Example Analysis Package
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shell commands

source /cvmfs/eic.opensciencegrid.org/ecce/gcc-8.3/opt/fun4all/core/bin/ecce_setup.sh -n
source /cvmfs/eic.opensciencegrid.org/ecce/gcc-8.3/opt/fun4all/core/bin/setup_local.sh $HOME/myinstall
git clone git@github.com:ECCE-EIC/tutorials
cd tutorials/AnaTutorialECCE/src
mkdir build 
cd build
../autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/myinstall
make install

Run example pythia event

cd ../../macro
.x Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial.C(3)

The event run is a dummy 5 pion event and is simply intended as an example. Take a look at the AnaTutorial source code to learn more about different accessible physics objects.

Run with production data

You can use the AnaTutorial (or any analysis package that you write) to run over the produced DST data. To do this, download an example DST and run the provided macro over it as follows. First, change to the macros directory, e.g. cd AnaTutorialECCE/macro. Then, download an example DST and run the provided macro

mcs3 cp eicS3/eictest/ECCE/MC/ana.14/5f210c7/SIDIS/pythia6/ep_18x100highq2/DST_SIDIS_pythia6_ep_18x100highq2_039_0099000_01000.root .
.x Fun4All_ReadDST.C(1,"DST_SIDIS_pythia6_ep_18x100highq2_039_0099000_01000.root")
Tags: tutorial