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AnaTutorialECCE Class Reference

Definition of this analysis module class. More...

#include <tutorials/blob/master/AnaTutorialECCE/src/AnaTutorialECCE.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for AnaTutorialECCE:
+ Collaboration diagram for AnaTutorialECCE:

Public Member Functions

 AnaTutorialECCE (const std::string &name="AnaTutorialECCE", const std::string &fname="AnaTutorialECCE.root")
virtual ~AnaTutorialECCE ()
int Init (PHCompositeNode *)
 SubsysReco initialize processing method.
int process_event (PHCompositeNode *)
 SubsysReco event processing method.
int End (PHCompositeNode *)
 SubsysReco end processing method.
void setMinJetPt (float minjetpt)
 Set the minimum jet pT to cut on.
void setMinClusPt (float mincluspt)
 Set the minimum cluster pT to cut on.
void analyzeTracks (bool analyzeTracks)
 Set things to analyze.
void analyzeClusters (bool analyzeClusters)
void analyzeJets (bool analyzeJets)
void analyzeTruth (bool analyzeTruth)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 ~SubsysReco () override
virtual int EndRun (const int)
 Called at the end of each run.
virtual int InitRun (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int Reset (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int ResetEvent (PHCompositeNode *)
 Clean up after each event.
void Print (const std::string &="ALL") const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fun4AllBase
virtual ~Fun4AllBase ()
virtual const std::string Name () const
 Returns the name of this module.
virtual void Name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of this module.
virtual void Verbosity (const int ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual void Verbosity (enu_Verbosity ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual int Verbosity () const
 Gets the verbosity of this module.

Private Member Functions

void getTracks (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
 Methods for grabbing the data.
void getTruthJets (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void getReconstructedJets (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void getEMCalClusters (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void getHEPMCTruth (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void getPHG4Truth (PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void initializeVariables ()
void initializeTrees ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_outfilename
 String to contain the outfile name containing the trees.
 Fun4All Histogram Manager tool.
float m_minjetpt
 A float for cutting on jet pt.
float m_mincluspt
 A float for cutting on cluster pt.
bool m_analyzeTracks
 A boolean for running over tracks.
bool m_analyzeClusters
 A boolean for running over clusters.
bool m_analyzeJets
 A boolean for running over jets.
bool m_analyzeTruth
 A boolean for collecting hepmc information.
TFile * m_outfile
 TFile to hold the following TTrees and histograms.
TTree * m_clustertree
TTree * m_tracktree
TTree * m_hepmctree
TTree * m_truthtree
TTree * m_recojettree
TTree * m_truthjettree
TH1 * m_phi_h
TH2 * m_eta_phi_h
JetEvalStackm_jetEvalStack = nullptr
int m_partid1
 HEPMC Tree variables.
int m_partid2
double m_x1
double m_x2
int m_mpi
int m_process_id
double m_truthenergy
double m_trutheta
double m_truthphi
double m_truthpx
double m_truthpy
double m_truthpz
double m_truthpt
double m_truthp
int m_numparticlesinevent
int m_truthpid
double m_tr_px
 Track variables.
double m_tr_py
double m_tr_pz
double m_tr_p
double m_tr_pt
double m_tr_phi
double m_tr_eta
int m_charge
double m_chisq
int m_ndf
double m_dca
double m_tr_x
double m_tr_y
double m_tr_z
float m_tr_pion_loglikelihood
float m_tr_kaon_loglikelihood
float m_tr_proton_loglikelihood
int m_truth_is_primary
double m_truthtrackpx
double m_truthtrackpy
double m_truthtrackpz
double m_truthtrackp
double m_truthtracke
double m_truthtrackpt
double m_truthtrackphi
double m_truthtracketa
int m_truthtrackpid
double m_recojetpt
 Reconstructed jet variables.
int m_recojetid
double m_recojetpx
double m_recojetpy
double m_recojetpz
double m_recojetphi
double m_recojetp
double m_recojetenergy
double m_recojeteta
int m_truthjetid
double m_truthjetp
double m_truthjetphi
double m_truthjeteta
double m_truthjetpt
double m_truthjetenergy
double m_truthjetpx
double m_truthjetpy
double m_truthjetpz
double m_dR
double m_clusenergy
 Cluster variables.
double m_cluseta
double m_clustheta
double m_cluspt
double m_clusphi
double m_cluspx
double m_cluspy
double m_cluspz
double m_E_4x4

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Fun4AllBase
enum  enu_Verbosity {
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 SubsysReco (const std::string &name="NONAME")

Detailed Description

Definition of this analysis module class.

Definition at line 29 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 29 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AnaTutorialECCE::AnaTutorialECCE ( const std::string &  name = "AnaTutorialECCE",
const std::string &  filename = "AnaTutorialECCE.root" 


This class demonstrates the construction and use of an analysis module within the EIC Fun4All framework. It is intended to show how to obtain physics objects from the analysis tree, and then write them out to a ROOT tree and file for further offline analysis. Constructor of module

Initialize variables and trees so we don't accidentally access memory that was never allocated

Definition at line 72 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 72 of file

References initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

AnaTutorialECCE::~AnaTutorialECCE ( )

Destructor of module

Definition at line 92 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file

References m_hepmctree, m_hm, m_recojettree, m_tracktree, and m_truthjettree.

Member Function Documentation

void AnaTutorialECCE::analyzeClusters ( bool  analyzeClusters)

Definition at line 56 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 56 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References analyzeClusters(), and m_analyzeClusters.

Referenced by analyzeClusters(), Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial(), and Fun4All_ReadDST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::analyzeJets ( bool  analyzeJets)

Definition at line 57 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 57 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References analyzeJets(), and m_analyzeJets.

Referenced by analyzeJets(), Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial(), and Fun4All_ReadDST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::analyzeTracks ( bool  analyzeTracks)

Set things to analyze.

Definition at line 55 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 55 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References analyzeTracks(), and m_analyzeTracks.

Referenced by analyzeTracks(), Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial(), and Fun4All_ReadDST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::analyzeTruth ( bool  analyzeTruth)

Definition at line 58 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 58 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References analyzeTruth(), and m_analyzeTruth.

Referenced by analyzeTruth(), Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial(), and Fun4All_ReadDST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int AnaTutorialECCE::End ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

SubsysReco end processing method.

End the module and finish any data collection. Clean up any remaining loose ends

Change to the outfile

If we analyzed the tracks, write the tree out

If we analyzed the jets, write them out

If we analyzed the truth particles, write them out

If we analyzed the clusters, write them out

Write out any other histograms

Write and close the outfile

Clean up pointers and associated histos/trees in TFile

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 161 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 161 of file

References m_analyzeClusters, m_analyzeJets, m_analyzeTracks, m_analyzeTruth, m_clustertree, m_eta_phi_h, m_hepmctree, m_outfile, m_phi_h, m_recojettree, m_tracktree, m_truthjettree, m_truthtree, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getEMCalClusters ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

This method gets clusters from the EMCal and stores them in a tree. It also demonstrates how to get trigger emulator information. Clusters from other containers can be obtained in a similar way (e.g. clusters from the HCal, etc.)

Get the raw cluster container Note: other cluster containers exist as well. Check out the node tree when you run a simulation, for example look for the node CLUSTER_EEMC

Get the global vertex to determine the appropriate pseudorapidity of the clusters

Trigger emulator

Can obtain some trigger information if desired

Loop over the EMCal clusters

Get this cluster

Get cluster characteristics This helper class determines the photon characteristics depending on the vertex position This is important for e.g. eta determination and E_T determination

Definition at line 734 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 734 of file

References GlobalVertexMap::begin(), GlobalVertexMap::empty(), CaloTriggerInfo::get_best_EMCal_4x4_E(), GlobalVertex::get_x(), GlobalVertex::get_y(), GlobalVertex::get_z(), RawClusterContainer::getClusters(), RawClusterUtility::GetECoreVec(), m_clusenergy, m_cluseta, m_clusphi, m_cluspt, m_cluspx, m_cluspy, m_cluspz, m_clustertree, m_clustheta, m_E_4x4, m_eta_phi_h, m_mincluspt, m_phi_h, and PHWHERE.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getHEPMCTruth ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

This method gets all of the HEPMC truth particles from the node tree and stores them in a ROOT TTree. The HEPMC truth particles are what, for example, directly comes out of PYTHIA and thus gives you all of the associated parton information

Get the node from the node tree

If the node was not properly put on the tree, return

Could have some print statements for debugging with verbosity

You can iterate over the number of events in a hepmc event for pile up events where you have multiple hard scatterings per bunch crossing

Get the event

Get the event characteristics, inherited from HepMC classes

Get the parton info

Get the parton info as determined from HEPMC

Are there multiple partonic intercations in a p+p event

Get the PYTHIA signal process id identifying the 2-to-2 hard process

Loop over all the truth particles and get their information

Get each pythia particle characteristics

Fill the truth tree

Definition at line 220 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 220 of file

References PHHepMCGenEventMap::begin(), PHHepMCGenEventMap::end(), PHHepMCGenEvent::getEvent(), m_hepmctree, m_mpi, m_numparticlesinevent, m_partid1, m_partid2, m_process_id, m_truthenergy, m_trutheta, m_truthphi, m_truthpid, m_truthpt, m_truthpx, m_truthpy, m_truthpz, m_x1, m_x2, PHWHERE, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getPHG4Truth ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

This function collects the truth PHG4 stable particles that are produced from PYTHIA, or some other event generator. These are the stable particles, e.g. there are not any (for example) partons here.

G4 truth particle node

Get the primary particle range

Loop over the G4 truth (stable) particles

Get this truth particle

Get this particles momentum, etc.

Check for nans

Fill the g4 truth tree

Definition at line 310 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 310 of file

References PHG4Particle::get_e(), PHG4Particle::get_pid(), PHG4Particle::get_px(), PHG4Particle::get_py(), PHG4Particle::get_pz(), PHG4TruthInfoContainer::GetPrimaryParticleRange(), m_truthenergy, m_trutheta, m_truthp, m_truthphi, m_truthpid, m_truthpt, m_truthpx, m_truthpy, m_truthpz, m_truthtree, and PHWHERE.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getReconstructedJets ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

Get the reconstructed jets and store them in a tree

Get the reconstructed tower jets

Get the truth jets

Iterate over the reconstructed jets

Set the matched truth jet characteristics to 0

Check to make sure the truth jet node is available

Match the reconstructed jet to the closest truth jet in delta R space Iterate over the truth jets

Determine the distance in eta phi space between the reconstructed and truth jets

If this truth jet is closer than the previous truth jet, it is closer and thus should be considered the truth jet

Definition at line 599 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 599 of file

References JetMap::begin(), JetMap::end(), Jet::get_e(), Jet::get_eta(), Jet::get_id(), Jet::get_p(), Jet::get_phi(), Jet::get_pt(), Jet::get_px(), Jet::get_py(), Jet::get_pz(), JetEvalStack::get_reco_eval(), m_dR, m_jetEvalStack, m_minjetpt, m_recojetenergy, m_recojeteta, m_recojetid, m_recojetp, m_recojetphi, m_recojetpt, m_recojetpx, m_recojetpy, m_recojetpz, m_recojettree, m_truthjetenergy, m_truthjeteta, m_truthjetid, m_truthjetp, m_truthjetphi, m_truthjetpt, m_truthjetpx, m_truthjetpy, m_truthjetpz, JetRecoEval::max_truth_jet_by_energy(), JetEvalStack::next_event(), PHWHERE, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getTracks ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

Methods for grabbing the data.

This method gets the tracks as reconstructed from the tracker. It also compares the reconstructed track to its truth track.

Tracks node

Get the range for primary tracks

Get the reconstructed track info

Ensure that the reco track is a fast sim track

Get truth track info that matches this reconstructed track

Definition at line 360 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 360 of file

References SvtxTrackMap::begin(), SvtxTrackMap::end(), SvtxTrack::get_charge(), SvtxTrack::get_chisq(), SvtxTrack::get_dca(), PHG4Particle::get_e(), SvtxTrack::get_eta(), SvtxTrack::get_id(), SvtxTrack::get_ndf(), SvtxTrack::get_phi(), PHG4Particle::get_pid(), PHG4Particle::get_px(), SvtxTrack::get_px(), PHG4Particle::get_py(), SvtxTrack::get_py(), PHG4Particle::get_pz(), SvtxTrack::get_pz(), EICPIDParticle::get_SumLogLikelyhood(), SvtxTrack_FastSim::get_truth_track_id(), SvtxTrack::get_x(), SvtxTrack::get_y(), SvtxTrack::get_z(), PHG4TruthInfoContainer::GetParticle(), PHG4TruthInfoContainer::is_primary(), EICPIDDefs::KaonCandiate, m_charge, m_chisq, m_dca, m_ndf, m_tr_eta, m_tr_kaon_loglikelihood, m_tr_p, m_tr_phi, m_tr_pion_loglikelihood, m_tr_proton_loglikelihood, m_tr_pt, m_tr_px, m_tr_py, m_tr_pz, m_tr_x, m_tr_y, m_tr_z, m_tracktree, m_truth_is_primary, m_truthtracke, m_truthtracketa, m_truthtrackp, m_truthtrackphi, m_truthtrackpid, m_truthtrackpt, m_truthtrackpx, m_truthtrackpy, m_truthtrackpz, PHWHERE, EICPIDDefs::PionCandiate, EICPIDDefs::ProtonCandiate, track, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::getTruthJets ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

Method that gets the truth jets and stores them in a tree

Get the truth jet node

Get reco jets associated to truth jets to study e.g. jet efficiencies

Iterate over the truth jets

Only collect truthjets above the _minjetpt cut

Iterate over the reconstructed jets

Determine the distance in eta phi space between the reconstructed and truth jets

If this truth jet is closer than the previous truth jet, it is closer and thus should be considered the truth jet

Fill the truthjet tree

Definition at line 467 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 467 of file

References JetTruthEval::all_truth_particles(), JetMap::begin(), JetMap::end(), Jet::get_e(), Jet::get_eta(), Jet::get_id(), Jet::get_p(), Jet::get_phi(), Jet::get_pt(), Jet::get_px(), Jet::get_py(), Jet::get_pz(), JetEvalStack::get_truth_eval(), m_dR, m_jetEvalStack, m_minjetpt, m_recojetenergy, m_recojeteta, m_recojetid, m_recojetp, m_recojetphi, m_recojetpt, m_recojetpx, m_recojetpy, m_recojetpz, m_truthjetenergy, m_truthjeteta, m_truthjetp, m_truthjetphi, m_truthjetpt, m_truthjetpx, m_truthjetpy, m_truthjetpz, m_truthjettree, JetEvalStack::next_event(), PHWHERE, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int AnaTutorialECCE::Init ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

SubsysReco initialize processing method.

Initialize the module and prepare looping over events

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 104 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file

References m_eta_phi_h, m_outfile, m_outfilename, m_phi_h, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::initializeVariables ( )

This function initializes all of the member variables in this class so that there are no variables that might not be set before e.g. writing them to the output trees.

Definition at line 934 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 934 of file

References m_charge, m_chisq, m_dca, m_dR, m_eta_phi_h, m_mpi, m_ndf, m_numparticlesinevent, m_outfile, m_partid1, m_partid2, m_phi_h, m_process_id, m_recojetenergy, m_recojeteta, m_recojetid, m_recojetp, m_recojetphi, m_recojetpt, m_recojetpx, m_recojetpy, m_recojetpz, m_tr_eta, m_tr_kaon_loglikelihood, m_tr_p, m_tr_phi, m_tr_pion_loglikelihood, m_tr_proton_loglikelihood, m_tr_pt, m_tr_px, m_tr_py, m_tr_pz, m_tr_x, m_tr_y, m_tr_z, m_truth_is_primary, m_truthenergy, m_trutheta, m_truthjetenergy, m_truthjeteta, m_truthjetid, m_truthjetp, m_truthjetphi, m_truthjetpt, m_truthjetpx, m_truthjetpy, m_truthjetpz, m_truthp, m_truthphi, m_truthpid, m_truthpt, m_truthpx, m_truthpy, m_truthpz, m_truthtracke, m_truthtracketa, m_truthtrackp, m_truthtrackphi, m_truthtrackpid, m_truthtrackpt, m_truthtrackpx, m_truthtrackpy, m_truthtrackpz, m_x1, and m_x2.

Referenced by AnaTutorialECCE().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int AnaTutorialECCE::process_event ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

SubsysReco event processing method.

Main workhorse function where each event is looped over and data from each event is collected from the node tree for analysis

Get the truth information

Get the tracks

Get the truth and reconstructed jets

Get calorimeter information

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 123 of file

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References Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK, getEMCalClusters(), getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), getReconstructedJets(), getTracks(), getTruthJets(), m_analyzeClusters, m_analyzeJets, m_analyzeTracks, m_analyzeTruth, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void AnaTutorialECCE::setMinClusPt ( float  mincluspt)

Set the minimum cluster pT to cut on.

Definition at line 52 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 52 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References m_mincluspt.

void AnaTutorialECCE::setMinJetPt ( float  minjetpt)

Set the minimum jet pT to cut on.

Definition at line 49 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 49 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

References m_minjetpt.

Referenced by Fun4All_G4_EICDetector_AnaTutorial(), and Fun4All_ReadDST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

bool AnaTutorialECCE::m_analyzeClusters

A boolean for running over clusters.

Definition at line 77 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 77 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by analyzeClusters(), End(), and process_event().

bool AnaTutorialECCE::m_analyzeJets

A boolean for running over jets.

Definition at line 80 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 80 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by analyzeJets(), End(), and process_event().

bool AnaTutorialECCE::m_analyzeTracks

A boolean for running over tracks.

Definition at line 74 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 74 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by analyzeTracks(), End(), and process_event().

bool AnaTutorialECCE::m_analyzeTruth

A boolean for collecting hepmc information.

Definition at line 83 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 83 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by analyzeTruth(), End(), and process_event().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_charge

Definition at line 139 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_chisq

Definition at line 140 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_clusenergy

Cluster variables.

Definition at line 182 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 182 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_cluseta

Definition at line 183 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 183 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_clusphi

Definition at line 186 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 186 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_cluspt

Definition at line 185 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 185 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_cluspx

Definition at line 187 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 187 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_cluspy

Definition at line 188 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 188 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_cluspz

Definition at line 189 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 189 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_clustertree

Definition at line 87 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 87 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_clustheta

Definition at line 184 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 184 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_dca

Definition at line 142 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 142 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_dR

Definition at line 179 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 179 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_E_4x4

Definition at line 190 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 190 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and initializeTrees().

TH2* AnaTutorialECCE::m_eta_phi_h

Definition at line 94 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 94 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getEMCalClusters(), Init(), and initializeVariables().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_hepmctree

Definition at line 89 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 89 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and ~AnaTutorialECCE().

Fun4AllHistoManager* AnaTutorialECCE::m_hm

Fun4All Histogram Manager tool.

Definition at line 65 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 65 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by ~AnaTutorialECCE().

JetEvalStack* AnaTutorialECCE::m_jetEvalStack = nullptr

Definition at line 96 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 96 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), and getTruthJets().

float AnaTutorialECCE::m_mincluspt

A float for cutting on cluster pt.

Definition at line 71 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 71 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getEMCalClusters(), and setMinClusPt().

float AnaTutorialECCE::m_minjetpt

A float for cutting on jet pt.

Definition at line 68 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 68 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), and setMinJetPt().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_mpi

Definition at line 118 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 118 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_ndf

Definition at line 141 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_numparticlesinevent

Definition at line 128 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 128 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TFile* AnaTutorialECCE::m_outfile

TFile to hold the following TTrees and histograms.

Definition at line 86 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), Init(), and initializeVariables().

std::string AnaTutorialECCE::m_outfilename

String to contain the outfile name containing the trees.

Definition at line 62 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 62 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by Init().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_partid1

HEPMC Tree variables.

Make variables for the relevant trees

Definition at line 114 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_partid2

Definition at line 115 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 115 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TH1* AnaTutorialECCE::m_phi_h

Definition at line 93 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 93 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getEMCalClusters(), Init(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_process_id

Definition at line 119 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 119 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetenergy

Definition at line 168 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 168 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojeteta

Definition at line 169 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 169 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetid

Definition at line 162 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 162 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetp

Definition at line 167 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 167 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetphi

Definition at line 166 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 166 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetpt

Reconstructed jet variables.

Definition at line 161 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 161 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetpx

Definition at line 163 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 163 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetpy

Definition at line 164 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 164 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojetpz

Definition at line 165 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 165 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_recojettree

Definition at line 91 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 91 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getReconstructedJets(), initializeTrees(), and ~AnaTutorialECCE().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_eta

Definition at line 138 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

float AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_kaon_loglikelihood

Definition at line 147 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_p

Definition at line 135 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_phi

Definition at line 137 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

float AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_pion_loglikelihood

Definition at line 146 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

float AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_proton_loglikelihood

Definition at line 148 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 148 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_pt

Definition at line 136 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 136 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_px

Track variables.

Definition at line 132 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 132 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_py

Definition at line 133 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_pz

Definition at line 134 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 134 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_x

Definition at line 143 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 143 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_y

Definition at line 144 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_tr_z

Definition at line 145 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 145 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_tracktree

Definition at line 88 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 88 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and ~AnaTutorialECCE().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_truth_is_primary

Definition at line 149 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 149 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthenergy

Definition at line 120 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 120 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_trutheta

Definition at line 121 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetenergy

Definition at line 175 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 175 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjeteta

Definition at line 173 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 173 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetid

Definition at line 170 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 170 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetp

Definition at line 171 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 171 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetphi

Definition at line 172 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 172 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetpt

Definition at line 174 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 174 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetpx

Definition at line 176 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 176 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetpy

Definition at line 177 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 177 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjetpz

Definition at line 178 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 178 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getReconstructedJets(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthjettree

Definition at line 92 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getTruthJets(), initializeTrees(), and ~AnaTutorialECCE().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthp

Definition at line 127 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 127 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthphi

Definition at line 122 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 122 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthpid

Definition at line 129 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 129 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthpt

Definition at line 126 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 126 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthpx

Definition at line 123 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthpy

Definition at line 124 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 124 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthpz

Definition at line 125 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), getPHG4Truth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtracke

Definition at line 154 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 154 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtracketa

Definition at line 157 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 157 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackp

Definition at line 153 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 153 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackphi

Definition at line 156 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 156 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

int AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackpid

Definition at line 158 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 158 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackpt

Definition at line 155 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 155 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackpx

Definition at line 150 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 150 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackpy

Definition at line 151 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 151 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtrackpz

Definition at line 152 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 152 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getTracks(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

TTree* AnaTutorialECCE::m_truthtree

Definition at line 90 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 90 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by End(), getPHG4Truth(), and initializeTrees().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_x1

Definition at line 116 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

double AnaTutorialECCE::m_x2

Definition at line 117 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file AnaTutorialECCE.h

Referenced by getHEPMCTruth(), initializeTrees(), and initializeVariables().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: