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This is the complete list of members for Acts::CylinderLayer, including all inherited members.
approachDescriptor() const | Acts::Layer | |
approachDescriptor() | Acts::Layer | |
assignGeoID(const GeometryID &geoID) | Acts::GeometryObject | inline |
assignSurfaceMaterial(std::shared_ptr< const ISurfaceMaterial > material) | Acts::Surface | inline |
associatedDetectorElement() const | Acts::Surface | inline |
associatedLayer() const | Acts::Surface | inline |
associateLayer(const Layer &lay) | Acts::Surface | inline |
binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
binningPositionValue(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const | Acts::GeometryObject | inlinevirtual |
bounds() const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
buildApproachDescriptor() | Acts::CylinderLayer | private |
center(const GeometryContext &gctx) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
compatibleSurfaces(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const options_t &options) const | Acts::Layer | |
Cone enum value | Acts::Surface | |
create(const std::shared_ptr< const Transform3D > &transform, const std::shared_ptr< const CylinderBounds > &cbounds, std::unique_ptr< SurfaceArray > surfaceArray=nullptr, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< ApproachDescriptor > ad=nullptr, LayerType laytyp=passive) | Acts::CylinderLayer | inlinestatic |
Curvilinear enum value | Acts::Surface | |
Cylinder enum value | Acts::Surface | |
CylinderLayer(const CylinderLayer &cla)=delete | Acts::CylinderLayer | |
CylinderLayer()=delete | Acts::CylinderLayer | |
CylinderLayer(const std::shared_ptr< const Transform3D > &transform, const std::shared_ptr< const CylinderBounds > &cBounds, std::unique_ptr< SurfaceArray > surfaceArray=nullptr, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< ApproachDescriptor > ades=nullptr, LayerType laytyp=passive) | Acts::CylinderLayer | protected |
CylinderLayer(const CylinderLayer &cla, const Transform3D &shift) | Acts::CylinderLayer | protected |
CylinderSurface(std::shared_ptr< const CylinderBounds > cbounds, const DetectorElementBase &detelement) | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
CylinderSurface(std::shared_ptr< const Transform3D > htrans, double radius, double halfz, double halfphi=M_PI, double avphi=0.) | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
CylinderSurface(std::shared_ptr< const Transform3D > htrans, const std::shared_ptr< const CylinderBounds > &cbounds) | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
CylinderSurface(const CylinderSurface &other) | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
CylinderSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const CylinderSurface &other, const Transform3D &transf) | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
CylinderSurface()=delete | Acts::CylinderSurface | |
derivativeFactors(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const RotationMatrix3D &rft, const BoundToFreeMatrix &jacobian) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
Disc enum value | Acts::Surface | |
encloseTrackingVolume(const TrackingVolume &tvol) | Acts::Layer | inlineprotected |
geoID() const | Acts::GeometryObject | inline |
GeometryObject()=default | Acts::GeometryObject | |
GeometryObject(const GeometryObject &)=default | Acts::GeometryObject | |
GeometryObject(const GeometryID &geoID) | Acts::GeometryObject | inline |
getSharedPtr() | Acts::Surface | |
getSharedPtr() const | Acts::Surface | |
globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &momentum, Vector2D &lposition) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
initJacobianToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, BoundToFreeMatrix &jacobian, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const BoundVector &pars) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
initJacobianToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, FreeToBoundMatrix &jacobian, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
insideBounds(const Vector2D &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck=true) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | inlinevirtual |
intersectionEstimate(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | inlinevirtual |
isOnLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck=true) const | Acts::Layer | inlinevirtual |
isOnSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &momentum, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck=true) const | Acts::Surface | |
Layer()=delete | Acts::Layer | |
Layer(const Layer &)=delete | Acts::Layer | |
Layer(std::unique_ptr< SurfaceArray > surfaceArray, double thickness=0., std::unique_ptr< ApproachDescriptor > ades=nullptr, LayerType laytyp=passive) | Acts::Layer | protected |
layerType() const | Acts::Layer | inline |
localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2D &lposition, const Vector3D &momentum, Vector3D &position) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
m_approachDescriptor | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_associatedDetElement | Acts::Surface | protected |
m_associatedLayer | Acts::Surface | protected |
m_associatedTrackingVolume | Acts::Surface | protected |
m_bounds | Acts::CylinderSurface | protected |
m_geoID | Acts::GeometryObject | protected |
m_layerThickness | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_layerType | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_nextLayers | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_nextLayerUtility | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_representingVolume | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_ssApproachSurfaces | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_ssRepresentingSurface | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_ssSensitiveSurfaces | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_surfaceArray | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_surfaceMaterial | Acts::Surface | protected |
m_trackingVolume | Acts::Layer | protected |
m_transform | Acts::Surface | protected |
makeShared(Args &&...args) | Acts::Surface | inlinestatic |
name() const override | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
nextLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction) const | Acts::Layer | inline |
normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2D &lposition) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
Acts::Surface::normal(const GeometryContext &gctx) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
operator!=(const Surface &sf) const | Acts::Surface | virtual |
operator=(const CylinderLayer &)=delete | Acts::CylinderLayer | |
Acts::CylinderSurface::operator=(const CylinderSurface &other) | Acts::CylinderSurface | |
Acts::Surface::operator=(const Surface &other) | Acts::Surface | |
Acts::GeometryObject::operator=(const GeometryObject &geoID) | Acts::GeometryObject | inline |
Acts::Layer::operator=(const Layer &)=delete | Acts::Layer | |
operator==(const Surface &other) const | Acts::Surface | virtual |
Other enum value | Acts::Surface | |
pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
Perigee enum value | Acts::Surface | |
Plane enum value | Acts::Surface | |
polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const override | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &momentum) const final | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
representingVolume() const | Acts::Layer | inline |
resolve(const options_t &options) const | Acts::Layer | inline |
resolve(bool resolveSensitive, bool resolveMaterial, bool resolvePassive) const | Acts::Layer | inlinevirtual |
rotSymmetryAxis(const GeometryContext &gctx) const | Acts::CylinderSurface | inlinevirtual |
Straw enum value | Acts::Surface | |
Acts::Surface::Surface(std::shared_ptr< const Transform3D > tform=nullptr) | Acts::Surface | protected |
Acts::Surface::Surface(const Surface &other) | Acts::Surface | protected |
Acts::Surface::Surface(const DetectorElementBase &detelement) | Acts::Surface | protected |
Acts::Surface::Surface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Surface &other, const Transform3D &shift) | Acts::Surface | protected |
surfaceArray() const | Acts::Layer | inline |
surfaceArray() | Acts::Layer | inline |
surfaceMaterial() const | Acts::Surface | inline |
surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() const | Acts::Surface | inline |
surfaceOnApproach(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3D &position, const Vector3D &direction, const options_t &options) const | Acts::Layer | |
surfaceRepresentation() const override | Acts::CylinderLayer | virtual |
surfaceRepresentation() override | Acts::CylinderLayer | virtual |
SurfaceType enum name | Acts::Surface | |
thickness() const | Acts::Layer | inline |
toStream(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::ostream &sl) const | Acts::Surface | virtual |
trackingVolume() const | Acts::Layer | inline |
transform(const GeometryContext &gctx) const | Acts::Surface | inlinevirtual |
type() const override | Acts::CylinderSurface | virtual |
~CylinderLayer() override=default | Acts::CylinderLayer | |
~CylinderSurface() override=default | Acts::CylinderSurface | |
~Layer()=default | Acts::Layer | virtual |
~Surface() | Acts::Surface | virtual |