared data filename of neural network with single/multi-layer.
87  // Small network of 10 pyramidal neurons with single layer
88  fNeuronFileNameDATA = G4String("NeuralNETWORK.dat");
90  // Load/change SWC or DAT as "CommandLineParser" class
91  if((commandLine=CommandLineParser::GetParser()->GetCommandIfActive("-swc")))
92  {
93  fNeuronFileNameSWC = G4String(commandLine->GetOption());
94  SingleNeuronSWCfile(fNeuronFileNameSWC);
95  }
96  //if (CommandLineParser::GetParser()->GetCommandIfActive("-network"))
97  // {
98  // NeuralNetworkDATAfile(fNeuronFileNameDATA);
99  // }
100  if ((commandLine =CommandLineParser::GetParser()->
101  GetCommandIfActive("-network")))
102  {
103  fNeuronFileNameDATA = G4String(commandLine->GetOption());
104  NeuralNetworkDATAfile(fNeuronFileNameDATA);
105  }
106  else
107  {
108  SingleNeuronSWCfile(fNeuronFileNameSWC);
109  }
111 }
113 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
116 {
118  // -----------
119  // 12 November 2012 - code created
120  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
121  // November 2012: First model of neuron[*] adapted into Geant4 microdosimetry
122  // from Claiborne`s database[**] by M. Batmunkh.
123  // February 2013: Loading SWC file from NeuronMorpho.Org[***]
124  // suggested by L. Bayarchimeg.
125  // [*]
126  // [**]
127  // [***]
128  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
130  G4String sLine = "";
131  std::ifstream infile;
133  if (!infile)
134  {
135 #ifdef GEANT4
136  G4cout<<"\n NeuronLoadDataFile::SingleNeuronSWCfile >> datafile "
137  <<filename<<" not found !!!!"<<G4endl;
138  exit(0);
139 #endif
140  }
141  else
142  {
143 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
144  G4cout<<"\n NeuronLoadDataFile::SingleNeuronSWCfile >> opening filename: "
145  << "\n" <<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<"' "<<filename
146  << " ' \n"<< G4endl;
147 #endif
149  G4int nrows,nlines;
150  nrows=0; nlines=0;
151  while (getline(infile, sLine))
152  {
153  fnNn = new G4int[nrows];
154  fpNn = new G4int[nrows];
155  fnNd = new G4int[nrows];
156  fpNd = new G4int[nrows];
157  fnNa = new G4int[nrows];
158  fpNa = new G4int[nrows];
159  nrows++;
160  }
161  infile.close();
162  //G4cout << " number of tracing points: "<< nrows <<G4endl;
165  fnbSomacomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Soma
166  fnbDendritecomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Dendrites
167  fnbAxoncomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Axon
168  fnbSpinecomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Spines
169  G4double TotVolSoma, TotVolDend, TotVolAxon, TotVolSpine;
170  TotVolSoma=TotVolDend=TotVolAxon=TotVolSpine=0.;
171  G4double TotSurfSoma, TotSurfDend, TotSurfAxon, TotSurfSpine;
172  TotSurfSoma=TotSurfDend=TotSurfAxon=TotSurfSpine=0.;
173  G4int nNcomp; // current index of neuronal compartment
174  G4int typeNcomp; // type of neuron structures: soma, axon, dendrite, etc.
175  G4double x,y,z; // cartesian coordinates of each compartment in micrometer
176  G4double radius; // radius of each compartment in micrometer
177  G4int pNcomp; // linked compartment, indicates branch points of dendrites
178  G4double minX,minY,minZ;
179  G4double maxX,maxY,maxZ;
180  G4double maxRad = -1e+09;
181  minX=minY=minZ=1e+09;
182  maxX=maxY=maxZ=-1e+09;
183  G4double density = 1.0 * (g/cm3) ; // water medium
184  G4double Piconst = (4.0/3.0)*pi ;
186  fMassSomacomp = new G4double[nrows];
187  fMassSomaTot = 0.0 ;
188  fPosSomacomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
189  fRadSomacomp = new G4double[nrows];
190  G4ThreeVector * PosDendcomp= new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
191  fRadDendcomp = new G4double[nrows];
192  fHeightDendcomp= new G4double[nrows];
193  fMassDendcomp = new G4double[nrows];
194  fMassDendTot = 0.0 ;
195  fDistADendSoma = new G4double[nrows];
196  fDistBDendSoma = new G4double[nrows];
197  fPosDendcomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
198  fRotDendcomp = new G4RotationMatrix[nrows];
199  G4ThreeVector * PosAxoncomp= new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
200  fRadAxoncomp = new G4double[nrows];
201  fHeightAxoncomp= new G4double[nrows];
202  fMassAxoncomp = new G4double[nrows];
203  fMassAxonTot = 0.0 ;
204  fDistAxonsoma = new G4double[nrows];
205  fPosAxoncomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
206  fRotAxoncomp = new G4RotationMatrix[nrows];
207  fMassSpinecomp = new G4double[nrows];
208  fMassSpineTot = 0.0 ;
209  fPosSpinecomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
210  fRadSpinecomp = new G4double[nrows];
211  G4ThreeVector * PosNeuroncomp= new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
212  fRadNeuroncomp = new G4double[nrows];
213  fHeightNeuroncomp = new G4double[nrows];
214  fDistNeuronsoma = new G4double[nrows];
215  fPosNeuroncomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
216  fRotNeuroncomp = new G4RotationMatrix[nrows];
217  fPosNeuroncomp = new G4ThreeVector[nrows];
218  fRadNeuroncomp = new G4double[nrows];
219  fTypeN = new G4int[nrows];
221  // to read datafile containing numbers, alphabets and symbols..,
222  while (getline(infile, sLine))
223  {
224  std::istringstream form(sLine);
225  G4String token;
226  while (getline(form, token, ':'))
227  {
228  std::istringstream found(token);
229  while (found >> nNcomp >> typeNcomp >> x >> y >> z >> radius >> pNcomp)
230  {
231  // =======================================================================
232  // to find the largest and the smallest values of compartment positions
233  // for parameters of bounding slice, sphere medium and shift of neuron.
234  if (minX > x) minX = x;
235  if (minY > y) minY = y;
236  if (minZ > z) minZ = z;
237  if (maxX < x) maxX = x;
238  if (maxY < y) maxY = y;
239  if (maxZ < z) maxZ = z;
240  // max diameter of compartments
241  if (maxRad < radius) maxRad = radius;
243  // =======================================================================
244  // Soma compartments represented as Sphere or Ellipsoid solid
245  if (typeNcomp == 1)
246  {
247  // Sphere volume and surface area
248  G4double VolSomacomp = Piconst*pow(radius*um,3.) ;
249  TotVolSoma = TotVolSoma + VolSomacomp;
250  G4double SurSomacomp = 3.*Piconst*pow(radius*um,2.) ;
251  TotSurfSoma = TotSurfSoma + SurSomacomp;
252  // OR
253  // Ellipsoid volume and Approximate formula of surface area
254  //G4double VolSomacomp = Piconst*(Ra*um)*(Rb*um)*(Rc*um);
255  //G4double SurSomacomp = 3.*Piconst*pow((pow(Ra,1.6075)*pow(Rb,1.6075)+
256  //pow(Ra,1.6075)*pow(Rc,1.6075)+pow(Rb,1.6075)*pow(Rc,1.6075))/3.,0.622084);
257  fMassSomacomp[fnbSomacomp] = density*VolSomacomp;
258  fMassSomaTot = fMassSomaTot + fMassSomacomp[fnbSomacomp];
259  G4ThreeVector vSoma (x ,y ,z);
260  fPosSomacomp [fnbSomacomp] = vSoma;
261  fRadSomacomp [fnbSomacomp]= radius;
262  // no rotate
263  // OR
264  // RotationMatrix for Ellipsoid solid
265  // ....
266  fnbSomacomp++ ;
267  }
268  // =======================================================================
269  // Apical and basal dendritic compartments represented as cylinderical solid
270  if (typeNcomp == 3 || typeNcomp == 4)
271  {
272  G4ThreeVector vDend (x ,y ,z);
273  // Position and Radius of compartments
274  PosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp] = vDend;
275  fRadDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= radius;
276  fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]= nNcomp-(fnbSomacomp+fnbAxoncomp)-1;
277  fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]= pNcomp-(fnbSomacomp+fnbAxoncomp)-1;
278  // To join two tracing points along the dendritic branches.
279  // To calculate length, center and rotation angles of each cylinder
281  // Center-position of each cylinder
282  G4double Dendxx= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].x()+
283  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].x();
284  G4double Dendyy= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].y()+
285  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].y();
286  G4double Dendzz= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].z()+
287  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].z();
288  G4ThreeVector translmDend = G4ThreeVector(Dendxx/2. ,
289  Dendyy/2. , Dendzz/2.) ;
290  fPosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp] = translmDend;
291  // delta of position A and position B of cylinder
292  G4double Dendx, Dendy, Dendz;
293  //primary dendritic branch should be connect with Soma
294  if (fpNd[fnbDendritecomp] == -fnbSomacomp)
295  {
296  Dendx= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].x()-
297  (fPosSomacomp[0].x()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
298  Dendy= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].y()-
299  (fPosSomacomp[0].y()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
300  Dendz= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].z()-
301  (fPosSomacomp[0].z()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
302  }
303  else
304  {
305  Dendx= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].x()-
306  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].x();
307  Dendy= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].y()-
308  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].y();
309  Dendz= PosDendcomp[fnNd[fnbDendritecomp]].z()-
310  PosDendcomp[fpNd[fnbDendritecomp]].z();
311  }
312  G4double lengthDendcomp = std::sqrt(Dendx*Dendx+Dendy*Dendy+Dendz*Dendz);
313  // Height of compartment
314  fHeightDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= lengthDendcomp;
316  // Distance from Soma
317  G4double DendDisx= fPosSomacomp[0].x()-
318  fPosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp].x();
319  G4double DendDisy= fPosSomacomp[0].y()-
320  fPosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp].y();
321  G4double DendDisz= fPosSomacomp[0].z()-
322  fPosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp].z();
323  if (typeNcomp == 3) fDistADendSoma[fnbDendritecomp] =
324  std::sqrt(DendDisx*DendDisx + DendDisy*DendDisy + DendDisz*DendDisz);
325  if (typeNcomp == 4) fDistBDendSoma[fnbDendritecomp] =
326  std::sqrt(DendDisx*DendDisx + DendDisy*DendDisy + DendDisz*DendDisz);
328  // Cylinder volume and surface area
329  G4double VolDendcomp = pi*pow(radius*um,2)*(lengthDendcomp*um);
330  TotVolDend = TotVolDend + VolDendcomp;
331  G4double SurDendcomp = 2.*pi*radius*um*(radius+lengthDendcomp)*um;
332  TotSurfDend = TotSurfDend + SurDendcomp;
333  fMassDendcomp[fnbDendritecomp] = density*VolDendcomp;
334  fMassDendTot = fMassDendTot + fMassDendcomp[fnbDendritecomp];
336  Dendx=Dendx/lengthDendcomp;
337  Dendy=Dendy/lengthDendcomp;
338  Dendz=Dendz/lengthDendcomp;
340  // Euler angles of each compartment
341  G4ThreeVector directionDend = G4ThreeVector(Dendx,Dendy,Dendz);
342  G4double theta_eulerDend = directionDend.theta();
343  G4double phi_eulerDend = directionDend.phi();
344  G4double psi_eulerDend = 0;
346  //Rotation Matrix, Euler constructor build inverse matrix.
347  G4RotationMatrix rotmDendInv = G4RotationMatrix(
348  phi_eulerDend+pi/2,
349  theta_eulerDend,
350  psi_eulerDend);
351  G4RotationMatrix rotmDend = rotmDendInv.inverse();
352  /*
353  // To convert from Rotation Matrix after inverse to Euler angles
354  G4double cosX = std::sqrt (rotmDend.xx()*rotmDend.xx() +
355  rotmDend.yx()*rotmDend.yx()) ;
356  G4double euX, euY, euZ;
357  if (cosX > 16*FLT_EPSILON)
358  {
359  euX = std::atan2 (rotmDend.zy(),rotmDend.zz());
360  euY = std::atan2 (-rotmDend.zx(),cosX);
361  euZ = std::atan2 (rotmDend.yx(),rotmDend.xx());
362  }
363  else
364  {
365  euX = std::atan2 (-rotmDend.yz(),rotmDend.yy());
366  euY = std::atan2 (-rotmDend.zx(),cosX);
367  euZ = 0. ;
368  }
369  G4RotationMatrix * rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
370  rot->rotateX(euX);
371  rot->rotateY(euY);
372  rot->rotateZ(euZ);
373  */
374  fRotDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= rotmDend ;
376  fnbDendritecomp++ ;
377  }
379  // =======================================================================
380  // Axon compartments represented as cylinderical solid
381  if (typeNcomp == 2)
382  {
383  G4ThreeVector vAxon (x ,y ,z);
384  // Position and Radius of compartments
385  PosAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp] = vAxon;
386  fRadAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp]= radius;
387  fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]= nNcomp-(fnbSomacomp+fnbDendritecomp)-1;
388  fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]= pNcomp-(fnbSomacomp+fnbDendritecomp)-1;
389  // To join two tracing points in loaded SWC data file.
390  // To calculate length, center and rotation angles of each cylinder
392  // Center-position of each cylinder
393  G4double Axonxx= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].x()+
394  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].x();
395  G4double Axonyy= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].y()+
396  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].y();
397  G4double Axonzz= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].z()+
398  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].z();
399  G4ThreeVector translmAxon = G4ThreeVector(Axonxx/2. ,
400  Axonyy/2. , Axonzz/2.) ;
401  fPosAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp] = translmAxon;
402  // delta of position A and position B of cylinder
403  G4double Axonx, Axony, Axonz;
404  //primary axon point should be connect with Soma
405  if (fpNa[fnbAxoncomp] == -(fnbSomacomp+fnbDendritecomp))
406  {
407  Axonx= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].x()-
408  (fPosSomacomp[0].x()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
409  Axony= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].y()-
410  (fPosSomacomp[0].y()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
411  Axonz= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].z()-
412  (fPosSomacomp[0].z()+fRadSomacomp[0]);
413  }
414  else
415  {
416  Axonx= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].x()-
417  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].x();
418  Axony= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].y()-
419  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].y();
420  Axonz= PosAxoncomp[fnNa[fnbAxoncomp]].z()-
421  PosAxoncomp[fpNa[fnbAxoncomp]].z();
422  }
423  G4double lengthAxoncomp = std::sqrt(Axonx*Axonx+Axony*Axony+Axonz*Axonz);
424  // Height of compartment
425  fHeightAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp]= lengthAxoncomp;
427  // Distance from Soma
428  G4double AxonDisx= fPosSomacomp[0].x()-
429  fPosAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp].x();
430  G4double AxonDisy= fPosSomacomp[0].y()-
431  fPosAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp].y();
432  G4double AxonDisz= fPosSomacomp[0].z()-
433  fPosAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp].z();
434  fDistAxonsoma[fnbAxoncomp] = std::sqrt(AxonDisx*AxonDisx +
435  AxonDisy*AxonDisy + AxonDisz*AxonDisz);
437  // Cylinder volume and surface area
438  G4double VolAxoncomp = pi*pow(radius*um,2)*(lengthAxoncomp*um);
439  TotVolAxon = TotVolAxon + VolAxoncomp;
440  G4double SurAxoncomp = 2.*pi*radius*um*(radius+lengthAxoncomp)*um;
441  TotSurfAxon = TotSurfAxon + SurAxoncomp;
442  fMassAxoncomp[fnbAxoncomp] = density*VolAxoncomp;
443  fMassAxonTot = fMassAxonTot + fMassAxoncomp[fnbAxoncomp];
444  Axonx=Axonx/lengthAxoncomp;
445  Axony=Axony/lengthAxoncomp;
446  Axonz=Axonz/lengthAxoncomp;
448  // Euler angles of each compartment
449  G4ThreeVector directionAxon = G4ThreeVector(Axonx,Axony,Axonz);
450  G4double theta_eulerAxon = directionAxon.theta();
451  G4double phi_eulerAxon = directionAxon.phi();
452  G4double psi_eulerAxon = 0;
454  //Rotation Matrix, Euler constructor build inverse matrix.
455  G4RotationMatrix rotmAxonInv = G4RotationMatrix(
456  phi_eulerAxon+pi/2,
457  theta_eulerAxon,
458  psi_eulerAxon);
459  G4RotationMatrix rotmAxon = rotmAxonInv.inverse();
460  fRotAxoncomp [fnbAxoncomp]= rotmAxon ;
462  fnbAxoncomp++ ;
463  }
464  // =======================================================================
465  // checking additional types
466  if (typeNcomp != 1 && typeNcomp != 2 && typeNcomp != 3 && typeNcomp != 4)
467  {
468  G4cout << " Additional types:--> "<< typeNcomp <<G4endl;
469  }
471  // If tracing points including spines, user can be define spine morphology
472  // including stubby, mushroom, thin, long thin, filopodia and
473  // branched with heads and necks!
475  if (typeNcomp == 5)
476  {
477  // Sphere volume and surface area
478  G4double VolSpinecomp = Piconst*pow(radius*um,3.) ;
479  TotVolSpine = TotVolSpine + VolSpinecomp;
480  G4double SurSpinecomp = 3.*Piconst*pow(radius*um,2.) ;
481  TotSurfSpine = TotSurfSpine + SurSpinecomp;
482  fMassSpinecomp[fnbSpinecomp] = density*VolSpinecomp;
483  fMassSpineTot = fMassSpineTot + fMassSpinecomp[fnbSpinecomp];
484  // OR
485  // Ellipsoid volume and Approximate formula of surface area
486  // ...
487  G4ThreeVector vSpine (x ,y ,z);
488  fPosSpinecomp [fnbSpinecomp] = vSpine;
489  fRadSpinecomp [fnbSpinecomp] = radius;
490  // no rotate
491  // OR
492  // RotationMatrix for Ellipsoid solid
493  // ....
494  fnbSpinecomp++ ;
495  }
497  // =======================================================================
498  // Neuron- all compartments allocate in ThreeVector
499  fTypeN[nlines] = typeNcomp;
500  G4ThreeVector vNeuron (x ,y ,z);
501  // Position and Radius of compartments
502  PosNeuroncomp [nlines] = vNeuron;
503  fRadNeuroncomp [nlines]= radius;
504  fnNn[nlines]= nNcomp-1;
505  fpNn[nlines]= pNcomp-1;
506  // To join two tracing points in loaded SWC data file.
507  // To calculate length, center and rotation angles of each cylinder
509  // Center-position of each cylinder
510  G4double Neuronxx= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].x()+
511  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].x();
512  G4double Neuronyy= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].y()+
513  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].y();
514  G4double Neuronzz= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].z()+
515  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].z();
516  G4ThreeVector translmNeuron = G4ThreeVector(Neuronxx/2. ,
517  Neuronyy/2. , Neuronzz/2.) ;
518  fPosNeuroncomp [nlines] = translmNeuron;
519  // delta of position A and position B of cylinder
520  G4double Neuronx, Neurony, Neuronz;
521  //primary point
522  if (fpNn[nlines] == -2)
523  {
524  Neuronx= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].x()-
525  fPosNeuroncomp[0].x();
526  Neurony= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].y()-
527  fPosNeuroncomp[0].y();
528  Neuronz= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].z()-
529  fPosNeuroncomp[0].z();
530  }
531  else
532  {
533  Neuronx= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].x()-
534  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].x();
535  Neurony= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].y()-
536  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].y();
537  Neuronz= PosNeuroncomp[fnNn[nlines]].z()-
538  PosNeuroncomp[fpNn[nlines]].z();
539  }
540  G4double lengthNeuroncomp = std::sqrt(Neuronx*Neuronx+
541  Neurony*Neurony+Neuronz*Neuronz);
542  // Height of compartment
543  fHeightNeuroncomp [nlines]= lengthNeuroncomp;
544  // Distance from Soma
545  G4double NeuronDisx= fPosNeuroncomp[0].x()-
546  fPosNeuroncomp [nlines].x();
547  G4double NeuronDisy= fPosNeuroncomp[0].y()-
548  fPosNeuroncomp [nlines].y();
549  G4double NeuronDisz= fPosNeuroncomp[0].z()-
550  fPosNeuroncomp [nlines].z();
551  fDistNeuronsoma[nlines] = std::sqrt(NeuronDisx*NeuronDisx +
552  NeuronDisy*NeuronDisy + NeuronDisz*NeuronDisz);
553  /*
554  // Cylinder volume and surface area
555  G4double VolNeuroncomp = pi*pow(radius*um,2)*(lengthNeuroncomp*um);
556  fTotVolNeuron = fTotVolNeuron + VolNeuroncomp;
557  G4double SurNeuroncomp = 2.*pi*radius*um*
558  (radius+lengthNeuroncomp)*um;
559  fTotSurfNeuron = TotSurfNeuron + SurNeuroncomp;
560  fMassNeuroncomp[nlines] = density*VolNeuroncomp;
561  MassNeuronTot = MassNeuronTot + fMassNeuroncomp[nlines]; */
562  Neuronx=Neuronx/lengthNeuroncomp;
563  Neurony=Neurony/lengthNeuroncomp;
564  Neuronz=Neuronz/lengthNeuroncomp;
566  // Euler angles of each compartment
567  G4ThreeVector directionNeuron = G4ThreeVector(Neuronx,Neurony,Neuronz);
568  G4double theta_eulerNeuron = directionNeuron.theta();
569  G4double phi_eulerNeuron = directionNeuron.phi();
570  G4double psi_eulerNeuron = 0;
572  //Rotation Matrix, Euler constructor build inverse matrix.
573  G4RotationMatrix rotmNeuronInv = G4RotationMatrix(
574  phi_eulerNeuron+pi/2,
575  theta_eulerNeuron,
576  psi_eulerNeuron);
577  G4RotationMatrix rotmNeuron = rotmNeuronInv.inverse();
578  fRotNeuroncomp [nlines]= rotmNeuron ;
580  nlines++;
581  }
582  }
583  }
584  infile.close();
585  // =======================================================================
587  fnbNeuroncomp = nlines ;
588  G4cout << " Total number of compartments into Neuron : "
589  << fnbNeuroncomp<<G4endl;
590  G4cout << "\n"<<G4endl;
592  // to calculate SHIFT value for neuron translation
593  fshiftX = (minX + maxX)/2. ;
594  fshiftY = (minY + maxY)/2. ;
595  fshiftZ = (minZ + maxZ)/2. ;
597  // width, height, depth of bounding slice volume
598  //maxRad = 0.0 ;
599  fwidthB = std::fabs(minX - maxX) + maxRad;
600  fheightB = std::fabs(minY - maxY) + maxRad;
601  fdepthB = std::fabs(minZ - maxZ) + maxRad;
603  // diagonal length of bounding slice, that give diameter of sphere
604  // for particle direction and fluence!
605  fdiagnlLength = std::sqrt(fwidthB*fwidthB + fheightB*fheightB
606  + fdepthB*fdepthB);
608  fTotVolNeuron = TotVolSoma+TotVolDend+TotVolAxon;
609  fTotSurfNeuron = TotSurfSoma+TotSurfDend+TotSurfAxon;
610  fTotMassNeuron = fMassSomaTot+fMassDendTot+fMassAxonTot;
612  fTotVolSlice = fwidthB*um*fheightB*um*fdepthB*um;
613  fTotSurfSlice = 2*(fwidthB*um*fheightB*um+fheightB*um*fdepthB*um+
614  fwidthB*um*fdepthB*um);
615  fTotMassSlice = 1.0 * (g/cm3) *fTotVolSlice;
617  fTotVolMedium = Piconst*pow(fdiagnlLength*um/2.,3.) ;
618  fTotSurfMedium = 3.*Piconst*pow(fdiagnlLength*um/2.,2);
619  fTotMassMedium = 1.0 * (g/cm3) *fTotVolMedium;
621  // Soma in Violet with opacity
622  fSomaColour = new G4VisAttributes;
623  fSomaColour->SetColour(G4Colour(G4Colour(0.85,0.44,0.84))); // ,1.0
624  fSomaColour->SetForceSolid(true); // true
625  fSomaColour->SetVisibility(true);
627  // Dendrites in Dark-Blue
628  fDendColour = new G4VisAttributes;
629  fDendColour->SetColour(G4Colour(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.5)));
630  fDendColour->SetForceSolid(true);
631  //fDendColour->SetVisibility(true);
633  // Axon in Maroon
634  fAxonColour = new G4VisAttributes;
635  fAxonColour->SetColour(G4Colour(G4Colour(0.5, 0.0, 0.0)));
636  fAxonColour->SetForceSolid(true);
637  fAxonColour->SetVisibility(true);
639  // Spines in Dark-Green
640  fSpineColour = new G4VisAttributes;
641  fSpineColour->SetColour(G4Colour(G4Colour(0.0 , 100/255. , 0.0)));
642  fSpineColour->SetForceSolid(true);
643  fSpineColour->SetVisibility(true);
645  // Whole neuron in semitransparent navy blue
646  fNeuronColour = new G4VisAttributes;
647  fNeuronColour->SetColour(G4Colour(G4Colour(0.0,0.4,0.8,0.5)));
648  fNeuronColour->SetForceSolid(true);
649  fNeuronColour->SetVisibility(true);
651  }
652 }
654 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
656 // Load prepared data file of neural network with single and multiple layers
660 {
662  G4String sLine = "";
663  std::ifstream infile;
665  if (!infile)
666  {
667 #ifdef GEANT4
668  G4cout<<" \n NeuronLoadDataFile::NeuralNetworkDATAfile >> datafile "
669  <<filename<<" not found !!!!"<<G4endl;
670  exit(0);
671 #endif
672  }
673  else
674  {
675 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
676  G4cout<< " NeuronLoadDataFile::NeuralNetworkDATAfile >> opening filename: "
677  << "\n" <<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<'\t'<<"' "<<filename
678  << " ' \n"<< G4endl;
679 #endif
681  G4int nlines, nbSoma, nbDendrite;
682  nlines=0;
683  fnbSomacomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Soma
684  fnbDendritecomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Dendrites
685  fnbAxoncomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Axon
686  fnbSpinecomp = 0 ; // total number of compartment into Spines
687  G4double TotVolSoma, TotVolDend, TotVolAxon;
688  TotVolSoma=TotVolDend=TotVolAxon=0.;
689  G4double TotSurfSoma, TotSurfDend, TotSurfAxon;
690  TotSurfSoma=TotSurfDend=TotSurfAxon=0.;
691  //G4int nNmorph; // current index of neuronal morphology
692  G4int typeNcomp; // types of structure: soma, axon, apical dendrite, etc.
693  G4double x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; // cartesian coordinates of each compartment
694  G4double radius; // radius of each compartment in micrometer
695  G4double height; // height of each compartment in micrometer
696  //G4double minX,minY,minZ; //minimum
697  //G4double maxX,maxY,maxZ; //maximum
698  G4double maxRad = -1e+09;
699  //minX=minY=minZ=1e+09;
700  //maxX=maxY=maxZ=-1e+09;
701  G4double density = 1.0 * (g/cm3) ; // water medium
702  G4double Piconst = (4.0/3.0)*pi ;
704  while (getline(infile, sLine))
705  {
706  std::istringstream form(sLine);
707  if (nlines == 0) {
708  // to read total number of compartments
709  form >> fnbNeuroncomp >> nbSoma >> nbDendrite ;
710  fMassSomacomp = new G4double[nbSoma];
711  fMassSomaTot = 0.0 ;
712  fPosSomacomp = new G4ThreeVector[nbSoma];
713  fRadSomacomp = new G4double[nbSoma];
714  fRadDendcomp = new G4double[nbDendrite];
715  fHeightDendcomp = new G4double[nbDendrite];
716  fMassDendcomp = new G4double[nbDendrite];
717  fMassDendTot = 0.0 ;
718  fDistADendSoma = new G4double[nbDendrite];
719  fDistBDendSoma = new G4double[nbDendrite];
720  fPosDendcomp = new G4ThreeVector[nbDendrite];
721  fRotDendcomp = new G4RotationMatrix[nbDendrite];
722  }
723  // =======================================================================
724  // Soma compartments represented as Sphere or Ellipsoid solid
725  if (nlines > 0 && nlines <= nbSoma) // Total number of Soma compartments
726  {
727  form >> typeNcomp >> x1 >> y1 >> z1 >> radius ;
728  if (typeNcomp !=1) break;
729  // max diameter of compartments
730  if (maxRad < radius) maxRad = radius;
731  // Sphere volume and surface area
732  G4double VolSomacomp = Piconst*pow(radius*um,3.) ;
733  TotVolSoma = TotVolSoma + VolSomacomp;
734  G4double SurSomacomp = 3.*Piconst*pow(radius*um,2.) ;
735  TotSurfSoma = TotSurfSoma + SurSomacomp;
736  fMassSomacomp[fnbSomacomp] = density*VolSomacomp;
737  fMassSomaTot = fMassSomaTot + fMassSomacomp[fnbSomacomp];
738  // OR
739  // Ellipsoid volume and Approximate formula of surface area
740  //G4double VolSomacomp = Piconst*(Ra*um)*(Rb*um)*(Rc*um);
741  //G4double SurSomacomp = 3.*Piconst*pow((pow(Ra,1.6075)*pow(Rb,1.6075)+
742  //pow(Ra,1.6075)*pow(Rc,1.6075)+pow(Rb,1.6075)*pow(Rc,1.6075))/3.,0.622084);
744  G4ThreeVector vSoma (x1 ,y1 ,z1);
745  fPosSomacomp [fnbSomacomp] = vSoma;
746  fRadSomacomp [fnbSomacomp]= radius;
748  // RotationMatrix for Ellipsoid solid
749  // ....
750  fnbSomacomp++ ;
751  }
752  // =======================================================================
753  // Apical and basal dendritic compartments represented as cylinderical solid
754  if (nlines > nbSoma && nlines <= fnbNeuroncomp)
755  {
756  form >> typeNcomp >> x1 >> y1 >> z1 >> x2 >> y2 >> z2 >> radius >> height;
757  if (typeNcomp != 3 ) break; // || typeNcomp != 4
759  // To calculate length, center and rotation angles of each cylinder
760  // Center-position of each cylinder
761  G4double Dendxx= x1 + x2;
762  G4double Dendyy= y1 + y2;
763  G4double Dendzz= z1 + z2;
764  G4ThreeVector translmDend = G4ThreeVector(Dendxx/2. ,
765  Dendyy/2. , Dendzz/2.) ;
766  fPosDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp] = translmDend;
767  fRadDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= radius;
768  G4double lengthDendcomp = height;
769  // Height of compartment
770  fHeightDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= lengthDendcomp;
771  // Distance from Soma
773  // Cylinder volume and surface area
774  G4double VolDendcomp = pi*pow(radius*um,2)*(lengthDendcomp*um);
775  TotVolDend = TotVolDend + VolDendcomp;
776  G4double SurDendcomp = 2.*pi*radius*um*(radius+lengthDendcomp)*um;
777  TotSurfDend = TotSurfDend + SurDendcomp;
778  fMassDendcomp[fnbDendritecomp] = density*VolDendcomp;
779  fMassDendTot = fMassDendTot + fMassDendcomp[fnbDendritecomp];
781  G4double Dendx= x1 - x2;
782  G4double Dendy= y1 - y2;
783  G4double Dendz= z1 - z2;
784  Dendx=Dendx/lengthDendcomp;
785  Dendy=Dendy/lengthDendcomp;
786  Dendz=Dendz/lengthDendcomp;
788  // Euler angles of each compartment
789  G4ThreeVector directionDend = G4ThreeVector(Dendx,Dendy,Dendz);
790  G4double theta_eulerDend = directionDend.theta();
791  G4double phi_eulerDend = directionDend.phi();
792  G4double psi_eulerDend = 0;
794  //Rotation Matrix, Euler constructor build inverse matrix.
795  G4RotationMatrix rotmDendInv = G4RotationMatrix(
796  phi_eulerDend+pi/2,
797  theta_eulerDend,
798  psi_eulerDend);
799  G4RotationMatrix rotmDend = rotmDendInv.inverse();
801  fRotDendcomp [fnbDendritecomp]= rotmDend ;
802  //G4Transform3D transformDend = G4Transform3D(rotmDend,translmDend);
803  //fRotTransDendPos [fnbDendritecomp]= transformDend ;
804  fnbDendritecomp++ ;
806  }
808  nlines++;
809  }
811  // =======================================================================
813  G4cout << " Total number of compartments into Neuron : "<<
814  fnbNeuroncomp <<G4endl;
815  G4cout << "\n"<<G4endl;
817  // to calculate SHIFT value for neuron translation
818  fshiftX = 0.; //(minX + maxX)/2. ;
819  fshiftY = 0.; //(minY + maxY)/2. ;
820  fshiftZ = 0.; //(minZ + maxZ)/2. ;
822  // width, height, depth of bounding slice volume
823  //maxRad = 0.0 ;
824  fwidthB = 640.;
825  fheightB = 280.;
826  fdepthB = 25.;
827  // diagonal length of bounding slice, that give diameter of sphere
828  // for particle direction and fluence!
829  fdiagnlLength = std::sqrt(fwidthB*fwidthB + fheightB*fheightB
830  + fdepthB*fdepthB);
832  fTotVolNeuron = TotVolSoma+TotVolDend+TotVolAxon;
833  fTotSurfNeuron = TotSurfSoma+TotSurfDend+TotSurfAxon;
834  fTotMassNeuron = fMassSomaTot+fMassDendTot+fMassAxonTot;
836  fTotVolSlice = fwidthB*um*fheightB*um*fdepthB*um;
837  fTotSurfSlice = 2*(fwidthB*um*fheightB*um+fheightB*um*fdepthB*um+
838  fwidthB*um*fdepthB*um);
839  fTotMassSlice = 1.0 * (g/cm3) *fTotVolSlice;
841  fTotVolMedium = Piconst*pow(fdiagnlLength*um/2.,3.) ;
842  fTotSurfMedium = 3.*Piconst*pow(fdiagnlLength*um/2.,2);
843  fTotMassMedium = 1.0 * (g/cm3) *fTotVolMedium;
845  }
846  infile.close();
847 }
849 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
852 {
853 delete[] fMassSomacomp ;
854 delete[] fPosSomacomp ;
855 delete[] fRadSomacomp ;
856 delete[] fRadDendcomp ;
857 delete[] fHeightDendcomp;
858 delete[] fMassDendcomp ;
859 delete[] fDistADendSoma ;
860 delete[] fDistBDendSoma ;
861 delete[] fPosDendcomp ;
862 delete[] fRotDendcomp ;
863 delete[] fRadAxoncomp ;
864 delete[] fHeightAxoncomp;
865 delete[] fMassAxoncomp ;
866 delete[] fDistAxonsoma ;
867 delete[] fPosAxoncomp ;
868 delete[] fRotAxoncomp ;
869 delete[] fRadNeuroncomp ;
870 delete[] fHeightNeuroncomp;
871 delete[] fMassNeuroncomp ;
872 delete[] fDistNeuronsoma ;
873 delete[] fPosNeuroncomp ;
874 delete[] fRotNeuroncomp ;
875 }
877 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
880 (const G4int copyNo, G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol) const
881 {
882 /*
883 // sphere transformation
884  G4ThreeVector
885  originSoma(
886  (fPosSomacomp[copyNo].x()-fshiftX) * um,
887  (fPosSomacomp[copyNo].y()-fshiftY) * um,
888  (fPosSomacomp[copyNo].z()-fshiftZ) * um
889  );
890  physVol->SetRotation(0);
891  physVol->SetTranslation(originSoma);
892  */
894 // cylinder rotation and transformation
896 // to calculate Euler angles from Rotation Matrix after Inverse!
897 //
898  G4RotationMatrix rotmNeuron = G4RotationMatrix(fRotNeuroncomp[copyNo]);
899  G4double cosX = std::sqrt (rotmNeuron.xx()*rotmNeuron.xx() +
900  rotmNeuron.yx()*rotmNeuron.yx()) ;
901  G4double euX, euY, euZ;
902  if (cosX > 16*FLT_EPSILON)
903  {
904  euX = std::atan2 (rotmNeuron.zy(),rotmNeuron.zz());
905  euY = std::atan2 (-rotmNeuron.zx(),cosX);
906  euZ = std::atan2 (rotmNeuron.yx(),rotmNeuron.xx());
907  }
908  else
909  {
910  euX = std::atan2 (-rotmNeuron.yz(),rotmNeuron.yy());
911  euY = std::atan2 (-rotmNeuron.zx(),cosX);
912  euZ = 0. ;
913  }
914  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
915  rot->rotateX(euX);
916  rot->rotateY(euY);
917  rot->rotateZ(euZ);
919  physVol->SetRotation(rot);
921 // shift of cylinder compartments
923  originNeuron(
924  (fPosNeuroncomp[copyNo].x()-fshiftX) * um,
925  (fPosNeuroncomp[copyNo].y()-fshiftY) * um,
926  (fPosNeuroncomp[copyNo].z()-fshiftZ) * um
927  );
928  physVol->SetTranslation(originNeuron);
930 }
932 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
933 /*
934 G4VSolid* NeuronLoadDataFile::ComputeSolid(const G4int copyNo,
935  G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol )
936 {
937  G4VSolid* solid;
938  if( typeNcomp[copyNo] == 1 )
939  {
940  solid = sphereComp ;
941  }
942  else if( typeNcomp[copyNo] == 3 || typeNcomp[copyNo] == 4 )
943  {
944  solid = cylinderComp ;
945  }
946  return solid;
947 }
948 */
949 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
952 (G4Tubs& fcylinderComp, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume*) const
953 {
954  fcylinderComp.SetInnerRadius(0*um);
955  fcylinderComp.SetOuterRadius(fRadNeuroncomp[copyNo]*um);
956  fcylinderComp.SetZHalfLength(fHeightNeuroncomp[copyNo]*um /2.);
957  fcylinderComp.SetStartPhiAngle(0.*deg);
958  fcylinderComp.SetDeltaPhiAngle(360.*deg);
959 }
961 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
962 /*
963 void NeuronLoadDataFile::ComputeDimensions
964 (G4Sphere& sphereComp, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume*) const
965 {
966  fsphereComp.SetInnerRadius(0);
967  fsphereComp.SetOuterRadius(fRadSomacomp[copyNo] * um);
968  fsphereComp.SetStartPhiAngle(0.*deg);
969  fsphereComp.SetDeltaPhiAngle(360.*deg);
970  fsphereComp.SetStartThetaAngle(0.*deg);
971  fsphereComp.SetDeltaThetaAngle(180.*deg);
972 }
973 */
974 /*
975 #if 1
976 (G4Sphere& somaS, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol) const
977 #else
978 (G4Tubs& dendritesS, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume* ) const
979 #endif
980 {
981  G4LogicalVolume* LogicalVolume = physVol->GetLogicalVolume();
983  G4PhysicalVolume* somaPV = LogicalVolume->GetDaughter(0);
984  G4LogicalVolume* somaLV = somaPV->GetLogicalVolume();
985  G4Sphere* somaS = (G4Sphere*)somaLV->GetSolid();
987  G4PhysicalVolume* dendritesPV = LogicalVolume->GetDaughter(0);
988  G4LogicalVolume* dendritesLV = dendritesPV->GetLogicalVolume();
989  G4Tubs* dendritesS = (G4Tubs*)dendritesLV->GetSolid();
990 }
991 */
993 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......