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This is the complete list of members for G4FTFModel, including all inherited members.
ActivateFor(const G4Material *aMaterial) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
ActivateFor(const G4Element *anElement) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
AdjustNucleons(G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedAntiBaryon, G4Nucleon *ProjectileNucleon, G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedTargetNucleon, G4Nucleon *TargetNucleon, G4bool Annihilation) | G4FTFModel | private |
AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_afterSampling(G4int interactionCase, G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedAntiBaryon, G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedTargetNucleon, CommonVariables &common) | G4FTFModel | private |
AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_beforeSampling(G4int interactionCase, G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedAntiBaryon, G4Nucleon *ProjectileNucleon, G4VSplitableHadron *SelectedTargetNucleon, G4Nucleon *TargetNucleon, G4bool Annihilation, CommonVariables &common) | G4FTFModel | private |
AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_Sampling(G4int interactionCase, CommonVariables &common) | G4FTFModel | private |
ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &, G4Nucleus &) final | G4VHighEnergyGenerator | virtual |
Block() | G4HadronicInteraction | inlineprotected |
BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition &) | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
BuildStrings(G4ExcitedStringVector *strings) | G4FTFModel | private |
CheckKinematics(const G4double sValue, const G4double sqrtS, const G4double projectileMass2, const G4double targetMass2, const G4double nucleusY, const G4bool isProjectileNucleus, const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, G4Nucleon *involvedNucleons[], G4double &targetWminus, G4double &projectileWplus, G4bool &success) | G4FTFModel | private |
ComputeNucleusProperties(G4V3DNucleus *nucleus, G4LorentzVector &nucleusMomentum, G4LorentzVector &residualMomentum, G4double &sumMasses, G4double &residualExcitationEnergy, G4double &residualMass, G4int &residualMassNumber, G4int &residualCharge) | G4FTFModel | private |
DeActivateFor(const G4Material *aMaterial) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
DeActivateFor(const G4Element *anElement) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
EnergyAndMomentumCorrector(G4KineticTrackVector *Output, G4LorentzVector &TotalCollisionMomentum) | G4VPartonStringModel | protected |
ExciteParticipants() | G4FTFModel | private |
FinalizeKinematics(const G4double w, const G4bool isProjectileNucleus, const G4LorentzRotation &boostFromCmsToLab, const G4double residualMass, const G4int residualMassNumber, const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, G4Nucleon *involvedNucleons[], G4LorentzVector &residual4Momentum) | G4FTFModel | private |
G4FTFModel(const G4String &modelName="FTF") | G4FTFModel | |
G4FTFModel(const G4FTFModel &right) | G4FTFModel | private |
G4HadronicInteraction(const G4String &modelName="HadronicModel") | G4HadronicInteraction | explicit |
G4VHighEnergyGenerator(const G4String &modelName="High Energy Generator") | G4VHighEnergyGenerator | |
G4VPartonStringModel(const G4String &modelName="Parton String Model") | G4VPartonStringModel | |
GaussianPt(G4double AveragePt2, G4double maxPtSquare) const | G4FTFModel | private |
GenerateDeltaIsobar(const G4double sqrtS, const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, G4Nucleon *involvedNucleons[], G4double &sumMasses) | G4FTFModel | private |
GetEnergyMomentumCheckLevels() const | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
GetFatalEnergyCheckLevels() const | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
GetMaxEnergy() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
GetMaxEnergy(const G4Material *aMaterial, const G4Element *anElement) const | G4HadronicInteraction | |
GetMinEnergy() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
GetMinEnergy(const G4Material *aMaterial, const G4Element *anElement) const | G4HadronicInteraction | |
GetModelName() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
GetProjectileNucleus() const | G4FTFModel | inlinevirtual |
GetRecoilEnergyThreshold() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
GetResiduals() | G4FTFModel | private |
GetStrings() | G4FTFModel | virtual |
GetTargetNucleus() const | G4FTFModel | inline |
GetVerboseLevel() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
GetWoundedNucleus() const | G4FTFModel | inlinevirtual |
HighEnergyInter | G4FTFModel | private |
Init(const G4Nucleus &aNucleus, const G4DynamicParticle &aProjectile) | G4FTFModel | virtual |
InitialiseModel() | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
IsApplicable(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, G4Nucleus &targetNucleus) | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
isBlocked | G4HadronicInteraction | protected |
IsBlocked(const G4Material *aMaterial) const | G4HadronicInteraction | |
IsBlocked(const G4Element *anElement) const | G4HadronicInteraction | |
IsBlocked() const | G4HadronicInteraction | inlineprotected |
LowEnergyLimit | G4FTFModel | private |
ModelDescription(std::ostream &) const | G4FTFModel | virtual |
NumberOfInvolvedNucleonsOfProjectile | G4FTFModel | private |
NumberOfInvolvedNucleonsOfTarget | G4FTFModel | private |
operator!=(const G4FTFModel &right) const | G4FTFModel | private |
operator=(const G4FTFModel &right) | G4FTFModel | private |
operator==(const G4FTFModel &right) const | G4FTFModel | private |
ProjectileResidual4Momentum | G4FTFModel | private |
ProjectileResidualCharge | G4FTFModel | private |
ProjectileResidualExcitationEnergy | G4FTFModel | private |
ProjectileResidualMassNumber | G4FTFModel | private |
PutOnMassShell() | G4FTFModel | private |
ReggeonCascade() | G4FTFModel | private |
SampleInvariantT(const G4ParticleDefinition *p, G4double plab, G4int Z, G4int A) | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
SamplingNucleonKinematics(G4double averagePt2, const G4double maxPt2, G4double dCor, G4V3DNucleus *nucleus, const G4LorentzVector &pResidual, const G4double residualMass, const G4int residualMassNumber, const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, G4Nucleon *involvedNucleons[], G4double &mass2) | G4FTFModel | private |
Scatter(const G4Nucleus &theNucleus, const G4DynamicParticle &thePrimary) | G4VPartonStringModel | virtual |
SetEnergyMomentumCheckLevels(G4double relativeLevel, G4double absoluteLevel) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
SetFragmentationModel(G4VStringFragmentation *aModel) | G4VPartonStringModel | inline |
SetMaxEnergy(const G4double anEnergy) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
SetMaxEnergy(G4double anEnergy, const G4Element *anElement) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
SetMaxEnergy(G4double anEnergy, const G4Material *aMaterial) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
SetMinEnergy(G4double anEnergy) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
SetMinEnergy(G4double anEnergy, const G4Element *anElement) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
SetMinEnergy(G4double anEnergy, const G4Material *aMaterial) | G4HadronicInteraction | |
SetModelName(const G4String &nam) | G4HadronicInteraction | inlineprotected |
SetRecoilEnergyThreshold(G4double val) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
SetThisPointer(G4VPartonStringModel *aPointer) | G4VPartonStringModel | inlineprotected |
SetVerboseLevel(G4int value) | G4HadronicInteraction | inline |
StoreInvolvedNucleon() | G4FTFModel | private |
TargetResidual4Momentum | G4FTFModel | private |
TargetResidualCharge | G4FTFModel | private |
TargetResidualExcitationEnergy | G4FTFModel | private |
TargetResidualMassNumber | G4FTFModel | private |
theAdditionalString | G4FTFModel | private |
theAnnihilation | G4FTFModel | private |
theElastic | G4FTFModel | private |
theExcitation | G4FTFModel | private |
TheInvolvedNucleonsOfProjectile | G4FTFModel | private |
TheInvolvedNucleonsOfTarget | G4FTFModel | private |
theMaxEnergy | G4HadronicInteraction | protected |
theMinEnergy | G4HadronicInteraction | protected |
theParameters | G4FTFModel | private |
theParticipants | G4FTFModel | private |
theParticleChange | G4HadronicInteraction | protected |
theProjectile | G4FTFModel | private |
verboseLevel | G4HadronicInteraction | protected |
~G4FTFModel() | G4FTFModel | |
~G4HadronicInteraction() | G4HadronicInteraction | virtual |
~G4VHighEnergyGenerator() override | G4VHighEnergyGenerator | |
~G4VPartonStringModel() | G4VPartonStringModel | virtual |